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Old 07-26-2006, 07:47 PM   #45 (permalink)
Formerly: AutumnSun
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisie Travers
Fifth Year
No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr!

Originally Posted by Lauren
okay, Ke shouldn't've just randomly kissed James. Eeek, especially if she heard Remus was going to ask her out. Gawd, who would say no to Remus. Not me, that's for sure!
I know. She wasn't thinking apparently... I toterly agree. I would say yes before he even finsihed asking me
Originally Posted by Lauren
Heeh, loving three outta afour Maruaders....duh! I do too, don't worry, Keke.
So do I!!!
Originally Posted by Lauren
'Hate is such a strong word.' i love that. hehe.
Well, Isn't it?? The only person I hate ish... Snape!! *spork*
Originally Posted by Lauren
Keke should've said something when Remus came into her room that morning! Gawd, dumb dumb, you could've made it all better, and then he'd ask you out. jeez!
I don't think so... You'll see what I mean in a while!
Originally Posted by Lauren
Gotta love Remus, Sirius and James. *sighs* good, you're posting today.
Who wouldn't love them??
Originally Posted by Nate
You had a dream about me? What happened?
Er.. truthfully, I can't even remember. All I know is that you, Katie and my friend were in it. Some building... Kinda like from my guide camp... *shrugs* And there were tables!! Like the ones in the Great Hall... And lots of people. Argh!! It's there just out of my reach...
Originally Posted by Katie
Jeez Nate! You made it sound like I was dying....... and you call me dramatic! Hey Ashlyn *waves*! I'm here, I'm fine, and I'm anxiously awaiting another post.
*ish glad Katie ish alive* I know some guys who are allergic to peanuts too.
Can I punch Nate? *punches* Had to do that, sorry... Actually no I didn't but...
Here is a new post... Kinda short... I was building somethings... I promise you all that the next post will be longer... I just got bored. Short attention span. To some extent.

"So, why did you ask if you could stay for the rest of the week, Keke?" I sat up from my spot on the ground. I shrugged as Lily walked out of her house and sat down in a chair opposite me.

"You don't know? I know you have a reason. It may not be a good reason, but I know you have one."

I lied back on the ground with my eyes closed.

"Well, hello there Lily," said a voice from behind me.

"Hey, Sean. What do you want?" Lily replied.

"I don't know. What do I want?" Sean answered back, laughing.

"Hey, Evans. Whose your friend?" I sat up and Lily stuck her tongue out.

"I'm not telling you!" Lily stood up and walked over to the gate. "So, Keke. Why did you ask to stay the rest of the week? Did James kiss you and it was totally gross so you couldn't stand the fact you would have to see him?" I turned to look at Lily.

"Actually, I don't know why I asked to stay. Remus, I guess. And he's actually not a bad kisser you know." A grin crept onto my face as Lily stared at me.

"What?!?! He kissed you?" I started shaking my head trying to get the grin off my face.

"Nope. I kissed him." At the incredulous look on Lily's face, I started laughing. Lily turned her back to me, she opened the gate to let the two boys in.

"You kissed that immature loser?" Lily asked as she sat down in her chair.

"So? Only you think he's a immature loser, remember that. And he is a good kisser. But I feel bad about it."

The boys sat down on either side of me.

"Why would you feel bad about it? Oh and by the way, this is Sean and Tim."

"Because of Remus... What's that noise?" I replied.

Lily heaved a sigh. "My parents. They're into the whole 'roller disco' thing. Oh, and that's the phone!" She stood up and ran into the house. I sat there shaking my head with a smile on my face.

"If my parents ever start roller-disco or whatever, I think I'll die. My name is Caoimhe by the way."

Tim laughed. "I hate disco. It's rock all the way! That's a cool name."

I could feel my face turn a little red. "Thanks."

Lily walked outside. "You two have to go. Come on, Ke. We have to go get our things for school."

Er... sorry it took so long. It kinda grew... I made it grew... Grow... Tim... Tim Deegan!!! OMG! He ish so... yummie!! And Sean... Can't remember he's last name. I spell Sean like that not Shaun or Shawn... *shrug* HJope you enjoyed that post!! Yeah!! We finally get to go to the school!! *dances happily* I watched Much VJ Search... And MOD... A lot of girls want Tim to take off his shirt Personally, I think Jessica Simpson ish into the whole 'roller disco' thing too. And that was really lame I think... *shrug* I just want to get into the school m'kay?!?! I love Panic! At The Disco!!!! Wow.. Disco....
about harry potter : "a generation grew up with them."
"why do you live?" "because I have something worth living for."

He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in
secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and
saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter — the boy who lived!"

Last edited by ahshlyn; 07-28-2006 at 12:24 AM.
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