SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Vulnera Sanentur
Someone gets a nasty papercut
It must feature a knitted backpack
Someone finds a trail of slugs
Cynthia Jackson had just been walking down the corridor to the Potions lab when she heard the loud cry of "Ouch!" from someone inside the boy's bathroom. It figured that there were no boys anywhere in sight, because she could tell that this person was in some serious pain and needed immediate attention. Great. With her luck she would get caught in there and become the scourge of the school. It was a terrible choice, but someone had to do it.
Steeling her spine, she rushed to the door and called out, "Is anyone in there with you?
"No," the boy called. "Help, I'm bleeding!"
This thing was getting uglier with every passing second. "Are you dressed?" she asked cautiously.
"Yes," she heard, then a coyote-like yelp followed by another plea for help. Cynthia gritted her teeth and grasped the door handle as she pushed it open, blinking her bluish-green eyes as she did so as if preparing for a terrifying sight. And of course, she was not disappointed.
The boy was around her age, give or take a year, and was bleeding profusely from a cut on his right arm. "What happened?" she asked.
"My owl Gimlet accidentally broke the window," the boy told her. "I got cut by a piece of glass." Just then she noticed the small, grayish owl circling the room. "I'm Van, by the way"
"Cynthia," she said. "Let me do the Vulnera Sanentur on that thing, as it looks like you've been hit by the Sectumsempra." She began to rummage in the magenta knitted backpack which she constantly carried with her, a precious handmade gift from her grandmother from when she had first started going to Hogwarts. After a few moments of digging she found what she had been looking for, a nice wad of soft fabric that she had thrown in there just in case. She now took this out of the bag and softly placed it over the wound, lightly securing it with another piece of fabric.
"Hey, you're really prepared!" Van told her.
"I try to be," Cynthia answered. In truth, this seemed far from the case to her. She often wandered off somewhere, and she had been late to class today because of her having followed a trail of what appeared to be some very wayward slugs. She had been imagining discovering some kind of amazing slug palace but had been unable to reach the end of the trail due to her realizing that she was getting later and later to class. Reality could a pain, but she would solve that mystery of the slugs some day! For a few seconds she pondered sharing her secret with Van, but she had just met him and he might think she was weird or something. Only time would tell. She had done her good deed of the day and that was good enough for now.