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Old 03-03-2017, 03:42 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman Gellar
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
A Poop * k8 *

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Oooh, so the vineyard was right by his house. Olly hadn't known it was so close to where the water slide party had been because he hadn't seen the vineyard part then. He still thought it was cool. And he was glad Professor Myers mentioned Milton's name because he would remember that now. He really would. He grinned at Noelle when she arrived but there wasn't much time for talking because they were about to go! He grabbed onto the portkey and away they went.

Travelling by portkey was not super pleasant. Olly tried his best to stay on his feet but he landed hard on his bum when the portkeys dropped their at their location. He quickly stood and brushed himself off. Not the worst landing so he wasn't complaining. Instead he focused on how warm it was there. It felt so nice compared to the spring chill back at Hogwarts. He left his bag with his lunch in the basket as instructed and followed Professor Myers as he led them through the vineyard.

Blah, blah, drip irrigation, blah, blah, good for the environment. That was good and all but kind of boring in Olly's opinion. Useful maybe if he had a vineyard or some large scale garden. But since he didn't, and wasn't planning on acquiring one anytime soon, he only half paid attention to that part. But he did tune back in to hear that they would be fixing them. Is that all they were their for? Free labor so Professor Myers didn't have to hire a repair company? He would have been a lot more suspicious if it had been for a) his favorite professor, and b) it was such a nice area. And he guessed learning a new spell was good too. He did not know what that one did but tried to make a guess.

"Uh, fixing some holes?" He had said punctum, which sounded like puncture? Why couldn't they just use reparo?

Fixing some holes! Paul smirked at Oliver. “That’s vague, that’s vague, Oliver!” DETAILS.

SPOILER!!: Slate
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Erm...? Slate looked between the Professor and Derf. "Really? Because this seems way more suspicious to me." he said poking the couch again. If he'd seen a random...


Back up and hold up.

Did he just say TELEPORTATION?!





Why was it so sunny? And why was the afterlife a vineyard?

Did ALL magic people know that the afterlife was a vineyard? Is that why his mum enjoyed wine so much?! WAS IT LITERALLY HEAVEN!?


Oh wait. Nope. Teleportation. They were just... ... was he allowed to vomit? He didn't think teleportation would feel so much like nausea and dizziness. ... and when did he end up sitting on the ground...?

"We're going to 'punch 'em'." he said vaguely holding a hand to his forehead. That's what that spell was, right? It sounded like punch. Or Latin. Maybe it was Latin for punch?

Speaking of punch... a glass of cool beverage sounded nice right about now.

….Punching then. The spell, he supposed, sounded like that. But Paul merely chuckled and shook his head. “No, we’re not going to be punching the piping today, unfortunately.”

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Katy nearly fell off her sofa when it was suddenly transporting her through space to their new destination. And then... she was no longer in the greenhouse, but was suddenly seated on the arm of a sofa (clinging to...?) in the middle of a verdant estate. Pretty!

She dropped her lunch in the designated basket and then happily followed the professor to his vineyard. Nice. Well maintained.

And spell work. Good job, Professor. He'd managed to capture her interest. "Maybe the holes are too big and aren't effectively dripping the water the way you want, so it will shrink the size of the holes?"

Katy Toussaint! Paul grinned. “You’re very smart, Katy,” and he winked. He’d go over it more, but he would hold off on whether she was right or not until everyone got a chance to answer.

Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Ugh sometimes portkeys made Juno's tummy upset, but it usually passed pretty quickly. Hopefully it would this time too.

Following the professor to look at the irrigation system, she reached out and held Leon's hand. They hadn't been able to see each other much because of the curfew. He would stay with her while patrolling sometimes but by 6 every night they were locked away in their separate common rooms. It was torture some nights.

But she needed to think about Herbology right now. Diminuendo Cavum Punctum. That was Diminish....hollow....point? Roughly. She thought. So that had to mean...she raised her hand, and when called on replied, "We are making holes smaller because they are too big?" It was more of a question than an answer but still an answer.

Hehe. Juno! Paul winked at her and gave her a finger gun. “PERHAPS!” Of course she was right. Like Katy!

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Rula stumbled a little on the landing, but all in all the portkey travel wasn't too bad. And they ended up in a really nice, pretty place too!

...And pretty hot.

She'd worn Muggle clothes as they'd been told and used a warming charm instead of wearing a ton of layers to get through the cold to the greenhouses, but now it seemed she didn't need it. So she cast a quick Finite on herself to get rid of it.

Ahh, much better.

Okay, so now...they were here to fix the pipes? The drip irrigation system sounded interesting - fixing the pipes, though, not so much. But maybe she'd be wrong, and it would become interesting somehow.

The spell sounded interesting though, at least pronunciation-wise. She raised her hand. "Diminuendo on its own makes things shrink, so I'd guess this spell probably makes something smaller too, just more specific to what's in the pipes." Holes, maybe, like Olly and Katy said. That was a good suggestion.

“Yesss! Using your brain, Miss Botros!”
he grinned. That is what that question was all about, kiddos.

SPOILER!!: Brent
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

This class got a caps-lock 'DUDE' from Brent. He freakin' loved Herbology now! It had been cool in its own way before, but he was pretty much loving it now! It was still third in the list of his top three favorite classes, but the bar had been raised just a little bit, so to speak. "What's up, Kane?" he asked his bro, as he noticed the younger Westwood also grip onto the beach ball. He didn't even think Kane had time to notice him, much less reply, because the countdown had begun, and then they were off!

Brent blinked his eyes in disbelief as they reached their destination. This was the professor's house?! Cool place, dude! COOL PLACE. Brent wanted to take off of an exploration, but he didn't think the professor would agree with him that doing that would be a very good idea. Besides, what if he got left behind at the end of class? Nope. Not gonna happen.

So something was messed up with the tubing and pipes, but what that was, Brent didn't know. Apparently, they were supposed to figure it out, though. Brent just stared ahead as he tried to think what might be wrong with tubing and pipes. A few others had already guessed what he would have said, but another idea came to mind. "Are they clogged up or something?" he asked, raising his hand. "Are we going to unclog them?"

Oh, ew. “I hope they aren’t clogged--Merlin, that’d be a whole other issue!” he said with a chuckle.

….Ew. Paul was not an unclogger. That was Milton’s job when their toilets got backed up. YEAH NO.

SPOILER!!: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Oh Profy Plantman was getting more than a chip, more like a hefty handful, piling the warm potato slivers onto his outstretched palm. Here you go Professor!

Oh and they were off! Were there other Prefects on other portkeys? He didnt really want to move-- because he has a PICNIC BASKET right on his lap, and he be going hugging that whilst trying to tuck himself on a crazy flying couch. Legit reasons to stay where he was.

And finally they're here! And that sun was shining as brightly and as warmly as he thought it would. He bounded to his feet and looked around... wow quite picturesque "You gotta nice place here Professor M!" It reminded him of the business trips to Napa, or at least his dad says they were business, seemed more to him like it was his dad's excuse to to drink all day.

So he drops off his picnic basket and started trudging up behind the Professor as he started to speak. What was wrong with them pipes? What seems to be the common ills of any piping anyway "Uh.... they're clogged?" It was a common problem back in Napa too.

Now as for the spell, he knew Diminuendo was to shrink something.... but then the other parts of the spell sounded like they were gonna puncture something too. Errr how is that supposed to unclog things? "Professor are we gonna.... shrink whatever it is thats cloggging the pipes so they can just get flushed out of the holes a little easier?" Puncturing new holes might be the easiest but aint that gonna end up destroying the pipes due to too many holes? He didnt want to destroy anything owned the the Herbologist, he kinda wants to go to that HOUSE up in the horizon which he figures out is the man's home. And he likes checking out homes ok its a thing.

“Well, I never said we had a clog!” he grinned. And again, he hoped not!

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
"Right?" Etta exclaimed, a little glad that someone felt the same way that she did. Wait. Hello, new person. The Hufflepuff was pretty sure she had never met this girl before. Was she the same year? "At least, it feels good to be outside for a change." She actually missed wandering about in the grounds and getting fresh air.. but it was better to follow rules and be safe. Yes?


Aaaaaaand they left! On reaching their destination, Etta dropped her lunch bag in the basket and just stared at her surroundings in awe for a few moments. Wow. Just, wow. The sun, scenery.. so beautiful. She finished pulling her hair back into a ponytail and followed the professor as he led them to a nice-looking vineyard. Huh, amazing.

The Hufflepuff folded her arms and listened distractedly to what was being said ---- wait. DRIP irrigation? That sounded interesting. Um. She raised a hand to answer. "Like someone said, I'm guessing we are going to shrink the size of the holes? So that it's easier for the water to drip right down to the root?"

Shrinking holes. It seemed many of them had grasped it. Well, he was glad. Their thinking skills were on point, clearly!

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
Levi had kept himself from screaming, so there WAS some pride in that. But it was negated by the fact that once they arrived, he was lurched forward, and ended up having to dust off his jeans and the front of his sweater. At least, he'd had the sense to remove his glasses before they'd taken off.

The fifth year dropped his lunch as was instructed, and hurried to join his classmates, taking in the scenery and already beginning to regret the turtle neck. He rolled up the sleeves all the way to his elbows. "Sounds like we'll be shrinking the holes to keep the vineyard from flooding," which was essentially what everyone had said already, but. The point was that Myers had some problems with the pipes and they'd be fixing them for free. Levi was used to this kind of labor; every time he was recruited by his dad to help him fix something at home, the only sort of payment he got was a, good job, son. And then a pat in the back or a hair ruffle.

Adults thought they were sooooo sleek.

He moved to stand next to his prefect. Levi nudged him gently, whispered "Uh, are you still sharing?" His stomach grumbled, and he looked down at it, frowning. Then shrugged. Growing pains or something, his ma had called it. Mostly, he found it an inconvenience.

Heh. “Flooding would be very bad for my vines.” Extremely so, too. As bad as if they didn’t get enough water.

Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Merlin's beard!!!! He forgot to Greet Professor Myers!!! The seventh year had been so in in his head about what was happening... Gahhh...

"I'm so sorry Professor Myers!" The seventh year called out as he stood by the old sofa next to Juno. "Hello! And I hope you are all right. "


Could he just hide away now? Professor Meyers was one of his favorite professors and saying hello had slipped his mind.. The grey eyed boy casually tapped the earth beneath his feet.. Solid.. So sad!

Leon may have been blushing due to something other than Juno as they Portkeyed away and landed in a vineyard! He looked around for a moment at the house before feeling heat wave over him and the dark haired boy instantly shed his two outer layers. He set his lunch in the basket and then standing next to Juno moved along with the rest of the class to where Professor Meyers was..

He nodded as Juno spoke..and then raised his hand.

"Are we going to be fixing leaking pipes Professor? " He asked as he looked down at them.

Everyone was giving the fixing the holes answer, so he may as well go the general route..

Yes! Paul shot the boy a thumbs up. Poor little leaky pipes.

SPOILER!!: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Noelle hadn't gotten a chance to say two words to Olly when she went to grab onto the couch portkey and WOOOOOOW, they were teleporting.

Holy Merlin's Beard.
Noelle had used portkeys only about once or twice in her life. The feeling was unpleasant.

She about fell to her knees when they had landed but.... it was bright. Sunny. Warm. Could she live here?? Putting her lunch box in the basket with the others, she stayed close to Olly but when Ace asked if anyone wanted a chip, she had no problem saying yes. "Please. Hey Ace." She said with a grin to him as she took one and then waved at Levi who was right beside him.

Going back to paying attention to the professor, Noelle tilted her head. She figured the spell had to be related to clogging. Just as Ace had said. "Id say clogging but .... " She paused still thinking. "Maybe declog?" That's all she could come up with at the moment. Her brain was still spinning from the teleportation.

The students really wanted those pipes to be clogged. He supposed the puncture-sounding word in the spell could give off that impression. Did the spell MAKE a hole or MAKE a hole smaller? Half of the students seemed to know. They were making holes smaller! Thank Merlin the piping wasn’t all clogged.

But he smiled at Noelle. “Well..we’ll see about that.”

SPOILER!!: Jonas
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Jonas hated abselutely hated traveling by portkey. Of all the ways to travel, why did the professor have to chose this one? Was it because under aged wizards and witches couldn't apparate? After they landed, Jonas toppled to the ground. Before he could get up however, his stomach imediately felt queezy. He heaved over somewhere away from everyone and threw up his breakfast. Uggh. Jonas sighed and after whiping his mouth, he got up. After setting his lunch in the basket, he quickly followed the others.
"Unclocging?" Jonas said only able to give half an amswer. He hated throwing up.


Paul spotted the boy, even he thought he was being discreet, and sighed. Portkeys. He wished there was some sort of travel that didn’t hurl your insides all over the place. Because Merlin.

“That’s okay, Jonas!” he called out. Did he have anything on his person to make him feel better? Meh. “I’ll clean that up later…” or he’d make Milton do it. Hehe.

SPOILER!!: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
She gave a small, unsteady smile and a nod when Professor Myers squeezed her shoulder and reminded her to have hope. Her depression must have been more obvious than she thought, but really, she was thankful for his attempts to console her. And she knew she should try to be hopeful, both because it was the right thing and to give an example to the younger students.

Pushing her dark thoughts to the back of her mind, she gathered around the giant pair of plastic glasses. Soon they were off, tumbling threw the air crazily with their insides spinning. Travelling by portkey usually made her feel like throwing up, but now she kind of welcomed how scary it was, as it distracted her from the real dangers back at Hogwarts.

Then the thrill ride was over. Kitty stood shakily yo her feet with the others and gazed off at Paul's house. "Wow, your mansion is beautiful!" she exclaimed, ogling the estate in the distance. As were the vines around it, which was where they were approaching. The pipes didn't confuse her as much as they did the others, she'd read about them before. They made the place look even better, in her opinion.

"Diminuendo is a spell for shrinking," she said, pondering the other two words. "So I guess we're going to shrink what's clogging up the holes?"

Clogging! Paul chuckled a little. “Trust me, they’re not clogged. And thank Merlin for that.”

SPOILER!!: Cassie
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
One two three…and away they went.

It was a spiralling fast ride but soon enough they were in the warmer environment of their destination. The increase in temperature made Cass grateful she had thought ahead to wear layers so she was warm enough in the cold February weather of Scotland but still be okay for Italy. Once she had settled her balance, she striped off her cardigan sweater and tied it around her waist before moving to do as she and the rest of the class had been instructed…drop off their lunch. Well after she quickly jotted her initials in pen on the wrapping. Better for the chance of having less confusion later when she went to retrieve it.

As for further listening to Professor Myers as he tried to explain what they were doing, the Ravenclaw was attentive. Diminuendo Cavum Punctum. Definitely a mouthful. And definitely something that involved puncturing something. “Making small holes in the pipes and tubing, Professor. To either clean out existing holes or making new ones to replace the old.”

To MAKE small holes? Paul smiled at the girl. “You are very close, m’dear!” he said encouraginly.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: From BEFORE transport! Elle and Daisy and Mason

It seemed a few others gravitated towards the portkey where the professor was, which was in Skylar's opinion, definitely a safe choice. Because obviously the Professor knew where he was going and at least she'd be headed the same place as him. "Hi Elle," She returned of greeting the older snake. "Definitely best to stick by the man who knows where we're meant to be," Sky laughed in agreement at Daisy. And stick by Daisy too, because the girl always had DELICIOUS food with her.

She nodded politely and briefly at the older Ravenclaw as well, who also joined them, but no time for further exchanges, as next thing she knew, they were off.

Once the portkeys dropped them off at their destination, Skylar felt the familiar spinning in stomach, but fortunately managed to keep her breakfast down. As she glanced around, she had two thoughts: one, she'd been here before. And two, she most definitely should have worn something cooler than a sweatshirt. Dropping her lunch bag in the designated spot, she started up the path, following Myers and her peers as he began the lecture portion of the class. Drip irrigation and there was a problem, of course, which was why he brought them here.

"Puncturing holes in the pipes to allow for the water to go through the pipes more properly." Sky said; had someone said something similar? Honestly, she wasn't sure because with the open space, it made listening to others very difficult.

PUNCTURING HOLES. “We already have holes in the pipes!” he said with a wink. “So we don’t be puncturing MORE today, no!”

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Lucy quite enjoyed the feeling of being portkeyed. But the uregency of needing to be ON TIME stressed her out and she just hoped everyone made it to class on time and kept a firm hold on their portkeys.

Oh, wow. After gaining her bearings, Lucy took in her surroundings. It. Was. Beautiful.

She grinned up at Myers and kept close to him after dropping her lunch into the basket. WHERE WERE THEY.

As for the question, she didn't really know the answer and didn't really care. She was content to keep looking around her.

Lucy was being quiet, so Paul decided to use her head as an armrest while he listened to other answer. Lucy had a comfy head, it seemed!

SPOILER!!: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Grabbing on to the portkey she felt the familiar jerk and boom landed on her feet. She had gotten good at this. Thank you Australia trips for helping with that. Her eyes adjusted to the sun and Nat couldn't help but smile a little. She would never admit to a professor or even the other students but she was really feeling the term lately. With everything that had gone on personally and the portal stuff it was starting to way on the seventh year. This little trip was much needed.

Listening to Professor M she watched as they walked and looked at the vines and his pipes. Hearing the spell she tried to remember it. What was wrong, well clearly pipes near vines there was probably an easy answer. "Could the vines have gotten into the pipes in different places and now have blocked them or jammed them so they can't work properly." That was her guess at least.

OH SWEET MERLIN. GOOD GRACIOUS. Natalia had the distinct talent of predicting the WORST things possible. Paul had to chuckle. “Thank Merlin, no! That would be...terrible.” And it be because of more than just one problem if that ever occurred.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
The first year had no real time to respond to Slate because in the next instant they were being WOOSHED away. At first Derf thought that he didn't need to really hold on to anything because he was quite literally SITTING on the portkey, but with all the WOOSHING and SPINNING that was going on...he could feel his bum slipping and sliding and HOLY FLAMING SALAMANDERS PROFESSOR MYERS REALLY WAS TRYING TO KILL HIM!

But before he could spiral too far into his own dramatics, the couch hit the ground with a thud and Derf remained very VERY still - now horizontal on the cushions with a death grip tight hug around one of them. His face was pale and...well...a bit green to be entirely honest. The 11-year-old had never properly traveled by portkey before, dad usually taking him places via floo or on the rare instance side-along apparition, so this was a first.

...and he had had a lot to eat prior to class...

...and there had just been a awful lot of WOOSHING just now...

Literally rolling off the couch - thankfully rotating enough that he landed face down with the pillow so no harm was done - the first year somehow got himself to his feet and rested a firm hand on Slate's shoulder as a feeble attempt to stabilize himself as he swayed a bit unnaturally in place.

There had been a question asked, but it had gone in one ear and out the other (or maybe just right over his head, it was hard to tell at the moment) and instead of addressing the question when he was called upon, Derf had something else to day. "P-Profess------"


Hello breakfast...nice you again?

WE GOT ANOTHER PUKER. Only Derf hadn’t tried to hide it. He had done it...right there. In front of everyone. MERLIN.

Paul smiled softly...and cast his wand over the vomit.EVERYONE TAKE THREE STEPS BACKWARDS,” he said. No puke stepping in today! He siphoned some sand over the mess pulled a few tissues from his pocket to hand them to Derf.

“OKAY Derf, are you feeling better now? Do you need water? Jonas, are you okay? Water?” because while he wanted to move on..sick people. Had to be a caring professor, right? Right. Or rather, it would be cruel of him to continue if they were...ill.

But while they tried to catch their bearings, Paul took a deep breath. “OKAY. So as some of you suggested, the pipes are currently LEAKING water. This is because over time, the holes have become bigger than they are supposed to be. The spell ‘Diminuendo Cavum Punctum’ is designed specifically to make holes [I]smaller[/I! The ‘diminuendo’ part is the making smaller, the ‘cavum’ is hole, and the ‘punctum’ in there..that is SPECIFICALLY there so that the spell finds a SMALL hole.” It was a VERY specific spell. A Herbology spell, really, if you thought about it. How often did one seek to make small holes smaller? “The person who created the spell joked that she should have just made the spell “DIMINUENDO HOLE!”” And Paul laughed because he thought that was FUNNY. Hehe.

“Now the words are a mouthful in themselves, but the wand movement is fairly simple It’s a circular motion...and then a JAB in the general direction of the piping.” He showed them himself. Circle. JAB! “So our first little activity for today is going around the vineyard...and doing this spell just anywhere we can! The holes will be hard to spot so...just...with all of us, we’ll cover a good bit of the field.” He smiled. “Now, I want you all to pRACTICE...and THEN go out and do it. Get those tonge-twister words down!” he said.

He wiped the back of his hand on his forehead. Because the TUSCAN SUN makes a person sweat like heck! “Get started!”

OOC: OKAY finally moved us on! Wanted to last night but I went to a concert *does a dance* ANYWAY. Really, we just need to see that you practiced the spell, and then actually DOING the spell in the vineyard. Easy peasy, right? Paul and I always take questions! <3

NOTE: The vineyard has a charm on it to deter potential GRAPE THIEVES. If anyone tries to take a grape off a vine, the vine will SLAP YA until you stop. So. KIDDOS. BE WARY. Paul forgot to mention it
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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