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Old 08-18-2006, 04:10 AM   #131 (permalink)
Formerly: AutumnSun
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisie Travers
Fifth Year
No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr!

Originally Posted by Kris
Hurry with that post, missy!
I'm posting!! I'm posting!!
Originally Posted by Jenn
Really looking forward to that post. post more soon, and thanks for telling me what you thought of my start of my story.
You are very much welcome!!
Originally Posted by Elly.. Meh New Reader
This the best story i have ever read! post more soon! I want Ke to be with Remus cause I love Remus

<3 Elly my smily
New Reader!! *hugs* I'm not saying anything *grins*
Here... to meh beautiful darling fans and Nathan aka Shroom, a new post!!! I went over this in my head last night... Let's see if I remember this. Bwaha.. She yells at Remus

Lily hesitated and responded...

"Lily!" Sirius said, walking into the common room. "Could I talk to you? In private... Now. Please?"

Lily stared at him then asked, "Why? I have better things to do. Like sleep for example."

"Then why aren't you asleep?" Remus replied.

Lily huffed and let Sirius drag her by the arm into the boys dorm.

"So, where were we?" Remus asked, casually as if nothing happened.

I glared at him and didn't say anything.

"Oh, back to the old feelings again are we?" he questioned.

"Shut up," I snapped. "You wouldn't understand."

He nodded his head slowly and began talking. "Ok. Now, how do you feel about this?"

"You're not a stupid psychiatrist. And I already told you!!"

"Tell me again. I seem to have forgotten. We were interrupted moments ago. I tend to forget things in a short amount of time. So. could you please tell me again what is bothering you."

"My best friend isn't talking to me. James kicked me off the quidditch team, and..." I paused again, taking a deep breath. "You are mad at me."

"Ok... Like I said. Lily's your best friend. She'll forgive you if you apoligize to her. James's just being himself. Like he always is. And, hoping we don't get interrupted again, I'm not mad at you."

"You... you.. aren't? But.. I thought."

Remus leaned foward and kissed me. "Think what you may but... I like you. Don't doubt that."

My frown deepened as looked into the fire. "But... You... Don't you... Nevermind."

Remus touched my arm gently, saying, "What now? What about me?"

I brushed off his arm and stood up. "You.. I..." 'I have this tremdously huge crush on you and you refuse to believe it yet here you are, wanting to know if I'm fine and you're telling me you like me!' I thought. 'Say it! Speak your mind!'

"Ke? Are you okay? What do you want to say? Go on, tell me. It's not like I'm going to do something I'll regret..."

"I... I have... um..." No matter how much I wanted to say it, something was holding me back.

"You have what? Are you still? Um.. I kind of want an answer, Ke."

I clenched my fists and began shouting. "I have this huge crush on you and you refuse to believe it yet you're worried about how I feel!" Biting my lip, I sank into the chair and covered my face with my hands.

I heard Remus wander over to the board. Liftin my head and turning to face him I questioned, "Aren't you going to say something? Yell at me, comfort me, be a idiot. Well, not the last one. You always are an idiot."

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "Didn't you just say you liked me?"

"I'm trying to get you to talk to me. And have you finally comprehended that fact now?"

Grinning, he responded, "Yes, I think I have comprehended that."

"Well, that's good. So, when is the next Hogsmede weekend. Figure I'd ask, since you're already over there."

He glanced at the notice and back to me. "The week after the quidditch game. Do you want to go with me?"

"Like.. a date? Sure. Hoping that you can grasp the concept of dating better then Sirius can."

Remus laughed and walked over to me. "Have you ever gone on a date with Sirius?"

"Um... no. Have you? I mean..."

He sat down beside me, apparently unable to erase the grin from his face. "No, I haven't. And I hope I don't have to spend a day, alone, with Sirius. What do you mean?"

"I meant, how do you know his dating style?"

"More importantly, if you've never gone on a date with him, how do you know his dating style?" Remus replied.

"How many girls have gone out with him in the past month? And complained about him?"

"How many girls complain? He's gone out with, let's see, 18 girls in the past month. You said girls complain. How many of those 18 girls complained? We never heard a complaint come out of any one of their mouths."

A smile crept onto my lips. "They all complained. Trust me. Although they continued to say 'he's such a good kisser. Too bad it couldn't last.' So annoying about his perfect lips and his perfect body and his perfect eyes and how much of a gentleman he was and-"

"Sirius? Gentleman? Are you Sirius serious?"

"That's what they said."

"And I think you're-"

"In love with Sirius? Are you kidding me? What.. did my eyes glaze over when I started talking about how perfect Sirius was?"

He burst out laughing. "Sirius? Perfect? That's even more impossible then him being a gentleman."

I leaned foward, trying to not laugh. "You're as close to perfect as it's going to get."

He instantly stopped laughing and stared at me. "Did you just call me perfect?"

I smiled, leaning a little more forward. "Well, you are a prefect... Aren't you?"

I giggled as he got closer to me. "Yeah, I'm a prefect. That doesn't make me perfect. And what is so funny?"

"Oh nothing. Just-" My words were cut off by Remus closing off the gap between us.

"Oh, man, Padfoot. We've lost Moony forever now!" A voice said behind us.

At the foot of the boys dorm stairs, were Sirius and Jaems, trying not to laugh or trying not to.. Oh, who am I kidding. Black and Potter, trying not to cry? Like that's ever going to happen. Lily slowly came down the steps from behind them.

I stood up and wandered over to Lily.

"Er... Congrats," Lily said, gesturing towards Remus.

"Lily... I'm sorry. For yelling at you and being-"

Lily raised her hand. "It's all right. No need to apoligize. I accept it though. Your apology. I'm sorry for ignoring you."

"I accept your apology. Still friends?" I asked.

"Best friends!" Lily gave me a hug and then went upstairs to bed after saying good night to us.

I gave Remus a kiss and turned to go up to bed as well until James stopped me.

"Don't we get a goodnight kiss too? So the bed bugs don't bite?"

I grinned. "I'm not kissing you. The bed bugs would be to afraid if you to bite you. I mean, look at you. No wonder Lily won't go out with you."

He grabbed around the waist and started tickling me. "Don't insult me or I'll continuously tickle you!"

"Remus! Help me! Before I burst into a fit of giggles and die from laughing too much!" I shouted.

Remus walked over to James and set me free. "We should go to bed. It's 1 o'clock in the morning. Good night." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and wandered up the stairs.

"Night boys. Do try to get at lest an hour of sleep so we don't have to wake you up halfway through class," I said, standing at the foot of the girls dorm.

"Yes mother," they replied in unison.

At this, I began laughing silently to myself as I watched them disappear up into their own dorm.

Did you like? Ended up longer then I thought it would be... Hadn't a clue how to finish it up either.... Bah.. Well, there is your post. Hope you liked it half as much as I did!!!
about harry potter : "a generation grew up with them."
"why do you live?" "because I have something worth living for."

He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in
secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and
saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter — the boy who lived!"
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