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Old 10-03-2006, 02:59 AM   #4 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Gryffindor Part 4
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

They walked into the living room and put their shoes on. Then they walked over to the fireplace and pulled a flowerpot off the mantelpiece.
“You go first,” said Fred to Taylor.
Taylor nodded with an “OK” and took a handful of FlooPowder from the flower pot, and stepped into the fire place.
“King’s Cross Station!” she spoke, very clearly.
Suddenly everything was spinning, everything was blurry, but she could see through fireplaces. She saw Professor McGonagall’s office at Hogwarts, Arthur Wealsy’s fireplace, and Vernon Dursley’s fireplace before she saw the right one. She stepped through into the fireplace of a quiet little coffee shop in London.
She quickly stepped out to make sure no muggles saw her, and waited for Fred. Ten seconds later, Fred popped out of the fire place.
“Let’s go,” he said. And they left the coffee shop. They walked over to the station where platforms 9 and 10 were boarding.
“Do you wanna go ahead and meet them in the platform?” Taylor said.
“Sure,” Fred replied.
They made sure no muggles were looking, and then ran towards the brick barrier between 9 and 10. Before them was a huge red and black steam engine.
“The Hogwarts Express,” said Fred, “Kissed my first frog on that train!” he said proudly.
Taylor looked at him inquiringly, “and I kissed that this morning?” she looked pale.
Fred only laughed. Suddenly all the students from Hogwarts started to come off the train. Lena and Sam were the ninth ones off.
“Mom! Dad!” they called together.
“Hey guys!” said Fred hugging them both.
Lena’s brilliant red hair that matched her father’s was blowing in her face.
“Listen,” said Taylor, ruffling Sam’s brown hair, “Your father has decided that somebody needs a quidditch broom.” She said looking at Sam.
“Really, Dad?” he looked up at Fred.
“Why not? And your mom decided that we have to get Lena something too, so we’re staying in Diagon Alley for a while.”
“Wicked!” said Lena.
“But we have to get something to eat first so come on guys.” Taylor said looking at Fred. She admired the way he was with the kids. She decided he was wrong. The kids were definitely going to care Fred was leaving.
They got to a restaurant and got something to eat. Fred decided he should tell the kids what was going on.
“Umm…kids, I have to…I mean- George said that…Listen George came and said that Draco Malfoy has escaped Azkaban and they want me, George, Harry, and Ron to go after him. So I’m going to have to go away for a while. But you can stay with your mom, right?” they nodded, “And, I’m sure Ginny and Hermione will bring their kids over a lot to spend the night and stuff so… are you alright?” he finished, looking at Taylor.
“No,” said Taylor, “I’ll be back.” And she ran towards the bathrooms.
“What’s wrong with mum?” asked Sam.
“That’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. I, um, are you going to take care of your mother? Do everything your mum tells you to do?” they nodded again, “Good, she needs it,”
“Is she really that sad, Dad?” questioned Lena.
“Well, she, um… your mum’s…your mum’s having a baby.” said Fred, unsure of if he said it right. He had never had to do this. When Sam was born, Lena was only two.
“Oh, really!?!?” said Lena. “I love babies! Is it a girl or a boy! Wow!!! Yes!”
“We don’t know yet.” Fred said relieved.
Just then, Taylor came back to the table.
“Hey, guys,” she said. “Did you tell them?” she asked Fred.
“Yeah,” he said.
“We’re SOOO excited for you Mum!!! Isn’t it, like, just wicked that your having a baby!?” exclaimed Lena.
“Yes, we’re excited, too.” She smiled warmly at Fred and her children.
“I told them that they’d have to help you out a lot when I’m gone.” Fred smiled back.
“Good, I’ll need it,” she laughed. “We’re still going to have fun, but… I wish you were staying.” Her expression changed immediately.
“It’s OK,” said Fred, “I’ll be back soon. Alright, is everybody done? Good! Let’s go get you a broom!” he told Sam.
“Yes!!!” exclaimed Sam.
They left the restaurant and went to the broom store. Sam got a Airwhisp 13000. There hadn’t been a better broom out since the Firebolt. Sam was very excited about this. He had a better broom than half the players in the International Qudditch League!
After they left the broom store, they went to Eeylopes Owlery and Lena got a big brown owl named Hazel. They then went to Weaslys’ Wizard Wheezes, where they bought a number of weird contraptions that Fred and George had invented. They also bought tons of candy. Including: Pumpkin Pasties, Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans, Cockroach Clusters, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, Licorice Wands, and Fizzing Whisbees.
“Alright,” said Fred, “Let’s go home,”
“OK!” said Sam who was already very satisfied.
They marched back to the quiet coffee shop and Fred took a pouch out of his robes. They all, one by one, took FlooPowder out of the pouch and landed at home again.
“Alright,” announced Taylor, “You can try out your broom and stuff your face with candy tomorrow. Time for bed.”
She kissed Sam and Lena both on the head and they marched up the stairs to bed.
“Well,” said Fred, “I had fun, you?” Taylor nodded. “Oh, look, a package!”
Indeed, there was a package by the door.
“It’s from my dad,” said Fred inquiringly.
He unwrapped the package and pulled out a letter.

Dear Fred,
I’ve sent you these because I thought they could help you when you leave for Malfoy.
I hope they help, I’ve sent them to the others as well. I got them from work. You know how I love muggle technology!
Yours truly,

Fred opened the rest of the package to reveal two muggle cell phones.
“Same, old Dad.” He shook his head, “But these could come in handy.”
“Mm-hmm,” said Taylor, “Now we can talk without fear of owl interceptions.”
She sat down on the couch next to him. He turned and looked at her. He put the package on the table next to the couch and turned back to Taylor.
“Now I’m really going to miss you.” Taylor said.
She looked deep into Fred’s eyes, and kissed him. In a few minutes, the kiss turned into a snogging session that lasted for a long time.
It was now clear to Taylor: her husband would do anything for her and she was positive he would come back for her after he dealt with Draco Malfoy. She felt safe. She felt safe because she was not only with a husband who not only was kind, smart, and quite good looking, but he loved her.
Slowly, Taylor fell asleep on the couch beside her husband.

Alright, come on people! I'm sad!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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