And there they were, right on time. Their phase shifting creature of the moment.
Mathys could not appreciate the gargoyles' punctuality at this moment and there was only a brief wave of relief that washed over him in the quick observation that the alpha of the pack had not flown down with the others. Not yet. It would only turn this disastrous situation into a catastrophic one. Assuming he still had his job come morning, he would try and hold a conference with his headmistress to try and smooth things over. See what of his repertoire with her he could rectify. A repertoire that he had painstakingly crafted since he began his time here at Beauxbatons as a professor. One now in shambles all because of one Hogwarts.....
......make that two..........
........Hogwarsts students.
In such shock that the thought of extinguishing the flames had not even crossed his handsome mind, Mathys took up the mantle after Mademoiselle Summers disastrous attempt at doing so herself. Waving his hand urgently, the man conjured water without the aid of his wand and doused the flaming rose bush with it. Mathys was not sure that this was much better, the ghastly sight of charred roses upturning even his stomach. Though this was only because of the reaction he knew it would elicit from his headmistress.
Though he wished to commend the first year for her quick thinking (something he was certain his headmistress would NOT appreciate now that she was drenched), Mathys made the snap decision to focus on the gargoyles and their encroachment on the Hogwarts students...rather than assist and dry his headmistress off. The gargoyles had been particularly one edge this term, something he was still trying to understand, and it would be a real international incident if one were to kill one of the Hogwarts students.
"OGOTT! RELEASE!" he commanded of the gargoyle attempting to ravage Mademoiselle Grantham's wand, his voice booming through the rose garden and almost seeming to rattle the luxurious glass windows on the castle. He feared for how he may retaliate to those sparks, though Mathys was prepared to cage the beast as necessary. Stunning would do no good against their thick as dragon scale hides.
"Lowair your wands! Drop zem to ze ground! Zey'll ahttahck if provoked but zey will not attack ze defenseless."
He would...make some semblance of an attempt to answer his headmistress' inquiry in a moment. Once he was able to sedate the angry pack.
And then he heard Mademoiselle Blaze add fuel to the fire, quite literally, and he wished it were within his power to expel students.
OOC: while we havedelved into chaos, participation here still counts towards class participation and those hard earned participation points <3 Consider it all a sort of mini/main activity