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Old 05-07-2019, 07:35 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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Default Walking around ^_^
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

SPOILER!!: GD2204 & Jessiqua
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
Did the Professor just make a cowboy sound? Smirking at his new professor, he scribbled his name at the top of his page and continued to watch his fellow students try on the boot one by one, still slightly amused at his professors little joke. He’d have to remember to tell her the few cowboy jokes he knew.

With the professor starting the lesson, Ewan sat up attentively now, ready to obviously make an effort for this professor who made an effort to joke with him. With his quill jotting down notes as the professor talked, he briefly noted that this was yet another object that put you in a certain box or house. He found it strange that the school really wanted to label you or just place you in a box as if your personality is something that’s fixed. Making a small note to ask the professor on this when she came around, he grabbed one of the sheets that were floating around the class.

Ewan smiled as he read his traits according to John Wayne’s boot ‘spontaneous, flexible, quiet, sensitive?' Jheeze this thing was pretty spot on, he thought as he continued to listen. So he had to pick a few of these traits and write a sentence on them and theeeeeeen pick a rune that sort of means the same thing? Sure, he could do that.

Jotting down three words first, he then proceeded to write down a phrase that describes each of the traits before finally looking in his runeset to describe them. Briefly, he looked around the room to see how everyone else was doing before he continued his own work, oblivious to thee hustle and bustle around him.

Slightly unsure on the last one, Ewan looked around to the person next to him ”Uhh...Can you check the last one? Do you think it looks right?”.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Huh. Healer too? She would be lying to say how runes and healing worked together didn't fascinate her. They did. But it didn't appear that was what they would be focusing on today. Personalities. Hanna had jotted down the four letters spoken by the boot, along with her name, and now had a quick read over the handouts to see what it said about her. ISFJ. Most of it sounded relatable.

With a textbook from the front of the class, Hanna headed back to spread it open to her personality, as well as her runic dictionary and her runeset. What words might she associate with her, and her personality?

She had one hand in her hair as she tried to piece together the runes and interpret them into the different traits her personality might have.

And it appeared Ewan was having the same confusion, perhaps. She looked over at his work. "Fehu... hmm..." she looked over at the rune in the dictionary and tried to piece it with what he had written. "I don't know about Fehu but that's the wonder of interpretation. People aren't always on the same though." She looked back over at her work, because she felt like she could relate to the Hands-on, and getting stuck into things of interest. "It sounds a bit like persistent... well, kind of. Maybe Wunjo, because if it's something of interest it brings joy, but also if you're getting stuck into it, you might also go 'over the top', like me."
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
Giving a small glance over to Hanna’s work, he smiled back to her and shrugged a little, unsure if they were interpreting their runes or traits the same. [B]”I’m not sure, I thought ‘Fehu’ was to do with possessions earned whereas Wunjo looks at spiritual rewards? I guess if you’re working hard at something a little more spiritual, it could work?” [B/] pausing now slightly to look back and check to see if he’d read it correctly. ”I mean, I can get a little competitive at times so that wouldn’t be too far fetched but still, it could be a lot worse” which was very true. He loved to play things for fun but losing? Nope. Trying anything but your best was just not an option for him.

Giving a small snort of amusement, he turned back to Hanna and pointed to the ‘Wunjo’ part in the textbook ”Look at the negative effects. I mean. Raging frenzy and berserker…” Ewan couldn’t help but feel slightly amused at those drawbacks, what with everything in the wizarding world always coming with a catch 22. Casting a look at her work again, he couldn’t help but focus on ‘Ansuz’ ” The insight part does sound rather accurate for observant but” pausing briefly o find the correct part, he continued ”but delusion and manipulation by others? Just a barrel of laughs these runes are” .

Carmine began her wandering around the classroom, eyes peeled for anyone who needed help or perhaps were misbehaving, though she hoped that wouldn't be the case, as she was enjoying the relaxed environment of her classroom thusfar. Much more conducive to learning, in her opinion. She walked past a pair already working together and took note of their names on their parchments. Ewan Jones and Hanna Newton. Prefect Newton, as it was. She would remember.

She paused by them to listen in on their discussion, deciding to speak up when young Mr Jones mentioned the 'negative' meanings. "I wouldn't marry yourself too stringently to the 'negativity' of those meanings, Mr Jones." She picked up his rune set and poured a handful of runes out on her hand, picking through until she found wunjo. She placed it on the table in front of him and returned the others to its pouch. "When runes fall the right way up they indicate the usual meaning. If they fall upside down," She turned it around with a nudge of one long brown finger. "That is when you have the more darker connotations of the runes. Not opposite, not always negative, as it depends entirely on context, but we call it 'merkstave' or reversed. You'll learn more about such things in the very near future." She promised, giving him a warm encouraging smile and including prefect Newton in the look.

"Some good insights you both have so far. Keep it up. You may feel you are having to 'stretch' definitions to fit, but that is the goal of this exercise. For instance ansuz in merkstave representing manipulation by others, may also be compared to naivety or perhaps a desire to believe that others speak the truth and have your best interests at heart, neither of which are inherently bad traits."

SPOILER!!: Ginevra

Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Daisy was now busy concentrating on deciphering the results of her "sole-searching" via the handout, her runes and runes textbook. She softly sighed as she determined which rune matched her more dominant personality traits. After what seemed like an eternity to her, Daisy began to write.

Professor Beryl continued her walking around the desks, stopping by a Hufflepuff girl and noting her name from the parchment. Daisy Swann.

"Some good introspective thinking, Miss Swan." She said encouragingly.

SPOILER!!: SneakySeverusSnape
Originally Posted by SneakySeverusSnape View Post
Analiese was paying the most amount of attention to Professor Beryl as she could. Wait, they had to turn them into runes as well? She put her head down on the table and sighed. Then she got up and wrote.

Professor Beryl paused by the young girl's desk, reading her name from the top of her parchment and committing it to memory. Analiese Allanach-Senchuri.

"A good start, Miss Allanach-Senchuri. Remember this is just the beginning of your Ancient Runes journey. Don't get disheartened, it will all become clearer over time." She encouraged. Of course the younger students would find this more difficult. They would cover the basics in the first official beginners class later in the week - Thursday afternoon to be precise.

SPOILER!!: gritandgrace

Originally Posted by gritandgrace View Post
Eniola was nodding her head and opening her textbooks the moment the professor started explaining the objective. Makes sense. So she’s trying to understand us and have us understand ourselves better as well. New teachers always seem to have a trick up their sleeves to make an impression. This one was pretty good, she has to admit.

Eniola took a few of the words from the MBTI book under her “type” ENFP and started cross referencing them with the runes. It was interesting because the characteristics she most identified with in the grouping were the ones she found the more prominent runic alignment.

SPOILER!!: Parchment

Creative and Forward-thinking // Kenaz - vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration and technical ability.
Empathetic and Warm // Eihwaz - strength, reliability, dependability and trustworthiness.
Sociable // Ansuz - a revealing message or insight, communication.

Eni knew the last one was a bit of a stretch, but she was struggling to find anything closer. I wonder how everyone else is doing. There was a lot of us with the same “type”. Eniola wondered.

Raising her hand and waiting for acknowledgement before asking, Eniola inquired, “Professor, is it common to have so many of us with the same type? Does it mean we’re very similar or we have separate characteristics in the same type?”

Seeing the Hufflepuff's hand up, Professor Beryl called on her and listened to the question.

"There are some types that are more common than others in the world's population, but we don't have a large enough population sample to be reflective of that today, so its simply a fluke. Or perhaps you might draw the conclusion that ExFP type people quite like the insight and understanding one can gain from studying this topic so they are more likely to be out in force." She suggested with a small smile. "You might find that, or similar lines of questioning something interesting to look into in your own time. As for similarities, there are always likely to be some within the same types, and even across types, but there are so many other factors that make everyone individuals. Often even when there is something within your type that you don't feel applies to you, you may find a lesson within it. Maybe its something you can learn from, or perhaps a behaviour you might exhibit in certain circumstances only, or a goal in your personal development. Its all up to you to decide, Miss Abara." Carmine said, reading the girl's name from her parchment.

SPOILER!!: 2111jen & gritandgrace

Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Austin frowned. He had no idea what he was doing. To save paper, he walked up to a an older student. He tapped them on the shoulder to get their attention.

SPOILER!!: notebook

Hey. Can you help me? I didn't exactly understand the directions.

He showed her the journal page.
Originally Posted by gritandgrace View Post
Eniola was startled when she felt something tap her shoulder. She looked behind her...and then down a little to find a firstie handing her showing her a notebook. Reading it she understood what he wanted, but why didn’t he just ask? Was he too scared to talk in class? Poor guy. Eni knew how scary the first few weeks can be.

Eni decided that maybe it’d be best to do the same as the kid and she pulled her parchment over and began writing.

SPOILER!!: Parchment
Hi, I’m Eniola. It’s nice to meet you! Is this your first year?

Professor Beryle wants us to use what the boot told us - our personality type according to this MBTI test the boot does - and do some research. She has three books about the personalities and one book about the runes.

Each “type” has characteristics. We’re supposed to choose between 3 and 5 characteristics that are listed and find a rune that has similar characteristics. Then we write them down. She’ll explain more later, but that’s what we have for now. Does that make sense?

Man, Eni’s hand hurt. Over the summer she wasn’t used to writing that much. It looks like being back in the swing of things will set in in no time! Showing the notebook to the boy she hoped he understood the explanation let alone her writing.
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Austin was a bit annoyed. Did she think he was deaf or stupid? He quickly decided to let it go. No point in arguing. He nodded as he read the parchment. He was glad she didn't decide to write in his personal journal. Not that it would matter, he'd just tear the page out, but still. He looked up at her and nodded. He quickly wtote something down.
SPOILER!!: Notebook

Yeah. That makrs sense. I was looking at the wrong runes and wondered what letters had to do with personality traits. I'm Austin by the wat, it's nice to meet you.
Originally Posted by gritandgrace View Post
Eni thought she saw a flash of annoyance on his face, but it passed so quickly she’s could have imagined it. Is I think the lesson? Or did I do something? Eni would hate to have upset someone especially if she’s was trying to help them.

“I’m glad that helped.” she smiled at him. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Now that Austin had a better understanding of what he was supposed to do, he took the handout and took his finger down the rows of traits and their meanings. Okay...He looked at his rune set as well. After a few minutes of reading and trying to figure it out, he hoped he had a good response as he wrote it down.
SPOILER!!: Parchment

Name: Austin Spencer
Year: First
House: Slytherin
Results: Virtuoso ISTP-T
Three traits
The rune that I chose
The reason, it says that it means a challenge or frustration. It's frustrating for me that it's a challenge for me to talk outloud in certain situations.

Now why was that young man passing notes? Rather than call him out, or Miss Abara, she decided to simply keep an eye on it and she'd check on things when she passed back that way. Especially given he'd got out of his seat to cross over to her. Not ideal, but he was a first year by the looks of things so he'd learn soon enough.

True to her word, she passed back by his desk on her rounds and read his name off the paper. Ah. Mr Spencer. The non-talker. The headmaster had mentioned this boy to her.

"Mr Spencer, I'd like you to come and see me in the hospital wing after your classes today, please. But for now lets have a look at your work." She leaned in to read his notes so far.

"You've made a start, those are some good keywords, and its good that you're being self-reflective, however what we want are a rune or two for each of those keywords that you can match up to those meanings. You could keep Isa perhaps to represent introversion." She pointed at the rune meanings in the book he was working from. "Isa can stand for 'turning inward' see? Would you agree that might match well with the meaning 'introversion'?" she looked down at him to see if he was following. "Now lets try find different runes to match up with 'independent' and 'reserved'. You'll have to use your intuition to reason out how they might relate." She encouraged. Hopefully he'd be on the right track now. "Be patient with yourself, you'll learn more as you continue your studies." She added kindly, having no problem with providing extra guidance for the younger students.

SPOILER!!: Nordic Witch & gritandgrace

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
It was a huge relief that she didn't lose any points for wearing the wrong shoes. That Professor Beryl also was the school healer was something that Ellie had learned the previous night from one of the elder students in her house. She had struck a fever and boils for some reason at the end of the feast, the previous night. Maybe the first day stress had gotten to her? She had thought she would have needed to seek the healer's services, but luckily the fever and boils had dissipated after a good nights sleep in her new dorm.

Taking the handout Ellie curiously read through what it said about her personality type ENFP-T that the sorting boot had revealed earlier; the campaigner. Most of it seemed reasonable and like her personality if she was really honest, but she wasn’t sure about everything. She was figuring herself out and hopefully this activity would take her one little step towards that.

After grabbing a rune dictionary from the front and with the help of her own rune set and her textbook Ellie got to work furrowing her brows in deep concentration as she started with the first trait; enthusiatic. Now what rune could she associate with that?

Finishing her list she asked out loud to whomever was nearby and felt like coming to her aid. "Um does anyone know is Ingwaz a good association rune for warmth? Or is there a better rune?"
Originally Posted by gritandgrace View Post
Eniola smiled at the girl. “I used Eihwaz because the characteristics are similar to that of someone I’d search for in a friend or family. Ingwaz is similar because it takes on similar characteristics and talking about family love. I think it’s should be fine, but the professor would know more.” Turning back in her seat she went back over the textbook. She sure hopes that helped the younger girl. She’d seen her around before. In Arithmancy class I think. Shrugging her shoulders and moving on. There were lots of students here. Not that big a deal.

Working her way back around, Carmine came by Miss Abara again, as well as the young lady she'd sent to get her shoes, the young Miss Smethwyck, both working diligently and discussing their work. She paused to listen in and glance over their respective parchments.

"Nice reasoning, both of you. I can see you've both applied thought to the task and already I expect you can see the importance of combining your logic with your intuition as far as finding appropriate correlations goes. Well done." It would set them in good stead as they continued through the curriculum this year, especially in these all-ages lessons.

SPOILER!!: siriusblackliveson

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick nodded along to the professor as she talked about how they were relating these traits to Runes. he didn't necessarily believe her but he figured that he had to at least try. He wrote down Sociable, Passionate, adaptable as his character traits. He started flipping through his book of runes.

He looked up unsure of if he needed to raise his hand to let her know he had come to the conclusion for the runes. Although he still wasn't sure about the one for adaptable. It seemed a bit odd. Why would water or leaking be considered with adaptability. It felt odd to him. With his pen in his hand he wrote a question mark beside his answer for adaptable and drew another one wondering if he was completely wrong or not.

Noticing one of the Slytherins (who it didn't escape her notice had a muggle boot on one foot) sitting quietly and looking thoughtful, Carmine stopped by his desk, reading his name off his parchment. "Mr Dooley. you look deep in thought." Did he need help? She noted the question mark on his work, but left it up to him to ask any questions he may have had.

SPOILER!!: ArianaBlack
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
No, it wasn't that difficult. But that didn't mean that she enjoyed it. Wearing an old shoe after others had just worn it was still absolutely disgusting. Whether or not it was bewitched, the entire matter was still revolting and Nina would never forgive their Professor for forcing them into the 'boot sorting'. She did, however, turn her attention back to the front of her room, abandoning her previous thoughts to trade them out the lesson.

While most of what Professor Beryl had to say was not revolutionary, the fourth year still took rather diligent notes. She spaced her handwriting evenly on the page, pausing every now and then to read over her written sentences in order to make sure she hadn't left out any key words. While the act of writing notes did assist with initial memorization, Nina did plan on going back to them before her exams. And perhaps even for fun. Not that anyone would know about that.

As for the activity they were tasked with next, the Slytherin immediately began looking around at those sat nearest her. She didn't need assistance, the task was simple enough. But... Maybe there'd be a cute boy who would be willing to help? She made sure to look around with wide eyes, in case. Though after a few wasted minutes, it was rather obvious that most were engaged with their own work. That and none of the cute ones were nearby anyway. And so, she turned back to her parchment and worked independently, referencing the textbook as needed.

For the record, she hated the way the MBTI typology honed in on her personality. Especially where it listed weaknesses. She wasn't any of these things, this was absolutely ridiculous. Choosing to focus on the RUNES aspect, rather than the mbti type would clearly be her methodology during this lesson. She didn't take well to criticism.

First and foremost, she began by reading through the qualities and attributes associated with each of the Runes. Almost instantly she was able to find parallels. Uruz was a rune tied to action and prompting doing. While this didn't draw an exact familiarity, action and decision making went hand-in-hand. And thus, Nina decided to name Uruz as one of her Runes. Algiz, in contrast, was a defensive rune. One focused more on the nature of protection. Again, none of the attributes connected with her MBTI typing had said 'protection', but one of the words associated with INTJ's was reservation. Nina reflected on this one for quite a while before deciding that the reason behind any reservation was rooted within self-protection. And as such, Algiz was a fit.

Tiwaz was often associated with analysis, but this felt far too easy. While Nina believed in working intelligently, rather than hard work simply for the sake of work, she still appreciated a challenge whenever the opportunity presented itself. So intead of Tiwaz, she chose Sowilo to represent her analytical trait. As Sowilo could represent contact between the higher self and the unconcious, there was a deeply rooted sense of analysis that must take place for this to be the case. And finally, knowing where one's true strengths lie must be a result in objectivity and rationality. Leading Tiwaz to be the obvious choice.

SPOILER!!: notes
Nina Castillo ♡♡♡
Fourth Year, Slytherin

INTJ (-T): The Architect , The Scientist
Thoughtful, Innovative, Analytical, Organized, Reserved, Forward-thinking, Objective, Determined, Independent, Imaginative, Rational, Dedicated, Focused, Theoretical, Tough-minded, Decisive.

Other characteristics: systematic, reject/retain information as they become aware of its usefulness, insightful, unaware of how they come across to others, dismiss input from others, find fault in people and things, intolerant, quick-minded, judgmental, overly analytical

Runes / Quality Association.
Uruz (action ) — Decisive
Algiz (protection and defense) — Reserved
Sowilo (contact between the higher self and the unconscious) — Analytical
Tiwaz (knowing where one’s true strengths lie) — Rational & Objective

Professor Beryl continued weaving through the tables, stopping to talk to various students and comment on their work or discuss this or that rune choic, and eventually she came to the girl who had been so very reluctant to try the boot in the first place. Miss Castillo. A quick look at her parchment had Carmine intrigued. There were clearly some interesting and individualized thought processes at work here, which was the goal of course. "Some insightful choices, I see, Miss Castillo. What connections are you making here? I'd love to hear your thought process." She said encouragingly.

SPOILER!!: Harron Peasley
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Ew. The class had barely begun and Józef was already totally lost. Absolutely and completely lost. He took the handout and stared at it for a moment, blinking far more often than was strictly necessary and rubbing his eyes more than once. He gave up reading the full sheet and just searched for his type-thingy.

What was it again?

Oh yeah, he'd written it down. ENFP-a: the Campaigner. Whatever that meant. So now he had to think of... stuff that that meant. And because Józef was Józef, he was going for the first things he liked. Enthusiastic. Passionate. Imaginative. Sociable.

And weaknesses? Psht! Józef had none.

The Runes, he realised, were the hard part. Did any of this make sense? The thirteen year old didn't know, and didn't know if he cared, either. He was doing the work. That was what mattered.

The enthusiastic one was the best, though. It had his name in it! WunJO. Cool.

Another hard at work student that she hadn't yet caught the name of had Carmine stopping by his desk and reading it off his paper. "Józef Kowalski." She read, pronouncing his name with the proper Polish sounds. She was certain it was Polish. "Are you Polish, young man? My son is Polish too. Do you Anglicize the pronunciation of your name?" Tomasz preferred not to, but she was interested if this young man did or not as she wanted to get his name right in the way he was comfortable with. "How are you finding the task, any difficulties?"

SPOILER!!: Felixir
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Now that he was all settled and ready for the lesson, what with having supplies and all, Kaiser had to admit he was definitely curious about these letters and how they applied to him. He had noticed that different people got different letters, and that certain combinations showed up a lot more than others. When the handout came his way, he plucked it out of the air and looked through it, looking for his own letter combination first and foremost.

What had Professor Beryl said? 'Psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.' That... took him a moment or two to process, but he thought he understood. In fact, pretty much everything that was being said was difficult for him to follow word for word, but he was getting the gist of it; his English skills had improved remarkably since he first started at this school, and he supposed they would continue to do so.

Once they were given the go-ahead to get started, Kaiser went to grab a textbook from the front of the room - because he figured he would certainly need one - and then took his seat again. He looked at his parchment, the handout, the book, and tried not to feel too overwhelmed by what he needed to do. He would just take it step by step, yes.

First up, he just needed to focus on a list of traits. That would be easy, he had the handout and a textbook to help him with that. After a little bit of rifling through the book and staring at the lists for ISFP in there and on the handout, he added to his parchment.

There, that was the first part done, now he just had to actually do the part with the runes. Kaiser sat back up in his chair, tilted his head and considered his parchment, scratching idly at his eyebrow with the feathered end of his (well, Patrick's) quill.

She was almost all the way around the room, only a few more students to get to. She gave Mr. Kaiser a kind smile as she passed him, he seemed to be thinking hard and she approved of that. Did he need her assistance?

SPOILER!!: hermionesclone
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
That........ was a lot of talking.

Lucas blinked, trying to keep up with what the Professor was saying. So..... he'd taken a personality test? This was telling him about himself? He shrunk down a little, feeling a liiiiiiiittle apprehensive about all of this and whatever this paper was going to say. What if it told him something he didn't like? What then???

But curiosity got the better of him and he found himself peeking at the sheet, first reading the scales and then running his finger dooooooown the sheet until..... there. Right there. INFP. That was him. He scanned the list of words, mouthing wordlessly as he went along. Composed? Flexible? Sensitive???


Lucas wrinkled his nose and looked up again. As much as he was confused about if any of this applied to him - did it? he didn't think so - he had bigger worries on his hands: picking some of these words and finding the right runes for these words. He couldn't help but scratch his head again as he glanced back down at the list. How did they match up? How did any of this make sense? How??

Okay well okay. He could..... start with the lists, yeah? The words? Yeah, he'd start there. Scribble scribble scribble went four? four words onto his parchment. It didn't matter which ones, just that there were four there already. Next, he needed the runes and for that, he needed a textbook because he did not remember what any of them meant.

Except Sowilo. Sowilo was a star and that star was the sun.

The third year shuffled up to the front, grabbed a book - any book - and then shuffled back to his seat as quickly as possible. There. Once he found the first set of runes and their meanings, he started going through each one, trying to match it up with the list of traits he had on the handout. Uhhhhh...... okay. This was...... okay.

There were a lot of words going around, okay?

Soon enough - or not as soon as he would've liked - he had a bunch of scribbles and a very messy parchment but, well, he did have the list of four traits! Look at it! He wasn't very confident about it and didn't know if any of them were right but it was done. He even placed his quill down because it was done.

Another beginner seemingly hard at work and lost in thought. Carmine was certain she could see his thinking on his face, it was that obvious how hard he was trying. She stopped and took note of his name. "Mr Dakest, how are you getting on?"

SPOILER!!: oh its Erik ok
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok View Post
Touché, Profeessor

And that was exactly what Eloise was wondering besides when is she going to take a nap later which would mean skipping lunch but might be worth it. But that was not more important than why this MBTI related to Ancient Runes. Did help that Professor Beryl randomly said her type of ESTP which apparently she was the only one with that type.


Best get started writing.

Yeeeeaaahhh well she got 3 at least and now she just had to think of runes which honestly was the hard part.

"Miss Fairfield." For that was the name she could read once she was close enough to see the girl's parchment. "I see you've picked some traits. Any thoughts about which runes might match up with those?"

SPOILER!!: Bazinga
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Had she mentioned yet that Runes was super confusing to her?

Runes was super confusion to her, but this was interesting. Finding out personality thing was very interesting. She watched Gunnar and heard the boot say different than she was, but what did that really mean? Were they very different? This confused her and made her think about what possibly it all meant.

Anyway, when the professor started to talk Chloe was trying to listen. She looked at the handout and smiled. All these words matched her, so that was good. She quickly wrote down a few that jumped out at her;

Those were good ones, yes, she really liked them, but now, now it was time to bring that Runes stuff in. Couldn't they just stick with words that made sense? She looked around hoping maybe she could ask someone, but everyone seemed busy. Biting her lip she looked at the words again.

She could do this.... She could find this...

Another thoughtful looking one, though she looked far more.... lost to Carmine's practiced eye. She stopped at her desk and smiled kindly.

"How are you getting on, Miss McCarthy?" She had introduced herself earlier after all.

SPOILER!!: Fireheart
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Avalon wasn't going to lie -- she loved personality testing. How in the world had she never heard of the MBTI before? It seemed so fascinating! She was relieved that Professor Beryl was integrating runes with an interesting topic. After retrieving a textbook from the front of class and scanning through a few pages, she thought she had a pretty good grasp on her personality type. She was pretty impressed at how spot-on the book was at describing her traits and attitudes. But she got a bit distracted, preferring to read a bit about the other types. She found herself matching her friends and family to the different personalities. Archer was most definitely an ESTJ. Her mom just had to be an ISFP.

Noticing that the students around her had already started writing down their descriptions and runes, Avalon figured she should begin the activity. She enjoyed activities that could be connected to her writing -- it was fairly easy for her to scan her brain for her "adjective index" that she used to describe her characters in her stories. Avalon connected a few to the INFJ type. Carefully dipping her quill back into her ink, she started writing some words to describe her type.

SPOILER!!: notes

Avalon Sinclair
The Advocate

1. Perceptive (Rune: Ansuz - a revealing message or insight)
2. Passionate (Rune: Eihwaz - strength, reliability, endurance, enlightenment)
3. Perfectionistic (Runes: Sowilo - success, goals achieved, honor; Isa - a challenge or frustration)

Hmm. Now that she thought about it, passionate might not be the best word. It seemed kind of cliche. Avalon placed her chin on her hand as she pondered a different word. Perhaps she should talk to the students around her? But after reading all about her personality type, she was more aware than ever of her reluctance to start conversations with new people.

It was delightful seeing the younger ones in particular trying hard. Not that they needed any indepth knowledge of the runes in order to have a go at this particular task, but it was still lovely to see.

Stopping by another beginner student and reading her name and committing it to memory, Professor Beryl took a look over her work so far.

"Well you've certainly put some thought into this, well done. How are you finding it so far? Any difficulties?"

ooc: Still plenty of time to join in. Mini activity has at least a day and maybe two where you can join in and earn points for your house and yk maybeeee even have a bit of fun in the RPing of it all . Carmine is right here and willing to help and so am I. If you're just wanting to join us, see the first post of this thread to see where and how to jump in, or send me a message.

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
TeafortheSoul is offline