Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Toronto
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Madison Valentine Fifth Year x12 x9
| ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# SPOILER!!: Quadpot Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Seriously, they can talk Quidditch all day and this Curly Top wouldnt even feel like time was passing by. But now the Historian revealed that they were to talk about many other Wizarding sports and games. Goodie! "I really like Quodpot!" he blurted out as he raised his hand exuberantly. "Started all accidental like too, this guy Abraham Peasegood had his wand and his quaffle in the same trunk-- which was a silly in itself because what if that quaffle broke his wand eh eh?-- anyway yeah the magic from his wand rubbed off on the quaffle and next thing he knew it had a tendency to go BOOM! Hence Quodpot." Beams.
Clearly he loved that sport. Arguably even more than Quidditch. Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft He listened intently as the Peofessor spoke and then raised his hand at her question. "Professor, there is a variant of Quidditch called Quodpot which was invented in the eighteenth century by a wizard called Abraham Peasegood, its mostly played in America though. It came about due to a mishap with a quaffle exploding in Abraham's face, so the goal of the game is to get the ball, called the Quod into the pot before it explodes. "
He only then glanced down at the Parchment and saw what Juno had wrote.. he frowned and wrote back.. I'm so sorry sweetie, is there anything I can do to help? Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Once again, Kane felt a LITTLE out of the loop being from America and not Great Britain, as a lot of these sports were totally foreign to him. So, despite having it already been mentioned, he threw out the only thing he knew. He raised his hand into the air.
"There's Quodpot, which is really similar to Quidditch. It's very popular today in America, so I'm guessing when the colonists left Great Britain, it was one of those things that took off in the colonies and was kind of phased out here," he explained. It wasn't too surprising that a few students were chiming in with Quadpot, given the fact that the sport was a variant of Quidditch - something that was mentioned. "Very good! As was mentioned, the sport came about accidentally when Abraham Peasegood had a little mishap. This occurred while he was traveling from England to the United States. Because he had such a good sense of humor, he decided to recreate the effect of the Quaffle exploding in his face. He and his friends set about doing this with leather balls." It was one of Rosalyn's favourite sports origin, but then the accidental inventions were often ones that she had a soft spot for. SPOILER!!: Gobstones Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Oooooooh. Other wizarding sports or games.. HM. Since others had already mentioned Quodpot.. She quickly raised a hand. "Well.. there's Gobstones, I suppose. I don't know much about its history except that it has been around for a really long time.. as long as Quidditch, I think. Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Other sports? Olly could name a few other wizarding games but didn't know much about their origins. There was, uh, exploding snap, wizard's chess. Olly heard someone else mention gobstones. He didn't know much about the history of that either, but of all the sports it was probably the one he knew most about so he raised his hand to contribute. "Gobstones is like a muggle game called marbles. Except in gobstones if you lose they spray their, well, gob I guess, into your face. I don't know which came first, gobstones or marbles. Same with wizard's chess. Are they just magical versions of muggle games? Or do muggles play non-magical versions of wizard games?" Were his words making sense? If they weren't, he blamed it on being tired. Quote:
Originally Posted by StarShine Katherine listened carefully, although she'd already known all of that thanks to Genny and the books she'd been reading. She did note that Henry was there, and she hoped she'd catch him after class. For now though, she raised her hand to answer the question: "In Gobstones, the players start the game with 15 marbles each and the goal is to capture all of the opponents'." Rosalyn smiled as Gobstones was mentioned. It was hard to talk about the game's history, but that was understandable given how ancient it was. Again, people didn't do the best job of record keeping a long time ago. "Well done. It's hard to say much about the history of Gobstones since record keeping was quite bad back then." Understatement. "We do know that it is ancient however, probably invented in close proximity to marbles." And good question from Oliver! "It's a little hard to say which order a lot of these games come in, but I think that in some instances the wizarding versions came first, and in others the muggle ones have. Since we are in close proximity to each other and there was no Statue of Secrecy at that time, it's possible that we shared these concepts." But again it was hard to say for sure because lousy record keeping. SPOILER!!: Wizard's Chess Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur Noelle raised her hand. She wasnt too sure if this was actually a sport but she was trying to give different answers than what others were saying. As for the history.... she wasnt too sure. "Umm... Wizard chess? Is that a sport? I dont know much about the history of it but, there are designs og chess boards from the 12th century."
There. She had somewhat of an answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Hand up, Rooney was sure he had misheard the question or whatever. Or something. "Wizard's Chess, Professor." He said nothing more than that. Instead, thought about his younger sister and how they had scheduled to play that very game after this class. Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog "Wizard's Chess is another one, and it's like Muggle Chess except that the pieces move by themselves and they destroy each other. Personally I prefer Muggle chess, but it is fun when your piece tries to argue with you on where it should move." But pieces moving by themselves was totally not necessary, in her opinion. Noelle seemed a little unsure of her answer, so Rosalyn nodded at her in encouragement. "It's a wizarding game, so it counts." It seemed that both Ravenclaw Prefects shared the same answer. Rooney didn't give much of anything, but then he was still recovering from a huge ordeal. The boy knew about history, there was no doubt about that. "There ARE 12th century designs of chessboards, yes. This is a very ancient game - just like the muggle version of chess. They very well could have been invented at around the same time. I prefer the muggle version as well," she added in agreement with Kitty. SPOILER!!: Shuntbumps Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl So she turned her attention back to the lesson, deciding to go with one of the first games that popped into her head. "There's Shuntbumps which was mentioned earlier. It's where players try to knock each other off their brooms, and it was really popular in...Devon, I think? It's mostly just a game for kids now though." Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno had an answer. She raised her hand and when called on answered, "You mentioned Shuntbumps before. It is kind of a children's game now, but when it was first invented it was for everyone. It was created in Devon, England I believe. You had to knock as many people off of their brooms as possible. Last person still on their broom won the game." It was a fun game she and her siblings used to play. River always won though. Jerk.
Juno read Leon's response, and wrote back, 'I wish there was but with the curfew and new rules you aren't allowed...It's ok though. At least I get a lot of time to relax in the Common Room...well, mostly.' She sighed and nudged the parchment back to him, hoping the professor would think they were just writing or comparing notes. Wonderful! One of the sports that Rosalyn had mentioned as being an influence on Quidditch. That was very pleasing. "Excellent! Yes, it WAS popular in Devon. It is a children's game, but you can see where it inspired Quidditch. The knocking people off of brooms sounds A LOT like the role that Beaters and Quaffles play." Interesting stuff!
Also... "Miss Darcy, I am sure that whatever you have to tell Mr Kennedy isn't urgent and can wait until after class." Note passing was not something that was allowed during her lessons. As a Prefect, she should especially know better than that. SPOILER!!: Other Answers Quote:
Originally Posted by Oesed Levi raised his empty hand while the other one scribbled down notes as fast as he could. It was only a little messy and he'd have to probably review them later, but. "Nearly Headless Nick loves to go on about Horseback Head-Juggling." He looked up. It was only polite to look at people in the eye when you spoke to them, or so his father had taught him. It helped you built rapport, or something. "Which historically has always excluded the living, for obvious reasons, and has only ever accepted ghosts that have been fully decapitated." Surely this counted as a sport? Well, that was a little more morbid than the other answers, but Rosalyn had to admit that Horseback Head-Juggling DID count as a game. Not her idea of fun, but then she was still alive... and had a head. "Yes, indeed. Best not to ever mention it in front of Sir Nicholas though." Honestly this was one event that she didn't have much knowledge in, preferring not to delve into it. The thought of the game gave her the creeps in all honesty. Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity Dora doodled this on her parchment and then drew a heart to one side. Meeeeh. It was kind of the worst to have a boyfriend who was so very into a sport she found horribly ridiculous. But, luckily they had moved on to something that could be a bit more interesting. Listening to some of the others and blocking some out completely she raised her hand and smirked. "Shrunken head bowling! I'm not sure of the exact origins, but I think it has to do with some voodoo priest in the Americas. Legend has it that he was ruthless and also bored easily... so one day he started tossing some of his louder shrunken heads at objects he had lined up. And there you have it. " And another answer that was pretty morbid. At least in Rosalyn's opinion. She would stick to the muggle bowling. Nonetheless she could understand why the game appealed to people. "Good, Miss Umbridge. That is what the legend says, though of course we can't know for SURE what happened. They DO say that legends have basis in fact." So basically at least part of that story was probably true. Quote:
Originally Posted by thekraken Raising her hand quickly, Althea said: "The annual broom race," and she paused to take a bit into her cupcake. "It's origin dates back to the tenth century, and takes place each year in Sweden." She wondered why Sweden always hosted the event, but she supposed it had more tof do with tradition than anything. The annual broomstick race was an event that Rosalyn had always wanted to see though she hadn't had a chance to yet. Maybe one day. Hopefully. "Excellent! Another old event. In fact it predates Hogwarts, which is a rather interesting thought." Because this school was SO old. At least she thought it was interesting... "The event starts in Kopparberg and ends in Arjeplog, with spectators apparating from the starting point to the finish line to see who survives the race." Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola "There's Exploding Snap, Professor." She supplied with a hand raised when she was called upon. The card game was fun, in her opinion, but none of the options offered even came close to Quidditch. Not even Quodpot, honestly. She liked her Quaffles study and reliable, thank you very much. "My advice for any long haired players is to keep your hair in a bun. Also, it doesn't hurt to wear protective goggles." She had learned, the hard way, that she did not look good without eyebrows. A nice answer accompanied with good advice. Rosalyn nodded her head in approval. "Quite right, Miss Carden." There had been more than one time when she had suffered rather bad consequences while playing the game. Maybe that was part of the thrill for some people? Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni "Duelling."........That's what she'd had in her mind to say about wizarding sports. There were tournaments and everything. Sanctioned ones. So, it counted... Eventually, she tore her greedy gaze away from Rooney's face to restate, "Duelling would be one." She paused to wipe the tears. "They hold sanctioned matches in tournament format."... but that's all she knew... It was rather worrying seeing Olivia acting this way. It made Rosalyn sad to see any of her students upset. She hoped that the girl knew that her door was open at any point if she needed to talk. She gave a kind smile. "Wonderful! Duelling definitely can count. We even have a club for it here at Hogwarts!" Of course it wasn't ALWAYS a game. Obviously it could be very serious business. Something that people needed to realize. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Speaking of winged horses she did put her hand up at the next question. "Professor, there are Winged Horse races." Those were even in the Wizarding Olympics that were held. She hadn't been flown one of the horses since the accident, but she still loved them so much and wanted some of her own one day. Her eyes moving around the room she did notice Liv sitting there and noticed the tears. Nat herself had been hiding behind a mask lately so she felt for the girl. It was nice to see Natalia offering an answer to this question. Rosalyn was rather worried about her as well. Hopefully nothing was seriously wrong. She hoped that the Head Girl knew that she could come to her at any point. "Good! Sadly we don't know a lot about the origins of Winged Horse Racing, but it can be assumed to be a rather ancient game." It made her sad to think about how many old games and sports there were that hadn't had their origin recorded. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising "You mentioned Creaothceann, as an ancient broom game, and it's probably one of the most dangerous games. Players wore cauldrons strapped to their head and well, there's a Gaelic poem in the book that sums up the game nicely...."
Eyes flicking down to the page in the book, she read aloud, "'The players assembled, twelve fine, hearty men. They strapped on their cauldrons, stood poised to fly. At the sound of the horn they were swiftly airborne. But ten of their number were fated to die.' It can't get much more tragic than that though, knowing most of the players weren't going to live after the match," Skylar said quietly, feeling rather sad. And the stupid governors think that quidditch was dangerous; no one was fated to die during a quidditch match. Rosalyn was pleased to see that yet another sport that had inspired Quidditch was being mentioned. "Yes, it DEFINITELY is one of the most dangerous sports I would have to say." Surely most other people would agree with that assessment as well. "It was considered a test of manliness to Scottish witches and wizards. Surprisingly is was quite popular in the middle ages despite the fact that it was standard for only two out of the twelve players in a game to survive the match!" Absolutely insane in her opinion. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry She had all the intentions of at least sitting in the back of the room quietly taking notes. That was until she heard the word Quidditch, her hand shot straight up. " There are seven players on a team and there are 14 teams in the British and Irish league." Her dad played Quidditch, and did her uncle he played too. SO maybe now this lesson got a little more.... Likable? It wasn't that she didn't like History of Magic, it was just it was so borinnnnng, talking about things of the past.
Now that she had taken care of her dear cousin her mind went back to the lesson. Other wizarding games... mmmm "Flying Seahorse Fishing." Yes, that was a thing. She had heard of it before though she didn't understand it. Muggle fishing was boring, because all you did was sit still in a boat or on the shore all day and wait for the fish to bite. It seemed that Katerina knew a fair bit about Quidditch given the fact that she was aware of the exact number of teams in the British and Irish league. It was nice to see just how many students enjoyed the sport. "Very good," she said with a smile.
Flying Seahorse Fishing was an interesting answer, and an activity that had been popular at Hogwarts. "Good answer. A lot of Hogwarts students have taken part in this sport, and it was popular in the 1990s. Of course it has a practical aspect as well - providing a potions ingredient." Something her uncle surely was in need of from time to time though she had no idea how often he would need flying seahorses. SPOILER!!: Silent One Quote:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist As for the second question professor Newton asked, Carlton had no idea. He didn't even know anything about Muggle sports, let alone wizard ones. So he sat quiet this time around. Plus, he hadn't liked the attention his first answer had gotten him. He settled for taking notes. It was obvious that Carlton was struggling with this lesson so far, and Rosalyn completely understood. Not only was he a child new to wizarding education, but he had suffered a trauma that she couldn't even begin to imagine. She sent him a friendly smile. It was okay if he didn't say anything. Anyway, it was time for them to move on to the activity portion! Were they already guessing that Rosalyn was going to go along with trying to get them to come up with something on their own? Even though she liked to change things up, she DID love getting them to be creative and inventive. This was no exception to the rule. "That's enough with the discussion. Now it's time to get started on the activity." Hopefully they would like it, but she would see for herself soon enough. Of course she was always available to offer help whenever needed. "For today, I would like for you to come up with your own magical game or sport! This can be something that you come up with completely on your own, or a take off from a muggle game or sport - think Gobstones or Wizard's Chess. Shrunken Head Bowling as well, I suppose." That counted even if she wasn't really a fan. "If you are having a hard time with this, you are welcome to work in groups. No more than THREE. Of course you can also do this on your own." That was always an option because some people just preferred doing things that way.
She picked up a piece of chalk so that she could write on the blackboard. As she continued to speak, she began to jot things down. "Some things to consider: the name of your game/sport, the targeted group of people who would be playing it, how many players would be involved, the positions and equipment used (if required), if it's team based or one on one, and of course any rules." That seemed like a pretty good list to her. "Of course any other considerations are welcome if necessary." She wasn't trying to limit them in any way.
Now for the fun part! "Once you have come up with your sport or game, I would like you to pair off with another person - or group - and pitch your idea to them as if you want to interest them in playing it." Did that make sense to them? If not, Rosalyn was more than happy to explain things further to them. "You have until the end of class to work on this assignment, and as always you are more than welcome to ask me any questions or for assistance if needed." OOC: Great job, guys! As Rosalyn said, for this activity, you are to come up with a wizarding game/sport that is either completely new, or a take on a muggle one. Keep in mind the considerations that are to be made. Once done with that, team up and pitch your idea to someone else/another group.
Please no more than THREE people per group! There is NO posting requirement for this, and you have until 11:59 pm EST on March 21st to get this completed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask either me or Rosalyn! |