Chapter 5: You and Me I would like to note that I have nothing agenst blondes, just most of them at my school are quite air headed. Dedication: To Amy!! She was the 100th post in this thread! Go Amy!
The last couple of weeks passed by with mini-golfing, swimming, and snogging (Harry and Ginny.) That is, until that day.
Hermione was writing a letter to Viktor Krum. It’s not that she liked him, well she does, but not in that way, it’s just that he was a boy and he understood how she felt. It was weird to talk to Harry about it because all of her feelings were concerning Ron. Speaking of him…she couldn’t tell him/ She wouldn’t. Seriously think about it, how do you tell your best friend of six years that you are head over heels in love with them? How? The world may never know. Honestly think about it. Anyways, why would Ronald Billus Weasley like Hermione Jane Granger, the bossy, bookworm, non-rule breaking prefect? Answer that question! I mean…
“HARRY! GINNY! Meet Mione and I in the living room!”
Mione, since when did he call me that? I thought it was a cute nickname, but why call me it? Oh well, be grateful for what you got, they always say.
“There probably off snogging somewhere…” he muttered to himself. “Hey there Mione whatcha doing?”
“Uh, yeah Hermione’s too long and I think Mione’s kinda cute…Why do you not like it? I’ll stop if you don’t.” he said and blushed, “So who are you writing to?”
Well, I knew I wasn’t going to get out of this one.
“Well, see, it’s kinda funny…”
“Viktor Krum.” I whispered.
“I thought you didn’t like him!”
“He’s the only one who understands!”
“Try me, I dare you!”
“I can’t Ron, there are some things that I can’t talk to you or Harry about!”
“Oh yeah and why’s that?!”
“Because…” Should I really tell him? “Because I just can’t Ronald!”
“Fine! Whatever! I don’t really give a ****!”
“Tell me Ron, why don’t you like him?!” There was a gap of silence that seemed to last an eternity. Then he spoke, almost in a whisper,
“Because he has one thing I don’t.” His face was slowly returning to its normal color. After about a five minute staring contest, he stormed out of the room. He slammed the laundry room door and locked it. Why would he want to be in there?
As Ron locked the laundry room dorr he spoke to himself, ‘I gotta tell her soon.’
He thought Chatham was the most beautiful town he had ever seen. Old antique shops and ice cream parlors lined the streets. There was a distinct smell of chocolate near the chocolate shops, but the salty ocean smell in others. Ron walked for another block until he reached a shop with a sing hanging over it barring the name Chatham Jewelers. He pushed the door open and a little bell rung that signified that a person had just entered the store. He zoomed straight towards the bracelet area. He peered through the display cases when he heard a voice.
“Looking for something specific?” the woman asked in a seductive voice. He looked up, she had blond hair, blue eyes, and big boobs; figures. She reminded him of a girl Malloy, not that he isn’t a girl already…ugg!
“Yes, for my friend. I want to tell her that I love her and I’m looking for something that says just that.”
She looked a little put out, “Might I subject this?” she placed a beautiful bracelet on the table. It was on a chunky silver chain with a heart in the middle.
“It’s beautiful” he murmured
“Would you like an engraving?”
“Yeah, let me write it down.” Ron took out a pen and paper and wrote;
Ron and Hermione
Only One
He slid the piece of paper across the glass towards the woman. She picked it up and read it. As she was saying the incantation, a lovesick smile spread across her face.
“You must really love this woman.”
“Yeah, I think I do.”
Five minutes later, Ron walked out of the store with his purchase in hand. He walked towards a wooden bench near the park. The man sitting in the bench got up. He had orange hair and blue eyes and he looked about forty years old.
“Mr. Weasley?”
“Mr. Watson.”
“Yes, that is me. So what would you like to discuss?” Mr. Watson happened to be the man in charge of the gazebo activities.
“Well, I was wondering if I could use the stage at sevenish.”
“Well, I have this friend and I really like her heck l love her. I just want to show her that I do. Love her, that is.”
“Ahh, young love. I did the exact same thing when I was your age. Now I’m married with four kids.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, but what does your wife look like?” Ron asked.
“Well, she has beautiful curly brown hair and beautiful big chestnut eyes. Her name is Heather Garber.”
“Wow, she sounds just like my best friend—the same initials to.”
Mr. Watson gave a hardy chuckle. “I must see this mystery unfold.”
“I’m guessing that’s a yes?”
“Of course m’boy.”
“Thank you.” Ron shook his hand and started to walk away when he heard Mr Watson say ‘see you later.’ He turned around, waved to him, and started home.
Ginny rushed down the stairs to tell Hermione to get ready.
“Hey Herm, I’m coming in!” Ginny opened the door and walked in. The floor was covered in clothes as Hermione was hunched over throwing articles of clothing out into the open muttering ‘no’s’ or ‘eww’s’. Would she ever see the floor again? Hermione heard Ginny enter and whipped around.
“What color looks good on me?”
“Brown. Wear a mini jean skirt with your brown polo and flip flops. Put your hair up in a half pony tail and wear hoop earrings.” Ginny replied.
“Thanks Ginny.”
“No problem.” Ginny grabbed her outfit and went to change in the bathroom. She was going o wear a denim mini skirt with a white cami and a green lace. Green flip-flops and hoop earrings. When she walked out of the bathroom, she walked into Harry. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with black converses and blue jeans. ‘****, he smells good.’ She thought to herself. They shared a quick kiss and got on with what they were doing.
Hermione, Ginny, and Harry started towards the direction of the music with no Ron in sight. Harry and Ginny just smiled knowingly while Hermione had panicked written on her face. When they got to where they wanted to be Hermione examined the scene. The gazebo was lit with ‘Christmas lights’ except they were clear bulbs. When they found a spot towards the back, Harry lied out the blanket and took one in his hand. He leaned agenst an Oak tree with Ginny leaning on him, her head on his shoulder. He wrapped a blanket around both of them and they snuggled together. Hermione leaned agenst an oak tree with a blanket around her. After about a half-hour of good music, clock struck seven and a man entered the gazebo as the band waked off.
“Give a round of applause for the Chatham High School A’s Band!” Everyone clapped. Once the clapping started to die down, he spoke again.
“We have a special guest here tonight. Now he’s never been here before but please give a warm Chatham welcome to Ron Weasley!” Hermione sat there shocked. She couldn’t believe it. She never knew he could sing. Ron was wearing a blue and white long sleeve shirt with jeans and a pair of white sneakers. He pulled the stool towards him and sat on it. He grabbed the mic and spoke into it.
"Hey, I'm Ron. The song I'm about to perform is ‘You and Me’ by Lifehouse. The person I'm dedicating this song to is the most amazing person I know, and its her favorite muggle song, Hermione." He started strumming the notes on the guitar;
What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Hermione could feels the tears burning in her eyes. She bit her lip just to prevent them. She just couldn’t believe it…
Harry and Ginny stared at the sight before them. They couldn’t believe hw wonderful this was all turning out. Harry glanced down at the woman in her arms. He couldn’t believe how stupid he was for breaking up with her before; but he figured it out. Love was the one think that Voldemort didn’t have. He, had it, making Harry stronger than him.
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
Ron pointed at Hermione, the crowd turned to look at her. She could feel her cheeks burning up. She gave a nervous wave and everyone turned back around.
All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Hermione couldn’t believe it… it was…beautiful. No one had ever done this for her before, let alone a boy. Having Ron being the first person and boy to do something like that was a wish come true. She just couldn’t believe it…
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
Hermione now thought she had a clear definition of love. Love is when there’s that one special guy that you can’t stop thinking about. He’s why you wake up every morning and why you live. Love is when that certain person walks into a room your eyes are on him. When you hold his hand it fits perfectly. When you hug him, it’s like completing a puzzle piece that had been wanting completion. Whenever your with him, you feel like your on top of the world. Love is complicated. Love is evil in ways death cannot even match. Love is confusing. Love is itself in every way; you just can’t live without it. In the most difficult and dark times, love is what lights the way. Love only grows stronger with time. You have to work for it. Love in all its entirety is beautiful.
There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Being Hermione, she had been curious of what the dictionary thought love was. It said; A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment. An expression of one's affection.
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
Hermione had tears cascading down her cheek, she ran up towards the stage as he was strumming the last notes;
What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
She had reached the front and could feels all eyes on her. His ocean blue eyes were gazing into her chestnut brown ones. She then felt a surge of confidence and walked onto the gazebo stage. Ron stood up as she ran toward him. She suddenly stopped as Ron wiped the tears off of her face. He held her cheeks and brought her face to his. Hermione felt shivers go down her spine as Ron tongue licked her bottom lip. Their kiss turned heated as they heard the crowds ‘aww’s’ and claps. The loudest and with screaming were Harry and Ginny. They could hear them scream one thing;
Ron and Hermione pulled apart and sung to each other;
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you Authors Note: Aww, isn’t that sweet! I felt all tingly inside as I wrote it

. I will alert you about some things;
This story is almost over
I am pondering a sequil-when you review please tell me if I should do it.