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Old 03-19-2017, 07:11 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: You guuuuys! <3
Text Cut: Natalie
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Well, this was peculiar. Peculiar. She had rediscovered the word in a book she was reading and decided to put it to use. And this set up really was quite peculiar. The classroom was pretty empty, which was fine, but there were musical boxes and dummies and the professor looked as if it were a completely normal circumstance.

"Hello, professor," she said skeptically, eyeing the man slightly before considering her options of music boxes. She took one and opened it up before deciding that she liked the tune and the character inside. Then she found a seat on a mat and crossed her legs, the box in her hands.

It didn't take long for the first student to start entering the classroom and Hirsch found himself looking towards the newcomer. "Hello, Miss McKinley. Welcome." That sceptical look hadn't gone unnoticed and was met with a slightly amused look from the man. There was nothing fishy going on here.

And yes, this was pretty normal, wansn't it?

Text Cut: Leon
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Leon was always excited for DADA class, he felt it was one of the most essential classes for his future career and an Auror, not to mention he admired Professor Hirsch also. The man had to be one of his favorite teachers in this school, right next to Professor Meyers.

He walked into class with a smile on his face and he smiled as he saw the Professor. "Hello Professor Hirsch! How are you today? " He asked as his grey eyes landed on the desk...

Those looked like.. Music boxes?

The Ravenclaw instantly looked st the board and read the instructions.. Oh! Okay.. so they most likely weren't cursed.

The seventh year picked one up and looked at it for a moment before moving to sit down on a mat..


Ah, if it wasn't an Auror-to-be.

Hirsch turned his attention away from the young Slytherin to look over at the Ravenclaw who'd just entered the class. "Hello, Mr Kennedy," he said, giving the boy a smile, "I'm very well, thanks. How are you?" Seventh year was a tough year, after all.

And was that a hint of constant vigilance? If so, the man would be very proud right about now.

Text Cut: Carlton
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
Carlton didn't attend all the classes. He tried his best but these last couple of weeks were tough and he spent more time in the hospital wing (talking non-stop to healer Reed) instead of actually going to class. Big crowds and all that.

But defence against the dark arts was important. Maybe more so now than before. He hadn't been able to defend himself against the monster, he'd be dead if it wasn't for Henry and Roo. But if the monster decided to take him again, he wanted to be as prepared as possible. Which is why he was among the first students to arrive.

He gave professor Hirsch a solem nod. Han Solo. Long time no see. "Professor Hirsch. Hi." A little bow in respect and then he moved to take a seat.

"NAT!" FRIEND. Carlton grabbed one of the music boxes (after giving the professor a questioning look). For me? Yes? Yesss. He picked one and went to sit next to his bestie. "Hi." He gave her a small smile and sat down next to her on a mat.

If he was completely honest with himself, Hirsch didn't expect Carlton to turn up to his lesson. Considering everything that had happened, he'd thought that the boy would want to sit lessons out. These things took a while, after all.

So a look of pleasant surprise crossed the Defence Professor's face when the boy walked into the class. "Hello, Mr Lewis. It's good to see you." Really, it was.

And that questioning look? Hirsch gave him an amused one in return. Don't worry, it'll make sense later.

Text Cut: Charlotte
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Five Things Charlotte Kettleburn Loved About the Universe That Currently Happen to be in Evidence:

1. Dueling dummies!

2. Not having to sit in desks!

3. Music boxes!

4. Professor Hirsch and how he thought outside of the music box and constantly kept her engaged and challenged!

5. Getting to touch and/or play with anything rather than having stuff hidden behind some mysterious blanket!

Charlotte swooped in, in a better mood than she had been in a while. Sure Daxton things were still getting her down, but her friends were safe, she'd seen that Liv was back, and generally speaking, things were on the UP.

"Hello professor Hirsch!" Helloooooo music box! Charlotte DID notice the dummies, those were actually pretty exciting, more so than the music boxes, but of course she zeroed in on those too. They were PRETTY. And people were taking them? So she'd take one! before she'd even looked at the board lets be honest She picked a little, delicate one that reminded her of one she had at home, except this one was more cheaply made (BUT STILL PRETTY! CHEAP DIDN'T MEAN IT WASN'T PRETTY!!) And it had a little ballerina that Char honestly thought looked SO much like Olivia. Even down to the expression she remembered her friend always having when she used to dance. Hum. Maybe she should offer this one to Rooney when he got here (because she was okay about things now, even if timing wise, she kind of had got there a bit late considering she had heard that they broke up and everything).

(It didn't matter).

(Char was pretty sure it wasn't permanent).

(The break up, not the relationship).

Okay but where was she going to sit?



The good mood coming off from Miss Kettleburn hadn't gone unnoticed and, in fact, Hirsch was glad to see her in such a good mood. "Hello, Charlotte." He almost wanted to ask why she was so happy all of a sudden but decided against it. It probably wasn't in his place to ask.

Was he surprised that she was sitting right near the dummies?

Not at all.

Text Cut: Liv
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
There was absolutely no way Olivia would ever purposely skip a Defense lesson (if it could be helped). Nope. Never. So, here she was... with bells and a genuine smile on. Had Professor Hirsch missed her? Had he noticed she'd been gone?

Despite being absent, the Gryffindor had kept up with her DADA coursework, utterly determined to not have fallen behind when she did eventually make her return. Now... it was time to see if she'd been successful. It would be a bit of a challenge, considering the location was back to these dreary, enclosed classrooms. Perhaps Liv could talk Hirsch into some outdoor lessons sometime. Personally, she'd found a mark improvement in her own casting with the fresh air and change of scenery. Nothing but the sun and clouds above her...

Oh... Music boxes.

Taking more time than was necessary in selecting one, the blonde ultimately settled on an old fashioned one; made of amber and hardwood. It reminded her of a music box she'd seen on the telly once, belonging to Catherine the Great; even though that had been fictional? It was for entertainment purposes, so... Mythical in it's existence.... It was still very striking and beautiful, however, even if a bit cheaply made. But then again, why would Professor Hirsch give them anything valuable to practice magic on? It wouldn't have made much sense.


The classroom was already filling up quickly, and Liv found herself a little... er, unsure... about where to sit and who to sit near. It wasn't like History of Magic, where she'd been one of the first to arrive... Uh... Near the middle... Off to the side. No need to attract too much attention to herself. "Professor."

Anyway, she wanted to inspect her music box a bit more. That didn't require an audience or some dramatic performance. Not yet, at least.

Well this was a surprise, wasn't it?

Green eyes found another familiar Gryffindor who, up until recently it seemed, hadn't been around. He smiled back at her, glad that she seemed to be looking happier than she had done in one of his previous lessons. Maybe the reason behind her disappearance had helped?

"Welcome back, Miss Phillips. It's good to see you again."

Text Cut: Dalton
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
God, she looked pretty today.

Dalton tore his gaze away from Charlotte and cleared his throat slightly as he stepped further into the classroom. He could feel the tops of his ears going red, and knew that his hair was no longer long enough to cover it, but he wasn't sure he cared. With a frown, and a nod to Professor Hirsch, he picked up the first music box he saw, and wandered to the back of the classroom. Of course he gave Charlotte a little smile, but it was perfunctory at best.

He couldn't help it. He hoped she didn't hate him for it.

Why was this boy frowning? Sure, he didn't expect everyone who walked through those doors to be besotted with the subject he taught but surely, it wasn't so bad, was it? Unless, of course, the boy just wanted to look 'cool' or whatever it was that teenagers liked to look nowadays.

Hirsch gave Mr Fletcher a smile and a nod of his head in return.

Text Cut: Brent
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Alright, it was time for Brent's favorite class, so of course he was really upbeat, energetic, happy, and ready to go. On one hand, he was kind of ashamed to face Professor Hirsch. Both of his duels had failed, and neither him nor his opponent had won. He had hoped to do so much better in the Dueling Club. Hopefully he'd be allowed back in next year...

He walked into the class, not surprised to see just mats and cushions for seats instead of desks. Passing by Hirsch's desk, he grinned at the man who taught his favorite subject. "Hello, Professor Hirsch," he said. He selected a music box then went to claim a mat. He wasn't really a music box playing kind of dude, so he just looked at his music box while waiting for the professor to get things started.

The boy had nothing to be ashamed of, did he know? He'd done well in his duels, as far as the Defence Professor was concerned. Besides, no one started off perfectly in a club like this.

Hirsch smiled back at the young Slytherin before saying, "Hello, Mr Westwood." It didn't matter which musical box the students picked up since they all had the same function, more or less, but it was still interesting to see how many of the students decided to play with them and how many just let them sit there. It wasn't cursed, Mr Westwood. Just saying.

Text Cut: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Kitty strolled into the defense against the dark arts classroom and glanced around for clues as to what this lesson may be about. Almost immediately she spotted Professor Hirsch and the music boxes. Making her way over to one, she said, "Hello professor, how are you?" She picked up a silvery music box with a curios figure beside it. "Curious!" she exclaimed, eyes widening in delight.

Amused. Hirsch was very amused with this entrance.

It was as normal as ever and even contained a normal greeting he'd expect from the Ravenclaw Prefect but...... curious? He shot her an amused look before saying, "Hello, Kitty. I'm very well, thank you. How are you?" Feeling even more curious?

Text Cut: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Whaaaaat o whaaaaat would happen during this lesson? Excited because she had liked most of the previous lessons she wanted to know what she would learn today and… When she entered the classroom she looked… Surprised! Music boxes? But… Why? For as far as Leesha knew it, those music boxes were commonly used and practically ONLY used by muggles, unless those boxes were charmed with magic… Not sure what to think about it she walked closer toward the professor and smiled friendly at the teacher. “Hello professor” again she smiled friendly because it was ALWAYS a good idea to show some respect for the person who was able to give her housepoints!

After reading what was written on the blackboard she picked one of the music boxes she liked, it was a blue colored music box and she liked it! Why blue? Because it was a cool color, better than pink what was SUCH a girly color… Bleh! With her box in her hand and her school back hanging over her shoulder she picked her usual place, close by the window so that if the lesson would became boring that she always could distract herself by looking outside. Sitting down she looked at the music box and she tried to find out if it was a random muggle one or if it was a charmed one and more importantly, she tried to find out WHAT she was supposed to do with it!

Hirsch liked the look of surprise that was on most people's faces as they entered the classroom and saw the musical boxes. It might be very weird and not at all something you'd expect from a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson but it would be connected later. Somehow.

"Hello, Miss Griffel," he said, shooting her a nod and a smile in return. Let's see how she fared in this lesson, eh?

Text Cut: Kat
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
It was the days that Katerina had Defense against the Dark Arts, was the days that she felt most excited, and motivated, do even do lessons. Its seem to radiate off to her other lessons. She had been spending tons of extra time in the training rooms when they wasn't too busy with others in the room. The rest of the time she was studying mostly defense.

She had so much energy heading up the first floor, from the common room. Long blonde curls bouncing with each step she took, her bag swinging over her shoulder. Heading into the normally not so normal DADA classroom. You could always tell you were in the right classroom, no desk no chairs. Was this even a classroom? "Helloooo Professor Hirsch." Heading by the desk.

Music boxes!!!!

All of them were so different. Choosing one of them was going to be super hard. After several minutes, and picking up a couple different ones. Ones that had caught her eye not just wasn't clicking with. She supposed that it was important to pick out one that she liked. Otherwise Hrisch would have had them all look the same, right? FINALLY she picked one and went off and found a spot in the room to examine the music box farther.

Ah, Miss Delgado!

The Hufflepuff's enthusiasm for his subject had been noted as well as her visits to the Training Room and the extra practice she was putting in. He did like it, really. It showed a sense of passion and determination for the subject he loved so much and he was certain that, when the OWLs came round for her, she would pass his subject with flying colours. No worries here.

"Hello, Miss Delgado," he said, shooting her a smile. She seemed excited, didn't she?

Text Cut: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Yes. Finally! DADA class.

Noelle's favorite class. She entered and grinned at the mats and cushions. Then her eyes traveled to the board as she carefully made her way through the mats. Music box? Alrighty. Noelle grabbed one and gave Professor Hirsch a warm smile. "Alright then professor?" She asked before grabbing a music box and heading for a mat to sit.

Noelle sat towards the front but to the side. She opened the music box and listened as her eyes took in the rest of the classroom. It was good to see everyone back in class. It was also good to see the dummies in class. Noelle was well acquainted with them. She couldnt help but wonder how music boxes went with the training dummies.

Ah! If it wasn't another familiar face and another face that was bound to do well in her Defence OWL.

No pressure.

A smile spread across his face at the sight of the Gryffindor and he said, "I'm very good. How are you, Noelle?" Excited for the lesson? He would be surprised if she wasn't. And something told him that she'd be good at the practical portion of this lesson.

Text Cut: Etta
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Etta LOVED this class. Especially the dueling part of it.. but she doubted if they'd be dueling in class today. Instead, there were musical boxes? And that made the Hufflepuff extremely curious. What were they actually going to be learning in class today? "Hello, professor Hirsch. How are you today?" She beamed at him before heading over to his desk.

Etta picked one of the boxes in random before finding a mat for herself somewhere near the middle of the room and sat down, staring at the box in hand.

Hirsch smiled at the Hufflepuff as she entered the classroom. She was rather good at duelling, did she know? There was room for improvement, sure, but she seemed to do better than he expected for a first time dueller. Something to remember, this was.

"Hello, Miss Kramer. I'm doing well, excited, even. How are you?"

Text Cut: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Natalia thought about not coming. She thought about hiding in the practice room, but after the last time she decided this was not the class to skip. He knew and he would come looking for her. So instead of missing Natalia took a few deep breaths and headed into the room.

Her eyes scanned the area for someone she could sit by. Stepping into the class a bit more she glanced at the music boxes and picked one up. Hi professor" she turned and headed to find a seat. Placing the music box down she took her seat and pulled out her parchment and quill. She wondered what they might be doing today. What could be so evil about a music box? Nat honestly wouldn't be surprised what evil could possess such a beautiful thing. It seemed everything in life had its evil side.

................. Oh. This was another surprise.

Considering their previous conversation, Hirsch didn't really expect her to attend his class today. She needed some time to relax, after all. Time to get better and a full-on physical lesson wasn't going to help with that. Sure, he would have gotten worried and seen to her to make sure that she was okay, but this wasn't necessary.

Still, he was glad she'd decided to attend and he gave her a warm smile as she addressed him. "Hello, Natalia." There were a number of things he could say to her but now wasn't the time. No. Maybe this was her way of trying to heal, after all.

Text Cut: Daisy
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Even if Daisy ever wanted to skip DADA class -- which she didn't, because Hirsch was very nice to look at --, it would be a terrible idea considering what they now knew about the portal!Hogwarts. There was still a long way to go before the end of the term and no one knew if they would get sucked into it or not. Maybe the spell they would be learning today would save their lives!

Ooooor not.

When she walked into the classroom and looked over at Hirsch's desk, Daisy stopped. And blinked. And tilted her head. Wait, what? She really hadn't been expecting that. Cute as those music boxes were, they didn't really seem to fit in a DADA classroom. Especially when those practice dummies were in. Professor Hirsch never had anything unnecessary clogging up the classroom space, however, so clearly those would be used in this lesson.

As would the music boxes.


The Slytherin moved forwards to get the music box that had grabbed her attention, a nice silvery one with green detailing. "Hello, Professor. Everything's alright?" She had to ask, okay? The thought that he had lost his mind and that was why they were being instructed to pick a music box (!!!) had crossed her mind. She turned at that and moved to find a mat near the middle of the classroom she could sit on.

Ah, these lessons were never boring, were they?

If he was completely honest with himself, this greeting was amusing, as was the confusion at the music boxes. Maybe he should include more weird items in his lessons, just to see the look on the students faces as they had to handle them.

"Hello, Miss Carden. Everything's good. Great, even." See? Completely normal over here. "How are you?"

Text Cut: Juno
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
As usual, as of late, Juno was running to get to her class on time, and this was her favorite class so she had to be there on time. She slowed her pace when she was close enough to the open door, and walked in, panting.

With a wave and smile she greeted the professor, "Hello, Professor Hirsch! Hope you're having a good day." She saw the instructions on the board, grabbed a music box, and found an open mat next to Leon.

She plopped down with sigh. Not having her morning run was really getting her out of shape! Or maybe it was jogging up and down the stairs all day...probably that. She grinned and winked at Leon, whispering a small, "Hey." Before looking over the music box.

Time was ticking on and it was getting closer and closer towards the time where he'd have to close the door and start the lesson. But not before some more students wandered in. Or, in the case of the Prefect, entered as if they had just ran a marathon.

"Had a good run, Miss Darcy?" She wasn't late, she had nothing to worry about. "Thank you. I hope you are as well."

Text Cut: Levi
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
As always, Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons felt very much like going to war. Not that Levi had any point of reference whatsoever on how going to war actually felt like, but. The important part was that while that mostly everyone in the room seemed to be brimming with excitement, the fifth year was already frowning in concentration before the lesson even started.

"Hullo, Professor Hirsch," the boy greeted very solemnly, as he retrieved one of the music boxes (???) and occupied one of the mats at the very back of the classroom. Levi made point of not looking at anyone; the less distractions the better.

Here was another frowny kid.

Having taught one Daxton Prince, Hirsch was almost used to this but it was still a cause for concern. After all, look at what happened to Daxton. "Hello, Mr Kenning," he said, giving the boy a nod of his head and watching as he went to sit towards the very back of the class. One of the cool kids, eh? Maybe that explained the frowning.

Text Cut: Elle
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Things were still not entirely normal, not in Elle’s opinion. It wasn’t only the vague sense of menace from the mystery of the portals, either. It was things closer to her, and she had found herself following Nat into the DADA classroom out of concern for her. She’d known she couldn’t do anything, either to make the Head Girl attend or regarding the reason for her malaise, but that didn’t change the fact she would have if it was possible. Plus, for once she had left her hedgehog in her dorm, asleep in the center of her bed. DADA wasn’t a safe place for him given the possibility of them practicing hexes and such.

“Hello Professor Hirsch,” she had greeted him softly, sending a glance toward the training dummies afterward. Just curious, considering the combination of the dummies and the music boxes. Of which she had collected one that looked like it was possibly made out of mother-of-pearl with a vine pattern inlaid into the surface. Just because it had caught her attention more than anything, the delicateness of it. She didn’t expect there’d be anything that fit her better. Amusingly it reminded her of her wand. Either way, she’d turned to go take a seat next to Nat, sending the brunette a smile.

It was interesting to see which style of boxes the students picked up, wasn't it? Not that it mattered, of course, but he was just curious to see which ones their personal preferences pulled them towards.

"Hello, Miss Penrose." She got a smile from the man as well, especially since she had gone to sit down next to Natalia. Good. Keep her company, okay?

Text Cut: Mason
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Another DADA lesson. It did not surprise him when he entered the classroom that there were no desks or chairs in the room to make it look like a normal classroom. Instead, his dark brown, almost black eyes scanned the room for an empty seat and made a mental note to sit on the one nearest the wall in the middle.

But before that, he noticed that the other students were grabbing some kind of item from the Professor's desks so following what they were doing, Mason turned and walked towards the music boxes as well. "Uh...hey Professor Hirsh...thanks for know.." he shook his wand arm slightly where his wand was hidden in its wrist holster. He got the clue right? Not everyone needed to know he had gotten his butt kicked by a girl AND had his wand stolen... Before he felt his face getting red, the Ravenclaw grabbed a random music box and walked to the cushion he had just seen before.

When he sat down, it was then that he really looked at the music box and turned it over in his hands to look at it. The box itself was almost black but it had a purple hue over it when it was bought in to the light. It looked pretty to him. He then placed the box in front of him and checked his watch. Great, he still had some few minutes before class would start. So he opened up his school bag and pulled out his crime novel book and began reading.

Yes, Hirsch knew exactly what the boy was talking about. It didn't take him long to figure it out and he certainly didn't need the extra clue of the shaking of his wand arm but he knew. He got the clue.

"You're very welcome, Mr Winslow." The boy got a reassuring smile from his Head of House. No, he wasn't going to tell anyone.

Text Cut: Dora
Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Dora hadn't STOLEN anything. Ahem. She took it away. HUGE difference. Besides, Mason had it back now anyway. What was the big deal?! The blonde resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she came up behind the Ravenclaw and cleared her throat.

Move along.

Averting her eyes, the Gryffindor grabbed a music box and gave Hirsch a little wave, not entirely past the Mason thing that had just happened, OR the fact that Hirsch had embarrassed her.


After securing the box the Lion headed for yhe first available mat and folded herself down on it. This was NOT how she had wanted to start her DADA lesson, but now she was in a full on strop and there was no going back.

Thanks a lot, Mason Winslow. Always rehashing old stuff and making Dora upset.

Was it amusing that the next person to enter the classroom happened to be the one person linked to Mason's situation and what he was talking about?


"Hello, Dora," he said, returning the wave and hoping, maybe, that the girl wasn't upset at him after their meeting in his office. Or maybe she still was?

Text Cut: Althea
Originally Posted by thekraken View Post
Not that anyone had even bothered to ask but: Althea was very much over the school term. She didn't know why but the end of the year always seemed to drag on. Anyway. As per her brother's insistence, she'd made an effort to be more of a team player and be more present in class. Flashing the professor a quick smile she plucked a small music box and made a beeline for Levi.

On her way over she passed near Daisy and gave the girl a small pat on her head. Acknowledgement that she still liked her (mostly, anyway.) As she sat down, she leaned close to Levi and asked "Why didn't you sit next to chicken girl, Big L?" Because she wasn't actually over the whole initials-for-nicknames thing, and would ride it out until she grew tired of it.

Hirsch glanced down at his watch quickly. There was still quite a bit of time left before the start of the lesson but he was getting more and more excited to start.

He looked up, just in time to see another student enter the classroom. Just a smile? No matter. He gave her a smile and a nod in return and watched as she went to sit down next to Mr Kennedy. Company was always a good thing.

Text Cut: Derf
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Granted, the first year was easily excitable, but Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of those subjects that he had taken quite the liking to and NOT like Care of Magical Creatures liking because he already liked that before he had even boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Bounding into the room, Derf made a beeline riiiiiight for Professor Hirsch and greeted the man with a BIG GRIN.

"Hi profes-ss-ss-sor!" he chirped. "I wrote your girlfriend s-some fanmail!" JUST SO HE KNEW!

Grabbing a music box at random - one with a carousel horse figurine - Derf moved to find himself somewhere to sit when his bright blue eyes fell on an older Ravenclaw student and the BOOK in his hand. "Ooooh! My dad has-s-s that book!"

Seat found. Hello older friend.

And here was a student who knew far too much about his personal life than he would've liked. Sure, he'd been the one to tell him what he currently knew but..... still. He knew too much. Far too much.

And his words said enough.

Hirsch, who'd been smiling at the boy's entrance, suddenly found that smile dropping and his eyes widening as he registered those words. Fanmail? To Ariadne?! This was almost as bad as his mum cornering Ariadne and talking about weddings. "What did you say in the fanmail?" And more importantly, did she read it? Did she know that he attended Hogwarts?

He had a lot of questions.

Text Cut: Genny
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Genny walked into the classroom with a passive aggressive attitude. She did not want to act all childish and butt-hurt over what happened with the professor the other day but also she had integrity so... she wanted to express how betrayed she felt with the decision of getting some people into the portal again without including her. Although Tory did say he was not sure about this rumour.

She went up to the table, ignored the professor's presence (whcih was the hardest thing she'd ever done since she passed up on dessert after her big lunch yesterday) and grabbed a musical box, then with a spin chose the furthest seat away from the professor.

It did hurt to see him standing there all strong and respectful and everything she loved about him without getting to acknowledge him, but she was convinced she was expressing something very important that touched her very personality.

So. Yeah... definitely not going to wane....

....................... Well.

Hirsch had thought that the girl would've had time to heal and maybe get over any hurt feelings she'd had to endure from him but no. Apparently, he wasn't worthy of so much as a smile as she entered the classroom and that made him feel very sad, indeed. Surely, he wasn't worthy of this bad of a treatment, was he?


Nevertheless, whether she saw it or not, he shot her a small smile as she went to sit down.

Text Cut: Lucy
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
....Not her favorite class. One of her favorite professors, look

Lucy took a pretty looking music box off the desk, greeted Hirsch with a smile, and looked around for a place to sit. Not next to Saffron. Anymore. Ever.

She saw Genny on her lonesome and decided that was better. New friends were better right now. "Hey," she smiled as she sat down.

Now to play with the box.

Hirsch found his attention diverted away from Miss Tate and towards the next person to enter the classroom. Miss Potts got a smile and a nod of his head in return and he watched as she went to sit down right next to Miss Tate herself. Good. Maybe the Gryffindor needed it.

Text Cut: Rooney
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Rooney had definitely forgotten about his DADA class today and had therefore had to rush towards the classroom from his dorm completely unprepared. Whether his forgetting was on purpose or not, he didn't know or didn't choose to know. Out of breath, he stumbled through the door apologising quickly to his Head of House. It didn't seem like he had interrupted any proper lesson shenanigans and therefore he didn't feel quite as awful. His satchel was full of his potions textbooks from the last lot of studying he had been doing.

He gave the board a quick read, took the nearest musical box without thinking about it and went to sulk on a cushion as far away form his ex-girlfriend as he could try to be. Rooney Bronwyn did not want to see her face right now when he was stuck thinking about the music box he had been working on for her for their first anniversary. What anniversary? The one that would have been coming up in the next few days? Yes, that one. The one that didn't exist anymore. #dramatic

Here was another student he didn't expect to turn up for his lessons. He didn't mind if the boy took the rest of the year off but, on second thought, that didn't sound like something Rooney Bronwyn would do. No.

"It's fine, Rooney, you're not late." In fact, according to his watch, he was just in the nick of time. And he hadn't missed anything important apart from greetings and people playing with the music boxes.

Text Cut: Henry
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Defense Against the Dark Arts had always been one of Henry's favorite classes. He liked most of the practical classes that allowed him to use magic, plus there was almost always some sort of fun game where they got to practice what they knew or something new.

He was a little uneasy about coming back to this class though, feeling like he faced his own dark arts whatever fairly recently, and wasn't sure what might come up in class that would remind him of what he tried to forget. He supposed that was part of why he initially decided to sit out the rest of dueling club for the year, though he was starting to regret that decision. He needed to find some way to get past this.. and.. for today, he would be fine. Henry plastered on a smile before he headed into the classroom. See? He was fine. Completely fine.

"Hello, Professor," he greeted Hirsch with as much mustered enthusiasm as he could as he walked past once he maneuvered through the maze of mats on the floor. Music boxes? That was... curious. Henry looked at the selections on the desk before picking up a soft blue box with gilded edges. The melody that began to play when he opened it was rather haunting but it was also the carousel horse inside that kept him transfixed for a moment. Distracted for now, he made his way to an empty spot on one of the mats to wait for class to begin.

Henry Whittebrook was here as well? Here and smiling. Huh.

Green eyes looked towards Carlton, Rooney and then back at the Hufflepuff. All three didn't have to turn up today if they felt as though it was all too much but he was glad that they were here. Surprised but glad. "Hello, Mr Whittebrook," he said, matching that smile with one of his own, "Glad that you could make it."

Text Cut: Abey
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Hogwarts classes were getting much more difficult as the year drew on, but, in the case of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Abey was actually not at all deterred. This was one of the few classes he liked to attend almost ALL the time. If he could replace the classes he didn't like with Defence Against the Dark Arts, he would be a very happy Abey indeed actually. But he couldn't so maybe he would just continue avoiding all those other lessons. Maybe. Actually.

Stepping into the classroom, Abey noticed all those strange boxes immediately. What they were would have been a complete mystery to him, were it not for the fact that the other students had picked them up, and some had opened them so that the telltale sound was... well... telling tales.

Did... was he supposed to take one too? Yes? No? Maybe? Abey stood there, peering at the blackboard for a moment, a frown becoming more and more apparent on his face as he staaaaaared at the words. It was difficult to really know everything written up there, and so actually Abey just quickly gave up, BECAUSE he was resourceful enough to take a guess and just follow what everyone else had done, and also that was way quicker. It was RISKY, following others and not knowing for sure what he was supposed to do, but it usually worked. And so, he blinked and rubbed his eyes and went to pick up one of the music boxes as well, before taking a seat on one of the mats, close to that one Hufflepuff Henry. Because Hufflepuffs (which was what Abey was actually) needed to stick together, see. And also there just happened to be a space right there.

Oh. Wait. Hold on. OH. WAIT. DISTRACTED. Abey looked up again SUPER QUICKLY at Professor Hirsch and gave him a smile. "Hello Professor Hirsch! I hope you're having a really actually good day!" Really actually.

Would you look at that? It was almost getting to the time when he'd have to close the door and begin the clas-

Oh. Not yet.

The last student to enter was an enthusiastic one that he recognised very well. He still remembered the boy's enthusiasm during his duels this term and was glad that it was something that seemed to have stuck with him. Though, he couldn't help but wonder why the young Gryffindor was looking at the board for so long. Was there something on there that shouldn't be? Hirsch glanced back at it and, upon finding nothing else there, looked back at the Gryffindor, instead. Huh.

Well, wasn't that sweet? "Hello, Mr Botros," he said, smiling back at the young boy, "Thank you, I hope you are as well."

Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Junia filtered in juuuuust after her cousin, looking a bit sheepish. She was running late this morning and it had thrown her whole day out of whack already. Like her hair wasn't as neat as it usually was, she hadn't had as good of a breakfast as she normally would've, and her socks were two different lengths, which she couldn't quite figure out.

Grabbing a rather ornate music box from the desk, one of the last there, she gave Professor Hirsch a polite smile and hurried to find a seat.

Time was ticking onwards and, frankly, he was getting slightly more antsy about getting started. Hirsch had just taken out his wand and was about to close the door when another figure happened to filter in in the nick of time. "Cutting it close, Miss Botros," he said, shooting her a smile in return.

After greeting Miss Botros, the Defence Professor glanced down at his watch and counted down the last few seconds before......


A flick of his wand and the door swung shut, calling attention to everyone present. Anyone who was late was going to have to deal with his slight annoyance. But for now, he smiled towards the students that were present in the room.

Let's get this started, shall we?

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to another lesson!" he said, giving his hand a small clap. Any talking could die down now, okay? "Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for taking up a music box. If you haven't done so, please collect one up now. I promise that you won't get zapped unnecessarily." Was he good at making jokes yet? "They might be a bit confusing for now but I promise that you will understand their use a little later on."

"Now," he said, an excited look crossing his face, "Today, we're going to be looking at a Dark creature that a number of you might have heard of before. One that comes from my very own homeland." Meaning that he probably knew a lot about it, given his upbringing.

"Today, we're going to be talking about Erklings!" It wasn't like him to get straight to the topic at hand but, well, here it was. "What I want to know from you is: what are they? What do you know about them? And, if you don't want to answer the basics, what spells would you use against them and why?" Try and really think, okay? Guesses were more than welcome in this room.

OOC: Ohmygosh look at this turnout! *__* YAY! Thanks for coming! Class has officially started so please keep the chatter to a minimum. And if you haven't posted your charrie in here and want to, please feel free to jump right in and pretend as though they've been here the entire time.

This is a two question post, essentially:
1) What do you know about Erklings?
2) What spells would you use against them?
You can answer one or both of the questions (or neither, if your charrie prefers). Please try and give different answers and not just copy and paste from the "textbook". And you're more than welcome to have your charrie make things up/guess as well ^^

I get back pretty late tomorrow so I'll continue the lesson at roughly 8pm GMT. Sorry for the wait.

Thanks once again, lovelies!

Last edited by hermionesclone; 03-19-2017 at 10:37 PM.
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