Bassoons galore!
I rang the doorbell to Mr. Orson’s house and he smiled at me so sweetly that I couldn’t help but to wonder why no one was scheduled to see him over the holidays.
“Hi,” I said breathlessly. “How’re you?”
“Er… fine… thanks.” He stared at me for a few seconds, but then he seemed to have realized that I was outside in the freezing cold. “Want to come in?”
I nodded and followed him into the kitchen.
He whipped up a mug of hot chocolate.
“So… what can I help you with?” He asked. “We don’t have lessons today.”
“I know,” I shrugged. “I was just wondering what your Christmas plans are.”
He looked at me thoughtfully. “Sadly, I have none. I shall be sitting at home with my favorite novel and a box of cookies.”
“Well… I was wondering if you’d like to join us tomorrow morning to open presents and to stay for dinner.”
Mr. Orson smiled. “I’d be delighted. I must say, Miss Evans… ah… Or rather, Lily… you are quite a woman, and James is lucky to have you.”
“Yes, well, you’d be surprised. He’s rather me die then his enemy save my life.”
“Well, that is quite alarming,” he chucked, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at his puzzled expression. I was about to ask him about Avery when he rested him head on the palm of his hand and stared at me. “I don’t have presents for anyone.”
I took a sip of my drink and smiled. “We’re not expecting any.”
A huge grin spread across his face and he abruptly stood up. “Can I show you something?”
We went into the living room and he stood up on the sofa. At first I thought he was going to do some odd act when he took down the picture that was hanging on the wall. Behind it was a shelf with three bottles on it.
“Come here,” he instructed, and pointed to the first gold bottle. “This is-”
“Felix Felicis,” I whispered. “That stuff is incredibly tricky to make, and really dangerous if you make even the slightest error.”
“Correct,” he smiled. “I have ten days worth of it. Now in this red bottle is the Draught of Living Death. It causes someone to fall into a deep sleep and can only be counteracted by the one who put them in it.” He then picked up the remaining bottle, which was clear with a thick, silver potion inside. It was bubbling slightly on the bottom and the bottle shook slightly. “Know what this is?”
My eyes grew large. “It’s Heithcruel Harridocks… You… you’re dying?”
__________________ Zoe loves Caitlin the MOST! *glomps* Jess loves and misses Cait more than youuuu!! <33
Last edited by; 04-08-2006 at 05:05 AM.