Bassoons galore!
I woke up to the morning to Remus howling. Today was his day to transform back. I quickly got dressed and ran to his room; James was already there, sitting worriedly on Remus’ bed.
“He says something’s wrong,” James said as soon as I entered.
“Are you okay?” I asked, my motherly side kicking in. I put my hand on his forehead but he pushed it away.
“Not with me! Mr. Orson!” he replied weakly.
“What d’you mean?”
“I mean, when I came in the other day groaning, I was trying to tell you guys: there’s something wrong. I can just sense it!”
I raced out of Remus’ room and went down the steps, three at a time. James followed closely behind. We both put on our jackets and ran to Mr. Orson’s house as quickly as possible.
James stormed in, not bothering to knock.
“He’s not in the living room or kitchen!” James called, and I raced up the stairs.
I checked the guest bedrooms and bathroom first, trying to avoid Mr. Orson’s room. Finally, I had to go in.
I creaked open the door and everything was dark.
“Oh my God, Lily! Oh my God! Did you see what’s over the house?” James called, and I heard him coming up. “We’ve got to leave!”
I bit my lip and switched on the light.
All I could do was scream.
Mr. Orson was lying on his bed, eyes open, with blood surrounding him.
“Mr. Orson, Mr. Orson!” I cried, and raced to his side.
James came in and tried to pull me away from him.
“No!” I screamed. “No… God, no. How did this happen? I knew something was wrong, and I didn’t stop it.”
“Lily, look,” James said softly, but stopped as I began to crawl across the bed to move Mr. Orson’s head over.
“Jam… James…” I said shakily. “Look. He’s got a laceration on the back of his head, but that can’t be what he died from. He didn’t loose enough blood!”
James didn’t answer. I rolled over to see him standing there, white-faced, with a wand stuck to his head. A man was behind him, cloaked with a mask on.
“I know,” James said, a single tear running down his face. “That’s why I said that we needed to leave. There’s a Dark Mark over the house. He’s here, Lily. Lord Voldemort is here.”
__________________ Zoe loves Caitlin the MOST! *glomps* Jess loves and misses Cait more than youuuu!! <33
Last edited by; 04-23-2006 at 12:38 AM.