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Old 03-20-2017, 09:16 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: All of you!
Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"I'm sorry, Professor." Junia bowed her head, feeling bad. She was normally early to this particular class and she didn't want Hirsch to think badly of her. Hopefully he understood that everyone, even a Botros, had a bad day every once in a while.

Fidgeting with the music box in her hands, the third year considered the creature they'd be focusing on today. Erklings had always scared her when she was small. A creature that could get her to leave the safety of her family if they wanted was terrifying and there was something so sad about the thought of all those lost kids, innocent and with no control over what was happening to them. Well, if they didn't know how to defend themselves, that is. She wondered if the music box and the way the music inside tended to lull kids to sleep was connected to the way Erklings could lull children into a state of submisson.

"Professor, erklings are creatures who like to eat children. Since they use sounds to get the children to come to them, silencing them could be a good way to defeat them, or perhaps putting a spell on yourself that would prevent you from hearing the sounds they were making."

As quiet as it was, the man just managed to catch a hold of what the young Slytherin had said and it only left him in a state of confusion. Why was she apologising? "Nothing to apologise for, Miss Botros," he whispered. She was on time, as far as he was concerned.

It was a shame that the girl hadn't said that last part which connected the music boxes to the creatures themselves. She might have gotten some extra points for that.

"Precisely," he said, nodding his head at her, "Silencing is the best and long-lasting method of defeating them. Use their strength against them. Excellent thinking!"

Text Cut: Bentley
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Bentley was THIS close to being late. In fact he had barely slipped in when the door slammed shut, catching the back of his robe. He groaned. So much for slipping in smoothly. He tugged on his robe, pulling it free finally when the professor started talking.

Hopefully no one saw that, especially Hirsch who he still held a strong grudge for.

Grabbing a music box, Bentley made his way through the maze of mats and flashed a smile at Althea before taking a seat on a mat close to the back.

"Very nasty buggers professor...hard on the eyes but very handy if you have annoying siblings who you'd like to disappear forever...." Not that he'd want Heath to get eaten by an erkling or anything....

And this student wasn't in the nick of time.

Hirsch raised his eyebrows at the Gryffindor but said nothing. It was probably embarrassing enough to have your robes catch in the door and be stuck there for a tiny period of time.

And his answer? Uh, what?! "I hope you're not planning on giving your siblings away to an Erkling," He gave the boy a searching look before moving onto the next person.

Text Cut: Kat
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Whining up the music box for what was starting to feel like the hundredth some time, and watching the ballerina spin around on the pedestal. She shut it and opened several times before she heard Hirsch start off the lesson.


Hehehe yes, she was not only getting a DADA lesson they were getting a CoMC lesson as a bonus. KATERINA MARKITA DELGADO'S day had been made. The fourth years hadns shot up. "They have high-pitched cackles that lure their prey and they can speak Human-languages, not many creatures can do that."

High pitched cackles? Hirsch nodded along with this answer, particularly the part about human languages and other creatures. "It seems as though you know a lot about creatures, Miss Delgado," he said, "You're completely right: not many creatures can use human languages in the way they do so that makes them extra dangerous."

Text Cut: Kane
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Erklings? What on EARTH were those? Kane wrinkled his blonde eyebrows and pulled out his textbook, flipping through the pages until he found the entry he was looking for. Once he found the entry, he scanned it over really quickly. OOOOOOH THAT was what an Erkling was. Those weird things with those long noses. He raised his hand.

"They seem like they're annoying little demon...things,"
Kane answered in response to Hirsch's first question. "And I imagine like most things you could use Expelliarmus against it," he added. That spell was pretty versatile.

Snort. "Annoying little demon things is a pretty accurate term to use to describe them, I'll give you that." As for Expelliarmus, that took a bit more thinking on Hirsch's part. "I don't see why not. With enough force, you could knock them back, maybe even get them to pass out. That's not a bad spell to use against them but there are more effective spells as well." Keep that in mind.

Text Cut: Leon
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Leon smiled warmly at Juno as she sat down next to him and he gently nudged her with his elbow, not a whole lot more than that though, due to the fact he didn't want to get them in trouble like they did in HOM..

He turned his attention to Professor Hirsch as he spoke about Erklings..

The Ravenclaws hand went into the air as he started to reply.. "Erklings are an elfish like creature and they reside in the Black Forest, they have a liking for eating,, children.. " which was awful really..and yet not unlike the hag situation they've had here at Hogwarts.. but hence why Leon had an answer for the next question the Professor posed.

"I would use the silencing spell on them, seeing as they use their voices to lure in kids, take away their voice and you take away their power. " He said with a nod.

'take away their voices and you take away their power.'

Ah, it was like music to his ears!

"Exactly! I couldn't have put it better myself." Pleased. He was pleased with this answer. "Silencing spell is probably the best option for them because, as you mentioned, their voices are their best asset. Very well done, Mr Kennedy."

Text Cut: Althea
Originally Posted by thekraken View Post
Class had started before she was able to investigate the music box any further. She pouted but conceded to remaining quiet as Professor Hirsch began the lesson. Althea didn't get what the fuss was over him; he had an alright face and she supposed he was young enough to attract students to him. But...he looked so rough. Whatever. She would ask her brothers their opinion on him later. Her eyes did wander, however, to the door as the class started; she didn't realize she was watching Bentley so intently until he'd smiled at her. Her cheeks burned (she was caught off guard and didn't know how to rectify the situation,) but she managed a smile in return.

She raised her hand, not having anything to add about Erklings--because really, they were still very strange creatures that had no business roaming around near anyone--but had an idea about a way to stop them. "Seeing as how they're not that tall, you could use the Orbis Jinx and suck them underground." She wanted to add that they could also pile boulders and the like over the spot where they buried the erkling, but...she didn't want her classmates (or the professor, for that matter) to know how morbid she was.


Too enthusiastic? Maybe.

"Yes, you're completely right! I was hoping somebody would mention this little spell." And frankly, he didn't expect anyone to mention it but was glad that the Hufflepuff had done so. "As inhumane as it sounds, if you suck them into the ground, they won't get the food they need for their diet and are likely to die. Sad but there you go."

This was getting slightly morbid, wasn't it?

"Very well done, Miss Kenning."

Text Cut: Declan
Originally Posted by Ama View Post
The music box had him very curious. He didn't dare to poke it or prod it yet. This was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class and Declan knew a few things about ancient artifacts, and one of them was that you didn't just poke it nilly willy; not unless you wanted to activate some kind of centuries old curse. The music box didn't look centuries old but it didn't mean it wasn't cursed somehow. It could have a simply jinx but he still didn't want to risk it.

The class was being centered around Erklings so far. Declan made a disgusted face. He had heard about different variations of Erklings from his father's Spanish side of the family. They were darker than their appearance let on. Declan wouldn't even give them a chance.

"Stupefy then Incendio," he said as he raised his hand. "I'd say the trick is attacking it first since it can also shoot you with poisonous darts." That was just his opinion; however. Sometimes it was important not to let people or things lull you into a false sense of security. He caught the exchange between his sister and Bentley. Declan leaned forward around Althea to stare at Bentley before leaning back. He glanced to his side at Althea and nudged at her with his elbow.

Should he be worried that this student had no qualms whatsoever about setting a creature on fire?


"Excellent mention of the poisonous darts," he said, nodding at the boy, "You're right: stun them before they hurt you." After all, the creature wasn't going to wait around. "If you can do both in quick succession, I don't see why your attempt can't be successful. Good thinking, Mr Kenning."

Text Cut: Levi - I wrote the right name!
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
If Professor Hirsch called him by a different name, Levi didn't notice. In fact, he didn't notice much until his sister came to sit by him and he directed his frown at her instead of the music box. Then Bentley and Althea were smiling at each other and Levi was pretty sure that his face became the human version of several question marks.

Thankfully, Professor Hirsch was kind enough to provide him with a distraction, however unpleasant. Unsurprisingly, Althea and Declan, seemed to be the ones in sort of the same wavelength as he was.

Levi raised his hand. "Full body bind curse and Incarcerous." It tied and gagged. What else was needed, really? "Gives you time to consider what to do next with the erkling, I s'ppose, if less permanent measures are required." By which he meant, making the erkling spill the beans on where the rest of its brethren were hiding and plotting on which child would be their next meal.

Green eyes glanced between each of the Kennings as each of them answered. It didn't take long to figure out that they could be related in some way - siblings, if he was going to put his galleons on a name for this bond - but it was interesting to see how similar their thoughts were. And what was even more interesting was how less violent this Kenning's response was in comparison to his siblings' (?).


Right. Answer. "Well, that's one way to make sure it doesn't go anywhere and doesn't use its voice to lure you anywhere," he said, nodding along, "What would you do with it next? Would you leave it there? Turn it in to the Ministry?" There wasn't a right or wrong answer, of course, but he was still interested to see how the boy's mind worked in a situation like this.

Text Cut: Brent
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Well, the professor didn't frown at him or banish him from the class, so maybe he wasn't too disappointed in Brent's standings in the Dueling Club. Brent took that as a good sign and forgot about the club for now. Apparently, they wouldn't be using the music boxes right now either, so that was temporarily forgotten, as well.


"Well, aside from what other people have said, they're different from most other creatures, because they can speak the human language," he said, raising his hand. "So what about a Babbling Curse?" That would at least stop them from speaking the human language. He agreed with the Silencing Charm, but since that one had already been said, he'd come up with an alternative.

Oh, wasn't this an interesting answer?

The Defence Professor turned towards Mr Westwood as he answered. "Not many people would go for the option of the Babbling Curse," And most probably wouldn't even think of it in the first place. "But it's a very good answer. They won't be in control of their voice or their cackling so you're taking their strongest weapon away from them. Very well done!"

Text Cut: Daisy
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Well, Professor Hirsch seemed okay enough. She nodded silently in reply to his query of her wellbeing and smiled. Okay, so he was fine -- great, even -- but this was confusing her. So the lesson was about Erklings? They were nasty little creatures, there was no doubt about that, but what did it have to do with the music box? She eyed her suspiciously for a second before returning her attention to the Professor.

Ah, he was making jokes already. Lovely.

"Professor, what about Flipenda Tria?" She suggested with a hand raised in the air. "It would, hopefully, knock them out. Then we could deal with them. Or run away." She shrugged. "Whichever is preferable at the time."

Flipenda Tria? Hirsch rubbed the scruff on his chin as he thought about this answer. "It is the most powerful version of the Knockback Jinx and would probably be more likely to knock the Erkling out cold than the other versions of the jinx..." Was he rambling?

"If you can produce the jinx and are comfortable with it, I don't see why not. Like you mentioned, it gives you time to escape."

Text Cut: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Noelle managed to get in, "Doing alright." to the professor before class had officially started.

Icky little creatures. Noelle knew about them. They had been in some of the stories her mom told. She had a few stories with those little monsters. "They are elvish creatures right?? They don't get much taller than 3 feet." But that didn't mean they weren't deadly. "Mum used to warn me that they lure children with their cackles as to.... " Merlin... it was horrific. "Eat them" Shudder

Now what spells could they use. Noelle's eyes moved over the classroom, nodding at some of the spells. Very good choices. "Silencio would be my first spell. And then Deletrius." Silence and then disintegrate. That should do the trick to those nasty little pointy faced elves.

It seemed as though someone didn't really like these creatures very much. Or was she just as horrified about them and their dietary requirements as most people would be? "Their height puts you to an advantage, somewhat, but their cackles are menacing themselves. You're completely right, Noelle."

As for the spells, he did expect Silencio to be an answer but..... Deletrius? "You want to disintegrate them completely?" She sure held no care for them, didn't she? "Do it quickly enough, before they can attack you again, and you'll be successful. But you have to be fast in casting the Deletrius. Very good answer."

Text Cut: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
She listened as the professor started the lesson her eyes widening a bit with the work Erklings. Were they going into the forest to find these buggers, were they? No, he would never do that. They ate kids so he would at least only have the older kids go in since they could have a better chance defending themselves. Though she was an older kid so no, they didn't have to go either.

Or maybe he had one here? Maybe he one caged or something. Her eyes moved around until it hit the music box. Could the sound of the music box be the sound they... No, no, music boxes are too sweet to be like that. No that couldn't be it.

Raising her hand she did want to answer, 'Sir many people have stated the facts about Erklings, but being that we are wizards and witches and they are a creature I think any quick thinking spell against them is going to help your survival. Immobilize, set them on fire, or even send birds at their head is going to give you a chance to run." Anything was truly better than just standing there scared.

......... Well. Her way of thinking had changed somewhat, hadn't it? Especially from their first meeting.

"You're quite right, Natalia. Usually, catching someone, be it a creature or a human, off guard does the trick better than you think. But, be careful, some spells work better than others. So, if you're using Oppugno to distract them and then use another spell to finish them off, that'll work. Otherwise, you might be stalling." Better safe than sorry, eh? "Very good thinking."

Text Cut: Dora XD
Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Dora was indeed still upset with Hirsch. And by Mason... and Derf. Upset Dora was upset, okay. SO uoset that she didn't even raise her hand and offer an answer as the lesson began. What was the POINT? She'd probably just be laughed at anyway.

Besides, someone already offered up Incendio... she'd cast Incendio Tria, of course, or Reducto, but whatever. Angsty teen was angsty now and no amount of destruction spells was going to change it.

Did Derf see what he had done to her?! DID HE?!

And we're ignoring you so hard Mason Winslow. Whatever, drama king. You are not there.


............... Well.

Silent students were normal and he would've been surprised if he had a class full of students who all offered up answers all the time but considering the fact that Miss Umbridge hadn't offered an answer was..... a little concerning. And it confirmed his previous theory.


Text Cut: Juno
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno winked and smiled back at Leon. She was now going to be really cautious in classes, just as it seemed Leon was. She learned her lesson in HoM. It didn't help that she was already stressed either. Listening to his answer she gave him a thumbs up and a smile.

Listening to everyone else's answers, Juno didn't have anything to add. She agreed with everyone's options. So instead of answering, she jotted some notes down and titled it 'Ways to Incapacitate an Erkling.'

Now she was really wondering what they would be doing today.

Another quiet student? He didn't really expect this from Miss Darcy, considering what he knew of her capabilities with this subject but that didn't matter. She wasn't the type to fall behind as far as he was concerned. And it didn't look like she was using this lesson as an opportunity to catch up on sleep.

Text Cut: Etta
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Erklings? Etta wasn't sure WHY they had to discuss these terrible creatures. She looked a bit worried.. but then again, they had to learn to defend themselves against all kinds of creatures.. right? Right. So she thought for a while, trying to come up with an innovative answer.

"Professor, they are not very tall? They are supposed to be a little bigger than gnomes." She wasn't sure if anyone mentioned that? An additional fact, maybe. "And.. we could probably use a transfiguration spell? Would that work? Maybe transform it into a goblet or something.. "

.............. Oh?

Hirsch fully expected defensive answers in this lesson. Answers that suggested that the students were full on ready to wage war on the tiny, menacing creatures. This was Defence Against the Dark Arts, after all.

But Miss Kramer? She'd gone ahead and chosen an answer that wasn't directly defensive but was indirectly defensive, if you thought about it. He didn't really expect it, if he was completely honest with himself. "That's..... an interesting way of thinking, Miss Kramer. It would certainly eliminate the threat completely," Hmmm. "Transfiguration spells are amongst the most difficult kind of spells to work and even moreso under pressure. If you're more comfortable with that area of spellwork, I don't see why it shouldn't work for you. Excellent thinking!"

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Awww man these things.

What did he know about them? "My grandma used to say that to me a lot when I'm at home with her." Of the few times they were at her Parisian apartment, which is hardly an Erkling habitat. Unless you count paparazzis as Erklings, as they too can talk, likes to shoot things, makes high pitched sounds and devour the innocent. They can also be three feet tall when they're hiding in the bushes.

And given that he has actually never encountered one despite being a fairly regular visitor at a German forest sanctuary with his mom, he doesnt know much else about these creatures. As for the spells "Could we use a shield charm against their darts?"

His grandma used to say that a lot? Was Mr Salander..... German? Or had lived in Germany? Hirsch wanted to ask but, well, a lesson wasn't going to be the best place to do that, was it?

"A shield charm is probably the best spell you can have at your arsenal. If you're comfortable with it, you could use it against the darts but you'll have to use another tactic against the cackling as well. Excellent thinking, Mr Salander."

Text Cut: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Ehm ehm… Erklings… Where o where had she read about those creatures! Closing her eyes briefly she tried to think hard about the book she had read a few months ago about dark creatures and… Ah! Opening her eyes she remembered again something she had fount interesting about them and she raised her hand before speaking. “They look a lot like gromes but they’re larger and I think more evil then gnomes and, also, they’re from Germany” she said while frowning deeply to think about more but sadly this was all she could think about, besides the things everybody else already had mentioned. “That’s all I know” she said at last before falling silent again.

A simple, straight-to-the-point answer was never bad. "You're completely right. They're related to the gnome family but have a higher Ministry rating. German kids are often taught to stay away from the sound of a cackling, or get told folk tales about being snatched up by them if they're bad as a way of getting them to be good kids." Speaking from experience? He was.

Text Cut: Char
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
That wasn't one of Dalton's good smiles, but Char still smiled right on back at him and gave him a little wave when he came in. She missed his good smiles, but they weren't really hers to miss anymore.

No time to dwell though, class was starting!

Char thought about the questions, and put her hand up. "Professor! I think the spells that you'd use would depend on how many Erklings you are up against. There are tons of spells that you could use against just one of them." Lots of things would work in that case, like what her classmates were saying.

"For starters though, I'd use Impiriano as a shield because the darts wouldn't be able to get through, and from there it would have to be a spell that doesn't stop when you aren't actively casting in, just in case more attack!"

Trust Charlotte to come up with a clever response. One that factored in how many Erklings were present and not just the fact that they were present in the first place.

Impiriano! Smiling, Hirsch nodded along at her answer before saying, "Absolutely! Impiriano would be very effective against their poisonous darts and would probably help to stall them while you think of your next move."

Text Cut: Derf
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Derf BEAMED at the man. "Maybe you s-s-should just as-sk her on your next date!" he suggested. "Mum always-s-s says-s there s-should be no s-s-secrets between two people in love."

But the Hufflepuff soon had his attention drawn away by Dora who he was just about to wave at eagerly - hand raised and everything - when she gave him a look like she had just sat in a fresh pile of dragon dung. Only dragon dung was wicked useful and special so the weird look wasn't really appreciated. Or maybe she hadn't stepped in hypothetical dragon dung...maybe it was more like...really REALLY smelly cheese.

Yeah. THAT!

"Derfael Mitchell Ashburry-Hawthorne," he introduced to the Ravenclaw. "But friends-s call me Derf."

Derf continued to glance over at Dora. All the sad face on this Hufflepuff because why was she looking like THAT?!

He would go over and hug her when they got to the activity. Yup.


Derf couldn't help but look for Etta because DID SHE REMEMBER WHAT HE HAD TOLD HER ABOUT OVER THE SUMMER WITH HIS CAULDRON?! DID SHE?! He was hoping, BEGGING her to look his way...which caused him to miss the chance to raise his hand in a timely manner to offer up any legitimate facts about the creature and, judging from what was being said at the moment, him rambling would just be repeat information.

"Anyfing you can hit it over the head with," Derf offered up as a response, eyes still scanning for Etta. "Like a cauldron or..." His attention feel momentarily to his music box. "I reckon this would work too....even on Bavarian Erklings. So maybe Accio somefing heavy and drop it on their head. OR...maybe giving them a s-s-sock would make them not be s-s-so mean and want to eat kids."

House elf and Yumbo relation, you know. Could happen. If a kappa could be appeased by a cucumber why not erklings with a nice pair of woolly socks?

Was....... was he really talking about dates and being in love? In front of the ENTIRE class?!

The little bit of Hirsch's cheek that was visible instantly turned a shade of pink at those words. Was he planning on embarrassing the man throughout his teaching career at this school? He cleared his throat a little awkwardly and readjusted his glasses before saying, "I'll be sure to ask her, then."

Uh, what? Causing physical pain on a creature was good enough, and he encouraged it if their lives were in danger and it was a life or death situation, but....... giving them a SOCK?! Uh.

"Knocking them out using something heavy is bound to work, you're right. That gives you enough time to get away or do something about the Erkling if you wanted to. It's not permanent but there's a chance it could work. Be careful that it doesn't try to seek revenge." Pause. "I'm not sure whether setting them free using a sock would work. They're not like house elves, even if both of them come from the same family."

"Excellent mention of the Bavarian Erkling, though! I'm glad you brought it up."

Text Cut: Liv
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Olivia kept herself far too busy with her own music box to note any of the arrivals past her own. That was probably a crummy move, but she didn't want to run the risk of upsetting herself again, and really... the music box she'd chosen was such a beautiful piece of equipment; it deserved her full attention. Maybe she could weasel Professor Hirsch into allowing her to keep it? She personally didn't give a single fig about it's cheap quality...


Oh, they were getting started.

Erklings. Okay, so, Liv didn't know that much about them given that they were on the more dangerous side. Sure, she was a Gryffindor that could be brave to the point of stupidity, but recent events had all but cure her of that defect. No more risky business for her, mind you. She wanted to live! And live, she would...

Oh, and Char said something interesting. About it depending on the number of Erklings involved. Really, what would anyone do when faced with a potentially dangerous creature? Attack first... and ask questions second? Or maybe run?... Eh, Running wasn't full-proof, given that most would eventually catch up. So, the best bet, probably, was to get a shot off first and then deal with damage control. A shield was smart... Maybe like the one Professor Hirsch had taught them during previous Defense lessons. The Fianto Duri one? So that other spells could be used in conjunction with it.... The aim wouldn't be to kill it, right?... That just seemed like an awful waste. "I know they can be annoying." Helpful. She was so helpful, right? Er, right. Moving on...

"The spell you taught us towards the beginning of the year would probably be useful. Fianto Duri, with whatever shield was appropriate." Against the darts as others had said.. But also, different shields did different things, and it made her think that some witches and wizards had entirely too much time on their hands; coming up with too many shield variations. "I'd want to use a non-lethal spell to follow that up...Immobulus! would be good."

........... And a STINK EYE at you, Derf. "I don't think harming them would cure their temperament." Seriously.

Annoying? They were. Really. A menace, even. He nodded at her first answer but it was the second answer that made the man smile wide. "Someone's been paying attention!" This made him happy, it did. His lessons weren't a complete waste of time, it seemed.

"You're absolutely right: Fianto Duri in conjunction with a shield spell will make it stay up longer while you decide which spell you want to use next. Immobulus will freeze them completely and give you the chance to escape or do something about the Erkling. Good choice of spells, Miss Phillips!"

Text Cut: Matthew
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Matt was there, alright. He had been there AAAALL along. Just watching people, as he had slowly but surely grown used to doing, because people were fun things(?) creatures(?) to watch.

He was soon bored, though - people weren't really that interesting to watch after all -, so he entertained himself with the music box. He got his wand and charmed it to play Michael Jackson's BEAT IT. RAH!

Awesome. The lesson could start now!

And it had. Errrrrrrrklings. Matt knew hardly anything about them.

"Are they like gnomes or something?" Sounded legit. It was probably wrong, but he didn't reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally care. He had a music box charmed to play Michael Jackson, that was all that mattered!

Like gnomes? "Well, yes. They're said to be related to house elves but are a much darker, much more dangerous creature in comparison to the house elves or the gnomes." Good, good.

And the Gryffindor was lucky that he'd picked such a good music box from the selection.

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Skylar had been preoccupied slightly with looking over her music box that it took her a moment to realize that the professor had started the lesson and it seemed that they were discussing a dangerous creature that required specialized knowledge. Was this some kind of precursor to prepare them for what lay beyond the portal or was it completely unrelated because Merlin help them if they ever actually learned anything useful?

Listening to her peers as they suggested ideas and whatnot, which were all good ones, Sky jotted a few notes down before thinking of something herself. Her classmates seemed to give good thoughts about what Erklings were but as far as how to deal with them, she had a thought to which she raised her hand to voice. "I would think maybe you could use these music boxes or well music in general, to maybe lure the Erklings to sleep...." because why else would music boxes be provided at the start of a defense lesson? "Or if no means of producing music was available, perhaps there is a spell that could make music?"

This was another interesting answer. "So you want to use their strongest weapon against them and make them vulnerable?" Because that was the message he was getting here. "That's some really excellent thinking, I have to admit. It depends on what music you can use to lure them to sleep. Would a typical lullaby work? Or would you have to use another tune?" Because every creature was different, after all. "If you can find a tune that works in your favour, this would be a very good way of defeating them. Well done!"

Was there a spell that could produce music? "There are a few but they're fairly tricky. Maybe Professor Marchand can help you with that one." He was better at charmswork, after all. Hirsch was just better at defence.

Text Cut: Henry
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Still trying to place where he knew the melody from his music box, Henry looked up from the revolving carousel horse inside as someone sat down next to him just before class started. Ah, a first year Gryffindor. He did not know this one's name, but he gave him a friendly smile all the same. "Hello," he said, glancing at the boy's music box, curious to see which one he had chosen. It seemed like first years were drawn to him lately, which was pretty alright by him.

His eyes snapped up as the door snapped shut, instantly getting his attention as class began. Oh.. Erklings. Yes, Henry knew what these dark creatures were. He had never come across one, but he had heard plenty. Nasty little creatures that crept out of the dark baring their long, sharp teeth as they pounced on some unsuspecting victim. Children, usually.. they ate them, didn't they?

Henry was unaware of how his breathing rate began to increase as he thought of those long, sharp teeth, an image that crept back in from the recesses of his mind. He had been vaguely aware that there had been several questions posed, though he had somehow shut out the answers from others as he fixated on the image of long, sharp teeth in his mind. "Stunning spell." The words left quietly from his mouth, almost automatically and without having raised his hand. And if someone else had already answered that, he certainly hadn't heard.

Hirsch wasn't sure what was going on with Mr Whittebrook but it seemed as though the boy was a little preoccupied with something else. Something that the man had no idea about and probably wouldn't find out unless he asked. So, instead, he gave the Hufflepuff a curious look, almost trying to silently ask him if he was okay or if he needed to leave. Really, the man wouldn't be upset if he did.

As for the answer, he thought he heard a whisper of it in the air but, not knowing who it came from, decided not to answer it. It would work, of course.

Text Cut: Mason
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Dora's behaviour was getting more and more ridiculous. She broke his nose, turned his fingers in to jelly, stole his wand and then later asked him out on a 'date' and he used the marks in 'date' because he had found out that the only reason why she wanted a date was because she wanted to make another guy who happened to be in his House, jealous.


Turning his eyes away from the Gryffindor, he smiled at Derf as he introduced himself "Nice to meet you and...don't mind her" He nodded slightly as to not draw too much attention to the fact he was talking about Dora, "She's...i don't even know anymore..."he sighed heavily, Placing his book back in his school bag, the sixth year turned his full attention to the Professor.

"They like children, as in eating them and can mimick the human language"

Hirsch was glad that Mr Winslow had clarified with his answer because the first part could mean a number of things, ranging from the nice to the nasty. "They prefer the diet of children, yes, you're right. Interesting use of the word 'mimick' there." Instead of saying that they simply know the alphabet and human tongue with all its grammar rules.

Text Cut: Dora
Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Um. Excuse YOU.

She apologized for EVERYTHING. Especially the date thing. She felt real bad about that. Even if it had totally worked. Hello Casper Greenwood's girlfriend over here! Ahem. And she could totally HEAR Mason speaking to HER Derf. He was hers. Didn't MASON know that?!

Ignoring them both now.

"Sir, they live in the Black Forest or Germany and Bavaria." Was that helpful? She had to say something to drown put the sound of betrayal happening over there.

No smile or glance for you, Derf. Nope. Only a stink eye in your general vicinity.

Hirsch was just about to move on with his answer when..........

........... oh? So he was getting an answer from the Gryffindor, then?

He would be lying if he said that this didn't make him happy. It was a step in the right direction, after all. And, to top it off, she'd mentioned something that most people hadn't. "Excellent! I'm glad you mentioned Bavaria as well because they're known to reside there as well and have their own species of Erklings. Well done!"

When it looked like no one else was going to answer, Hirsch turned his attention towards the board. Some might have noticed and some might not have but as the students said their answers, a magical hand seemed to write it on the board behind the Defence Professor. This was mostly for note purposes and for them to keep in mind when the practical portion of the lesson rolled around.

Text Cut: Erkling!Board
Originally Posted by Board
  • Two types: normal Erkling (found in the Black Forest in Germany), Bavarian Erkling (found in Bavaria)
  • Related to house elves
  • Maximum height = 3 feet
  • Ministry classification of XXXX
  • Strict controls from the German Ministry of Magic
  • Can mimic the human language
  • Gets easier to resist their lures as you grow older

What makes them dangerous:
  • Lures children/those who have the Trace on them using their high pitched cackling
  • Eats children when they've got them away from the safety of adults
  • Bavarian Erkling: eats children in public, making them more dangerous
  • Can shoot poisonous darts out of their noses

Useful information in defeating them:
  • Withers away if they don't get their supply of fresh meat
  • Old meat that has been sitting for over a day will act as a poison to an Erkling and will kill it

And another one for the list of spells:

Text Cut: Spells!Board
Originally Posted by Board!Spells
  • Silencio - silences the target
  • Orbis - sucks target downwards and into the ground, as if it were made of quicksand
  • Stupefy - stuns/knocks out the target
  • Expelliarmus - disarms the target, can be used to knock them back if used forcefully enough
  • Incendio/Incendio Duo/Incendio Tria - conjures flames/can be used to set the target on fire
  • Petrificus Totalus - full body-bind curse; binds target's body
  • Incarcerous - ties target up with ropes
  • Babbling Curse - forces victim to babble whenever they try to speak
  • Flipendo/Flipendo Duo/Flipendo Tria - Knockback Jinx; pushes or knocks out the target
  • Deletrius - disintegrates the target
  • Protego - shield charm; produces a magical shield
  • Impiriano - creates a barrier that blocks physical objects
  • Fianto Duri + shield charms - strengthens a spell, mostly shield spells, and allows you to do something else in the meantime
  • Langlock - glues target's tongue to roof of their mouth
  • Reducto - breaks target, can be said to disintegrate them

  • Transfiguration spells
  • Bash it over the head with something heavy
  • Lure it to sleep using music

That was a lot of information, wasn't it? And some included various pieces that he added in as well, which only made the lists look longer and this room look more like a classroom...

... Was it time to do the practical portions, yet?

"Okay! Those were some excellent pieces of information that you all have provided. It seems as though most of you know a lot about the creature we're talking about and have made smart guesses as to how to defeat them. I have to say, I'm very proud." Really. Look at the dimpled smile on his face.

"The information is on the board but I'll go over the basics for those of you who weren't paying attention to everyone's answers. Erklings are tiny creatures, three feet tall at most, and are related to house elves and goblins. They're normally said to be found in the Black Forest in Germany but some come from Bavaria as well. They prey on children and lure them using their high pitched cackling. When they have them somewhere alone, they eat them." Gruesome? It was. Let's hope nobody felt like throwing up their last meal. "The exception is, of course, the Bavarian Erkling which eats its victims out in the public. This makes them easier to attack but also deadlier because they don't care where they eat their prey."


"A lot of people have mentioned the fact that they eat kids and are only effective on those who have the Trace on them, particularly younger kids. So, my next question is: why? Why children? Why not adults?" There was no right or wrong answer here so he was very interested to see what they came up with. Of course, the Ravenclaw Head of House had his own theories but...... we'll see.

OOC: Gosh, that's a lot of info! Sorry! Hopefully the textcut helps to break it down a bit and summarise everything nicely.

The question is super simple: why do the Erklings attack children and not adults? There is really no right or wrong answer so guess away! We want to see your charries' way of thinking and understanding behind this ^^

We're going to move onto the practical portions veeeeeery shortly! YAY!

I'll try and continue this lesson by tomorrow at 5pm GMT. Thanks for sticking with me through this <3
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