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Old 09-24-2019, 04:08 AM   #36 (permalink)
Mathys de Nostredame
Mathys de Nostredame's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 91
the sky is always there for me ☀ ☁ heavy hearts like heavy clouds

SPOILER!!: étudiants
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Unfortunately for Kaiser, while he had become much better at listening to and understanding spoken English from most people, as soon as you threw in a thick accent that was very different to the one he had picked up while learning, it was game over. Of course, after the last couple of months, he had come to expect that this would happen in Care of Magical Creatures, but still. Acceptance didn't make it any easier.

He tried his best to listen and follow, but he kept getting left behind. The most he could do was wait until it sounded like de Nostredame was starting a new train of thought, and then try and engage his brain again.

Evolutionary...? Oh dear. This was the point in the lesson where Kaiser's giant gaps of knowledge became obvious. He didn't know what an evolutionary advantage was. It was just one of those terms he occasionally heard or read and casually glossed over. So, uh... he was going for the other question. The easier one. He didn't particularly care if it made him look lazy.

Up the hand went again. "Uh... I think if a creature has been transfigured by a spell, it will behave as what it has been turned into, because it will think that it really is that creature and always has been. But a shapeshifter I think would not naturally act like the creature it turned into, it keeps its own, ah... behaviours?" ... Sure. That would have to do.
Mathys nodded approvingly at the young man's answer. "Very astute. And of course will require zat one has observed a creature long enough and well enough to know its mannereesms to pick up some deefferences. As you all should be well aware, any creature zat is transfigured into anohthair does not retain zeir full consciousnesses but rathair gains zat of ze creature zey have just been turned into."

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post


Wot had just happened?!

"A deduction of 5 points will be taken from your house for ze dehumahneezation of zose affleected by Lycanthropy."

"Excusez moi?" Bernadette murmured to herself (and a little bit to the professor) as she sat there in shock, her eyes beginning to water, her ears ringing with the professor's harsh words. Slowly, it began to sink in that she had somehow offended him by using the term werewolves? Was that not a technical term, erm, used by wizards? Her face started to heat up with the embarrassment of not only losing points, but also appearing to be somehow.... biased? Prejudiced? Against were people? Sorry, LYCANTHROPES?! She wasn't PREJUDICEDZ against people-who-shape-shifted-during-the-full-moon. See? She just used person-first language on them, professor. TRY POLICING THOSE THOUGHTS, HUH!

The Muggleborn girl hadn't a chance of understanding this, much less anything else the handsome Frenchman said. She swallowed her embarrassment and choked down her few tears, maybe sniffling JUST A LITTLE at her gros faux pas. She had NEVER lost ANY points in school; she had NEVER even earned a B in Muggle school thus far; and she had NEVER been so humiliated by a teacher she had admired. Bernie shook her head to herself and pretended to be busy, rooting around in her bag for something. She couldn't even make eye contact with her housemates sharing her wicker couch, she was so upset.

Finally, she found what she was looking for: her brown leather journal, where she could scribble away her feelings while continuing to avoid eye contact with ANYONE. Bernie turned to the page that came after her interview with Schmoe, still sniffling occasionally, and started writing down ALL THE THOUGHTS she had about Notredame, and her THEORY of why he was so touchy about werewolves, AND veela, AND heavens knew what else. She also made angry notes about her classmates' answers, most of which SHE'D NEVER EVEN HEARD OF, except for the kelpie and the boggart and the demiguise...

She didn't even WANNA answer the next question, she was so dampened in spirit, but she supposed she had to to earn those house points back. Bernadette briefly looked up from the notebook on her lap to raise her hand just enough to qualify as volunteering an answer. She was definitely lacking the enthusiasm and energy from earlier as she answered in a flat tone: "You can cast finite incantatem on them, to see if they even ARE creatures or merely transfigured?" Surely this answer, which was about one of the few spells she knew, wouldn't be so... offensive?
He had been warned by the Hogwarts headmaster that points could be a particularly touchy subject with his students, though the man had not put too much weight on such words until seeing the reactions to his scolding. Those beginning with Mademoiselle Grantham.

Tears had little effect on him, however. Especially in a setting such as this and he simply remained patient as she (to his surprise) offered up an answer. See? She was tougher than everyone who was gawking at him as though he had just kicked a cruppy would let others believe. All was a learning experience, nothing more.

"Zat would be one of ze more efficient ways of knowing, oui," he chuckled with clear amusement.
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Fiona flinched slightly at the CoMC Professor's temper. She would definitely do her best to earn the points she had lost back, no matter what it took. Raising her hand, she said, "Je suis désolé, Professeur." She thought to apologise to him in French might be a step in the right direction. Fiona was sincerely sorry.
He would not consider it a temper, the man had not shouted at any of them, but while he was on the path of correcting students...he had to do something about her French. Though he did appreciate her attempt at it.

"Désolée, Mademoiselle Jenovick. Je suis désolée. As a young woman you must add ze additional e."

Unless she identified otherwise, though that was not the impression he had of the young witch.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

That was the term. Even though she had gotten it wrong, de Nostredame was able to pick up what she was referring to. Intrigued by these creatures, Claudine made a few notes on them. There was a possibility that she would check them out in depth later on… if her artwork did not consume her.

Claudine stared when points were lost. If the students were wrong with their answers, why not correct them instead? That's the reason they were here… to learn. She disapproved of de Nostredame’s method. “Shapeshifters and those that used magic would look different in some way.’’ Claudine lowered her hand. “Real wolves, for example, would have a shorter snout and eyes that are more human-like than a werewolf.”

Claudine waited to see if her thinking lost her points.
Had this one not been paying attention to the sensitivity that had been the entire werewolf discussion? Or was she purposefully trying to push his buttons? He was inclined to consider both to be true but the latter to be more on brand. He was surprised she hadn't added the addition of the tufted tail just to drill the point home, in that case.

He would simply look her in the eye a moment and move on to the next raised hand.

He would not be addressing werewolves further this lesson in any capacity.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Cole let out an inaudible sigh of relief. He was in the clear. He was on professor Nostredame's good side for now, unlike Bernadette who heard lost Gryffindor 5 house points for her werewolf answer. The french man was hard to impress.

Taking diligent notes as Professor Nostredmame summarized and continued Cole felt a little confused by the terms. It was pretty hard to differentiate between shapeshifters and phase shifters and who knew what else. The first part of the second question made Cole want to bite his tongue and not say anything, to not risk losing house points.

The second part of the question he felt slightly sure of though so he raised his hand to answer tentatively. "Professor I think the difference between for example a creature thats been tranfigured by a spell and a shapeshifting animagus kelpie is that the transfigured creature would have the intelligence of the chosen creature where as the animagus kelpie would keep it’s human intelligence intact.” Was he wrong out? Would he lose points too? Cole felt a little sure about his answer not being so bad but now leaning back in his chair he didn’t feel confident.
A witch or wizard who could turn into a kelpie as their animagus form. Not that was a terrifying thought to consider.

"Oui, as Monsieur Kaiser previously mentioned. Ze addition of ze animagus is anothair important distinction. As Mademoiselle Blaze alluded to in ze physical differences, ze creatures who are ze animagus form of a witch or wizard will often have unusual mahrkeengs indicative of zeir human form. Spectacles, for example. Or misseeng fingers."

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick was having a hard time focusing in on the creatures at hand because it just wasn’t the same for him. He had loved care of magical creatures since he first took the class at Hogwarts, but now... now it felt a bit forced. He tried to keep his attentions ahead so he could easily pay attention to the professor and answer any questions that were asked, but he was beginning to struggle.

Shape shifting and phasing he tried to mentally write down. How was he supposed to tell the difference between that and a transfigured one. He knew the answer but he couldn’t spit it out right now it was as if a cat had his tongue and we all know that Patrick Dooley was never one for a loss of words. Instead he continued to jot down what others were saying and being an active listener in the course.
Mathys' crisp gaze merely passed over the prefect, the disappointed knitted deeply in his brow that he had no answer to give but also appreciative for the diligence in the note taking. At least in that manner he was setting an example for his peers.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post


Lucas's green eyes widened at the sound of the Professor's anger. Y I K E S. The man took his creatures very seriously, didn't he? Which was not surprising but the anger? THAT was surprising from someone who looked so cool. An uncomfortable feeling settled in in the pits of his stomach as he just awkwardly looked between the Professor and the students he was talking to.

Second-hand embarrassment? Was that what this was?

When it was time to move on, he happily focused on de Nostredame again. It was interesting that they mostly only focused on shapeshifting and not phase-shifting creatures. Something that he wanted to ask more questions about - because he had a BUNCH of questions about that - but he might leave it. He might ask later. Maybe.

But an evolutionary advantage? He furrowed his eyebrows slightly and slowly raised his hand in the air. "Uh, see, phase-shifting would be great for creatures that are generally prey, right? I mean, they can evade their predators better than other creatures like their kind, especially if they can turn invisible or be disillusioned. And if the predators don't feed on them, that means they can multiply and....." Was he talking too much? "..... it would be a case of survival of the fittest," he finished off lamely.
His face brightened considerably and he took a few confident steps closer to this one. "Exceptionnel, Monsieur Dakest," he praised. "Ziss is something zat all magizoologists must considair when we study creatures. Why do certain creatures behave ze way zey are? What are ze advantages of zese traits and mannerisms? Just as predators have evolved, zeir prey had to adapt ovair time as well." And despite reminding himself not to delve into the subject based on rumors in the press, he could not help himself. "Defense mechanisms, as Monsieur Dakest has shared, is one of ze most obvious reasons from an evolutionary perspective. Zere are some among us in ze field who would even declare zat a boggart's shape shifting ability is zat ah well. A means of protecting itself as its true form i very small and fragile. Of course...ziss is still only a zeory, but from an evolutionary standpoint makes sense, oui?"

Very impressed, he moved on.
Originally Posted by SneakySeverusSnape View Post

Did Professor de Notresdame just take 5 points each off two girls because they mentioned Veelas? Apparently he did. Alright then Mr. Grumpy Pants. Oh should it be Monsieur Pantalon Grincheux? Because they were in Beuaxbatons and had to be all proper and French?

Analiese's opinion of the man immediately went from 'respectable' to 'annoying'. She raised her hand to give an answer as she didn't want to lose more points for her house.

"Phase-shifting and shape-shifting creatures would be able to adapt to their surroundings, but a transfigured one wouldn't. This is because phase-shifting and shape-shifting creatures have a will of their own and will be able to do as they please, whilst transfigured creatures will only be able obey what the wizard or witch who transfigured it controls them to do.", she said. It sounded wrong but it was still something.
"Anothair excellent point, Mademoiselle Anderson. For zose creatures zat have been transfigured from inanimate objects, zat is. Such as ze Lapifors Spell. Zese creatures have no will of zeir own and are nothing but empty vessels...unless the witch or wizard zat enchanted zem also enchanted zem to behave like a true creature," he added with a bit of a wink and tap of his nose.

He had seen it done among his colleagues, though it still too a remarkable set of spellwork to fool a magizoologist.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

Cecelia side-eyed Bernadette, who seemed VERY upset about the point loss. She would've been, too, and she was a bit torn about how to handle the situation. She KIND of wanted to hug the girl to make her feel better, but then Bernie didn't REALLY seem like she wanted a hug. Maybe saying something reassuring, instead? Um... "Don't worry, we'll get the points back in no time." Cecelia would even work EXTRA hard to make the happen, if it would help. She would.

Which meant she should probably get back to paying attention...probably.

"I was thinking along the same lines as Lucas," The first year offered, giving a brief smile to the older boy. "Shapeshifters sort of have a built in disguise and they can use it to protect themselves from other creatures who usually pick on them."
He smiled gently at Mademoiselle Summers, certainly catching her earlier glances to her housemate. It would all be all right. Those points would hardly even amount to the blink of an eye in their passage of time here at Beauxbatons.

"I am glad zat you agree," he nodded before moving along to the next hand.
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Uhh… that escalated quickly. Tina blinked in shock and confusion at the professor's sudden anger toward her classmates. Never in her time at school, Beauxbatons or Hogwarts, had she seen a professor turn on his students like that! Once the initial surprise wore off, she was left with silent annoyance. Docking points seemed a bit much, especially given the fact that two of the girls were younger students. Seemed like an honest mistake to her! Couldn't he have let them off with a warning or something?

She wondered if there was a reason other than passion for his subject why that set de Nostredame off so. Was he secretly a werewolf? Did he have a friend or relative who was? Was he descended from veela? Or was he just being overly emotional? Must be a Papillonlisse thing… her dads (the two who were in that house, anyway) got like that sometimes too.

Tina was so caught off guard that she had a hard time concentrating on the next set of questions, which hardly ever happened to her in lessons. Usually she was so laser-focused on the task that she could ignore everything else going on around her. She took a deep breath, trying to block out her feelings of disapproval and worry. Okay, an evolutionary advantage of shapeshifting… the obvious answer was camouflage. If an animal could hide in plain sight, it was less likely to be spotted and eaten by potential predators… but that Gryffindor boy (Lucas) already said more or less the same thing. It didn't need repeating.

Tina tried to come up with another answer, but her mind was drawing a blank. Instead she focused on the second question. Hmm… she knew that transfiguration altered an object's molecular structure, so did that mean the molecules of a transfigured creature were different from a shape-shifter? Theoretically a shape-shifter or phase-shifter's molecular structure would stay the same, while a transfigured creature's would change to match whatever it was transfigured into. But the only way to know for sure would be to study the creatures on a cellular level, and even then, there would need to be some way to compare the transfigured creature's current molecular structure to what it was originally.

Her answer was a huge long shot, one that she didn't feel comfortable voicing out loud. She was afraid she'd lose points for saying the wrong thing, but then again, she was also afraid she'd lose points for not saying anything at all! She timidly raised her hand and said, "Would a transfigured creature have a different molecular structure than a shape-shifter or phase-shifter? For example, if a transfigured creature and a shape-shifter or phaseshifter took the same form and we were to compare them on a cellular level, it seems that the shape or phase-shifter would keep its original structure while the transfigured creature's would match that of the creature it was turned into…" Her voice trailed off. Did that make sense? She really hoped so, as she couldn't think of another way to explain it!
Well...that was certainly...hmm.

Thankfully Mathys was a man of manners and his mouth was not hanging open or otherwise showed any outward reaction than polite pensiveness to her inquiry.

"Ze very nature of transfiguration magic is zat it changes an object by ze alteration of zat object's molecular structure to make it identical to zat of anothair. When performed correctly, zat is. Ze only traces you would find on such a level would be through an incomplete transfiguration effort. interesting thought."
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
...She had WHAT?

Nettie's good mood IMMEDIATELY deflated when he heard her say that she had lost house points - because she had classified Veelas as BEINGS? Um, she had not called them beings or creatures or anything of the sort. He had asked for examples of shape shifting, and she had answered! HE was the one who had jumped to conclusions, assuming she meant it in a negative way. She was just stating the FACTS. He could argue with her all he wanted, but they were NOT full witches or wizards, they were...something else. She would know, her great grandmother was one.

Still, her desire to argue with him vanished almost as soon as it had come about, instead being replaced by SHAME. Her first point loss! She hadn't even lost points when she pulled that stint with the necklace during her second year. And she was a PREFECT! This was so humiliating...and she'd been so eager to please this gorgeous professor as well. Instead she'd gone and messed everything up!

Hanging her head low, she looked down at her feet and didn't even bother to answer the next question. She instead focused on her feet, focusing almost TOO hard on the bow of her ballet flats, mostly because if she looked up at everyone, she was afraid she'd start crying.
........this was a bit dramatic, oui?

Though in favor of not drawing attention to the prefect who was acting less mature than that of her first year peers who were still able to actively participate in the lesson, the professor simply moved on to stew for a few more seconds in his disappointment.

Glancing upwards at the castle once again, Mathys did not realize that his hand had moved to cover his neck once again. The bandage gone now, there was barely a trace of a scar from what had happened the eve of the opening feast. Rubbing the spot a moment, his attention returned to the Hogwarts students.

"I hope you were all paying attention to your peers as zere were some very zought provoking responses. Your homework will actually be on ziss very question. Pick a creature, any creature and not just limited to shape shifting ahnd phase shifting, and assess ze evolutionary advantages of zeir unique characteristics. But...more on zat latair. Now we need to prepare for ze arrival of our phase shifting companions. So, place your zings down on ze couches and stand, wands out s'il vous plaît."

He waited a moment for all of them to follow these basic instructions.

"Before zey arrive, you all must be protected. Dragonhide gloves are not enough. To do zis, we will be performing Loricatus on ourselves and eachothair. Loricatus is a temporary self amouring invisible shield zat will literally form close to your skin. When done correctly you will feel a slight pressure against your skin, like you are wearing additional clothing one size too small. It will protect you from particularly puncture wounds." Which were bound to be a regular occurrence given the task to be had and how ornery they had been behaving as of late. "Ze wand movement performed in tandem with the incantation of Loricatus is a bit tricky. Watch me carefully as I demonstrait," he began, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows and showing off his strong forearms. "You twist ze wand among your fingers, using your sumb for leverage, while flicking your wand upwards. Dropping your wand is a common error when practicing ziss spell for ze first time, so try not to be discouraged."

Successfully performing the wand himself, he held his hand, palm facing the couches for the class to see. "Diffindo," he commanded, slicing his wand swiftly and dramatically down on his wrist. The brilliant light of the spell struck an invisible surface above his skin, only millimeters away, and dissipated in a splash of harmless sparks.

"If you are struggling too much, please ask for assistance. Oh, and it should go without saying NOT cast Severing Charms at one anothair. You have 10 minutes."
OOC: you have approximately 36 hours for this portion of the lesson in as many posts as you need (though we highly recommend interacting with one another to practice! It's more fun that way!)

If you are just joining us now please do not hesitate to jump right in from this activity or play a bit of catch up if you want by answering the previous two questions (always welcome!)
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