Formerly: AutumnSun  Kelpie
Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: paperbin
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maisie Travers Fifth Year | *postpost* Dedicated to meh Lauren!! No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! Lily twirled into the girls dorm and collapsed onto her bed. She started humming a song. You know, something upbeat. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised.
"What's gotten into you, Miss Evans?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.
She smiled at me. "Oh, nothing. It's just that Remus so totally likes you and you like him. It's a perfect match!" She laughed. The smile that was playing at the corner of my mouth disappeared totally from view.
"If you only knew, Lily. If you only knew." I sighed and closed my eyes.
"If I only knew what? What is going on between you two anyway?" Lily asked.
I opened my eyes and stood up. "It's no biggie Lily. Really, its not biggie. Now could we please go get some lunch! It's a Saturday. And I'm totally starved!" Lily sighed and stood up as well.
"I suppose so. I am getting a little hungry." Lily pranced out of the dorm and down the stairs.
"Argh! Wait, Lily! It was my suggestion to go get food! Wait for-" I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Lily was entangled in something. I didn't know what it was. "-me..." Tears were streaming down her face as she stood up.
"I'm going to kill them," Lily whispered, just loud enough for me hear. I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me.
"What? You mean James and Sirius? What did they do?" I asked, gesturing towards what she feel in or on.
"I'm not sure what it is but it caused me a lot of pain. Now that's what they're going to be in if I get my hands on them." I put my arm around Lily's shoulder and steered her towards the portrait hole and more importantly, the food.
"Hush, Lily. First we eat. Then, depending on my mood, I will help you hex James and Sirius into oblivion, all right?" Lily laughed a little.
"I guess I can wait a little longer to hex James into oblivion. Now I'm really hungry."
We waked into the great hall and sat down at the table. Shortly after, Remus came in and sat down across from me. He pickd up a piece of toast and looked at Lily, with one eyebrow cocked.
"Er, Lily? What happened to you?" Remus asked before shoving the piece of toast into his mouth. Well, not shoving. Sirius and James shove their food. Remus doesn't. Let's say he stuck the whole piece of toast into his mouth un-messily.
"Your stupid, immature friends, that's what." As if on cue, James and Sirius came in and sat beside Remus.
"Did you just call me stupid and immature Ms. Evans," Sirius asked.
"Yes! I just got mauled by a plant that caused a tremendous amount of pain and I know you two put it there!" Lily replied.
James looked up from his plate and questioned, "What plant? I don't remember putting any plant into the common room. It was probably someone else."
Sirius choked on his juice and James thumped on his back. "You okay, Padfoot?"
Sirius nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm just not feeling well today I guess. Hey, Ke. Could you come with me please?"
I looked at him, startled. "What? Why me?" I asked, flabbergasted. He glanced at me pleadingly. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Fine. I'll see you in the common room, all right Lily?" I walked out of the Great Hall, following Sirius. We walked up to Gryffindor tower in silence. Sirius snatched the plant as we walked into the boys dorm. He shut the door behind him as I sat down on the end of his bed.
"I didn't mean for Lily to touch it. I-"
"What?" I asked. "What are you talking about? Is that plant yours? What-"
"Just let me explain would you! I got the stupid plant from my parents. Well, technically my brother. It causes pain to who ever touches it. It just kinda burns."
He looked up at me. "Have you touched it?" I shook my head as James, Remus and Lily burst in. Lily pointed to the plant. "That's the thing that-" Sirius raised his hand.
"Yes Lily. I know. It's mine. I'm sorry for the pain it caused you. Go complain to my stupid little brother. All it does is give you a burn. Not permanent I assure you." James walked over to the plant and gave it a prod.
"Ouch! That hurt!" James yelled, jumping away from the plant. Sirius gave a little shrug and said, "You'll live. Don't complain." Remus went forward and touched it.
"Ouch! That thing does hurt. Have you touched it, Caoimhe?" Remus asked me.
"Huh? What? Er, no. I'm not touching that after what it did to Lily." Yet, despite what I said, I reached out and poked it. The moment I touched it, vines sprung from it and started winding up my arm.
"Doesn't it hurt?" Sirius enquired. I shook my head as the vines crept up my arm. The end of the vine touched my temple and I let out a scream of sheer agony. Lily yelped and buried her face in James' shirt. Yes... JAMES' shirt. Not Remus, who happened to be standing closer to Lily then James was BTW. Then all of sudden it went dark and it was just me and Remus standing in a worn down house.
~*~ LOL... Ok.. I'm going to be evil... and this is what happens... still in first person.. told by Ke but it is what happens not in her dream world but in rel life ok? ok...
~*~ "Remus?" He took a step forward. "Ke?" he asked.
"What hurts?" Remus turned to Sirius. "Whats happening to her?" Sirius shrugged but looked a little frantic.
"Remus! What's happening? What's wrong?" I shouted, still in my trance-like state.
Sirius sat beside me on the bed.
"Remus! You.... You're changing!" James took Lily by the shoulders and tired to steer her toward the door.
"Where do you think you're trying to take me, Potter? She's my best friend and I'm staying with her!" Lily wrenched herself from James grip and walked back towards the bed. James caught her hand before she got far.
"No! You have to leave, Lily!"
"Why?" She looked at him with a questioning gaze.
"Lily... Just leave. Please." Remus asked. James slowly got her over to the door. Then, suddenly, Lily gave James a great big push and took a big step backwards. She went tumbling down the stairs and I started screaming.
"REMUS!!!!" I gave a very violent shudder and rolled off the bed.
~~~~~~ *dances* There is supposed to be more after that but... I didn't have time to finish it!! Well I hope you are happy, Lauren and enjoy this post... I wonder if you can figure out what Ke is screaming about... *luffs on my Remus* MINE!!!
Last edited by ahshlyn; 08-05-2006 at 01:15 AM.