Formerly: AutumnSun  Kelpie
Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: paperbin
Posts: 26,363
Hogwarts RPG Name: Maisie Travers Fifth Year | New post.... No Comment... You'll see... It may be bad but sure is long!! No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! "Why won't he talk to me, James?" I begged him. He was silent and I continued. "He didn't even give me something for my birthday!! He hates me, doesn't he?" I gave a small whimper. James shrugged and handed me a piece of paper.
"He wanted me to give you this. And by the way, don't kill the messenger."
I looked up from the piece of paper without opening it. "Don't kill the messenger? That-"
James cut me off and told me to open up the parchment. I opened it slowly and read what it said.
I jumped up and ran up to the boys dorm.
Remus put down his book and looked at me. "You what? What exactly do you want to call me?" he asked with a little smirk. I glared at him.
"What?" I took the paper out of my hand. "You think this is funny, Lupin?" I said, waving the paper in front of his face.
He smiled at me and said, "No. You're just cute when you're mad."
I could feel my jaw drop. "You say these things to me and then say I'm cute when I'm mad?"
He didn't say anything he just stared. Then he whispered, "Do you still hate me?"
I opened and closed my mouth silently then nodded my head. I could see how hurt he looked when I nodded my head.
"Why?" was all he said.
"Why? Why? Do you wanna know why?" I crossed my arms and sat down on the edge of Sirius's bed.
"No not really. Just how much do you really hate me?"
I thought about it and whispered, "About the same as Lily hates James."
"That much?"
I shook my head. "No. Ten times more."
He jumped up and started pacing the room. "Really?" he asked, stopping in front of me.
I shook my head once again. He let out a sigh of relief. Too soon. I mumbled, "As much as Snape hates James."
A sharp intake of breath was all I heard. I closed my eyes and buried my face in my hands. "Ten times as much." I choked and heard Remus open and slam the door. I opened my eyes then the door and ran down the steps. I heard Lily call me but I ignored her and ran up into the girls dorm.
I was sitting in front of the fire, crying my eyes out. Why did I tell him I hated him? I'm such an idiot. I love him so much and I told him I hated him. He'll never talk to me again. Ever! I took another glance into the fire and wiped away my tears. I stood up and standing near the staircase up to the boys dorm was Remus.
"Oh," I whispered and sat down on the couch, trying not to let more tears fall.
"Hey. Are you all right?" he asked, coming over and sitting beside me.
I nodded my head and didn't say anything.
"Are you sure?"
"Leave me alone," I mumbled and shuffled away from him.
"Right, I forgot. You hate me." He stood up and I choked again.
"Remus!" I finally said. He turned to look at me but didn't say anything. Neither did though so he continued his trek up the staircase. I turned to the fire, more silent tears streaming down my face.
I heard the couch give in a little and I looked beside me. Remus was there, holding a small box in his hands.
"Here. I meant to give this to you earlier but... since you are mad at me and all."
He extended his hand and I took the box from him timidly. I undid the ribbon and opened up the box.
Inside was a necklace and a pair of earrings. The necklace was mother-of-pearl with stones at the top. It was in the shape of a heart. The stones were, I believe, aquamarine.
I looked at him but he was staring into the fire.
"How much was this?" I asked, breath-taken.
"9 or 10 galleons," he replied.
"Oh my. That's a lot. I.. I don't deserve this!"
He finally looked at me. "Yes, you do. Even though you have been mad at me for the past month, you still deserve it."
"It's beautiful. The mother-of-pearl. Reminds me of Amortentia. The most powerful-"
"Love potion? Yeah. That's what James said. It's ten times more beautiful then you are." He turned back to face the fire.
A smile crept onto my lips and I leaned over to kiss Remus on the cheek. But he moved and I ended up kissing him on the lips.
Remus pulled away and just stared. I felt my face turn red.
"I'm sorry," he said, standing up. I was totally speechless.
"I'm sorry," he repeated. He started back to the boys dorm.
I stood up and said, "Remus." He turned around and replied, "What?"
But I didn't know what to say. He shook his head and continued up the steps.
"Yes, professor. I know, professor. Put them on your desk. I think you told me that already. Now can I leave? These are starting to get a little heavy."
"Yes, yes, Ms. Kavanagh. You may leave," Professor McGonagall replied.
I walked out of the room and started down the hallway.
"Oi! Watch out!" someone shouted. Then suddenly the books were everywhere and I was sprawled on the floor.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I told you to look out..." a voice said.
I looked up and saw a red-haired boy standing over me.
"No, no. It's quite all right. I couldn't see. Carrying all these books."
He shook his head. "So was I. I could just see over the books but I lost my depth perception I suppose." He gave me a warm smile.
I started collecting the books I was carrying as he did the same with his own. He opened up a classroom near by and put his books inside.
"So. Would you like me to help you carry those?" he asked.
I nodded my head frantically and sighed a breath of relief as he took half the stack. We walked in silence to Professor McGonagall's classroom.
After putting the books on one of the desks, I turned to him. "What year are you in, Mr..."
"The name is Christopher Nathaniel Mackenzie," he replied in a bored, monotone voice.
I laughed and said, "You didn't answer my question!"
"Oh. I'm a sixth year Ravenclaw. You?"
"The name is Caoimhe and I'm a sixth year Gryffindor. How come I've never seen you around before?"
"Transfer. Moved here from the US of A. I like it better here though."
"Explains the accent. You like it better here, eh, Chris. That's good." I didn't say anything else but my hand moved to my necklace.
"Call me Nathan or Nate. I like that name better."
"No Potter! I will not go out with you! Not now, not ever!" a girl shouted from outside the classroom.
"Why not Lily? I'm cleaning up my act."
Nathan and I walked out of the class and into the hallway. There, James and Lily were having one of their usual rows.
"Lily! Calm down. James would you stop asking her out? It's getting annoying." I explained.
Lily and James turned around and looked at me. James pointed to Nathan.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Nathan. And it's rude to point you know."
James put down his hand and walked over to me. "Oh. It's getting annoying? What's that supposed to mean?"
I shrugged and started towards the entrance hall. Nathan came up beside me.
"What?" I asked, a little coldly.
"Where are you going?"
"In this general direction. Do you have a problem with that? And I would much rather be alone, Chris."
"Call me Nathan, please."
"What ever."
"What's wrong with you?" he questioned, grabbing my hand.
I spun around to face him. "I don't want to talk about it, all right. Now leave me alone."
Yet, Chris... Nathan... what ever you want to call him, followed me to the entrance hall.
"Go away!" I said, walked out of the school and out into the courtyard.
"Why do you want me to leave?"
"Because. I want to be alone. By myself. Which means you are not here, following me Mr. Mackenzie."
"Oh! Going formal on me now are we? What happened to the Ms. Kavanagh I met a few minutes ago?"
"She left when James and Lily came. And she still hasn't come back. Now, this Ms. Kavanagh is going to do something drastic and possibly something she'll regret if you don't leave!"
"When they came? Aren't you friends with them though?" he questioned, stopping in is tracks.
I stopped and I looked at him. "Yes, I am friends with them. Lily is my bst friend. Your point is?"
"Why are you mad at them then? If they're your friends?"
I couldn't say anything to that. "Just would you please leave me alone," I said, politely.
"Ok. I will leave you alone. See you in one of our classes then?"
I nodded my head and began to walk away from him.
"Ok. Today we will be working in partners."
Everybody looked at the professor in surprise and/or disgust.
She rolled her eyes and continued. "Mr. Black with Ms. Evans. Mr. Potter with Ms. Chambers. Mr. Longbottom with Ms. Peterson. Mr. Lupin with Ms. Kavanagh."
She continued till every single person was paired up.
"Any objections? No? Okay. You may begin."
I raised my hand before she turned around.
"Yes, Ms. Kavanagh?" she questioned.
"Can I switch with Ms. Chambers?"
"No, you may not. Get to work."
I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. Lily stood up and McGonagall told her to sit.
"But Professor!"
"No. Ms. Evans. Finish this class then you may go after her."
"Mr. Lupin and Ms. Evans. Stay behind please." Professor McGonagall said.
The two of them walked to the front of the class room where the professor was.
"Mr. Lupin, please sit down," she said, pointing to a desk on her left, "What happened? Ms. Evans? Mr. Lupin? Could one of you care to explain?"
Neither one of them opened their mouths and so Professor McGonagall told Lily to get Caoimhe. Well, me.
Lily walked into the common room and up to me. "Professor McGonagall wants to see you in the class room Ke." She took my hand and lead me out of the common room.
We walked into the class and Pro McGonagall. told me to sit down at a desjk on her right.
"Now, would one of you care to explain." Again, neither Remus or I opened our mouths. She turned to Lily. "Do you know anything?"
Lily shook her head. "Ke... She never told me anything. James knows though. I'm sure of it."
Silence filled the room then Remus spoke up. "It's his fault."
McGonagall tried to get Remus to talk but he wouldn't.
"Lily, would you get Ja- Mr. Potter for me please?"
A few minutes later of absolute silence, James and Lily walked into the class.
"Mr. Potter, do you know why they are fighting?"
He opened his mouth and closed silently a few times and then sat down behind me.
"It's his fault," Remus repeated.
"How, Mr. Lupin, is it Mr. Potters fault?"
"She kissed me." James replied.
McGonagall blinked repeatedly. "Pardon?"
James nodded. "Yeah. Caoimhe kissed me. Er... you see... Remus likes Caoimhe and I knew that... but he walked in on Caoimhe kissing me. He thought it was my fault but... Remus thinks Caoimhe doesn't like him... well. He thinks she hates his guts." James started going red in the face,
"That's why you guys are fighting?"
"It's because Remus won't talk to me. Every time I want to talk to him to explain he ignores me!"
"Why is it then that every time I try to talk to you, you ignore me?"
"Because you ignore me! You started it! Not James!"
"Don't you dare bring James into this!" Lily shouted.
I turned to face her. "Shut up Lily. You don't know anything! Just shut up!"
Lily face fell and she grabbed her bag. "May I leave Professor?" she asked, sounding like she was about to cry.
"Yes, Ms. Evans. You may leave."
After a while, we sorted everything out. Remus was allowed to leave first. Then me. I stodd outside the classroom, waiting for James I guess.
"Mr. Potter. This is the first time I've seen you upset for something that has absolutely nothing to with detention or quidditch or Ms. Evans. What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing. It's just... I don't know. Caopimhe is just a good friend, that's all. I can't stand when my friends are fighting."
"James? That's the first time I've heard you call Ms. Kavanagh by her first name?"
James shrugged. "That's the first time you've called me James. And just before Lily left, did she stand up for me or was that a figment of my imagination?"
McGonagall gave him a warm smile. "Maybe she'll give you a chance before you guys are done school. Try to have a good day."
James walked out of the class room. "James! Wait up!"
He completely ignored me and coninued to the common room. I slumped against the wall and sighed. "Great. Now I've got every one mad at me!"
~*~*~*~ Like? I thought it was okay..... I'm weird... I hope you likey.... It gets... well... Mean. Poor James... *shnuggles* This post is here from my lovely boredom... Leave me alone. I watched cars turn left... I have serious issues m'kay? I wonder what Jaems will do? Or if Lily forgives Ke? And if Ke and Remus go out? Oh... You will just have to wait and see!!! And Katie... I'm not saying....
Last edited by ahshlyn; 08-07-2006 at 02:30 AM.