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Old 02-05-2017, 01:58 PM   #34 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Individual replies
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Zelena bit her lip and scrunched her nose in thought, her fingers drumming soundlessly on the desk. She vaguely remembered something about Ancient Greeks, centaurs and smoke. She wasn't too sure if this was going to be done due to rules but maybe this was the answer. She slowly raised her hand.
"Professor, what about the art of Pyromancy? I think there are more specific forms but that term is the only one making an appearance in my mind."Zelena replied with a tone of not having as much confidence as usual.
Zelena was the first to offer up a guess. Turning her gaze to the snakette Professor Vance responded. "A good guess Zelena, but we will not be burning wood or plants today to study fume patterns like you would do in a pyromatic reading." It was though a potential lesson topic for another lesson and location.

Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"I don't really know," Kitty answered, raising her hand when no one else was answering. Her respect for Divination was a recent development and she hadn't really studied all the different kinds of Divination there were. "The first thing I thought of when you mentioned centaurs was stars, because I knew centaurs read or used to read the stars." It seemed a lot like Astronomy to her.
Kitty sounded her voice next making the most obvious association cause of her centaur clue which Laurel considered in hindsight maybe put the students off track. Oh well it was too early to tell. Nodding to the eagle prefect Professor Vance said "Centaurs read the stars and are very passionate about astrology, but that isn't the method we will be studying today."

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
He had actually heard something about what she was talking about. He raised his hand then looked at the professor. "I've actually heard something about the whole sage and mallowsweet thing," he said. "Apparently, they looked for shapes and symbols in fumes." That would also explain why the professor would have rather been outside for this lesson.
Now Laurel regretted mentioning centaurs at all, but oh well she just had to roll with it. It certainly showed clear interest from the students in centaurology. Blue eyes stopping on Brent as he spoke up with the same line of thoughts as Zelena and Kitty. "It's the centaurs that burn mallowsweet and sage herbs to refine their stargazing findings. Looking for shapes and symbols in fumes is not what the centaurs do its related to the divination methods that fall under pyromancy like daphnomancy." Professor Vance replied with a smile in the youth's direction.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
He had read the Divination textbook. But when he wasn't interested in a subject it didn't stay with him. And Divination was sadly enough not his favourite.... Still, he felt like he had to say something. Give some sort of answer. He had learned that even giving bad answers were rewarded for trying. "Stargazinomacy" he answered convincingly.
Looking over at Mason that had discarded his book when the lesson had started. "Stargazing is a most fascinating subject, but it's not what we'll be studying today plus the weather and time of day isn't right for us to able to effectively stargaze." Laurel responded with a kind glance in the seniors direction.

Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
"I thought the centaurs were too busy protecting the caves? " Carlton mused. At least, that was what professor Myers had had assured him of. The fire babies seeds were protected by the centaurs, every night. So Carlton didn't need to worry about them. Others mentioned stars and Carlton got all excited. "THUNDERBOLTS!" Ahem. "Is there a technique which includes lightning, professor? That must be a cool way to do divination and since centaurs were cool, it only made sense.
Focusing her attention on Carlton she repeated confused. "Caves? The centaurs that reside here at Hogwarts live in the Forbidden Forest." As for his question Professor Vance replied kindly "There is actually a divination method that involved lightning Carlton it's called astrapomancy. We will not study it today though." Manipulating the weather wasn't something she did unless she had very, very good reason to.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
When she spoke about what they could be doing the first thought was the Tea, but then she said something else. Centaurs? What did they do that could be done in the room of requirement. Was it something with the stars. "Will we be studying the mars and other planets ma'am?" She had no clue why you would need a steady hand for it, but she thought that Centaurs looked to the planets and stars for information.
Natalia's guess was in the same area as many others before her. It was a popular topic it seemed so Laurel was going to remember it for her future lesson plans. Meeting the head girl's gaze with a smile pursing her lips Professor Vance replied. "No, we will not be studying mars and other planets today, a good guess though."

Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
She didn't think that took a steady hand. But she raised her hand anyway, and when called on answered, "I don't know what that practice could be but I do know that Centaurs generally stargaze to make predictions and to narrow them down better, occasionally they will burn sage or mallowsweet and read the symbols in the smoke produced. But I don't think you need a steady hand for that."
Juno spoke up after Natalia giving a similar guess like many of the other had done before her. "Astrology might be the practice you are searching for Juno but we won't be stargazing today or burning herbs to read fumes today." Laurel replied with a smile. Had her clues been too hard?

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
The blonde bit her lip, as she thought about it. Centaurs did it. She figured maybe it was star gazing, but that wouldn't necessarily take a steady hand, since you didn't really need to use your arms or hand for that. But maybe it was related some how.
"Is it related to looking at the stars, and the constellations, and what they mean at that specific time?" It felt like an educated guess to her.
Hattie sounded her voice next and made the educated guess that they would be looking at stars and constellations. Had Caroleena been teaching about planets was that why the majority thought they were studying that? Shaking her head slightly Professor Vance responded kindly "No, the method we will be focusing on today doesn't have a relation to stars and constellations just to centaurs."

It was a joy to teach when the students seemed to be in a good and imaginative mood, could it have something to do with not being outside and freezing? Whatever the reason for the good mood, it certainly made teaching easier. When the last student had quiet down Professor Vance revealed with some excitement etching her tone of voice. "As Mr Salander, Ms Kettleburn and Mr Ashburry-Hawthorne so cleverly figured out from the cluess and earns them a house point each, our class focus for today will be Belomancy."

"Belomancy is a form of divination that was widely practiced in ancient times by Babylonians and Greeks among other cultures. Even our forbidden forest resident centaurs used to practice belomancy ages ago before they found other ways to interpret the messages of the planets they are so in tune with." Centauromancy or Astrology even were topics for another time and place.

"Belomancy is the divination form that interprets the flight and movement of arrows as they hit a target to understand what lies ahead. Does anyone have a clue as to when, in what circumstance or occupation shooting arrows for future guidance might be of assistance to you?" Laurel finished before she started to pull away the silk from the cloaked objects beside her to reveal several quivers with arrows in different shapes and sizes sticking up as well as bows. When her eyes landed on Healer Reed, Laurel smiled at him and indicated with a hand wave that he could if he wished take a cup of tea and a biscuit.

OOC: Theorize freely, be creative! All answers count even wrong ones. Let your characters answer the question of when they think or in what circumstance or occupation shooting arrows for guidance of the future might be of assistance? I'll move on around 7 pm GMT on monday night.
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