Formerly: AutumnSun  Kelpie
Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: paperbin
Posts: 26,363
Hogwarts RPG Name: Maisie Travers Fifth Year | Drumroll Please!!! No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! *walks in humming 'Rockstar by Nickleback' *sings* ‘Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We’ll all stay skinny ‘cause we just won’t eat And we’ll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger’s Gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny With her bleach blond hair Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar... Ok... I'm done singing for now... I was listening to this song before I went to bed so I was singing all last night... Didn't get a wink of sleep... *sigh* On a happier note, here ish a new post!! "You know, you could be a decent friend and answer my question."
I looked up at and said, "Huh? Oh and Remus, I think up would make a wonderful teddy bear," I replied with a small smile.
Remus's ears turned red as he replied, "You think?"
James began to laugh. "He's pretty close to being a bear, ain't you Moony?"
Remus shook his head. "Yeah. Pretty close to being a bear. I certainly wouldn't be a very cuddly teddy bear." Remus got up and walked out of the room.
"Hey, Remus! Where you going?" James asked.
Remus walked back in holding some pieces of cloth and a couple of pins. "Nowhere, why? Just got some bandages for Caoimhe's knee and ankle." He bent down and began to wrap my ankle in one of the cloths.
"What do you mean? He's a human being! How can he be close to being a bear?" I asked, laughing.
"Oh, well. You'd be surprised. Actually, he's more of a-"
"James!" Remus said, cutting off James.
"What? Don't you trust her?" James questioned.
"It's not the fact that I don't trust her, it's just... She's smart. Let her figure it out on her own like you three did, okay?" Remus replied, finishing wrapping Caoimhe's leg.
"What are you guys talking about?" I questioned, just as Sirius walked in. His hair was a mess. I mean, it's usually not messy and it hangs handsomely in his eyes and he's just so... I heard my name and I came back to earth. Sirius was looking at me with one eyebrow cocked.
"Why are you staring at me? It's kinda creepy. What, with your purple eyes and all. And were you guys talking about telling her?"
"I was staring at you? Telling me what? What secret is so big that Remus kept it from you two? Tell me!" I shouted. What? Who could blame me? They were talking about something I knew nothing about as if I'm not sitting in the same room as them.
"Hey, hey. Calm down Ke! Like Moony here said, you have to figure it out on your own. Just like me and Sirius did." I lied back on the bed. They won't tell me. It must be really big if Remus wouldn't tell his best friends.
"Could you guys leave please? I'm tired and I really need some sleep." I closed my eyes and I heard them get up and leave. The lights turned off and the door shut. I re-opened my eyes to total darkness. Sitting up, I looked around trying to get used to the darkness.
I heard voices from outside of my door and I slid closer to the door without getting off the bed. One of the voices was very angry. Another was starting to get angry. The third was trying to keep mellow and clam.
"If you tell her Sirius, you're a dead man!"
"Why won't you tell her? I mean, honestly!"
"I didn't tell you, did I Sirius? You figured it out on your own! Why won't you let Ke do that?"
"Whoa, Remus. Calm down! Sirius, don't tell her. It's only fair. Just keep it quiet. For God sakes, Remus likes her and if she gets told, she might freak out and well, we don't want that."
"If you like her Remus, ask her out! She's lying in that room and she's alone. No Lily or one of her other friends. It's a perfect opportunity. Be a true Gryffindor. Be brave. She doesn't know so she probably won't turn you down."
"Yeah, Remus. Sirius is right. She probably won't turn you down. I think she might like you. After all, she did say you would make a wonderful teddy bear," James said, laughing.
"Fine," Remus said, or at least I think it was Remus. "I'll ask her when she wakes up. I'm going back to bed. Night." Remus walked away, leaving Sirius and James in front of my door.
"I think she likes me. She was staring at me when I walked in."
"She probably thought you looked like a pig." There was a shuffle and a small thud.
"OW!! That hurt, Sirius! No need to punch me."
"I wouldn't have punched you if you didn't call me a pig. See you later. I'm going to hit the hay." Sirius walked away and I heard James sigh. I lied back on the bed and snuggled into the covers, closing my eyes in the process.
The door opened slowly and I heard James whisper my name. The door shut silently and I heard footsteps come toward the bed. I twisted so I was facing where he was standing. "Hey. Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I responded. "Does Remus... does he, um. Does he like me?"
"What? Did you hear the whole conversation?"
"Well, I heard everything starting when Remus told Sirius that if he told me something, he would be a dead man."
"Oh. Okay. That's a good thing." He sat down and rested his head on the bed beside my own. "Well, yes. Then you heard. He didn't say it out right, but, yes. He does like you. A lot too. I mean not as much as I like Lily but pretty close."
I moved my head closer to his. "Oh, does he? I kinda figured that." I smiled at him. He placed his hand on my cheek. I brushed it off and sat up.
"Hey, is anything wrong?" he asked me. I frowned and replied, "Oh, nothing. I mean other then the fact that I like three guys. And I know two of them like me back. But I think I'll live."
James sat down on the bed and put his arm around me. "Who do you like hmm? Remus being one of them."
"Oh." I sighed. "Yes, I like Remus. And well, I guess I kinda like Sirius a little bit too. I mean, who wouldn't? Half the female population in the school has fallen for him. And the third person, is, well." I took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "The third person I like is... you." And then, without thinking, I kissed him. I heard the door open and then there was a sharp intake of breath. Both mine and James' heads turned to the door. There, standing in the doorway was... Ha!! Gave you all a cliffie!!! Mwahahahahahaha!!!! Hope you all enjoyed that!! *starts singing 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'* Pour some sugar on me (Ooh, in the name of love) Pour some sugar on me (C'mon fire me up) Pour your sugar on me (Oh, I can't get enough) I'm hot, sticky sweet From my head to my feet, yeah!! *walks away humming 'Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace'... *ish now singin Cabin Fever from Muppets Treasure Island!!!
Last edited by ahshlyn; 08-07-2006 at 09:01 PM.