Chapter 6: A Night To Remember Hey all! I will be posting this chapter in segmants because its so long, so check back daily and enjoy
Chapter 6: A Night To Remember
The trip began as fast as it ended. The next thing Ginny knew was that she was listening to Phlegm rant on about how ‘fat’ the color blue made her look. She wore it in her school days and she didn’t notice? Not to mention that Ginny was in a blue sugar plum farie dress, talk about problems! As Phlegm was rating some more, Ginny crept out of the room and set down the stairs, but not before getting a peek at the boys. All of them were wearing black tuxes with white bow ties. Bill had a white rose in his suit pocket while the other men had red roses. Ginny continued down the stairs when she heard an all to familiar voice. She froze for a couple of seconds and then ran up the stairs and knocked on the boys room door.
“Harry can I see you please?” she said wiorridly
“Umm…sure be right back guys.” He replied concerned as he entered the hallway and shut the bedroom door.
“Whats up Gin? Whats wrong?”
“Well, I umm…found a special guest and he wants Hermione.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
The Weasley’s, Hermione, and Harry walked down to meet and greet the arriving guests except for the bride, groom, best man, ring barrer, maid of honor, and bridesmaids. A couple of guests stood out to the teens inparticular. Cormac McLaggen walked by and winked at Hermione; she felt Ron stifin next to her. Another guest was Hanah Abbot who waved seductively to Ron, wich caused Hermione to attempt to advance on her but Ron held her back. Hermione and Ron were happily greeting Lupin and Tonks when Hermione heard a cold familiar voice in her ears. She stifined as Ron followed her gaze to an all to familiar Quiditch Star and Bulgarian Bon-Bon, Viktor Krum.
“Hallo Herm-own-ninny. Long time no see.” He growled once he made his way toward the once happy couple. The effect he had on Hermione was like a dementor. She couldn’t believe how stupid that French girl was, did she not remember? Ron sensed Hermione was uncomfortable when Hermione grabbed his warm hand in her cold one, and squezzed it.
“Yeah, and no see for forever as long as I’m around.” Be back after The OC!
Last edited by ronandhermione; 03-31-2006 at 03:49 AM.