Formerly: AutumnSun  Kelpie
Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: paperbin
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maisie Travers Fifth Year | A lot happens in one day. Doesn't it seem that way? No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! Creepy much? It rhymed... *shudders* Here ish a new post... I got bored and started writing up more... I really want to get to the school but I can't until this part ish over... So here ya'll go... *dances* I got at least an hour of sleep last night!!! And I was listening to my MP3 player the whole time last night too. I have some serious issues... *jumps into the story* Remus. I thought I was going to die right then and there. But he looked so calm. I never would have believed he would take something like that so... calmly. It was kind of... nerve-racking really.
"Er... Hey Remus. I was just... um-"
Remus cut him off and asked, "I thought you liked Lily, James?" Remus never even looked at me once. James moved off the bed and stood up, his face slowly turning red.
"Of course I like Lily! I mean-"
"Then why? You know what, never mind." He looked at him just before he left and I could see the hurt in his eyes. James went after him and I was left alone in my room. It was as if I had been told to think about what I had done.
After a few minutes of sitting in total silence, voices began to creep into my room.
"You knew I liked her! Why did you kiss her?" one voiced shouted. I could tell that was Remus.
"I didn't kiss her, you imbecile! She kissed me!" James roared back. Thank the Lord James' parents are not home!
"I'm not an imbecile! Do you even know what an imbecile is? You! The perfect example!" Somehow, I heard a door open and someone run down the steps.
"Both of you! Would you shut up? You'll wake up the whole entire neighbourhood! Not to mention the fact that Ke is upstairs and I'm sure she does not what you two fighting over some silly little thing! What are you fighting about anyway?" I heard Sirius question.
"That imbecile you call your best friend kissed Ke!" Remus yelled.
"How many times do I have to tell you, I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! And I'm not an imbecile! I thought we were friends, Moony." James shouted back. I think he ran up the steps. Well, after he got upstairs, a door slammed shut. The other two followed him up several minutes later. After a few minutes of silence, I snuggled in the covers and tried not to cry myself to sleep. I 'thought happy thoughts' and then instantly I was asleep.
I was in my own little world right then. I had woken up an hour ago, at 6:15. That means I had gotten about 3 hours sleep. I was so tired. Might as well give myself a self-induced coma. I was thinking about what to say to Remus about last night. And a lot happened last night. I started reciting what I was going to say to him. 'Remus. I need to tell you something. The truth. Well, you see, I like James and Sirius but-'
"But what?" a voice asked, cutting through my thoughts. This was when I realized I was actually talking out load, much to my embarrassment. I looked up and guess who was standing there? Remus of course.
"But what? What do you want to tell me?" Remus asked again. I couldn't say anything. I was too surprised that he had appeared suddenly. It felt as if though my mouth was made of lead and I couldn't move my jaw. He face tensed up.
"I was right. You don't like me. Just James and Sirius. Now I feel like an idiot. Here I was. Thinking about asking you out but..." He turned around and walked out of the room. Talk about feeling like an idiot.
I slipped out of the bed and opened up the door. The hallway was dark. 'Where was everybody?' I thought. Then I heard laughter coming from downstairs. No doubt eating some form of breakfast. I walked cautiously down the stairs. More for my ankle then trying not to be heard.
"So, Remus. Did you actually manage to give Ke her breakfast before you came down?" James asked.
"Nope. She said she liked you though. And Sirius," Remus replied.
"What about you? Did she say anything about liking you?" James enquired.
"Nope. She said... um. She said she needed to tell me something, the truth. She said liked the both of you but... Then I cut her of when he said but. Asked her what she wanted to tell me. She just sat there. Didn't say a single word. Now I sort of regret getting her that gift for her birthday. But its too late to return it and besides, I know she'll like it. Even if she does hate me."
"Moony. Hate is such a strong word. We say dis-like, don't we Prongs?"
"'Course. Now I don't see why she would dis-like you. You're the best out of the four of us. Prefect and everything. I mean, you're pretty horrible at stopping me and Prongs from hexing Snivellus and everything. She's just the opposite of Lily. It's creepy. No wonder they're friends." We are opposites. And I don't dis-like Remus, I like him. James knows that. Why won't he say anything? Right. Last night. I stood as still as a statue at the bottom of the stairs. A chair got pushed back and I heard plates clink together. I closed my eyes and heard someone call my name.
"What?" I shouted. Why would I shout when I'm standing right beside the dining room? I dont know... James stuck his head around the corner and blinked.
"How long have you been standing there?" I shrugged. He opened his mouth to reply but the doorbell rung before he could reply. I watched him walk towards the door. And FYI, I was not staring below the belt. When he opened the front door, standing there was, to both our surprise, *deep breath*... OH!! I'm giving you a cliffie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ish feeling evil again* I wonder if you guys even know who it is... Well, you guys will just have to wait now wont you??!! And I might not post for the next little while... Ish today Wednesday? Never mind, yesh it ish. Tomorrow ish the warped tour... *ish sad cause me no go*
Last edited by ahshlyn; 07-28-2006 at 12:21 AM.