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Old 10-03-2006, 06:53 PM   #7 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Gryffindor Part 7
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Taylor awoke in the morning to the sound of the cell phone ringing on the nightstand. She sat up in bed and answered it.
“Hello?” she said.
“What’s up?” came Hermione’s voice.
“Not much, sorry I didn’t come get the kids, I was… busy.”
“It’s Ok, they had fun,” Hermione said, “They played quidditch.”
“Ok, I’m on my way to come get them.” Taylor said, “I have to talk to you.”
“Alright,” Hermione said, “See ya, in a few,”
“See ya,” Taylor finished the conversation.
She stood up and realized she was still in yesterday’s clothes, she hadn’t changed. She put on a brown tank top, and a camouflage mini-skirt. She brushed her teeth and grabbed a piece of toast to take.
When she got to Hermione’s house, she knocked on the door.
“Come on, in, Taylor!” Hermione called.
Taylor pushed open the door. “Hey,” she said.
“Hey,” said Hermione, “The kids are out back playing quidditch, except Patrick here. What do you want?”
“I have to tell you something,” Taylor said looking at her.
“OK,” said Hermione, “Tell me,”
Taylor looked at Patrick, who was eating a piece of a chocolate frog.
“Um, Patrick,” said Hermione, “Why don’t you go play with the other kids.”
“They won’t let me,” whined Patrick, “I’m too little,”
“Tell them I said they have to let you play.” Hermione replied.
Patrick stood up and ran outside.
“Ok,” said Hermione, “What do you want to tell me?”
“Um, Hermione…” Taylor stuttered, “I’m… I- I’m having a baby.”
“But Ginny said-,”
“I know what Ginny said, she was right, I lost it, but this…is… a- a different baby.” Taylor said as calmly as she could.
“What do you mean?” asked Hermione.
“I mean…” Taylor thought, “I’d better start at the beginning. OK, yesterday I was eating lunch and someone knocked on the door. I answered it and it was Draco Malfoy.”
“Really?” asked Hermione.
“Yeah, he said he’d come to ‘check up on me’. So I told him to get out and he didn’t so I told him he was a git and he jinxed me and left. When I woke up, Cedric Diggory was above me.” Taylor said.
“Taylor he’s-,”
“Dead, I know. But he was there. He said that he didn’t die because it wasn’t Voldemort who killed him, or tried to, it was his wand, but it didn’t work because someone else was using his wand. So, after he explained this to me, my head started to hurt and he carried me to my room, and set me on the bed. We talked for a while and… he kissed me…then, he- well, now I’m having a baby.” Taylor finished.
“Really?” asked Hermione, again, Taylor nodded, “How could you that to Fred?”
“I don’t know, Hermione,” Taylor complained, “I couldn’t help it; it was like… like I was watching the whole thing from someone else’s point of view. It was like- I tried to stop like, three times, but it didn’t work, I couldn’t get myself to. You can’t tell Fred, Hermione,”
“Well, you can’t not tell him. What would you say? ‘Hey Fred, the baby died but now he’s back’?”
“I know, I have to tell him, but… how?” Taylor questioned.
“Oh my gosh,” said Hermione, a light bulb going off, “You said that it was like watching it from someone else’s point of view?”
“Malfoy,” muttered Hermione.
“What are you talking about?” Taylor was confused.
“Turn around,” Hermione ordered.
“Just do it,” said Hermione.
Taylor turned around, very confused. Hermione lifted up Taylor’s hair and looked at the back of her neck.
“I knew it,” she whispered.
“What are you doing?” Taylor asked.
“You have a red heart on the back of your neck,”
“Do you know what this means?” Hermione told her.
“No,” Taylor said, frustrated.
“Did it ever occur to you what Malfoy jinxed you with?” Hermione said.
“When Cedric woke you up, did you suddenly feel like you loved him?”
“Yes, now I think of it,” Taylor said, starting to see Hermione’s point.
“Malfoy used the love jinx, more powerful than any potion.” Hermione stated, “I’ll bet you anything he was trying to break you and Fred up so he could get you easier, to kill you.”
“You think,” Taylor said, relieved that she hadn’t cheated on Fred on purpose, but still confused.
“I’m almost positive; you have a heart on your neck, which happens with the love jinx,” Hermione was also relieved; she never thought Taylor would do this.
“Ok, will the heart go away?” asked Taylor.
“Well, the jinx has already worn off, seeing as you kicked Cedric out of your house so… it should be gone by tomorrow.”
“Good, this’ll be a lot easier to tell Fred. Hard, but easier.” She said relieved.
“It should be,” said Hermione smiling at her.
“Thanks, Herm,” Taylor said.
“No problem,”
“I’ll just get Lena and Sam and I’ll be off,” Taylor said. “Bye!”
“Bye,” said Hermione.
Taylor went out back and got Lena and Sam and she left.
When they got home, Taylor decided that now was the best time, she had to call Fred. She told the kids to go play and she picked up the phone.
Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

“Hello?” Fred said.
“Hey,” said Taylor almost shyly.
“We’re having real trouble finding Malfoy- he’s nowhere to be found.” Fred spoke.
“That’s because he’s here.” Taylor said.
“Well, not here, here, but, he was here yesterday,” said Taylor.
“At the house?” said Fred.
“Are you okay?” Fred asked her.
“Yes,” she said, “He jinxed me- the love jinx- and he left after I passed out. When I woke up, Cedric was there. And I like, fell madly in love with him, and…” she stopped.
“And?” asked Fred, starting to get impatient.
“Well, I’m… I’m – having a baby now.” She closed her eyes now.
“You mean Cedric’s baby?” Fred bellowed into the phone.
“Kind of…” Taylor said, “Are you mad?” she closed her eyes again.
“At Malfoy and Cedric? Yes. At you? No. It wasn’t your fault he jinxed you.”
Taylor sighed. Fred was taking this better then she thought.
“Alright…” Fred announced, “I’m coming home,”
“Fred,” Taylor told him, “I already told you-,”
“Listen,” he said, “Malfoy’s there anyway! We’ll all come home we’ll just… look for him there!”
“Oh, okay,” said Taylor.
“I’m gonna go tell the guys, bye,” Fred said.
“Fred, wait!” Taylor told him, “Promise me we’re going to treat this baby as if he we’re yours?”
“Of course we will,” he said and Taylor smiled to herself, “We’ll explain to him what happened when he gets older, of course, but, we’ll definitely treat him- or her- the same. Okay? Okay. I’m gonna go now. Love you.”
“Love you, bye,” Taylor said and she hung up the phone, she definitely had the best husband in the world!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 10-03-2006 at 06:56 PM.
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