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Old 03-10-2017, 07:36 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maddox B. Buchanan
Fourth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth
The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Text Cut: Leon
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Leon grinned a bit as Juno showed up and he nudged his girlfriend a bit as she sat down next to him. "I don't know Quicksilver.. " The seventh year replied as the teacher appeared out of thin air!!


Chinese Fireballs! Leon forgot all about poking the eggs as Professor Marchand began to speak and soon enough the Ravenclaw's hand went into the air to answer his question. "Disillusionment spells are more like a chameleon spell, you sort of blend into the background and what's around you, you don't go fully invisible. " Leon said with a nod..

Not to methion he had heard the sensation of having one cast by another person on oneself was like raw eggs running down their heads..

Was that what the eggs were for?

The first answer came courtesy of Mr. Kennedy. Gaston smiled and nodded in reply to the Ravenclaw. "Very good, Mr. Kennedy," he said. "That's a very important distinction to make."

Text Cut: Elle
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Somehow, Elle had felt nearly as invisible as she had suspected Professor Marchand was. Except she hadn’t intended on it, nor had she used any charms to do so. Either way, nobody had addressed her, and therefore she had stayed quiet, nibbling on the cookie she’d taken to her seat and waiting for the lesson to begin. Which, possibly thankfully, seemed like it was happening sooner rather than later as she saw the door close and presumably lock by itself. Or, not by itself, as in the next second the professor had basically proven her theory by removing the spell that he had been disguising himself with.

She had raised her hand nearly as the question had been asked. “The disillusionment charm doesn’t make the caster, or whomever or whatever it is cast on, invisible exactly. It actually just creates the illusion that the subject is blending in with their surroundings, so I’d think it would be useful when someone is planning on changing their environments since the charm should adjust to the things around it.” It made sense to her, anyhow. Not that she figured the charm might be useful to her as a healer.

Miss Penrose soon echoed some of what Mr. Kennedy had just said and offered a use as well. Her answer earned another smile from the professor. "Excellent, Miss Penrose," he said. "I couldn't have said it better myself!"

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Whoah wait what.... the Charms man was there all along? And they were gonna discuss how he pulled that off? Awesome!

Disillusionment Charms... what did he know about them? He listened to the others supply the answers to what it was. Oh oh well here's something he has in mind that could be related "Professor, what about Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? That cloak could've also had a Disillusionment Charm woven into it yeah?"

Mr. Salander was next to answer, and Gaston couldn't help but smile at what was said. He was wondering when someone was going to bring up invisibility cloaks! "It could have, yes," he said. "Thank you for your answer, Mr. Salander." The stories said something different, but he didn't have the heart to correct the Gryffindor prefect. After all, this wasn't History of Magic class! It wasn't long before Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne pointed that out and spared him the trouble.

Text Cut: Etta
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Juniiiiiiia. Etta grinned at the Slytherin, happy to see her again. "Hey!" She greeted as the other girl sat down before her gaze shifted towards the eggs, her eyes filled with curiousity. "Maybe? Dark chocolate, hopefully." Because YUMMM.


WHAAAAAT. The professor just appeared out of nowhere?! That was so COOL. And they were going to be learning disillusionment charms today.. which made this class even COOLER. Etta sat up straight, the excitement clearly seen on her face. Seemed like this class was going to be a lot of fun.

She paused to think for a moment or two before raising a hand. "Professor.. disillusionment charms are used to hide whatever it is you're casting the spell on.. or rather have it blend into the environment so that it isn't readily visible to the eye. And uh.. these charms tend to wear off with time?

ALSO. "Junia, you were right!" She whispered softly to her friend. The professor agreed that these eggs had something to do with chocolate. Eeeeeep. Chocolate eggs.

Gaston saw Miss Kramer's hand go up and called on the Hufflepuff next. He was impressed with the girl's thorough answer! "Excellent answer, Miss Kramer," he said, giving the girl a small smile.

Text Cut: Genny
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Genny did not guess that, no. She looked sideways at the younger Hufflepuff with a raised eyebrows, did he guess that?

She raised her arm, "There are many types of disillusionment. Some are even considered to be dark magic, if I remember correctly there were some in those ancient Egyptian tombs. Could cost you your life to not detect a disillusioned trap." Bam. That was her valuable input. Genny crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair feeling all proud and satisfied.

Gaston's bright blue eyes blinked in reply to Miss Tate. That was an answer he hadn't considered himself but was no less correct. "Excellent, Miss Tate!" he said, beaming at the girl. "Five points to Gryffindor for an intelligent and original answer."

Text Cut: Zelena
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
It turned out Zelena's instincts were right, after all, so her face showed no signs of surprise when Professor Marchand appeared. Zelena had read a bit about disillusionment charms and thus raised her hand.

"I heard that if the charm is used on someone it feels like they're being covered in a raw egg."

Gaston had to stifle a laugh when he heard Miss Holmes's answer. He didn't think about that when he chose eggs to use in today's activity! "Yes, that's true, Miss Holmes," he replied. "But not to worry, that isn't how we'll be using these eggs today." Because that would be gross!

Text Cut: Mason
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Mason had placed his arm on his desk and rested his head on it as he held back a yawn. Had he been a first year, Mason would have thought that the sudden appearing of the Professor was amazingly magical. But as a sixth year now it was mweh... Not so impressive.

Still, since this meant that class had officially started, the Ravenclaw moved to sit upright to give his full attention. Dissilusionment charm...he had never tried it before himself, and any chance to learn something new was something he enjoyed however, looking at the basket of eggs, he had the feeling they were going to smack the eggs on their heads to get the 'feeling' of the charm.

Or he was over-thinking and they were going to practise the charm on the eggs...

Anyways, he raised his hand in the air. "It's doesn't make you invisible but only camourflages you"

Gaston couldn't help but notice that Mr. Winslow seemed a little... unimpressed by the demonstration. Was he boring him? Oh well, no matter... The professor nodded in reply to the answer given. "Yes, very good, Mr. Winslow," he said.

Text Cut: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Hm hm, she wanted to answer the question but on the other hand, she wasn’t a Ravenclaw and didn’t wanted to look like one either! But, she had been answering the questions during a lot of the lessons continuously already. Sighing she raised her hand anyway because she at last wanted to show that she wasn’t dump either and that she was good in what she was doing, she just... answered anyway, hoping that she didn’t looked like one of those irritating Ravenclauws! “Well… Those charms are really handy if you want to hide something, or if you just want to trick somebody, of course” she said and then she frowned and raised one of her eyebrows. “I wonder, can you use that same spell on a human too? Because THAT would be cool!” She decided, nodding because, well… It could be really cool to use it on somebody! Looking at the professors she wondered if that was what they were going to do during this lesson… Thinking about herself with the colors of the classroom wall on her face she needed to suppress a chuckle because, well.. THAT was fun!

Blink, blink. For a moment, Gaston wasn't sure if Miss Griffel's question was meant as a joke or not. he would've thought his demonstration made it clear that disillusionment charms could be used on humans, but maybe the girl had been distracted during his entrance. "Indeed it can be used on humans," he replied... as Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne also pointed out. " Excellent uses for the spell, Miss Griffel!"

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
So it was weird what with the professor appearing to not be present but then all of a sudden he appeared and jumped right to the punch as to their topic. No guessing games with this one, that was for sure. Also there were eggs and Skylar guessed they maybe would be practicing the disillusionment charm on the eggs. Or decorating them. Or possibly both.

"Wizards will place a disillusionment charm on hippogriffs and winged horses to conceal them from muggles," Skylar offered up as a fact in terms of a use for them. Also yes it was a method to go invisible without going invisible, if that made sense

Gaston smiled, nodding along with Miss Diggory's answer. He knew it wasonly a matter of time before someone brought up the use of disillusionment charms on animals. "Very good, Miss Diggory," he said. "That's one of the most common uses for the spell."

Text Cut: Derf
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Derf was shaking the egg a bit more rigorously, the Hufflepuff's face dropped at the mention of alive. no nooooooo surely the professor would be more responsible and put a proper WARNING if there were something living in here...RIGHT?!

"Fill it?" he questioned, cocking his curious first year head at the older student. "But...but...wouldn't filling be conjuration?"

Not to relive the debate and confusion that had happened in Transfiguration earlier on in the term or anything.


Derf was in the middle of waving excitedly to his friend when the professor POPPED into existence. If he had not KNOWN better he would have thought that the professor had just apparated into the classroom, but he DID know better so that thought was fleeting at best.

BUT HE KNEW THINGS ABOUT THIS! LOADS OF THINGS! Dad talked about it aaaaaaall the time while he was a department head. Well, not all the time, but he did overhear stories and then, once he was able to read, he would sometimes sneak into dad's office and try to make sense of his reports.

"Dad used to use it when we would play hide-and-seek," he initially offered up as a response. "It does-s-sn't make you invis-s-sible but almos-s-t s-s-so. You don't get any les-s-ss-s s-solid if it's cas-st on you...liiiiiike fings won't go THROUGH you if thrown at you like what happens-s-s wiff ghosts-s when you're all dis-ss-sillusioned....AND creatures-s-s can still s-smell you. S-Some witches-s and wizards-s us-se it on crup tails-s...the ones-s that live near muggles-s-s. OH! And one way to make an Invisibility Cloak us-ses it! But Harry Potter's-s wasn't."

And no one could convince him otherwise! IT WAS THE CLOAK GIVEN BY DEATH HIMSELF! He had had that story read to him since he was born! Silly Gryffindor prefect.

Speaking of Gryffindors though....DARK magic?! Derf couldn't help but gap at the brunette sitting next to him. D A R K?!


Derf was just blinking at the Slytherin.

"Professor Marchand jus-st us-s-sed it on hims-self...sooooooo..." Yes. Could use it on people.

Unless...did the Slytherin know something he DIDN'T?! WAS THE PROFESSOR NOT HUMAN?!


Now here was a student with a lot to say on the subject! Gaston couldn't help but chuckle a bit when Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne mentioned using the spell in a game of hide and seek. He'd never had an occasion to use the spell for that purpose himself, but it sounded like fun! In fact, that was very similar to the activity they would be doing today. Gaston waited patiently for the boy to finish speaking before replying. "True on all counts, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne! Five points to Hufflepuff for your thorough answer!"

Text Cut: Abey
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Did the door just close on its own? What the-


"AHHhHH!" Abey gave a great yelp of shock as Professor Marchand suddenly appeared, dropping one of his sugar cookies in the process so that it hit the desk and broke into pieces. "Awww..." DISAPPOINTMENT. We TRUSTED you, Professor. ... Well, Abey was still eating this. Obviously.

Settling down again, Abey brushed the crumbs and bits of his cookie from his desk and into his hand while he listened to the introduction to the class.

OooOOOoOOoOOOOOOH! Disillusionment charms! Okay, well, maybe the professor could be trusted again. Abey wanted to learn this one SO BAD.

"Actually," he chimed in, forgetting the whole hand thing again. "If you can do a Disillusionment Charm really really well - like REALLY really well - it actually can make you properly invisible, actually." Nodding, lots of nodding. "But you have to be excellent at it. Like I think that old guy Albert Dumbledore could do that, and he was REALLY old, so he had loads of practice before he could do that, probably actually."

Listen, Abey couldn't always provide answers in classes, but on the days that he could, he sent a silent thanks to the universe for letting him be born into a wizarding family who told him all sorts of helpful things as he grew up. Things that would make him look like less of an idiot in class.

Well... that was assuming he was actually right though...

Gaston heard Mr. Botros's yelp as he appeared at the front of the class and felt terrible for scaring the poor kid. "Oh my- I'm sorry I startled you, Mr. Botros!" he exclaimed. Good going, he berated himself. He knew he should've removed the disillusionment charm before closing the door! With a flick of his wand,a cookie to replace the one that dropped appeared on Mr. Botros's desk. To his relief, the boy didn't seem too upset about it, and he nodded in reply to his answer. "Excellent, Mr. Botros," he said. "Very few wizards are able to accomplish this, and Dumbledore was indeed one of them."

Text Cut: Levi
Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
By the time Professor Marchand decided to reveal himself, Levi had become oblivious of his surroundings and was doodling all over the corners of his journal. He blinked several times at the man, then went back to his journal, switching his doodling for note-taking.

Levi couldn't say that he saw much of a difference between an invisibility charm and a disillusionment one; both seemed to be one and the same, their efficacy only subject on the strength and skill of the caster. A Gryffindor first year whose name he did not know had summarized it pretty well. "I know the wand motion you gotta do is different if you do it on yourself or on someone else." Or on something else. But same difference.

Mr. Kenning was getting a little ahead of himself with his answer; Gaston was impressed! "Yes, very good, Mr. Kenning," he said. "We'll come back to the wand movements in just a minute."

Text Cut: Rula
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
The Easter eggs in the room had completely distracted Rula the moment she walked in. It was another reminder that Easter was coming up soon, which meant the Easter holidays, which meant telling the rest of her family about something very important, which was both very exciting and just a little bit nerve-wracking.

Lost in thought, she was a little bit startled when the professor suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Oh! Right, class. Time to focus on that now.

The Disillusionment Charm, huh? That was pretty exciting, actually, since it was one of the spells Rula had been practicing this term already. She'd been doing okay enough at it, but more practice was always good so she could be really good at it.

So a fact about it or an advantage of using it? She thought about it for a moment before raising her hand. "It'd be a really handy spell to use if you were playing hide-and-seek, especially if everyone playing could use it. It'd make it a lot more challenging." And more challenging meant more fun!

And another student mentioned hide and seek! Gaston gave Miss Botros a smile and a nod in reply to her answer. "So you agree with Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne then?" he said. "Very good answer, Miss Botros."

Text Cut: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Good one Professor in a band and still hasn't let the entire student body know about it.

Natalia sat quietly where she had been the entire time of course. She had her quill out ready to take notes and excitement hit her when he said exactly what they were doing. Well that sounded fun. Of course it was a charm she wanted to do, it could come in really helpful around here as well as later in life.

She stayed quiet while the other's answered. Lately she had been more wrapped up in her own head over the portal, band, Newts, so she let the ones actually wanting to be vocal be vocal.

Gaston couldn't help but notice that Miss Franks-Mundie was being unusually quiet today. Odd... that wasn't like her! Well, maybe she didn't have an answer that hadn't already been said or maybe she just had other things on her mind right now?

Text Cut: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Noelle had managed to get into the classroom before the door shut. She saw Olly sitting with a few people so she made her way over and sat beside Char who was sitting beside Henry. She gave them a little wave and then looked around the classroom for the professor.
"Where's the--" She started but then the professor seemed to appear out of thin air. How awesome was that?

Nevermind that question then.

Noelle's attention turned to the eggs that were in front of her. She wanted a cookie but she'd wait until she was leaving the class to grab a few of them. She was starving and hadn't had time to eat all day.

Disillushionment Charm. Heh. Noelle had seen her mom do this to hide the cookies from her dad when she was younger. The spell always fascinated her. "It's good for hiding things you don't want to be found." Though, her dad was a muggle. So he couldn't accio them. "I wonder if accio would work against the disillushionment charm?" Noelle thought out loud.

Here was another unexpected answer. Gaston smiled, impressed with Miss Summers's outside-the-box thinking. "Accio would work on an object under the disillusionment charm," he replied, nodding slightly, "but the object would continue to blend into its surroundings until the disillusionment charm wears off or is cancelled. Thank you for bringing that up, Miss Summers!"

Text Cut: Katherine
Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
...her chevalier appeared. Katherine's breathing might have got slightly faster and even though she right about died for him to see her, she also didn't want it to be known. She couldn't afford anyone to know that shemaybelikedhim, because she didn't want to be humiliated if he didn't. So, she tried to act cool. She tried to control her breathing and looked at her egg instead. It was quite interest - where was Samuel sitting? What was he reading? Was that a book that she'd already - oh, it was, yes, excellent. She could comment on it later, then. This cheered her up a bit, but he was still contemplating where to sit and - and -

Oliver sat by her ..........................

Katherine did NOT return the smile.

Really, really!? REALLY?! She could be sitting with her chevalier, but now she was stuck with stupid Oliver.

She didn't even need to play it cool. She sulked to herself, and hoped that the class would start SOON. If this required an activity, it had BETTER be one for 3 people so that she'd at least also work with Samuel.

Oh, wow, disillusionment charm! That was enough for Katherine to forget her anger momentarily, and she even gasped. It was definitely one of the coolest (if not THE coolest) charms, and she listened to the professor as carefully as she could, intent blue eyes fixed on the man.

"The effects wear off eventually," she said, hand in the air. Everyone seemed to know something about it, and no wonder. Who wouldn't want to be invisible at times..?

Miss Moss's hand was the next one Gaston saw go up, and he called on the Ravenclaw. "Excellent, Miss Moss," he said. "As is the case with most charms, the disillusionment charm will wear off."

Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
There was a Sam in class now, which stole Junia's attention for a minute or two as she watched him find a seat. She hoped he saw the smile she gave him, since it was the one she reserved only for the older boy. She had many different smiles, did he know? He seemed the observant type, so maybe he did.

Making an entrance was an important thing and the disillusionment entrance her professor had just made was pretty spectacular as far as sneaky entrances went. Like, she hadn't expected him to do that AT ALL. Kind of risky in that he could've overheard the students talking badly about him, though. That wouldn't have felt good. Lucky no one did.

Etta got a smile and Junia wiggled in her seat as the discussion started, the brunette's mind now wandering and wondering if they'd be hiding eggs around the room for their classmates to find. That might be fun, actually.

Lots of her classmates had shared things she knew about the charm already, and Abey's answer earned a particularly big smile AND Junia didn't even point out the fact that he'd said 'Albert' instead of 'Albus,' which took a LOT of self control, you know. That's the kind of sacrifices you made for family. What SHE was going to say, though, she wasn't sure.


"I think the power of the witch or wizard has as much to do with keeping the spell working as the intent does. Like, well, if you're using the charm to protect yourself in a life or death situation, maybe that'd give you a bit more juice to keep it going than if you were playing something like hide and seek." Which...was more an opinion than a fact, but you know. Participation!

Gaston listened carefully to Miss Botros's answer, nodding along periodically. He wasn't 100% sure this was factually correct, but it made logical sense and was an interesting concept. "Good point, Miss Botros!" he said. "Thank you for your answer."

Text Cut: Cassie
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Leaving the eggs aside the top of her desk, Cassie settled down in her seat to prepare for the lesson and the Professor’s return. However she needn’t have waited for suddenly the door was the locked and the man appeared. Darn…she should have expected that was the case. Defense Against the Dark Arts classes taught them well enough to be alert of things and never take anything for granted. Not to mention the Disillusionment charm was a CHARM after all. It was bound to come up in a Charms lesson eventually.

As for what she had to say on the matter as she finished up her snack, Cass leaned her head in her hand as she thought on it. Blending to background already mentioned. The invisibility cloak too. Hiding objects…makes you feel covered in egg when applied to you. A charm to be used on magical creatures. All good things. Then Levi was talking about wand movements and such…could she remember them? Not at the moment, but the Ravenclaw certainly liked they idea of using it to play hide and seek.

Too bad she still couldn’t do magic outside of school. She’d use it against her brother.

OOOOOooo!!! Now she remembered something!

“Homenum Revelio can be used to reveal someone hidden.”

Gaston nodded in reply to Miss McNally's mention of the counterspell... but they would cover that in a bit more detail later. "Excellent, Miss McNally," he said. "That is the counterspell used on humans; for inanimate objects, the counterspell is a bit different."

Text Cut: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
She blinked in mild surprise when Professor Marchand revealed himself. That was a very well done charm, she thought to herself. Normally she would have told him so, but the lesson was already happening. "I agree with most of the answers already said," she answered when no one else looked like they were about to say something. "The disillusionment charm can turn you completely or almost completely invisible - like what you were just a moment ago. Personally, I'd LOVE to be able to turn invisible at will. Then I could find out if people say interesting things about me after they think I've left the room."

Kitty felt the need to clarify that a little. "Not that think anyone does that HERE, I was mostly joking. But being able to be invisible would come in useful in all sorts of circumstances - like if you were a reporter."

Gaston was slightly taken aback by Miss Valentine's answer. He wasn't sure whether to be amused or concerned at the idea of using the disillusionment charm to spy on people. He was relieved to hear that the girl was only joking and chuckled a little. "Yes, Miss Valentine," he said, "that would be a creative use of the spell indeed!"

Text Cut: Juno
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno was about to respond to Leon when the Professor just appeared out of thin air. She gaped at him. SHE HAD TO LEARN THIS TRICK!

OH, disillusionment charms! YAY! That was such a fun topic and such a fun spell. She was excited to use it! Juno listened to what everyone else had to say, and since everyone was pretty much giving definitions she decided to go for her opinion instead. Juno raised her hand, and when called on answered, "The only disadvantage, in my opinion, is that it eventually wears off. But you can always re-cast- There are so many advantages in using Disillusionment charms, especially for people in careers that can take advantage of using them. For example, Aurors can use them to hide from the person they are tracking. The advantages definitely out weigh the disadvantages." She finished with a nod and a smile.

Yep. Future Auror over here.

Gaston was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to mention Aurors when Miss Darcy finally brought up the subject. He listened carefully to everything the Hufflepuff prefect had to say, giving her a smile and a nod when she was finished. "Sound reasoning, Miss Darcy!" he replied. "Thank you for our answer."

Text Cut: Sam
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
Sam did notice the way Junia smiled at him, on this occasion and on others. It made him slightly less grumpy about not getting to read as much of Edmond Dantes as he'd wanted.

It suddenly became easier to close that book for an extended period of time once their professor revealed himself - and what they would be practicing today. Disillusionment charm?! Okay, yes. Mood had sufficiently improved.

Now, a lot of the other students had used up many of the answers regarding the charm, but Sam gave a short addition as well. "If you cast it very well, you can't even see yourself." Which Sam imagined would actually become difficult and annoying after the initial novelty had worn off. Not that that deterred his interest in the spell.

Gaston nodded as Mr. Chevalier added a bit to what Mr. Botros had said earlier. "Yes! Very good, Mr. Chevalier," he replied with a small smile.

Text Cut: Olly
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
What? Someone was going to sit there? He had accidentally stolen someone's spot? Olly grimaced. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." But the boy was sitting on the other side of Olly now. "We can switch, I didn't mean-" But class was starting now and he had to stop talking. He glanced back at where Noelle was sitting by Henry and Char. He would much rather be by them. Why had he gotten there first?

They were talking about the disillusionment charm, which was pretty cool. Olly hoped they were going to learn how to cast it too. He knew it was a pretty tricky spell, but it was sooooo cool and he wanted to be able to do it. Think of all the possibilities, especially now when they were not otherwise allowed to leave their common room. Not that the point was for sneaking around, though he was sure it got used for that all the time. All he really knew about it was that it turned people invisible. Was he supposed to know more? That it wore off, sure. Olly didn't have any answers that hadn't already been said so he stayed silent.

And another quiet one. By this point, almost everything about the disilusionment charm had already been mentioned, so maybe Mr. Borzekowski-Thomas just couldn't think of anything to add. Gaston hoped that was all it was! He hated to think something was bothering one of his students!

Gaston cleared his throat loudly and waited a moment or two for the students to focus on him before speaking. "Excellent answers, everyone!" he said. "I'm pleased to see you already have some basic knowledge of the disillusionment charm, but just to recap..." He flicked his wand, and the following words appeared on the blackboard:

Disillusionment charms

Definition: a spell that gives its target the illusion of blending into its environment

- used to make invisibility cloaks
- hides objects the caster doesn't want found (e.g. hiding magical creatures from muggles)
- can be used in a game of hide and seek
- used to spy on people/ gain information
- Aurors use in tracking

Fun facts
- camouflages its target rather than making it invisible
- some types involve dark magic
- effects on humans feel like being covered in raw egg
- can be used on humans
- objects thrown at a person under the disillusionment charm will not go through them
- in rare cases, skilled wizards can turn themselves invisible
- summoning charms work on disillusioned objects
- effects wear off
The professor gave his class some time to copy the information on the board down in their notes before he continued, "As Mr. Kenning mentioned, the wand movements for this spell are different, depending on whether it is used on a human or an object. I'll demonstrate both wand movements, though today we'll only be using the spell on objects." He hoped the students wouldn't be too disappointed that they weren't practicing on themselves; he didn't want any accidents! "In both cases, the incantation is Dissilusiona."

"To cast the spell on a human, twirl our wand around yourself - or whoever else your target may be - a few times. This should look like you're wrapping your target in rope," Gaston went on. He twirled his wand a few times. "Disillusiona." He momentarily blended into the background before performing the counterspell. "In casting on an object, the wand movement is a bit simpler. All you have to do is flick your wand at your target like so..." He flicked his wand at the plate of cookies on the refreshment table, and it disappeared as eh repeated the incantation.

But the students would have plenty of time to practice the spell later; now they had to move on. "Now, how would you go about finding an object you suspect is under the disillusionment charm?" he asked the class.

OOC: You have ABOUT 24 HOURS to answer this question. Then we'll move on to the practicing.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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