Bassoons galore!
I reappeared outside of the Hogwarts’ gates. It began to rain but I couldn’t even feel it; I just ran as fast as I could through the Oak Doors. A few people looked at me, surprised, but I ignored them. In ten minutes I found myself panting outside of Dumbledore’s office with a stitch in my side.
I knocked rapidly and loudly; there was no answer. I suddenly realized that he was teaching a class.
After walking to his classroom, I battled with weather or not to enter. It’d be rude to do so, but at the same time, this was extremely important.
I smoothed out my hair some, straightened my clothes out, knocked, then entered.
Professor Dumbledore looked up from his desk on the opposite side of the classroom, obviously surprised. He stood up in one grand sweep then appeared right in front of me before I realized he’d moved.
“Miss Evans, what’s wrong?”
“Mr. Orson,” I whispered.
The color drained out of his face. He spun on his heal and faced the class. “I will be leaving for a while. Whilst I am gone I expect you to all be on your best behavior; Smith, take names of any disruptors. No homework today, but if I do not make it back by the end of the period I expect your class work to be turned in onto my desk. Copying will be severely punished.”
He turned back around and pushed me out of the doorway. “What’s going on?”
“Mr. Orson… he… he’s dead!” I wailed, beginning to cry again. “Remus said something was wrong so we went over there and he was bleeding, but it wasn’t what killed him; there was a Dark Mark over the house and the tall and shot man tried to kill us and Voldemort came and he knew my name but I left and James was there and I don’t know what happened but I knew we needed help, and oh, he’s dead! How is he dead?” I began to sob so hard that my whole body shook.
“Shh, calm down,” he said softly, patting me on the shoulder. “I know you’ve just suffered a great loss, Miss Evans, but I need you to explain. Voldemort? He was there?”
“Did you hear any names?”
“Besides my own? I think there was one, I’m not sure. But there were three men besides Voldemort, all in black capes and masks-”
“Wait, what do you mean ‘besides my own?’”
“He read my mind… Legilimency. I wasn’t prepared at all.”
“He is advanced,” Dumbledore said to himself. “Lily, you need to go home. From what you’ve told me, they don’t know where you live. You’re safe there. I’ll take care of this and stop by tomorrow, all right?”
I nodded, sniffling a little. “Professor, just one question.”
“Why would Mr. Orson protect our house and not his own?”
Dumbledore sighed. “He was never afraid to die… Nivy always cared for others much more than himself. Knowing him closely, if he were still alive, I’m sure that he’d say he didn’t quite find the time.”
I bit my lip, knowing it was the truth, and began to walk away.
__________________ Zoe loves Caitlin the MOST! *glomps* Jess loves and misses Cait more than youuuu!! <33 |