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Old 10-05-2006, 09:12 PM   #11 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Gryffindor Part 9
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Harry Potter was sitting on the couch in his sitting room, talking to his wife, Ginny.
“Are you sure you can handle it?” Ginny was asking Harry.
“Yes, I’m sure. I can handle baby-sitting for a couple hours.” Harry said for about the third time.
“Harry, it’s six hours.” Ginny said.
“Well, oh well still, I can watch my own kid, Gin,” he said getting impatient.
Ginny was going to a meeting with Hermione for a new job. Hermione was trying to get a job as a teacher at Hogwarts, but the meeting was an hour and a half away and it would last two hours, so she someone to go with her. Ginny said she would go. “Alright,” Ginny said, “I’m gonna go now,”
“Okey-dokey,” Harry said.
He stood up and kissed Ginny and she immediately forgot she had been getting ready to leave. She kissed him back. She thought about how he had asked her to marry him.
In their sixth year when they had gone out, Harry had broken up with her because it wasn’t safe for her with Voldemort being at large. A year later Harry had defeated Voldemort but still didn’t come back for her. This had made her mad, but of course, she hadn’t said anything. One day, after she had bought her own house to live in, she decided to confront Harry. She went and knocked on his door. When he had answered, she completely didn’t know what to say. She stood there staring at him until he asked her what she was doing. She couldn’t take it anymore. She threw herself onto him and kissed him. He was surprised at first but, he realized she had been here to say and kissed her back. That day, after an hour of kissing her, he had asked her to marry him. She immediately had said yes and kissed him, crying with joy.
Ginny came back to herself and realized she was still kissing Harry.
“Harry, I have to go.” She said, and she walked out the door, blowing him a kiss.
Harry looked out the window and watched her go and then, he went and grabbed his phone. He dialed Fred and Taylor Weasly’s number.
“Hello?” Fred’s voice came loud and clear, he sounded like he had been quite busy.
“Hey,” said Harry, pretty sure of what he was busy with, for he heard Taylor telling him something and romantic music in the background.
“Oh, hey, Harry,” Fred said, sounding irritated “What’s up, mate?”
“Not much,” Harry replied, “Can I talk to Taylor?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what they had been doing.
“Uhhh… she’s, um, kinda busy… what do you want Harry?” said Fred.
“Nothing. Just, Can I please talk to Taylor?” Harry said.
“Um, Okay,” Fred said, “Hold on…”
“Hello?” said Taylor sounding, at least, politer than Fred.
“Hey,” Harry said, again.
“What’s up?” Taylor asked
“Nothing,” Harry said, “You?”
“Oh, nothing,” she said, “Just glad Fred’s back, you know.”
“Yeah…” Harry said. “Listen, Can you come over?”
“Um, I don’t know,” he could tell she didn’t want to leave Fred, “Why?”
“I need your help,” he said.
“Ok… with what?”
“Ginny left with Hermione and I need a girl’s help baby-sitting,” Harry said, crossing his fingers.
“Well, um, I guess,” Taylor said gently, “Sure… I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Ok, Thanks, Taylor” he said relieved, “Bye,”
“See ya,” she said.
Half an hour later, Taylor turned up. Her usual spotless, perfect hair and make-up was not seen. She had on a pair of khaki bermuda cargo shorts, and a brown collared tee. Her hair was hanging down by her shoulders, and was a little messed up. Harry guessed that she hadn’t really left as soon as they’d got off the phone, and that Fred, was the reason for her messed up hair.
“Sorry, it took me a while,” she said straightening out her hair, “Fred wasn’t too keen on me leaving.”
“That’s okay,” said Harry smiling, he seriously doubted it was all Fred’s fault. Whatever he had been doing to her, she probably had been encouraging.
“So… where is Elizabeth?” she asked Harry.
“In her room getting her pajamas on.” Harry replied.
“Oh, ok,” she said.
She set her khaki bag down on the couch. Harry looked out the window to the house next door. They were shooting Filibuster Fireworks off in the yard. When he looked back all he saw was a head of brown hair. He heard Taylor crying. She cried on his shoulder for another moment, and then she backed away, and sat on the couch. Harry sat down by her and cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“It’s ok,” Harry said, flabbergasted.
“It’s just that…” She trailed off and began to cry again.
He scooted closer to her and he put his arm around her. She leaned on his shoulder and cried, in his arms. She fell asleep and Harry sat there thinking.
What is she crying about? She got Fred back.
In a few minutes Taylor woke up again.
“Are you ok?” Harry asked her.
“Yes,” she said, but before she could stop herself she started crying again.
Harry gave her a hug and she put her arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder again. He put his arms around her waist and hugged her. When she had calmed down enough, she looked up at Harry.
“I’m really sorry, I-,” she began, but before she could get another word out, Harry was kissing her.
It took her a few minutes to realize what was happening, so to Harry, it seemed that she was kissing him back.
When Taylor understood what happened, she pulled away from Harry.
“Harry? Harry… You know I can’t do this. I’ve seen what it’s like to have that happen to you and… it’s not fun.”
“I’m sorry,” he said.
No wonder Fred married her. She’s brilliant! He thought.
“Listen,” she said softly, “I won’t tell Ginny, if you don’t tell Fred.”
“Why would you care if I tell Fred? I’m the one that did it.” He said unsurely.
“I know, but… I’ve already had to call him and say I’m having someone else’s baby, please don’t make me tell him this too.”
“Um, ok, sure,” he said, she wasn’t making any sense, but if it kept him out of trouble with Ginny…
The next day, Harry woke up to find he had fallen asleep on the couch. Taylor had left after putting Elizabeth to bed, and he had sat down on the couch. Ginny was sitting in the kitchen; he could see her from the sitting room.
“Hey,” Harry said, sitting up.
“Good Morning,” said Ginny said. “Hermione got the job!!!”
“Wow! That’s great!!! What is she doing?”
“She’s going to be the new Transfiguration teacher. Old McGonagall is getting too old to do it! She’s almost a hundred and ten, you know.”
“Is she really?” Harry asked, “Weird,”
“I know,” Ginny said.
“You know,” Harry said, “Do you want to go to lunch or something? You, me, and Elizabeth.”
“Sure!” Ginny said.

Well, it's not as good as the others but, it'l do! I have to get off for awhile, like two weeks. But I'll be back as soon as I can to post more!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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