YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers In hindsight, Amelia really should have been calling this a Flying Practice, not a Flying Lesson, seeing how it wasn't necessarily a lesson. And most - all? - of those present had been playing quidditch for at least a year now. "Chloe, Nettie" She greeted of the two Ravenclaws, wishing she could do something for the latter girl's ... situation. At least the mutant fuzzballs were caged up and out of the castle? "Józef. Derf, morning," she said to the two males who approached. Wait, since when had the head boy had braids?? He was inflicted too? Merlin, Amelia was barely keeping up with those affected, but her heart ached for them and hopefully soon they'd be back to their normal ... less hairy selves. "Morning, Tina. And Daisy." "Alright, let's get started," Because waiting around too long and they would run out of time before they got to anything exciting!! "While you're stretching out those growing muscles, what are some different quidditch techniques that you have heard of? It doesn't matter if you've tried them or not. Alternatively, if someone mentions the only maneuver you know, you can also tell us how do you perform that maneuver or who do you know of that has used this maneuver and when?" ooc: We'll move on in about 20 hours from now, but you only need to answer ONE of the questions ..... Just providing options so everyone has the opportunity to contribute something So to reiterate, you can provide ONE quidditch technique. OR how is one of the maneuvers mentioned performed? OR who has used this maneuver / when/where?
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯
Last edited by PhoenixRising; 03-25-2019 at 03:28 AM.