Join Date: May 2008 Location: Hobbiton
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Hogwarts RPG Name: ??? Ravenclaw Hogwarts RPG Name: Ronnie Thurkell Gryffindor Seventh Year
x12 x12
| lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet SPOILER!!: Nordic Witch Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Eleanor casted a glance at the girl beside her's shoes and then down at her own before she looked up at Professor Beryl and blushed embarrased her cheeks. "I think they are still in my trunk. I'll go change right now. I'm so sorry Professor Beryl." What else could she say or do in this situation? At the other schools they hadn't been as particular about footwear so she had thought she could wear any comfortable shoes she wanted. With a last glance at the professor Ellie quickly left the classroom and sprinted up to her dorm. Luckily the Gryffindor common room wasn't very far from Ancient Runes.
Some minutes later with the right leathery black shoes on Ellie waved slightly to Professor Beryl to show that she now wore the appropriate shoes. Still with her cheeks flushed pink she retook her seat and stuck her nose in her ancient runes textbook and started to read. Anything to not have to look at any eyes from the lions present. "No harm done." The girl would remember for next time, Carmine was sure, and that was the important part. She didn't think it was intentional breaking of the rules and she liked to establish rules in as reasonable a manner as possible.
When the girl returned she smiled her approval but said nothing else. They were going to start soon and she was just in time. SPOILER!!: Fireheart Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Avalon nearly stopped in her tracks as she entered the ancient runes classroom and saw a student hopping around in a cruddy old boot. What in the world? Her very first class at Hogwarts - and this was what they were doing? She tried to mask the look of confusion on her face as she read the instructions on the blackboard and made her way to the line of students waiting to try on the boot. "Good morning, Professor Beryl!" Avalon said politely as she made eye contact with her ancient runes teacher. Ancient runes wasn't on the top of her favorite subject list, but Avalon was glad to see that the professor seemed kind.
She wondered what an MBTI type was as she took off her uniform shoe and slipped on the boot. It seemed to be yelling out strange letters to the students who had tried it on before her, and to be honest, Avalon didn't understand what any of it meant. Swallowing any bit of potential embarrassment (at least all the students had to jump around and look like fools -- it wasn't just her), Avalon took a few spirited hops around the stool. "INFJ-T!" the boot bellowed. Whatever that meant. Avalon made her way to an aisle seat toward the front of the room and took out her supplies for the class. After organizing them neatly on her desk, she scrawled her letters on the top of a fresh piece of parchment. She suppressed a giggle as a few other students jumped around the front of the room, trying to hear their own letters. Everyone looked so silly! She had to admit that she was interested where this lesson was going. "Good morning." Carmine answered warmly, pleased to see the girl willingly getting into the spirit of things and following the instructions. SPOILER!!: SneakySeverusSnape Quote:
Originally Posted by SneakySeverusSnape Analiese smiled back at Professor Beryl. "Professor, what does this have to do with today's lesson?" She was just curious. Like, what do runes have to do with wearing an old shoe and hopping
Analiese watched as an older Griffindor girl rushed out, probably to get something she forgot. The 11-year-old turned took out her journal and drew a majestic thunderbird whilst waiting for the rest of the students to be 'sorted'. "I promise you'll find that out shortly, my dear." Carmine answered kindly. Very soon in fact. The question didn't bother her - curiosity wasn't a bad thing in the learning dimension after all. She also didn't mind that the girl was sketching in her journal, so long as she paid attention when it was time to. SPOILER!!: ArianaBlack Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack While constantly moving back to the end of the line wasn’t exactly a long term solution, it was unfortunately all she could think to do for the moment. It was, however, buying her some time before she had to come up with another plan. Perhaps she could—Oh. Nina looked up at her Professor with wide eyes. She hadn’t meant to draw any attention to herself. With cheeks burning pink, the fourth year nodded her head obediently. She wasn’t exactly trying to cause a scene in any of her classes, thank you very much. Most certainly not on the first day.
Despite the fact that she STILL did not want to stick her foot in some rando shoe, she finally stayed in the queue without making another excuse to go back to the end. Bespelled for hygiene did not sound promising. What if the shoe gave her some kind of foot fungus??? Nina was not convinced.
And so when her turn came, the Slytherin quickly slipped it on with a look of utter dissatisfaction. This was horrible. Even more horrible was the fact that those already sat at their desks were all watching her sorting. It was the one good thing about transferring midterm. You did not have to sit in front of the entire school while a hat spoke your destiny aloud. She imagined that experiencing the sorting in front of others was much like standing here with an over exuberant shoe on her foot. After having watched several dozen others go before her, Nina knew that she was meant to hop a few times to give the shoe the opportunity to … do its thing.
This was ridiculous on every level.
It was as if the shoe was keeping its sole shut just to spite her. “INTJ-T,” the boot FINALLY spoke "The Architect." Nina was incredibly quick to pry it off her foot before quickly making way to sit in one of the few remaining seats. Once seated she followed the rest of the instructions rather methodically, reaching into her INCREDIBLY organized bag and pulling out parchment and a quill. She didn't know how she felt about others knowing her personality type, especially complete strangers. Actually, she knew exactly how she felt about it. Uncomfortable. "There we are. Not so difficult. Thank you." For cooperating. Carmine smiled kindly at the girl and left her to unpacking her things. SPOILER!!: Dokimoto Quote:
Originally Posted by Dokimoto
Jackson entered his first class of the year and found his new professor near the board. “Good morning, Profesor Beryl,” he said with a smile and nod. His attention was fairly immediately taken though when he saw… was that a boot? They were getting Sorted again? Wait… What? His Embeetee what? He watched from the side as a few classmates went ahead of him. Ahh okay, he understood. Finally it was his turn, and Jackson kicked off his shoe in favor of the old boot. Once on, he marveled at the magic of it resizing on its own. He almost forgot to hop! “Oh!” he let out, remembering. A little leap here, a jump there… and... maybe he was being too hard on the shoe and muffling its voice? And just as Jackson began lifting his foot to look at the shoe... “Entertainer – ESFP-A!!” After a moment to get over his getting yelled at by a shoe, Jackson took the boot off, replacing it with his own less magical one. “Oh good, more letters…” he said, having no idea what the heck they meant. He took his seat, wrote
Well, if ‘Entertainer’ was any kind of hint, Jackson would say that he probably wouldn’t have too many arguments with whatever this personality test said about him. "Good morning!" Carmine answered warmly as the prefect went ahead and took his turn. Right on time and everything! And she had to admit that the spectacle of the hopping WAS rather entertaining. SPOILER!!: Govoni Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni And as Aaron had feared (and anticipated).... he'd overslept. On the first day back to lessons. He'd been quick to dress, relieved at his own foresight in hanging the robe up from the previous night, Perfect pin already attached to it. In fact, the Hufflepuff had pressed his entire uniform in preparation. He'd foreseen many of these "late" mornings for himself.
The "seer" gift finally seemed useful for something.
Hair artfully tousled, Aaron stepped into the Runes classroom, eyes quickly sweeping over the assembled group. His eyes rested heavily on Maxie for a moment, uncertainty coloring his face.... but it eventually passed and he proceeded inside, dropping his bag so he could slip on the boot. One of the advantages of arriving so late was that there wasn't much of a line awaiting to try on the boot... Scratch that, no line... as Jackson finished up. Nodding to his fellow Prefect as he passed to the stool, Aaron quickly toed out of his own polished shoe...and then sat so he wouldn't face plant when trying it on. It looked like it might fall apart at any moment, so he tried his best to be gentle with his treatment.
The spur was adorable, though.... Perhaps he'd add a pair of cowboy boots to his wardrobe. West would approve... He considered owling him, hopping about with the boot on. He made a little game of it, entertaining himself and marveling at how comfortable it felt on his foot........ "ENFP-T..... the Campaigner!" Startled by the loud noise coming from his feet, Aaron blinked a few times...before breaking out into soft laughter.
In fact, he was still giggling as he removed the shoe and moved back to where Maxie was sat, placing himself in a seat nearby. He didn't greet his young friend, sensing that he wouldn't appreciate words right now. Aaron was more there as silent support, as always. Digging around in his bag, he started removing things, and then writing things... As an introduction to himself, even though he also sensed he and Professor Beryl would become great friends. "Welcome to Runes class!" Professor Beryl greeted the latest arrival. Still on time, he was, and tidy, which she appreciated. Especially given prefects really ought to lead by example. SPOILER!!: MadMadamMalfoy Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Even before Tina came to Hogwarts, Ancient Runes was one of the subjects she struggled with most. She wasn't sure why she didn't decide to drop it this term… maybe it was out of respect for Professor Flamel (who she thought would be back this term when she'd decided over the summer which classes she wanted to continue), or maybe it was her overachieving tendencies and natural thirst for knowledge stopping her. Either way, she'd managed a passing grade on her OWL last term, and now she was here and ready to learn.
The first thing Tina noticed upon entering the classroom was the old leather boot on tie stool. At first, she thought it might be a portkey, but she reminded herself that this wasn't charms class. Maybe there was a way to make portkeys using runes? That would be interesting! Then she saw the directions on the board and the professor standing beside it. “Good morning, Professor Beryl,”Tina greeted with a polite nod toward the teacher. That was her name, right? There were a lot of new professors to keep track of this term, and she kinda zoned out halfway through the staff introductions at the feast.
The dark-haired Ravenclaw's mind was buzzing with questions as she waited in the queue to get sorted. How did one's MBTI type relate to ancient runes? Or.. *perhaps it wasn't the type but the boot itself? She couldn't help but notice the similarities between that boot and the sorting hat. Was that what they were learning… how to magically give sentience to random objects? Could that be done with runes?
Most of all, she wondered why hopping? Wouldn't the boot be able to determine their type just as well if they walked normally? Tina was sure there must be a reason behind it (hopefully an academic one), but the idea of hopping around in front of everybody still made her uneasy. Looking silly and embarrassing herself wasn't her idea of a good start to the term, but it wasn't worth balking about it. As long as nobody laughed at her, she'd survive… and if anyone did laugh, she'd deal with them after class.
When her turn came, Tina slipped off her school shoe and pulled the boot on. She kept her head down, refusing to lock eyes with anyone as she hopped once, twice, three times. After what seemed like forever but could've only been a few seconds. the boot's sole opened, and it screamed, “INTJ-T… Architect!”
Thank Merlin that was over! Tina replaced her shoe and put the boot back on the stool for the next person. She quickly made her way to her seat, neatly arranged her supplies on her desk, and picked up a quill to write on her parchment:
When she was done, Tina looked quizzically up at the professor. She still had a nagging question on her mind! “Professor, just out of curiosity… is there something about the act of hopping that helps the boot determine our type better than just walking or standing?” she asked, hoping her question wouldn't seem disrespectful. "Good morning!" Professor Beryl answered warmly, welcoming the young woman into the classroom. "It simply wakes the boot up, dear. Its quite old as you must have noticed. Hopping about helps activate the magic." She certainly didn't mind questions, not at all! _____________________ "Alright everyone! Thank you for trying on my boot! I promise you its perfectly clean and safe so those of you still concerned please set your minds at ease." Carmine said, addressing all the students and making eye contact with a few that had made their reluctance a liiiittle more obvious. "I'm Carmine Beryl, not only am I your new Ancient Runes professor, I'm also the healer here at Hogwarts. As such you can choose if you'd rather address me as Professor Beryl or Healer Beryl, both are correct, simply pick whatever you are more comfortable with." She told them conversationally. So far most students had made their decision about what to call her based on the context in which they were speaking, which suited her just fine. She just thought it was a good idea to let them know up front that she did not mind either. "Now I'm sure many of you are wondering what on earth this MBTI and boot business has to do with Ancient Runes and the Elder Futhark in particular, especially those of you who already have some familiarity with either topic. Lets start with a brief touch on what the MBTI is. MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is an introspective assessment tool that measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions." She said, tapping the blackboard with her wand to clear it off. "Rather than taking a hard copy test and measuring up your results based on your answers, this boot here has been enchanted to do all the hard work for us. Each of you got a four letter result. There are sixteen possible combinations, double that if you count the A or T qualifier on the end of that, but for today's purposes we're disregarding that value." Carmine tapped a stack of papers on the desk at the front of the room and they began flying around, handing themselves out. "Your first handout has a very brief breakdown of these scales just for your information. If you wish to know more there are textbooks at the front of the classroom that you may take a look at." She said. "It also lists each of the sixteen types and some keywords associated with these types." SPOILER!!: handout 1 MBTI Scales Extroversion (E) - Introversion (I) Extroverts are "outward-turning" and tend to be action-oriented, enjoy more frequent social interaction, and feel energized after spending time with other people. Introverts are "inward-turning" and tend to be thought-oriented, enjoy deep and meaningful social interactions, and feel recharged after spending time alone. Sensing (S) - Intuition (N) People who prefer sensing tend to pay a great deal of attention to reality, particularly to what they can learn from their own senses. They tend to focus on facts and details and enjoy getting hands-on experience. Those who prefer intuition pay more attention to things like patterns and impressions. They enjoy thinking about possibilities, imagining the future, and abstract theories. Thinking (T) - Feeling (F) People who prefer thinking place a greater emphasis on facts and objective data. They tend to be consistent, logical, and impersonal when weighing a decision. Those to prefer feeling are more likely to consider people and emotions when arriving at a conclusion. Judging (J) - Perceiving (P) Those who lean toward judging prefer structure and firm decisions. People who lean toward perceiving are more open, flexible, and adaptable. The Types
ISTJ Reserved, Realistic, Logical, Orderly, Controlled, Practical, Objective, Responsible, Self-motivated, Detail-Oriented, Pragmatic, Methodical, Deliberate, Traditional, Levelheaded, Hardworking.
ISTP Independent, Realistic, Logical, Responsive, Self-reliant, Hands-on, Objective, Spontaneous, Reserved, Grounded, Unbiased, Flexible, Cool, Mechanical, Pragmatic, Active.
ISFJ Reserved, Practical, Devoted, Organized, Unassuming, Traditional, Caring, Methodical, Thoughtful, Observant, Kind, Dedicated, Calm, Factual, Principled, Persistent.
ISFP Quiet, Practical, Attentive, Flexible, Modest, Observant, Kind, Spontaneous, Calm, Hands-on, Sensitive, Easygoing, Gentle, Grounded, Accepting, Responsive.
INFJ Protector, Reserved, Practical, Devoted, Organized, Unassuming, Traditional, Caring, Methodical, Thoughtful, Observant, Kind, Dedicated, Calm, Factual, Principled, Persistent.
INFP Composed, Creative, Empathetic, Flexible, Self-reliant, Imaginative, Sensitive, Accepting, Reserved, Idealistic, Ethical, Tolerant, Thoughtful, Innovative, Authentic, Open-minded.
INTJ Thoughtful, Innovative, Analytical, Organized, Reserved, Forward-thinking, Objective, Determined, Independent, Imaginative, Rational, Dedicated, Focused, Theoretical, Tough-minded, Decisive.
INTP Independent, Innovative, Analytical, Tolerant, Cool, Unconventional, Objective, Open-minded, Thoughtful, Theoretical, Rational, Changeable, Self-reliant, Complex, Unsentimental, Unstructured.
ESTP Outgoing, Hands-on, Logical, Responsive, Friendly, Practical, Objective, Spontaneous, Engaging, Observant, Pragmatic, Adaptable, Energetic, Physical, Outspoken, Adventurous.
ESTJ Dominant, Practical, Logical, Organized, Outgoing, Hands-on, Objective, Structured, Straightforward, Conventional, Pragmatic, Decisive, Forceful, Detailed, Rational, Persistent.
ESFP Enthusiastic, Down-to-earth, Warm, Playful, Friendly, Practical, Expressive, Spontaneous, Lively, Observant, Expressive, Responsive, Vivacious, Sensual, Personable, Casual.
ESFJ Friendly, Grounded, Caring, Loyal, Outgoing, Hands-on, Generous, Organized, Expressive, Traditional, Sensitive, Conscientious, Communicative, Practical, Nurturing, Disciplined.
ENFP Enthusiastic, Creative, Passionate, Open-minded, Gregarious, Imaginative, Empathetic, Spontaneous, Sociable, Unconventional, Supportive, Adaptable, Expressive, Forward-thinking, Warm, Whimsical.
ENFJ Outgoing, Idealistic, Compassionate, Organized, Energetic, Imaginative, Sympathetic, Authoritative, Communicative, Forward-thinking, Ethical, Dedicated, Warm, Visionary, Humanitarian, Ambitious.
ENTP Lively, Inventive, Analytical, Open-minded, Energetic, Imaginative, Logical, Adaptable, Quick-witted, Entrepreneurial, Objective, Spontaneous, Clever, Futuristic, Unsentimental, Changeable.
ENTJ Dominant, Innovative, Analytical, Ambitious, Outgoing, Forward-thinking, Objective, Determined, Energetic, Visionary, Rational, Organized, Communicative, Bold, Blunt, Decisive. sources: "I encourage you to add your own keywords to this list as we go. You may make use of the textbooks at the front of the class for more information on the different traits and strengths and weaknesses associated with the types." Carmine said, looking around to check that everyone had a sheet flying to them. Good! "You'll notice the boot had names for most of the types beyond the four letters, like Entertainer or Commander or other exciting things like that. Different books will often call them different things, but the one thing that is constant is the four letter type code so I'll be referring to each type by the four letters to be consistent." Just made it easier. "Now, the goal of knowing about personality type is to understand and appreciate differences between people. All types are equal, there is no best type. By nature it is an introspective, self-assessment tool. That means you're looking and assessing inward. You already have your type written across the top of your parchment - for those of you who haven't yet, please make sure your name is there too, so I can read them and get to know you all - I promise I'll remember them by the end of the week!" She was very good with names as it was, but not a psychic. "Consider your type, and making use of the handout plus referring to the textbooks at the front of the class, I would like you all to come up with three-five words associated with your type. Once you've done this, I want you all to select one or two runes from your runeset that you feel are best associated with each of the words you chose. You can use your rune dictionaries, and you can discuss your choices with each other, and again, there are textbooks at the front of the class that you can refer to for some of the meanings associated with the MBTI as well as with the Elder Futhark runes, which are the ones we are using today. Take your time, don't worry about being 'wrong' Our goal is to practice with rune meanings and think critically about how to make connections between meanings." She didn't want anyone to stress about it, this was a journey, learning how to intuit such things and draw comparisons and correlations. "I'll give you a few examples. A key trait to describe INFJ could include 'looks beneath the surface' An appropriate runic association might be Laguz to represent hidden depths. A word to describe ESTP might be 'risktaker' and a rune association could be Nauthiz to represent facing your fears." Did they understand? "Give it a try. I'll be walking around and offering assistance if anyone needs it. Lets begin." ooc: Welcome everyone! The mini activity portion of the lesson starts now. Your character has a handout but there are other resources that can be used too! I've listed some below but please feel free to do your own googling or use your own favourite sites. MBTI resources: 16 Personalities personality page Myers Briggs Personality Test Runes resources: Sunnyway Runes
I suggest the above site, however if you're feeling extra or you don't like that one, further resources can be found listed here under the 'research library' spoiler, including old 'textbooks' compiled by SS staff members in the past. Quote: To reiterate the instructions are as follows:
1) List 3-5 keywords/phrases that describe traits/strengths/weaknesses of your character's MBTI type
2) Pick 1-2 runes per keyword/phrase that your character feels have associated meanings.
3) Write it down! (They are allowed to discuss with each other, so have fun and interact)
You have at least 48 hours to do this (2-3 days depending on responses and on how many times I feel the need to rewatch GoT obviously). I will be posting Carmine coming around and chatting and watching everyone, but if you specifically need her attention please title your post 'professor' or something like that so I don't miss it by accident. [As always, you can VM or PM me or nudge me elsewhere if you have any questions or need clarification.
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 05-06-2019 at 10:07 AM.