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Old 12-27-2018, 10:18 PM   #9 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

Charlie’s Eternal Flame
A ficlet featuring Charlie and Bill Weasley

  • Someone goes on a quest to extinguishing a never-ending Lantern
  • Must have a house elf dressed as a Reindeer present a strong cup of tea
  • Mentions of a missing chess piece
“I’ve tried every spell I could think of.”

Fourteen year old Charlie Weasley sat cross-legged in front of his older brother Bill with a glowing lantern placed between them. It had been an early Christmas present given to him by a secret admirer, according to the card that came with it, but there had been one glaring problem. No matter what Charlie did, he could not extinguish the light.

“My love for you is like an eternal flame,” Bill read from the card, mimicking a high-pitched voice and doing his best not to succumb to a fit of laughter. “No one can touch it, it can’t be blown out, and it will burn until the end of time.” He snorted before resuming his normal voice. “Someone’s got it bad for you, little brother. No wonder they signed it ‘secret admirer’.” Because who in their right mind would attach their name to that cheesy drivel?

“Never mind that,” Charlie said, waving a dismissive hand. He had more important things to worry about. “No matter what I do, the light won’t go out. I got kicked out of the dorm because no one could sleep with this blinding light.” And that’s when he went to seek his brother for some help, after he nearly burned down his dorm when the pillow he used to try to cover the lantern’s intense glow caught fire. Maybe it hadn’t been the best idea, but he had already tried a bunch of charms to no avail.

“Let’s go ask McGonagall.” Bill suddenly stood up and swiftly grabbed the lantern by its handle. If anyone had the answer, their Head of House probably would. Without another word, or to see if his brother was following, Bill crossed the common room and headed out through the portrait hole.

Even though it was well past curfew, Charlie had no issue with going to see McGonagall about his problem. He was desperate at this point and just wanted the light out so he could get some sleep. Hopefully they didn’t have to wake the professor up. He could only guess what kind of mood she’d be in if she was roused from her dreams.

Luckily that was not the case. As the boys neared the ajar door of Professor McGonagall’s office, they became aware of voices inside.

“I believe that’s checkmate.” It was the unmistakable smug drawl of Professor Snape, and the Weasley brothers exchanged a look before peeking through the crack of the door. The sight of McGonagall and Snape playing Wizarding Chess was certainly nothing that either of them expected, and neither boy could help himself from quietly watching a moment longer.

“........where is my queen? Severus. My queen was just here and now suddenly it’s somehow gone. You aren’t seriously cheating, are you?” The boys shared another look behind the slightly opened door as McGonagall berated Snape before deciding to move on. Maybe Flitwick would be awake at this hour.

Once the brothers arrived at the Charms professor’s office, Charlie mustered up his Gryffindor courage and swiftly rapped his knuckles against the door. The brisk 'come in!’ from inside was all the invitation they needed.

“Uh, excuse me, Professor,” Charlie began as he cracked open the door and poked his head inside. Flitwick barely looked up from the papers he was marking as he sat at his desk. Charms homework, the teenage Weasley would guess, and he wasn't all that happy with the students’ work by the looks of it. Or maybe he was just tired.

“Ah, Mr. Weasley… or should I say Misters Weasley,” Flitwick greeted the boys as Charlie stepped inside the office and Bill came in after him, still carrying the brightly lit lantern. “How may I….?”

But he wasn't able to finish that sentence before a loud POP was heard and a house elf appeared in Flitwick's office with a cup of tea. At least Charlie thought it was a house elf….what was it wearing??

“Oh, yes! There's the tea I was waiting for!” Flitwick visibly brightened as he reached for the cup from the costumed elf. “Mmm, I much prefer taking my wide eye potion with a nice, strong cup of tea. Need to stay alert to finish these grades.” He took a hearty sip from his cup before nodding to the elf. “That will be all, Loopy. Thank you.” The little house elf bowed deeply, the jingle bells around his neck jangling festively at the movement, and then with another POP he was gone.

Both boys stared with mild confusion at the spot where the house elf had been before turning back to Flitwick. “Why was that elf wearing antlers?” began Charlie, having forgotten about the lantern momentarily. “And a red nose?” added Bill.

“One of Santa's reindeers, I believe,” explained Flitwick with a chuckle. “I'm afraid I interrupted the annual house elf holiday party with my tea request. Rather festive costume, wouldn't you say?”

“ in Santa Claus? The dark wizard?” interrupted Bill, who was rather astounded that those seemingly innocent house elves would be into that sort of thing. Who knew they could have a nefarious side.

“Nonsense,” chuckled Flitwick again. “That's just an old hag's tale… now where was I?” He quickly dismissed the boys’ concerns as he drew his attention back to the papers he was grading. “Charles Weasley,” he said, pulling towards him the parchment with that very name scrawled along the top. “Would you like to have a chat about the T you earned on the last homework you turned in?”

“No, thanks, Professor.” As cheerful as ever, Charlie donned a boyish grin as he began to back out of the Charms office. “It’s late, we’d better get to bed. We’ll see you in class tomorrow!” Grabbing his brother’s arm, Charlie dragged him out of the office and quickly started down the corridor.

“What was that about?” Bill asked as he quickly kept in step with his younger brother. “A T? And we still didn’t get this lantern business sorted.”

“It’s… a long story. Never mind,” Charlie answered quickly, not wanting to get into that bit just now. “Let’s go see Dumbledore. He’ll understand how dire this situation is, and he won’t even get mad that we’re out past curfew because I’m with a prefect. And it's an emergency.” He flashed a winning smile. This would all work out just fine and then they could finally get some sleep.

Soon enough, they found themselves in front of the Headmaster, giving him just enough information about the lantern to be semi-useful. “I tried every spell I could think of,” explained Charlie. “Finite Incantatem, Nox, Surgito, Riddikulus…”

“Riddikulus?” Bill and Dumbledore asked in unison, both giving the boy a curious look. Charlie shrugged. He said he tried everything.

“Well, this is some powerful magic indeed.” Dumbledore peered over his half-moon glasses as he turned the lantern over in his hands. “But I believe I have just the trick for it.” He reached into the deep pockets of his robes, rummaged around a bit, and pulled out a small silver device - a deluminator, he called it. With a simple click of a button, the light of the lantern was drawn out and closed up into the device.

“Wow.” Both boys stared at that silver thing before the Headmaster stuffed it back in his pocket, and then Charlie grabbed the handle of the now-dark lantern. “Thanks, Professor. We should be on our way back to bed. After curfew and all.” Relieved to finally have that saga come to an end, and not have to explain any further about how the lantern came into his possession, Charlie started for the door, along with his brother.

“Oh, Mr. Weasley.” Dumbledore’s voice beckoning them back caused both boys to stop and turn around, mortified to see him looking over the card that had come with the lantern. Had it fallen out of Bill’s pocket?? “I believe this belongs to you.”

Charlie’s face grew as red as his hair as he quickly snatched the card from Dumbledore’s hand and mumbled his thanks before rushing out into the corridor and on his way back to Gryffindor tower. Good thing Dumbledore was so well-known for keeping secrets, or else it wouldn’t be long before all of Hogwarts knew about his eternal flame.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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