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Old 10-05-2006, 02:58 AM   #10 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Gryffindor Part 8
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

The next day Taylor could hardly wait to see Fred. After her doctor’s appointment, she spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and making dinner. She told the kids to dress nice and she herself got dressed up, too.
Lena wore a tank-top dress that was pink and had ribbon across the top. Sam put on khaki pants and a brown and orange collared shirt.
Taylor ran upstairs to her room and looked for something to wear. Then she put on a denim skirt and a green spaghetti strap shirt. When she was dressed, teeth brushed, make-up on, and hair up in a bun, she went back downstairs.
“Okay, your dad’s going to be home in an hour so don’t mess up your clothes.” She told Lena and Sam, “I’m going to go check on dinner.”
She walked into the kitchen and looked around the room. She had to duck three times as to not be hit by the knives that were flying one way or another, making the dinner she had instructed them.
At a quarter until eight, she had the kids stay in the living room and play. They sat on the floor playing chess. Sam was clearly much better than Lena, he won four times before Lena gave up. Taylor sat on the couch, painting her nails a bright pink color.
At eight o’clock she turned on the muggle TV Arthur Weasly had given them as a wedding present. She watched a muggle show called ‘Lost’ for the rest of the hour.
She thought Fred would have been there by now.
She continued to watch ‘Lost.’ A rather large, round guy named Hurley was talking to a rather attractive guy (Taylor thought) named Charlie. They were talking about the girls they liked on the island.
“Just ask her out, mate.” Said Charlie who was talking about a girl named Libby.
“Dude, I can’t,” Hurley complained.
Taylor clicked off the TV and was about to call Fred, when she heard the door handle start to turn. She hurriedly sat back down on the couch and smiled to herself.
The door opened and Fred walked in. Taylor, Lena, and Sam all turned around and looked at him, smiling. Lena and Sam went over and hugged him.
“Hey, guys,” he said, “I missed you,”
“We missed you too, Dad,” said Lena.
As Fred started to walk into the door a little more Lena and Sam ran and sat down on the other couch. Taylor stood up, walked over to him, and practically jumped on him. She had missed him so much; she didn’t care what else happened.
She kissed him and she felt him tighten his grip on her.
He kissed her and he felt her body go to jelly in his arms.
Lena and Sam looked at each other, disgusted. Sam threw a pillow at his parents, but Fred stuck out his hand and it fell. So, Lena and Sam slid off the couch, and started new game of chess.
Meanwhile, Taylor was starting to feel her own body go to jelly. Fred took down Taylor’s hair and stroked it, while she played with his hair; stroking it and twisting it around her finger.
“Wait until the kids go to bed,” Taylor whispered.
“I’ll try,” Fred said, “But, it might not work,” he said, kissing her cheek.
Suddenly, he picked Taylor up and put her on his back like had on their wedding day. Taylor began to laugh, just as she had in the picture. He walked her over to the couch and set her down. She kissed his lips, a soft kiss, as a mother might give her child, but she didn’t feel like a mother right now. She felt like anything she wanted to. She didn’t care about anything else going on in the world right now.
After dinner, they all went into the living room and sat down.
“So, kids, go get ready for bed,” Fred said.
“Daaaddd! We don’t want to.” Complained Sam.
“You’d better,” Fred said, “Or you won’t get to go with me and your mother to use these.”
He pulled out four plane tickets to the Caribbean. Taylor just looked at him and Lena and Sam’s faces lit up.
“Oh- my- gosh! Dad! You didn’t!!!” Lena said, “I’ve always wanted to go to the Caribbean! There’s like sooooo much stuff there! Eeeeeeeeekkk!!” she shrieked.
“Yes,” said Fred, “I did. Now go to bed.”

When Lena and Sam were in bed, Taylor and Fred sat down on the couch again.
“So,” Taylor said, “We’re going to the Caribbean?”
“Yep!” Fred said happily.
“Why by muggle plane?”
“Because,” he said, “It’s easier than trying to find another way to do it. The ministry’s charging a lot of money for portkeys, there’s a limited supply to Floo Powder, and the kids can’t apparate yet.”
“Oh,” Taylor smiled.
She scooted closer to Fred until every side part of her body was touching his. He kissed her, and the jelly feeling came back to her again.
Fred pulled the strap of her shirt over her shoulder and kissed her neck. Taylor thought it felt good.
“Do you want to go upstairs?” Fred asked Taylor.
“Sure,” said Taylor pulling the strap back up her arm.
They walked up the stairs, holding hands along the way.
When they got upstairs, Taylor sat on the bed.
“Hey,” she said, “You know this baby? Well, you know, I went to the doctor today.”
“Ok,” Fred said, unsure of where this was going.
“Well, you might actually be the father.” She said.
Wizard doctors, being wizards, meant that they could tell everything about the father on the first visit to the doctor. They could tell what day he or she was going to be born, if it was a boy or a girl, and even who the father was…usually.
“What do you mean?” Fred asked, startled.
“I mean, they couldn’t tell who the father was. It’s weird, they always can tell… They said it might be because I was under a jinx when it happened. They also it could be that it’s because you are the father and that they can’t tell because Cedric came after, when he… well, you know what I mean.”
“Yeah,” said Fred who was hating Cedric more at the thought of his wife having his baby.
“So…” she trailed off, “That could be good news,”
“Mm-hmm,” said Fred kissing her neck again.
She lifted up his head and kissed him.

She stood up, and said, “Let me take a shower,” and she went into the bathroom. When she came out of the shower, she had a bright blue towel wrapped around her. Fred stood up and kissed her.
“All done?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said, kissing him. She decided that they may be a while, so she decided to get dressed.
“I’m gonna put my pajamas on.” Taylor said. And she stood up and grabbed a pair of lime green button-up pajamas and changed her clothes.
Then she sat back down on the bed and kissed him gently. She kissed him more, and more. Fred started to unbutton her pajamas. He felt her warm back. She untied his shoes and took them off. She knew that they couldn’t do anything as she was already having a baby, but, it was nice to have her husband back so she could at least pretend.
In a few minutes, Taylor wanted nothing more than to lay there with Fred for the rest of her life. She figured it all out: In the next week she would do as follows: Spend her time with Fred, Go to the Caribbean and spend time with Fred, and plan to spend the rest of her life with Fred!
About an hour later, she heard a noise next to her. She turned around to see that Fred was asleep. She smiled at him and moved his hair away from his face. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. He had a small smile on his face, and he kept making noises. She could tell he was dreaming something peaceful.
She sat up and picked her shirt up off the edge of the bed. She put it on and buttoned it up. Then she lay back down and pulled the blanket over her body. She leaned her head on Fred’s chest and fell asleep. It seemed that her life was, once again, perfect.

Well, that's it for now with Fred and Taylor! They'll be back later and we'll see how things go in the Caribbean!!! But for right now, I'm going to move on to Harry and Ginny. Well, not RIGHT now, but... you know, next post!!! Well, that's enough for now! Keep reading!!! See ya later!
Oh! And if your wondering, poor Taylor ends up kissing every one of the four main male charectors within the next two chapters! WhoopS!!! (They are not her fault) But, it happens. Just read and you'll see!!! She is pushed into most of them. You'll see!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 10-05-2006 at 08:58 PM.
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