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Old 09-03-2006, 01:36 PM   #163 (permalink)
Formerly: AutumnSun
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisie Travers
Fifth Year
Default Aloha with a new post!!
No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr!

Aloha. A new post for you guys. Give me a break if it's like uberly lame. It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm wide awake!! And I'm also afraid to go upstairs... By the way, Caoimhe is pronounced Keavy. Keavy is the alternative but I like Caoimhe way better... And I'm so naming my daughter Kaoime... K-O-Me... Just sounds cool... School starts on tuesday *whines* And if you guys are lucky... you'll get a nice long post from me on MY birthday... And what James says isn't exactly the way I wanted it to come out but... *sigh* And you know what I just realized, I barely had anything written down.. 3 in the moring with nothing to work from.. Torture I tell you... Now it's 4... The hours toll by like minutes, deathly waiting for my sentence of being on the computer all night long... Now it's 5:30


"Why are you playing for Slytherin? Who said you could play with Slytherin? You're a Gryffindor!! You should be playing for us!" James shouted.

My silence set him off again. "Why aren't you on the team? You-"

"Oh contraire, my dear Pothead. If you hadn't have kicked me off the team in the first place, I wouldn't be playing with Slytherin, now would I?" I replied. Like I actually wanted to play with people I practically despised. I mean, Parker was pretty cute..

James didn't say anything, he just stared. I got back on my broom and went into the air, waiting for the whistle to be blown signalling the re-start of the game.

The game went on for two hours, the score being 130-120 Gryffindor. I scored most of the goals for Slytherin and James scored the majority of the goals for Gryffindor.

I was speeding towards the goal posts, quaffle in hand, when I spotted one of the beaters ready to hit a bludger towards me. I passed the quaffle off to Parker, still keeping my eye on the beater. Suddenly, the bludger came flying towards, not me or Parker, but James.

The bludger hit James right in the back of the head so hard, he hit his nose on the broom handle, breaking it. (The nose, not the broom handle) He fell off his broom and started falling fast to the ground.

I screamed his name loudly and started towards him. I caught him just before he hit the ground and I sat there holding his head, which was resting in my lap, until someone came and got James.

I was told to go the hospital wing with him to be checked over. After I was let out, I stood outside the hostipal wing, watching the people pass me. Sirius walked by me but didn't say a word to me. He didn't even acknowledge I was there. Remus came by and asked me if I was alright.

"What happened? Oi! Professor! Why did you let Ke play for the Slytherins?" James asked.

McGonagall didn't reply. She just merely smiled and went on her way to her office.

Meant to be longer but it's now finally.. 7:30 in the morning when I actually get around to pushing the 'Sumbit reply' button... I'm tired *no not really but it's my excuse if anybody asks* I'm wide awake!!! Staring at the computer screen is another way to stay awake Can you believe it took me 5 hours to post this?? I blame Kris for some of the longness.. but after she got off and went to sleep I was just kinda... Looking around *hugs my new siggy* oooh!! I can't wait til Laura is done!!! It's my birthday in a week!!! *tacklegiggleglomps* I shall predict you alls future because I said so... *laughs*
about harry potter : "a generation grew up with them."
"why do you live?" "because I have something worth living for."

He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in
secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and
saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter — the boy who lived!"
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