Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: In The Clouds.
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maximiliano Delgado Sixth Year
x6 x3
| Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
[COLOR="#A3B5FF"]  Octavia Stark Model: Laneya Grace Post colour:#A3B5FF [ B A S I C S ] NAME: Octavia Varya Stark NICKNAMES: Tavie GENDER: Female AGE: 16 DATE OF BIRTH: September 2, 2087 PLACE OF BIRTH: London, England CURRENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Unplottable FLUENT IN: English, Russian, French, Latin, and Arabic (conversational) ALLERGIES: None RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
[ F A M I L Y ] FATHER: Ascanius Stark MOTHER: Isidora Y. Stark (née Miroslava) GODFATHER: West Odessa GODMOTHER: Alice Odessa BESTFRIEND: Fylnn Whitlock PETS: Coral (calico cat) + Zima (white highland cow) + Poésy (magical chinchilla) + Delpy (magical chinchilla)
[ M A G I C A L[]I N F O ] HERITAGE: Halfblood WAND: 12 1/3 unyielding acacia with jobberknoll feather core PATRONUS: White Mare BOGGART: Being Alone AMORTENTIA TBD
[ E D U C A T I O N ] PRIMARY: Stark Primary School SECONDARY: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry YEAR: Fifth HOUSE: Ravenclaw STRONGEST SUBJECTS: Charms + Potions WEAKEST SUBJECTS: Flying + Transfigurations EXTRA-CURRICULAR: Theatre Club ACCOMPLISHMENTS: TBD
[ H I S T O R Y ] EARLY YEARS + STARK SCHOOL: Text Cut: Octavia Varya Stark is the only child of famed Dead Kneazles drummer Ascanius Stark, and alchemist and potion mistress Isidora Stark. Her conception was a shock to the then young parents who had been at the start of both their careers and relationship. Still when the time came she was welcomed into the world with an overwhelming amount of love. The first few years Octavia called more places home than she realized. The first two and a half years she lived with her godmother, Alice, and her mother in their somewhat moderately sized flat in London. Prior to turning three, Alice married her godfather West. At that time West and Ascanius had been living together, so when the pair married the small group of friends lived together for a short time. This short time with them was happy, but came to an abrupt end when Ascanius was shot by a crazed fan and hospitalized for a number of days. While Octavia was too young to have concrete memories of this event, it's held lasting ones on her family and is the main reason that her parents found a place of their own shortly after. A number of other events took place in Octavia's younger years that she only has limited memory of such as the loss of her aunt Hanna (the only biological aunt she had any contact with), and her mother going into rehabilitation for a short time.
Dora had always been an overprotective parent from the start, but after Ascanius was shot, Octavia's interactions with anyone outside of Dora's circle was extremely limited. This didn't bother Octavia since she already had a best friend since birth, Flynn Whitlock, and numerous other friends due to her mother's friends having babies only months after she was born. The James, Summers, and Pappadeaux kids were all welcome in the Stark home. Once the time came for Octavia to be educated, there was a lot of disagreement over who would be educating the small wrock star child. Isidora did not trust the security of public places, and Ascanius didn't approve of homeschooling where she'd have no interactions with other children. In the end an agreement was made for Octavia to be educated by her own mother with all of her friends attending as well. This pleased both parents as Isidora was highly intelligent by many standards (she had also already been unofficially educating Octavia since birth), and Octavia would still have safe interactions with other children her age. And thus was the origin of the Stark Primary School.
While Isidora is the primary educator for the Stark School there are other educators for subjects she's not well versed in or for when she has to tend to business with her other careers. This widened Octavia's circle some, but not much, as most of the other educators were family friends. After the Stark School had been established, the Starks themselves moved once more to a home larger than their previously owned one. Dora treasured their first cottage, and even though she already owned property is Cairo, they still kept the home in Dorset. This lead to many places for Octavia to call home.
When Octavia was eight years old, their family pet Biter died. To both women this left a BIG hole in their lives. It also started the incessant questions of when they would get another pet. While Octavia was ready and had so much love to give another, her mother was not. It wouldn't be until their family Christmas trip to Australia when Octavia was nine, that another animal came into their lives. Or rather Octavia's life, as she had come across the calico kitten while out on the beach. Naming the kitten Coral, she kept her secret and managed to smuggle her from Australia to the United Kingdom. It wasn't until soon after then that her father discovered Coral and forced her to explain to her mother about the kitten. Her father, very much impressed with his child, did allow for Octavia to keep the kitten, however. And he even purchased a cow for his only child a year later.
When she was ten years old, a terrible thing happened to Flynn which brought on what Octavia calls 'the sadness'. Her best friend - who always wore the BEST things and even let her paint his nails - was beat up at the park for wearing a tutu over his clothes. The knowledge of what happened was difficult for Octavia to understand, hate itself is difficult for her to understand and to this day she STILL doesn't get why someone could ever hate Flynn, let alone cause him harm. She went and sat with him whenever she was allowed, and when he came back to school she still missed him. Flynn was never the same after the incident, so the sadness still lives on.
There was happiness this year as well, as her godparents FINALLY had a baby of their own. In Octavia's eyes, this made her an unofficial big sister to one very little Julian Odessa. This also spawned numerous inquiries about when she would be an official big sister. The questions never really stop, only are put on hiatus and have life breathed back into it when Zane Paris Darcy is born some time later.
While Ascanius was infamous for interrupting Stark School lessons to either steal away Octavia or embarrass Dora in front of the children, Octavia felt like her father did more of this her last year and a half of school. She welcomed it of course, because papa time was her favorite, but she did tend to pick up on things like this and knew it was because she soon would be departing off to school.
Picking up on her parents reservations about her going off to school, Octavia tried not to appear overly excited by the prospect of going to a new place where there would be hundreds of kids to interact with and new things to learn. She tried really hard. It became even more difficult when she, Flynn, Teddy, Fifi, and Yoyo all went to get wands together. When she wasn't in Diagon shopping for school supplies or hanging out with her friends, she was spending time with her small family, making the most of their last times together and worrying for how they would fare without her. The Stark School graduation was the last big event of the summer before she was getting ready for what she was sure to be an AMAZING school year as a first year Hogwarts student at Beauxbatons. FIRST YEAR: SECOND YEAR: THIRD YEAR: FOURTH YEAR: FIFTH YEAR: SIXTH YEAR: FINAL YEAR:
[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ] It is often expressed that Octavia is a child of her own making, impossible to have come from her parents. Where Isidora and Ascanius are pessimistic and unwelcoming to generally everyone, Octavia is the complete opposite. Octavia Stark is the pure goodness derived deep from within her parents. Having been raised completely sheltered, she always sees the good in the world and approaches everything with an optimistic attitude. Tavie loves meeting new people. Everyone one is a potential friend! And those who aren't friends (it's a very very small list) have a good reason for not being. The smallest Stark can at times be overly affectionate without ever realizing it. She loves physical affection and expressing herself with action over words, as when she's overtaken by emotion words seldom come to her.
Naturally reserved, Octavia is a child that can sit still for hours simply observing or self entertaining, but she would much rather be putting on a show with friends or wrocking out with her papa's band. Their studio was one of her playgrounds growing up and much like her mother's lab, she was allowed to mess around with things of lesser importance when she flashed her innocent smile.
This Stark is charming without trying or realization. It's easy for her to make friends or get the things she wants. And if she doesn't get what she wants, she works hard until she can have it or finds a way. Octavia is not used to not getting what she wants. That being said, her charm paired with the strict manners her parents instilled in her, many haven't been pressed to not give her what she wants.
Octavia is big on family. It's the only thing she's ever known and loved. Their her foundation and being without them scares her as she's always had at least one person in her family with her. Having a life of privilege and being totally sheltered for so long has left her not knowing how to function alone, though that won't ever stop her from trying.
Effortlessly brilliant, Octavia has a big love of numbers specifically. If you ask her age, she'll give you an exact number down to the decimal, enjoying the mental calculations. And while Octavia doesn't have a particular love of learning, she is naturally curious which has lead to learning a number of things including learning Arabic. 'Why' is always the question in her head that needs answering.
An empath, Octavia tends to pick up on the emotions of other around her and can easily sense when something is off with someone, even if she doesn't know the person. This does make it difficult for Octavia to know how she feels about certain things, or can be bad for her when she's around someone who is experiencing a negative emotion. Sometimes this can be overwhelming for her, but because she knows how to deal with what she's feeling or seek out help when she can't, she so far has been able to deal with everything.
Octavia believes in living your best life, that the world is your stage, and that you don't spell love, you feel it and you give it.
PERSONALITY TYPE: ENFJ -A (The Protagonist) LIKES: Animals, numbers, traveling, music, string instruments, soft colors, fashion, bow ties, theatre, musicals, dancing, people, wrock events, cooking, flowers, stars DISLIKES: being alone, leaving people behind, dark colors, angry people, uniforms, too many rules HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Mathematics, theatre arts, farm animals, her friends and family
__________________ ♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____  ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 02-23-2021 at 09:19 PM.