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Old 03-11-2017, 07:07 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maddox B. Buchanan
Fourth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth
The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Text Cut: Elle and Etta
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Elle had realized nearly as soon as she’d said it that she hadn’t really elaborated on what Leon had said, but then as Professor Marchand had begun responding, it seemed as if she had said enough. Maybe it was the part she’d added about the camouflage most likely changing with the environment, although she noted that he hadn’t actually put that in his little recap notes. It was both nice and frustrating, but she kept that to herself as she wrote down the list that had been put on the board.

However, it didn’t stop her from raising her hand again, either. “A human under a disillusionment charm can be detected by the use of Homenum Revelio, so I’d imagine any form of Revelio might work in revealing objects under a disillusionment charm as well,” she suggested. It wasn’t a definitive answer by any means, but it was an educated guess. She didn’t see why she shouldn’t suggest it.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Etta took notes as the professor spoke, still quite excited about the topic in discussion. This subject was one of her favourites, after all.. and she was pretty good at it too.

Ooooh, a question. The girl raised a hand, answering hesitantly. "Revelio, perhaps? It's a spell that's used to reveal hidden objects.. right?" Was that correct? She leaned back against the seat, tapping her fingers impatiently against the desk. Could they just start with the practical part of the lesson already?

Gaston didn't have to wait long for students' hands to go up. Miss Penrose's was the first he saw, and he called on her. Somehow he had an idea it wouldn't take long for someone to mention the counterspell. "Yes! Revelio is the perfect spell to counter a disillusionment charm," he said, beaming back at the girl. "Excellent, Miss Penrose!"

It seemed Miss Kramer had the same idea, and she too got a beam from the professor. "So you agree with Miss Penrose then?" he said. "Very good, Miss Kramer."

Text Cut: Charlotte
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Oh sure they could use a revealing charm but Charlotte tried to think outside the box and not repeat what people had said, because you didn't always have the ability to cast a spell did you?

She put her hand up.

"What if you used the environment? Like if it was a person you could do it by looking for footprints in snow or dirt, or like.... throw water or dirt around because the spell doesn't repel that stuff -they would have to make it substantive and stack other spells in order to have the effect of repelling that sort of thing- so it would stick to the object, so you'd see like... a shimmer from water or smears from dust and dirt and whatnot. Oh or paint! If you had paint. Just because you don't always have access to your wand so...." That would work, right?

Miss Kettleburn took a different route with her answer. Gaston listened carefully to all she had to say, nodding along every so often. He was impressed with her line of thought! "Excellent point, Miss Kettleburn!" he said, smiling at the Gryffindor girl. She was right, sometimes you wouldn't have your wand. "One's environment can be extremely useful in revealing disillusioned objects."

Text Cut: Noelle, Leon, and Brent
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Oh that was useful! Being able to accio objects that were camouflaged into their surrondings.

Noelle jotted down the notes as they were put on the blackboard. This lesson was going to be quite useful. Looking up, she watched the professor as he performed the disillushionment charm. So the spells were different from person to object. She underlined that. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute.

Noelle also liked the revelio and what Char was saying. She looked at her friend, nodding along with her. That was a smart answer. "Or what about sending a smoke screen spell at an object you think is hidden and seeing if it shows up as well? Kinda like the smoke moving around the hidden person or object?" She asked, adding onto what Char was saying.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
There were so many good answers being thrown around that Leon didn't want to repeat any of them! Instead he carefully took down notes of what other people were saying and looked forward to practicing the spell. It was one he knew actually..

Since the seventh year wanted to be an Auror, stealth was a big part of his training.

That thought however made him remember something and he raised his hand. "You could make it rain or snow in the room, that way it should be easy to see the figure or object that is using the spell due to their silhouette being outlined by the weather you created. " After all..

They did know the Rain charm from his class last year!
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
So this lesson seemed pretty cool. Brent kind of wanted to go hide Easter eggs right now and think of cool ways to camouflage them. The Disillusionment would he find an object under the effects of the charm? He looked around as others around him started tossing out their ideas. Some of them even shared what Brent was thinking right about now. He raised his hand before too many other people could say the same thing.

"I'm with the people saying we could cast another spell that would cause something to cover the shape of the object---glitter, confetti, snow, those kinds of things," he said. "They're harmless, but maybe we'd be able to see the shape of the object and pick it out among everything else." Whooooa. Was that what they were going to do with the Easter eggs? If so, that sounded really cool!

Brent grinned and leaned back in his chair. This class was going to be awesome!

And here was another outside-the-box answer! Gaston smiled, nodding along with Miss Summers's answer. This was the kind of thinking he liked to see from his students. "Yes," he replied. "That's a very good idea, Miss Summers!"

Mr. Kennedy soon said something along the lines as Miss Summers, though he suggested a different type of spell. Gaston was pleased to see he still remembered the lesson on weather charms from last term and beamed at the boy. "Excellent, Mr. Kennedy!" he said.

It seemed great minds thought alike, as Mr. Westwood also suggested using a spell to uncover a hidden object. He had to admit, using glitter or confetti sounded like a fun idea! "Very good, Mr. Westwood," he said. "That would be an effective - and fun - solution."

Text Cut: Skylar and Slate
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Skylar beamed a little when he said her offered answer was one of the most common uses for the spells. Listening to some of the other reasons offered and then when the Professor went on and asked about finding an object placed under the disillusionment charm, Skylar like the first few students immediately thought of the revelio spell. Ooh, Charlotte had an interesting answer about the environment, which may or may not be affective.

Actually the thing Henry mentioned about using your other senses probably made more sense than the environment, because the environment thing only really worked if one, you knew what to look for, two it was the right conditions, and three, well, something more, no doubt.

Was there something else she could offer to the conversation without being redundant? Perhaps...

"What about, assuming you're able to use magic in the area you are, but what about the summoning charm? Assuming it's an object you're looking for and not a person, because I don't think we can summon people?" She phrased the last bit somewhat hesitantly; COULD they summon people?! LIKE could she summon Noah anytime she needed big brother hugs?
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Camouflage. Interesting.

Slate raised his hand. "Could you summon it, maybe?" he offered. Mostly because he had an obsession with the summoning charm recently. He didn't actually think it was that easy.

Or maybe it was.

Magic was weird.

"Of can you wash it off with water?" That made sense to him.

Gaston nodded in reply to Miss Diggory's answer. The girl was certainly on to something with her idea! "Excellent, Miss Diggory!" he said, smiling at the girl. "And as a matter of fact, you can summon a person... not that I'd advise it, of course." Too dangerous, but it was possible!

It wasn't long before Mr. Ryker echoed Miss Diggory's answer; he too earned a smile from the professor. "Indeed you could use a summoning charm, Mr. Ryker," he said, "but I'm afraid charms don't wash off with water." Though it was still a creative idea!

Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"I was thinking about sounds too, just like him!" The Hufflepuff boy with the nice face. Check them out, being brain twins and all. Great minds, right? "Like you could utilize a spell that causes the person to sneeze if you knew the general area they were hiding in. Oh, or maybe one that makes the air fill with a peppery smell and wait for the sneezing to start. Or coughing. You could do something to cause that, I'm sure."

An eyebrow raised at Miss Botros's answer. Gaston certainly hadn't considered using a sneezing spell to find a person under a disillusionment charm, but he didn't see any reason why it wouldn't work. "Well, that would certainly be an original solution!" he said, beaming at the girl. "Five points to Slytherin for your creative answer, Miss Botros!"

Text Cut: Rula
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
How to find something that was under the Disillusionment Charm? Rula listened as quite a few others offered their suggestions, some with spells and some with non-magical solutions. All of them sounded pretty good to her too. It seemed like the kind of thing that you could go about doing in a lot of different ways, depending on the situation.

So she raised her hand to offer her own thoughts too. "Maybe you could use Finite Incantatem. Since it gets rid of all the spells and enchantments nearby, it could cancel the Disillusionment Charm on something too, so you'll be able to see it."

It seemed the other Botros girl had a very different but no less intelligent idea. Gaston nodded and gave her a small smile. "Yes, Miss Botros. That would work, though Revelio would be a more effective option."

Text Cut: Sinead
Originally Posted by Artel View Post
Disillusionment Charms! This was actually a super interesting topic for their lesson today. And... weirdly enough, one that Sinead didn't know all that much about. How had she overlooked that, as something to read about?

She listened intently to her classmates' answers, jotting them down as rough notes before copying up a neat list from what the professor put up on the board. Her immediate thought of an answer to the next question was Homenum Revelio, a pretty useful spell she'd read about the other day. Somebody else said that pretty quickly, though... and she didn't want to just parrot what her classmates had said, so instead she considered what she'd do if she couldn't just cast a spell to find the object, for whatever reason.

"If it's not really invisible, Professor, could you sometimes just see it didn't really match up at the edges of the object? Maybe especially against a complicated pattern- you could look at those places and see if anything doesn't look flat. Because sometimes you might not be able to cast a spell." That seemed pretty reasonable to her- just looking at the cookies, she thought she could make out some kind of ripple in the air. Maybe that was just wishful thinking, though; she certainly hadn't noticed their teacher at the start of the lesson.

Gaston listened carefully to Miss Dance's answer. It seemed a bit far-fetched to him, but it was definitely original and creative, which he appreciated. "I suppose that's entirely possible, Miss Dance," he said, "though the visibility would depend on the caster's skill level." Or lack thereof as the case may be.

Text Cut: Quiet ones
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Zelena wrote down the list of facts about the disillusionment charm that Professor Marchand had written on the board onto her trusty notebook, taking care so that her writing was nice and neat. She also wrote the incantation and wand movement for each scenario.

Dillusionment Charm
Incantation: Dissilusiona
Wand Movement: Twirl wand like a rope (For humans)/Flick of the wand (For objects)

Zelena put her quill down and watched the Professor perform the charm on the plate of cookies as they vanished from view. Since students had already answered, Zelena calmly waited until it was time to practice the spell.
Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
Yes, she wanted to say, please do switch seats, YES. But she didn't, and the boys didn't either, and her chevalier was sat far away (by one person) from her.

Yeeeeeeah, only a topic like this could have made her focus, and she tried her best. She'd already known what was written on the blackboard, though, so she didn't bother copying it. She also didn't answer either, because that was such a straightforward question. She did listen to what Charlotte was saying, though. Well, yeah, but that was highly impractical. You'd have to specifically know where the person would enter from, and actually actively wait for them; because otherwise upon the first step, the disillusioned person would notice the trap, and cover up their traces. Katherine didn't say any of this out loud, though, because she wasn't very much feeling up for a debate. She considered to do it for extra points for half a second, but... Charlotte was mainly addressing the professor, so nah.

Back to looking at her chevalier with juuuust the corner of her eye.

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Cassie jotted down what was accepted and confirmed by the professor, smiling softly when he remarked in response to her own supplied answer. She was glad that she remembered that spell, hoping the other mentioned counterspell would be worked out later. The Ravenclaw had an idea on what it was but couldn’t be sure. But that was for later. For now, she was listening as Marchand moved them one, explaining the spell and the two different wand movements associated with it. Either twirling your wand tip around yourself or someone else like a rope as you cast for casting on a human or a simple flick when dealing with an object. And the incantation…


When the topic was changed to how to reveal a suspected object, Cass was about to give what she suspected was the other counterspell but she was beaten to it by an older Slytherin and a Hufflepuff around her age. Oh well. She’d see if ti was right either way. Though she had to admit what Charlotte and the Gryffindor prefect supplied about other ways to show the object by adjusting its surroundings made some sort of sense. Oooo and Finite Incantatem! The fourth year absently tapped her quill on the desk as she tried to think of anything else to add for herself, coming up with nothing new.

Revelio was her choice.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
It was good to see the boys back in class. Nat had just noticed Henry as she looked up from her notes and left her own thoughts. She couldn't imagine what they went through in that portal and even out now. It was good that they were getting back into classes, hopefully it would help them.

Her eyes went to the professor as he started talking and asked about how to reveal something that was hidden. Well, that was easy, she'd use the revealing charm, but others had already said it so she really didn't see apoint answering again. So instead of answering Nat just listened to everyone else. She thought about the wand movements in making herself invisible. That was where her interest was and she couldn't wait to get started.

Gaston looked out at his class and couldn't help but notice how unusually quiet Miss Holmes, Miss Moss, Miss McNally, and Miss Franks-Mundie were being. Oh well, maybe they were just unsure of an answer or had nothing new to add. At least he hoped that was all it was! He gave the girls an encouraging smile before moving on.

Text Cut: Henry and Abey
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Henry perked up a bit knowing that today's topic would be about the Disillusionment Charm. Now that would be a cool spell to learn and he thought it was kind of an advanced one. He didn't have much to add to the class discussion as the first question seemed very straight-forward and people already answered it. Plus he wasn't feeling all that out-of-the-box thinking just now. He was a little distracted and kept to his notes, though to be fair, it consisted more of doodling than note-taking, even if he did have the relevant information written down.

The second question seemed the same way - straight-forward with the correct answer stated right away. But he looked over at Char as she offered an answer, and he gave her a little smile. Smart. She was really smart. Because what if you couldn't use your wand? Or what about younger years who weren't able to perform a revealing spell yet?

Thinking for a moment, he raised his hand. "Maybe you could also try to focus on your other senses? Like when people lose one, the rest are said to be stronger to make up for it. You could close your eyes for a moment since a person wouldn't be visible anyway and focus on sounds or smells." That is what he thought blind people did anyway. People who were disillusioned might make a noise, unless they were standing really still. But of course you might hear breathing. And people did have certain scents, not just those in need of a shower, such as shampoo or perfume. Those sorts of clues could help, right? At least it wouldn't hurt to be aware. Or you know, feel around for stuff. The sense of touch could be helpful too.
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
"It's okay, I'm okay." All was okay. About the whole PROFESSOR SUDDENLY APPEARING THING. Abey had perhaps just not quite realised exactly how on edge he was right now and so everything was MUCH MORE ALARMING THAN USUAL. But HEY! LOOK! An extra cookie! Abey grinned his thanks at the professor and pretended like he wasn't actually already planning on eating the broke cookie anyway actually. He munched on both as class progressed, not even really looking at the board because it was actually already making his eyes go funny.

... HmMmmmMmmMmMMMMmm... finding an object under the disillusionment charm? Abey supposed all of what everyone else was saying made sense, yes, but right now he couldn't help but think of when he woke sometimes up in the middle of the night and tried to find his wand so he could light it and see where he was, but couldn't actually find it, because dark, and couldn't use Lumos, because wand. There was a very simple method for that situation, and Abey provided it, after his mouth was no longer full of cookie.

"Grab and hope." Meaning, you grabbed at where you thought it was, and hoped it was there. Not unlike this was another of Abey's favourite methods: madly flailing and grasping at everything within arm's reach. He was still working on perfecting it though actually.

Gaston was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to mention the use of one's other senses when Mr. Whittebrook spoke up. He beamed at the Hufflepuff. "I'm very glad you brought this up, Mr. Whittebrook!" he said. "Focusing one's senses should be the first tool we use to locate something under the disillusionment charm. Before we can cast a spell, we must have a general idea where our target might be." And speaking of focusing one's senses...

Mr. Botros's answer got a slight chuckle from the professor. "Yes, Mr. Botros, that's certainly one way to find a disillusioned object!" he said. Though he wasn't sure how effective randomly grabbing things would be...

Gaston turned to address the class as a whole again. "Very good answers, everbody! You had some creative and original ideas!" He paused a minute to give the students time to focus. "A few of you already mentioned the counterspell we'll be learning today, Revelio."

"The wand movement for this spell is a little more complicated than that of the disillusionment charm itself," he went on. "The wand movement for Revelio is the shape of an eye; I've found it most effective to start at the inner corner of the eye and work out in a clockwise motion." He demonstrated the pattern slowly and carefully before pointing his wand at the plate of cookies. "Revelio!" And the plate instantly reappeared.

"For today's practice, you'll be using both the disillusionment charm and Revelio on the Easter eggs at your desk," he explained. "and no need to worry about losing them! These eggs are bewitched to give off sensory cues while disillusioned. Some will beep; others give off a floral scent." In order to demonstrate he pulled a spare egg from behind his desk and cast a disillusionment charm on it. It beeped incessantly until the spell was cancelled. "And should you need a review..." He flicked his wand, and the following words appeared on the blackboard:

Disillusionment Charm
Incantation: Disillusiona
Wand movement: flick of the wand (object); twirl wand around target (human)

Revealing Charm
Incantation: Revelio
Wand movement: eye shape (start at inner corner and work out clockwise)
"Repeat both spells until you feel comfortable performing them; I'll give you a few minutes to practice."

OOC: Mini-activity time! There is no minimum post requirement, but you must attempt BOTH spells to get full credit. If you need help or have questions, please indicate in the title of your post. Gaston and I will be checking back in periodically. You have 30-36 HOURS to finish practicing!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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