I am a genious. I will be a god/ I have done all the research that you can possibly do, so my plan hopefully has no flaws. I know the perfect way to tell Hermione that I love her too.
I rolled around and I remembered that my plan would be put into action as soon as I tell Ginny. I crawled, well rolled, out of bed no longer nervous if hermione see's my bare chest. **** she likes me anyway (isnt that cheeky!?). I walked down the stairs and sat down at the table in the kitchin. About five minutes later, a mass of curly brown hair was thrown infront of my face; its Hermione.
"Arent you excited Ron?!"
A weency bit nervous would be the word, but thats besides the point. "Explain to me what is so special about Chatam?"
"Ron, its one of the most beautiful places in the world. Whenever I'm there, I feel so right, its like its meant to be. Its one of the most romantic," at this she blushed, "places in the world..." and she want on until we heard muffled yelps of pain. Bloddy merlin, I need to thank them.
"Ginny, Harry how are you?! How are the wedding preperations going at the Burrow?"
"Well, there are none going on at the moment, but there going ok, expectied to be in early august."
And I stepped in "Hey Harry, Ginny can I talk to you?"
"Um, sure, I'll be right back guys." Ginny shot me a quizzical look and i shrugged it off. I lead her to my temporary room and closed the door.
Um, this is a little hard to tell you Ginny, but I think I..er..love Hermione." She squealed, thats right squealed. It was very disturbing.
"Oh i knew it Ron! I'm so happy for you! So when are you going to tell her?!"
"Well, while were on the trip, but here's what I need for you or Harry to do. Get the guitar at home and we need to play truth and dare tonight, or at least figure out what her favorite muggle song is."
"Ok, I'll go with the truth and dare and Harry can get the guitar. So do you know what this house looks like?"
The house is amazing. The downstairs has a deck that oover looks the nearby lake. There are two rooms. One room is calle dthe 'blue room' and the other is called the 'yellow room.' Each rooms has a closet that Ginny complins is too small. Typical. In the 'livingroom' theres a bed like couch to the left a telle whatever to the right a table in the center and a couch fatrhrt from the door, centered. There is a door marked privacy in the laundry room, but do i listen to the rules? So I went in and foud out that it would be the perfect place to put the second part of my plan in motion. I was snapped out of my 'daydream' by hermione.
"Ron, were going to go the local go karting place since its almost dark, do you want to come?"
"Sure, why wouldn't I?"
Go karting was awesome, the wind wipping in your face and how hermione was smiling..Harry and ginny were on eachothers tails, just laughing like we had no worries at home. We rented a convertable, hermione drives because of the last time i drove, and its a really cool car; perfect fot this weather. We were headed home with our takeout from this seafood restaruant in town. As we pulled into the driveway Ginny asked the question.
"Do you guys wanna play Truth or Dare?"
"Sure but Gin."
"Yes Harry?"
"Dont make it too 'randy' I know you Ginerva Weasley."
Ginny smirked, which Harry caught, "OK sweetie." and got out of the car.
Ather eating our food Everyone got into out PJ, but Harry and I just sleep in long pants, so thats what we went out in. Yet, Hermione wasnt used to this. Wait?! Ginny was!?
"Ginny, why arent you so shocked that Harry doesnt have a shirt on?"
"Oh, because its nothing new." Ginny replied cheekily. But before i had time to protest Hermione came over and squezzed my hand
"Behave." she wispered. She went off as I watched Ginny plop into Harry's lap as he wrapped his arms around her. They were so happy, such a nice couple. I plopped down on the ground next to Hermione.
"OK, I'll go first, Ginny truth or dare?" Hermione said
"I dare you to kiss no snog Harry, with your brother watching."
"OK." SO Ginny and Harry were at it, I had to watch this disgustiong reality go down while Hermione monitored if I was watching or not. About 10 minutes passed and hermione called it quits.
"OK. Ron truth or dare?"
"Who was your first kiss?"
"Well...see...thats kinda funny because it was Luna Lovegood." Harry burst out laughing. "Shutup you, at least she wasnt crying."
"Ok Harry truth or dare?"
"I dare you to run out into the deck in nothing and scream I SECRETLY WORSHIP CATS AND I PROTESTS AGENST ANIMAL KILLERS!" Which, Harry did
"OK Hermione, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to give Ron a lap dace!" Hermione froze. Oh **** she said to herself. She got up and gave ron a lap dace. Ginny and Harry were howling while hermione and Ron were blushing like crazy. When the dare ended, Ron and Hermione noticed that Harry and Ginny had left and were having a snog session in the 'private' room.
"Well..erm...g'night Hermione."
"Sweet dreams Ronald.'
ron wispered to himself "Love you."
Hermione whipped around. She thought she heard...no couldnt have been.
I hope you like this chapter!!