Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
Posts: 51,213
Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | Bernie O.G. Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB  The BasicsName: Bernadette Ophelia Grantham Prefers: Bernie Birthday: 1 March 2088 Wand: 11 3/4 inches and springy mahogany with a core of demiguise hair Hometown: London, England Looks Like: Joey King Family Grandmother: Ruth Grantham, 76, retired librarian Father: George Grantham, 47, various occupations Mother: Harriet "Harry" Grantham, 42, hospice nurse Brother: Edward "Skid" Mark Grantham, 22, part-time grocery store clerk Sister: Philippa "Pippa" Ermina Grantham, 8, bossy schoolchild Pets: None (we have ALLERGIES, Bernadette!)
AppearanceEye Color: Blue Hair: Brown, slightly below shoulder length, NO FRINGE RIGHT NOW, she grew her hair out Height: 5'4" Skin Tone: Fair Personality According to a quiz I took on the internet, Bernie is an ENFP or "The Campaigner." It suits her. She's also considered "Neutral Good" or "Chaotic Good" per most alignment charts.
How about she tells you a few of her likes and dislikes, and you can figure out the rest of her p e r s o n a l i t y from there.- a good strong cuppa
- crafts, like crochet and candle-making
- baking and eating sweets
- Muggle telly programs and book series
- cats, even though she's allergic
- stationary, journaling, letter writing, doodling
- cardigans, scarves, boots, sweaters, anything which makes her look like a granny (including fake glasses)
- house elves, abraxans, and the spell BOMBARDA
Now for her dislikes...- heights
- flying
- bullies, including adults
- "birdogs" aka gargoyles
- being embarrassed for her lack of wizarding knowledge
- not fitting in
- being alone
- being reprimanded
- being wrong
- Claudine Blaze
History Bernadette did not know a n y t h i n g about the wizarding world until her mum handed her a letter from the post. It took all of the Granthams quite a while to believe this wasn't a prank, and took Hogwarts approximately six letters of owl post before the Granthams confirmed Bernadette's attendance. Some of her family are still doubtful that "Hogwarts, the Boarding School" exists, although her mum did help her navigate Diagon Alley and buy all her school supplies. Bernie is anxious to fit in with the wizard kids, and has many, many preconceived and incorrect notions of what magic is like. She is too headstrong to admit when she is wrong, and embarrasses easily when someone points out her faults. However, she is enthusiastic when trying something new, friendly when around other kids, and courageous when threatened with an obstacle. Text Cut: Buckle up, Buttercup, the rest is detailed. Year One (2099-2100): Her favorite classes included Transfiguration, Charms, and DADA, with her least favorites being Muggle Studies why does she need this class?, and surprisingly, Care of Magical Creatures. She was nearly a hatstall (Hufflepuff was the Sorting Hat's other choice for her) and attempted to learn some French, for her first year took place at Beauxbatons (due to the boggart invasion of Hogwarts). Also in her first year, Headmaster Trent suspended Bernie from school instead of expelling her per Desmarais' demands and sent her home due to her participation she raised her wand at the Headmistress in a fire/gargoyle attack in the Rose Garden during Care of Magical Creatures class. Bernie's wand was also attacked/broken by a Gargoyle then, though it was later repaired by Headmaster Trent. After a lecture from her parents and a very, very long and magic-less Christmas break, Bernie returned to school slightly more subdued. She behaved in MOST of her lessons, but was then accused (along with approx. 50 other people) of RUINING the decorations for the forthcoming school ball. Bernie was forced to attend a trial wherein Headmistress Desmarais expelled every Hogwartian from Beauxbatons, but then hastily invited them back so they could help her find the dragon that the French pupils had snuck into school. After this fiasco, the dragon!baby was caught, the second fire in the rose garden was extinguished, and Hogwarts was allowed to stay and have a ball in lieu of a feast. Other highlights from her first year: attempting to rob the snack corner on the train, baking magic cookies with Freyr, mapping Beauxbatons, helping Headmaster Trent not become lost, officially becoming Schmoe's assistant professor, helping Ilya Belrose discover that he was a metamorphmagus, apple exploding, dancing lessons, and other lesson shenanigans with Blake Ryan and Claudine Blaze, meeting a house elf in Charms, losing points in Potions, being accused of ruining the ball with everyone else, firefighting and dragon-watching with Cece Summers and Phoebe James, and dancing at the feast with Rowan and Blake. Oui. Year Two (2100-2101): Bernie met Elias on the train and was persuaded to ride the first-year boats across the lake to Hogwarts, since she didn't get to do that last year and all. Naturally, she received detention for that, where she had to clean boats for Professor Fuller-Thompson and the Headmaster. After detention, Bernie did a decent job of staying out of trouble, until the Hogwarts Founders started to show up. She encountered Godric Gryffindor in the Duelling Arena and followed his orders to blow up the arena. After that chaos, Bernie had to write a 50-inch essay about why she was an idiot and if she should deserve to carry a wand. Trent accepted her apology and returned her wand, but did not go easy on her in their later duel. Bernie then proved that she hadn't quite learned to listen ONLY to her professors as she snuck out of bed one night and went on an expedition to the Forbidden Forest with her BFF Claudine Blaze. Of course, the two twelve-year-olds had to be rescued by the Groundskeeper and Headmaster as they caused the loss of two of Fuller's dogs and were nearly pulled apart/eaten by acromantulas themselves. While they were being patched up in the Hospital Wing, Trent warned the girls that they were on their LAST CHANCE and were THISCLOSE to being expelled. He also grounded them to their dormitories, even for mealtimes, and only permitted them to leave for lessons and the end-of-term feast. Other highlights from her second year: burning down the jukebox with Minjae Yoon, "bonding" while studying with Nina Castillo, being jealous of Isla and Blake, babysitting Baby Finneas with Phoebe James, losing respect for Godric Gryffindor, and officially losing a friend. Year Three (2101-2102): After an eventful train ride that involved sneaking crups into the school, Bernie recalled that she was on her last chance and could no longer be involved with the likes of Claudine Blaze. Or, rather, Blaze decided this for her, breaking up their friendship before school even began. Other highlights from her third year: summoning Lord Voldemort, looking for stuff and taking selfies with the weatherman, jazzercise with Schmoe, the kelpie lesson, the babka lesson, forgetting everything, THE MEME LESSON, the book on the head thing, the Schmoe's girlfriend thing, the Christmas present from Blake thing, and then a great summer. Year Four (2102-2103): Bernadette successfully spent most of her summer with her friend Blake Ryan, including sneaking out of her family's flat and onto a plane bound for the USA without their permission. The rest of the year is a bit of a blur, as once she got to Hogwarts, she became possessed by an old ghost hellbent on getting his treasure back or burning down the school trying. Other highlights from her fourth year: burning down the Forbidden Forest with Avalon, Ashley, Irithel, and the others; striking a deal with Nem Upsetead; silencing firsties in Muggle Studies; a lecture, by Finneas Schmoe; and other things here. Year Five (2103-2104): Eating cookies on the train with Avalon, chaos! at the opening feast, starting the Resistance, a DADA to remember, throwing stones in Divination, and of course, Talks with Schmoe. Year Six (2104-2105): Year Seven (2105-2106):
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 01-06-2021 at 07:22 PM.