Bassoons galore!
“Mum, dad?” I called when entering the house. It was a week after graduation and I’d just gone grocery shopping.
“We’re in the living room,” I heard my father yell.
I went into the kitchen, stacked the bags on the counter, and smiled. “I brought shrimp and steak.”
“Yummy,” he replied, licking his lips. “What time will James be coming over?”
“Around eight.”
“I’d better start cooking then.” He went onto the back porch where his grill was and lit it up.
A couple of hours later, the doorbell rang. I raced to answer it and was greeted by James’ smiling face.
“Come in,” I grinned, and led him to the Dining Room, where my mother was setting the table.
“Ah, Mrs. Evans, it’s lovely to see you again,” he said, having previously met her at the train station.
“And you, James,” she hugged him warmly.
“Ah, I brought you something.” From behind his back he pulled out a bouquet of flowers.
We sat down for dinner and talk of the wedding began.
“Do you have the invitation list set yet?”
“Where are you living after the wedding? With us for a couple of months?” My dad asked, cutting up his steak.
James and I exchanged glances and I hesitated to answer them. “Yes… well… you see… We’ve sort of… inherited a house.”
My mother was just taking a sip of wine when she choked. “What?”
“Well, while we were at school one of my dear elder friends, Mr. Orson, got sick,” I replied slowly. “We took care of him… er… in the Hospital Wing… and he was so grateful to James and I that, when he did pass away, he left us a house.”
I was surprised when my parents didn’t ask for more details. James squeezed my knee and we continued mentally preparing for our wedding night.
It was beautiful, long, flowing, and the perfect shade of white. I smiled and ran my fingers across the double stitching on the waistline.
“This dress is perfect,” I said softly to James. “It’s gorgeous.”
“Then we’ll get it,” James said, kissing me on the cheek. “And by the way… Dumbledore contacted me the other night. We have a meeting not long after our honeymoon.”
“All right,” I replied, putting the dress on the counter for the Muggle lady to ring it up. “Where would you like to go?”
“It’s all up to you.”
“Well, I do have a couple of ideas…”
“Good. Now, come on, we have a rehearsal in an hour. The wedding is tomorrow!” he laughed, rolling on the heels of his shoes.
The idea gave me butterflies.
__________________ Zoe loves Caitlin the MOST! *glomps* Jess loves and misses Cait more than youuuu!! <33 |