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Old 05-02-2006, 10:27 PM   #538 (permalink)
Formerly: Asrai
Dark Force Defense League
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roma Galda
Sixth Year
Bassoons galore!

“Miss Evans, pay attention!

The sharp, piercing voice brought me back to reality and I looked up at my Muggle Studies Professor. “Sorry.”

“Mmhmm. Now, your homework is due in two day’s time. You are dismissed.”

I gathered up my books and saw James jogging to my side. “Ouch, Lils. Caught daydreaming in class. That’s something no one ever expected from you.”

“Either is this,” I laughed, and kissed him.

“Ew, get a room guys,” Sirius laughed, strolling next to us with his arm thrown around some girl’s shoulder.

“Didn’t you have brown hair yesterday?” I asked, leaning over to the girl.

“Whatzshetalkinabout?” the blonde girl asked, popping her gum. “Were ya wit somebodys else yestaday?”

“No, doll face, I wasn’t.”

“Whatever,” she said, throwing his arm off of her. “This is my stop. I’ll catcha later.”

She strolled off and I laughed.

“Lily, you can’t do that!” Sirius moaned.

“Well, it’s not my fault you change girls like you change your underwear.”

“Ha ha, yeah right,” Remus laughed. “You change your underwear as much as you do your homework.”

“Oh, nasty.” I groaned, and we all laughed.

At lunch I sat between Remus and James.

“So what’s it like being Head Boy?” I asked.

“It’s like having a load of younger brothers and sisters. What was up with you dozing off in class today?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I replied softly. “I just got used to sleeping in and doing things on my own time. Teachers… they get on my nerves now.”

I saw Peter drop his fork. “Woah. Am I going crazy or did Lily just seriously say that?”

“Lily just seriously said that,” Sirius answered, open-mouthed.

James rolled his eyes. “Come on now, it’s not that big of a deal.”

“Well you all have changed a good bit,” Peter squeaked. “Anyway, onto a better topic. You’ve been gone for forever, James, and our Quidditch Team is showing it. We’re in third place for the Quidditch Cup and there’s only two games left!”

“I know, I know, Peter,” James sighed. “You’ve told me everyday for the past two weeks I’ve been gone. We’ve been training, trust me. We’re going to blow the tops off of Hufflepuff and Slytherin. How Hufflepuff managed to beat Ravenclaw in the last game is what’s got me dumbstruck; Prince is an amazing captain.”

I zoned out the boy talk until Marie came in and sat across from me. “Finally!” I gasped. “A girl to talk to!”

Sirius shot us a weird look. “Wow, I came in on the weird part of that conversation.”

“Guess what, guess what, guess what?” Marie squealed.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what?” Sirius giggled back, fluttering his eyelashes.

I punched him.

“Ow,” he hissed, rubbing his arm, then ignored me for the rest of lunch.

“Okay, what?”

“We’re having a end-of-the-year dance for all of the Seventh Years!”

“Eek! No way!” I cried.

“Yes way! No underclassmen unless invited. I used my charm… and the Headmaster is all for it.”

I hugged her over the table. “Marie, you rule.”

“I know,” she smiled shrugging her shoulders. “Who do you want to go with?”

“James, of course.”

At hearing his name he turned around. “Huh? Did you need me?”

“Never mind, honey,” I smiled squeezing his hand a little.

“Jeez, you three have seemed to grow up a lot since you’ve been gone,” I heard Marie say, though I wasn’t paying much attention.

Remus was smiling at her softly from his side of the table. I knew I had to get them together for the dance. “Hmm? Oh, yes. We have our reasons; we certainly have gone through a lot…”
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