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Old 02-01-2017, 11:49 AM   #89 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maddox B. Buchanan
Fourth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth
The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Text Cut: Dora and Derf
Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
So that's what it felt like. Losing points. Interesting. Definitely didn't feel as BAD as she thought it was going to. And while the Charms professor spoke she merely looked at a spot on the wall and nodded. Whatever. He didn't know how SHE felt about the situation, he only cared about what he THOUGHT was an issue. She adored Derf and was ONLY doing him a favor. So, whatever. "Okay, professor, " she said with a slight shrug.

Could they move on then?

Apparently so.

And seeing as she didn't know the answer she merely sat there... and reached over to pat Derf on the hand gently. She'd explain after class.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Derf sort of felt BAD because it hadn't been kindness that had been motivating his actions so much...but that didn't stop him from grinning at the professor regardless. "Fanks, professor!" he beamed. And it was a little too late about his robes, although he had only really managed to mop up half of the spilled hot cocoa before the professor was using a nifty little cleaning charm to do the rest. Derf really needed to learn these spells himself...learn AND execute them.

And then the first year's eyes went all BUG EYED when Dora was being punished AND docked points..BECAUSE OF HIM! "I'm not ups-s-set, profes-ssor!" he squeaked, shooting Dora apologetic looks of his own. "Pleas-se don't be cros-ss-ss wiff her!" Although it WAS a little too late for that plea, but clearly she had some motivation behind the gesture. "Dora wouldn't cry wolf!"

He DID accept the new cocoa and candy cane, but felt bad about he idly stirred the confection in the hot liquid and focused on enjoying the smell for now. Temptation to actually drink it was strong though...and he decided he would owl Alexa later asking about this food thing because she was an Auror and knew LOADS.

Nice thought? Well, was...but Derf knew what that meant. Mum and dad had used it all the time when he had proposed ideas for how to turn various things - like the coffee pot - into animal sanctuaries. It was an adult's way of saying 'nope.'

And then he was sipping his hot cocoa before he realized he was. SORRY DORA! IT JUST SMELLED SO GOOD!

This charm...had a 's' in it...and the first year was already sinking into his seat a bit more feeling defeated already. Defeated....but still determined because he had to get something right eventually, right?

So...rather than answer the question - which in terms of playing games of opposites it seemed rather obvious that the opposite of banish was summon or bring a Summoning Charm, naturally - he was already practicing the incantation under his breath.




That momentarily caught the Hufflepuff's attention, enough so that he now felt the urge to point something out. "But trans-s-sformation is trans-sfiguration...not charms-s-s work," he said nonchalantly with his wand in hand - because still low key working on that whole Banishing Charm while the discussion was still going on.

Gaston was expecting Miss Umbridge to sass him again, but to his surprise that didn't happen. Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne's pleas for him not to dock points from the girl tore at his heart, but it was too late to take it back now. He knew she was trying to help, but he still thought that was the wrong way to go about it. He gave the boy a small sad smile as he shook his head. "I know, but I'm afraid I can't allow smacking in my class, no matter what the circumstances," he said. He wasn't cross, at least not now; he might've been at the time. He was just sad and conflicted. Had he made the wrong choice in docking points?

Text Cut: Nero
Originally Posted by slytherus View Post
Surprise, surprise! Another class without desks. Was it just him or it was just a Hogwarts thing? Imagine a huge object such as the trunk hurtling towards them? Now, who in their right minds would send massive objects flying towards somebody else? It would take a great deal of effort, won't it? Even with magic.

If it was to happen to him, Nero would just duck or jump to the side, however, it was a Charms lesson after all. Now, what spell..? "The Freezing Charm ought to stop it, professor. Or the Reductor Curse would just banish it all together". If he had to choose between the two, he would choose the latter. It sounded way cooler!
Originally Posted by slytherus View Post
Every professor at Hogwarts were nice. He likes it here. He wouldn't mine staying at Hogwarts through the end term break, although it was very unlikely permissible.

So, the spell Professor Marchand was looking for was the Banishing Charm. This would go into Nero's notes. Before he managed to finish writing, the teacher shot with another question. What spells would complement or counter the Banishing Charm? Hmm... "I also think the Summoning Charm could counter the Banishing Charm, sir," he answered, agreeing with his classmates on Accio. "As for a spell that would complement it, Bombarda might work, I guess?" What else can you do when something huge like a trunk were flying towards you?

Gaston blinked when Mr. Ballarat spoke up. Had he forgotten to call on him? Nice going, he inwardly berated himself for ignoring a student. He nodded at the boy. "Both excellent ideas, Mr. Ballarat," he said. The little Slytherin's answer to his other question was no less brilliant. He raised an eyebrow. Bombarda? That was a spell he wouldn't have considered. "Very good. I suppose bombarda would be a suitable complement."

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
He had to turn his head towards Professor as he sounded like theres an incident involving spilled beverage, followed shortly by "points from Gryffindor". Oh no. He looked and saw Derpy with a certain Gryffindor Lioness. Welp.... Deadpan sighing.

Ok so it was the Banishing Charm after all? Ohh that sounded like a simpler spell for him and did the Prof say that there are stuff inside the trunk?? Ohboyohboyohboyohboy....

Now another spell that complements and counteracts? Naturally the first thought he had was Accio, but then many have echoed this already. There is a spell he found on his textbook that he remembered his dad using around the house at one time or another. Up goes the hand "Professor what about Fixate?" It does complement and counteract the banishing charm too in a way.

Here was another spell the professor wasn't expecting anyone to mention! He was impressed; this was exactly the type of out-of-the-box answer he liked to hear. "Interesting thought, Mr. Salander!" he said, smiling in the prefect's direction. "Thank you for your answer."

Text Cut: Olivia
Originally Posted by Watson View Post
It was definitely good to see Professor Marchand again. He had been a familiar face back at Beaxubatons and she had missed not seeing him around when he had moved to Hogwarts. She grinned in reply and took her seat. Olivia spent the first part of the class listening to her fellow student's answers and taking notes. She glanced up when he spoke of the charm that they would be studying today. The Banishing Charm. Depulso was in the incantation. The movement was a sweep of the wand while aiming at the target. With widened eyes, she watched him gracefully demonstrate said movement. She wished that she could be that graceful with a wand herself.

A spell that would complement or counteract the banishing charm? Hmm.. She wracked her brains for the moment, trying to think of an answer. The summoning spell made sense to counteract it. But what could complement it? How about Aresto Momentum? Maybe it could be used to slow down the velocity at which the object in depulsio was hurled at? Merlin. That would look really cool if it could. "Could Arresto Momentum be used?"

Professor Marchand listened to what Miss Holden had to say. He had an idea what she was going for, and if his thought was correct, this was a very astute answer. "You mean to slow down the object at which the banishing charm was aimed?" he said. "Now that would be a good complement indeed!" Not quite what he was thinking when he asked the question, but he still thought it was a great answer!

Text Cut: Carlton
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
Carlton was BEAMING. The professor had called his suggestion creative. Creative. It wasn't the spell the professor was looking for, but it was creative which was almost as good. If not better.

But before he had the time to bask in his creative ideas they were already moving along. The Banishing Charm. Well OK then. He didn't know that one. But Rooney was still teaching him Accio so he still had a lot to learn. Speaking of Accio, it seemed like the spell all the students said now. Carlton bounced a little. He almost knew that spell! He was so proud.

Maybe the encouraging comment from professor Marchand had gotten to his head because his hand was soon in the air again, even though everyone else had already said Accio, which was probably the correct one. But Carlton was creative, according to the professor, so he had to say something. "What about levitating it towards you, professor? OR, if you did transform it into a dog, you can call on it and give it dog treats." Because his dog always came when he had treats.

Was this also a creative answer, professor Marchand?! BEAM.

This answer made Gaston laugh out loud! He hoped he hadn't hurt the boy's feelings; that certainly wasn't his intention! Just the idea of turning a trunk into a dog and giving it treats to get it to come to you was amusing to think about. "Now that would be a fun - and very original - solution, Mr Lewis!" he said, still smiling. He nodded when Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne pointed out that this was a transfiguration spell. "But I'm afraid Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne is right; turning trunks into dogs involves transfiguration. Perhaps you can ask Professor Stewart to teach you how to do it?" He would gladly have taught the boy himself, but it was her area of expertise, after all.

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Banishing charm. DUH. Skylar was almost cursing herself for not realizing that was the charm that the professor was looking for if a large object was coming towards her... Though she guessed the knockback jinx might also be effective, as well as many others that were mentioned by her classmates. Jotting them all down, Sky starred the banishing charm one as that was they would be focusing on mastering today.

As far as what worked to counteract or complement the banishing charm, well the summoning charm was pretty obvious as one to counteract the banishing charm, which was already reverberated around the room several times. As far as a spell to complement the banishing charm, several maybe. But which would the professor have them work to learn is the question? Carpe retractum or confrigo as Colt stated were good choices. "To counter the banishing charm, I agree with Colt that carpe retractum would work. Perhaps if you're looking for a charm to complement the banishing charm, maybe the shield charm? Or knockback jinx?"

Miss Diggory offered not one but three spells. Now here was someone who was full of ideas! Professor Marchand smiled at her and gave an approving nod. "All excellent ideas, Miss Diggory," he replied. "Any of them would work nicely!"

Text Cut: Abey
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Hand. Right. The hand thing. Abey could do that. He kept forgetting because actually it was pretty difficult to get used to doing whenever he wanted to speak but yes he would remember he would he would.


Anyway, he wasn't even said about being corrected or anything, because Professor Man was smiling all the same so he probably wasn't even angry at all. No point getting upset about it, was there? Abey just smiled back and nodded to say that he'd try to remember and then paid attention to the next part of the class.

Naturally, loads and loads and loads of people managed to chime in their answers before he could manage to think of anything to say, but Abey wasn't dissuaded.

"Is there-" he started to speak, before remembering about raising his HAND. He quickly raised it up into the air - his free hand, not his cocoa hand - and continued. "Is there a spell that like sucks EVERYTHING towards you?" Abey asked, tilting his head slightly and lowering his hand. And then sticking it back up in the air again as he went on speaking. "Not like Accio, that's too neat and tidy actually, but I mean like something that makes more mess and chaos, like something you could use in a duel to be all confusing. Like a BIG gust of air that blows stuff back towards you. That's not my answer I don't think actually or anything, unless it's right actually, then it's my answer. But I'm just wondering because it could be fun or useful." Pausepausepause. "Especially in a duel because you can confuse people and it would help you win."

Listen. Duelling was something Abey was eager to get to try. It didn't matter that he was in Charms class, he had a ONE TRACK MIND today.

This time Mr. Botros remembered to raise his hand before speaking... well, sort of. The professor blinked, slightly taken aback by what his student had to say, but it made him smile. The hat definitely made the right choice when it but this boy in Gryffindor! Sorry, Mr. Botros. "Not exactly, Mr. Botros, but there is a magnetizing charm that makes objects stick to you like a magnet," he replied. "And there have been some experiments with a black hole charm what would in theory suck things toward you - but I don't advise trying it. It's quite dangerous!"

Text Cut: Carpe Retractum
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Colt nodded at the Professor's comments. He seemed uneasy when he mentioned about exploding the trunk into pieces. Well the head boy got a game plan for that and he would repair it of course. He continued to doodle and he semi heard others answers. He was luckily enough paying enough attention to hear the question. He heard the Professor mention, "You'll be practicing on the objects inside the trunk, but first we have another charm to get to. Can anyone guess what it is? Think of spells that would complement or counteract the banishing charm." That was a good point. The head boy began to think long and hard.

He knew the banishing charm was Depulso. He had to think of charms that could complement or counteract it. His first mention of Reducto was effective. He heard others mention Bombarda which was right. He thought of another one he learned and said, "Professor to get things out of the trunk, could you use Carpe Retractum? Also another charm that could complement Depulso it would be Confrigo.." There all set. He inputted more than he would have in other classes.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
She'd.....guessed right?! Doing a small little fist pump with her free hand (the other still clenched up around her mug, thank you), Olivia added it to the top of her notes. The alternative guess had really just been in a move to be different and not copy anyone else's answers. See?! Being an individual paid off!

Thank you, Gaston.

"Many people have already mentioned Accio, but I imagine it could work with any number of spells that force objects to fly towards you.... Carpe Retractum is a good example." And the only reason Liv knew anything about that spell was thanks to Rooney. Her boyfriend was brilliant and helpful. She was lucky to have him. .....And to be honest, she was pleased they were practicing this bit of magic today. Her banishing charm needed work.

Also, Liv was making eyes at this smol Gryffindor boy (Abey Botros). Actually, the answer made her smile. She'd been exactly like him when she'd been that age. Bless him.

The Head Boy was on the right track when he guessed Carpe Retractum. Gaston smiled at him, but his expression changed slightly when he mentioned Confringo. It was safe to say they wouldn't be learning that spell today, or probably ever! This was the man with an overwhelming fear of fire, remember? "That is a very good guess, Mr. Winchester," he said.

It seemed Miss Phillips had the same good guess, which earned her a smile and an approving nod from the professor. "Excellent answer, Miss Phillips," he replied.

Text Cut: Disillusionment charm
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Leon grinned as Juno nudged him back and he ran a hand through his hair as he listened to her answer. Apparating out of the way was a good answer! He liked her out of the box thinking. Maybe she could help him with his Auror training?

Ohh! She was asking about what he was going to say earlier.. Leon didn't want to get into trouble so instead he pulled out some parchment and paper and under the guise of taking notes.. he started to write down something..

Would you like to go running soon with me? And maybe get coffee or something? The boy angled his parchment towards her and nudged her arm gently as he listened to the Professor speak..

Opposite of a banishing spell? Well a summoning spell.. but half the class had guessed that. So what could compliment a banishing spell? He honestly had no idea..

But he raised his hand anywaysz "I agree with the others Professor. Accio would seem to be a good choice.. Though maybe a disillusionment spell would compliment the banishing one? "

Yeah it was a shot in the dark. But he was trying to be a good student even if inside he was a nervous wreck.
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno smiled a little when the professor said that her answer was original. She always tried to think out of the box and of every possible option in any situation. Her father taught her to think that way. Plus if she was going to be an Auror like him she had to think of every possible option to every situation so she could think fast on her feet.

Juno noticed Leon was writing something on a piece of parchment. She thought it was just notes until he nudged her and moved it in her direction. She read what it said and grinned. She took her quill and putting her arm under his to write, answered. 'Either or both, even, would be great.' She moved her arm from under his, brushing her quill feather accidentally against his arm as she did. Happy 'accidental' flirting.

Of course his answer was perfect. She agreed with him and the rest of the class. Juno raised her hand and when called on answered, "Professor, I agree. Summoning charms and Disillusionment charms would be the best opposition or compliment for a banishment charm." She gave Leon a soft nudge, grinning, as a compliment for his answer.

Professor Marchand listened to Mr. Kennedy's answer. The disillusionment charm as a complement to the banishing charm? Now that was a creative idea! Not exactly what he was thinking, but he'd keep that in mind for a future lesson. "Interesting idea, Mr. Kennedy!" he replied. "Good job!"

And the Hufflepuff prefect agreed with Mr. Kennedy apparently. "Indeed they would; very good, Miss Darcy!" the professor replied with a nod toward the girl.

Text Cut: Quiet ones
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Charlotte figured it would probably be the summoning charm too. That was the opposite, technically speaking. But a cushioning charm, if they were going to practice all this, and things from inside the trunk were potentially going to fly around the room, would probably be a good idea for training reasons, right? Not that she had any problems with accio of course!

... hopefully they'd get to do stuff soon!
Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Well, she was kind of disappointed they wouldn't be dodging trunks today. Or turning them into birds! Still, the Banishing Charm could prove to be quite useful. Like if Daisy was being attacked. OH. SNOWBALLS. HAH. No snowball was EVER going to hit her again.

Oh, this was exciting.

Bringing her mug to her lips, Daisy listened carefully to Hattie's answer and nodded right alongside the girl. Yes, she agreed! Did he see her NODDING? It might not be the other spell they were learning/practising today but it made sense to join the Banishing Charm and the Summoning Charm in the same lesson. Two sides of the same coin.

... or something like that, anyway.

Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
The fudge was delicious. Such a nice warm treat. Noelle grinned at Matt Olly and Olivia as they sat around her. Olly was at her side and she leaned into him like she normally would. "Its chilly but it's starting to feel better." Noelle told Olivia.

The professor must have noticed her chills because he was asking if she was warm enough. "Im great professor!" She said in fact, now that she was seated and relaxed, it was getting a little warm. She pulled off one of her layers and sipped her hot cocoa.

The answers to what would they do if a trunk was coming at you, were all brilliant. Noelle felt a pride in some of her fellow Lions. Smart cookies they were.

Now what was the opposite of the bandishing spell? It had to be the summoning charm... right? Banish and Summon? Noelle couldn't recall any other charms that she knew of. Others had already gave that answer so she nodded in agreement with them.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Oh, points! Katy did a bounce!wiggle in her seat to celebrate. She was never too proud to gloat, not when it was well earned. As for the next question, it came as no surprise that was a follow up, and she nodded along as her classmates suggested Accio. Obvs.

More importantly, though, she wanted to know what was in the trunk. Not a creature, obviously, because it would be terribly cruel to use a banishment charm on a living creature. Although that was her first guess... a bat. A raccoon. A... nest of spiders?

Gaston was a bit surprised when Miss Kettleburn didn't offer an answer. That didn't seem like her! She usually had something to say, and the things she said were intelligent.

Miss Carden also remained silent, though the professor did notice her nodding along with Miss Paton's answer, He assumed that meant she agreed and didn't think the answer needed repeating.

He smiled when Miss Summers said she was great; that was the kind of postive attitude he liked! "Glad to hear it, Miss Summers!" he said. The Gryffindor prefect also had no answer to his question. Oh well, maybe she didn't know - or someone already said what she was thinking.

The professor noticed Miss Toussaint sort of bouncing in her seat and smiled a little. Apparently she was happy about the house points! The girl said nothing in reply to the new question but nodded along with some of her classmates' answers. Well, that was one way of asnwering!

Text Cut: Summoning Charm
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Ooh, Banishing Charm! This sounded exciting. Zelena quickly grabbed a piece of parchment and with her quill, wrote "Depulso - Banishing Charm. Motion is a sweep of the wand." as she watched the Professor demonstrating the charm. When she had finished writing, Zelena placed her items next to her.

She had a feeling that the spell wasn't going to be used on the trunk itself but she was relieved to have her mind put to rest thanks to Professor Marchand.

Zelena thought of a counter-spell and slowly raised her hand, her head tilted slightly to the side. "How about Accio aka The Summoning Charm?" she offered.
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
So her answer hadn't been the right one, but she thought that it had been a pretty interesting one, so she was actually pretty happy with it. But also a little sad that there were going to be no trunks coming at them. Though maybe that would be the safest thing. They didn't need any students being hurt. That would not be good at all. And now onto the next question. Ooh. She knew the answer to this or at least she thought she did anyway. And at least she could try. That was okay right? Trying was good.

"Maybe the summoning charm Professor?" The girl asked as she put her hand into the air. "Banishing is the opposite of summoning? So... makes sense maybe?
Originally Posted by Artel View Post
It was still difficult to get used to how nice and casual all the Professors at Hogwarts seemed to be, what with feeding them cocoa and desks being absent more often than not. It wasn't exactly a bad thing, though, once you got used to it. Sinead carried a clipboard with her everywhere now, after being caught out a few too many times with no surface to write on.

There seemed to be plenty of answers to the first question their professor asked, but as soon as he confirmed that they would be learning Depulso today, she knew exactly what answer he had to be looking for to the second question. She read about this in a textbook just last week! Although, she was pretty sure it was something that came up around OWL level sometimes... But that was fine, if she worked hard enough in class there was no reason why she couldn't do it as well.
"The Summoning Charm, Professor!" she called out, sticking her hand into the air triumphantly. Okay, maybe lots of other people knew the answer too... but that didn't make her any less right, did it?
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Oeh, she knew the answer to that question too! But just when she wanted to raise her hand she dropped it again because others were answering with the same thing as she had wanted to, bleh! Why where those others quicker than she?! Hmm… But when more of the other students were agreeing on it she decided to do it too because, well… It was the only spell she could think about right now! So she spoke slowly, hating the fact that she was repeating the words of some of the other kids, “I too would use the summoning charm” she told the teacher and after that she quickly started making notes for all the spells she learned from listening to some of the other answers…
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Her answer was the same as most of her classmates answers. She raised her hand. "The correct answer is probably Accio, or another of the summoning charms. I imagine that dualism might be effective in a battle." Although at Hogwarts, the only ones who she thought might throw a trunk at them were Miffy, Peeves, and Storm. Come to think of it, that seemed like exactly the kind of wicked prank they might pull.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Kane LIKED this professor. He was so...happy! Kane was always a fan of someone being enthusiastic, especially when it came to the subject they taught. Kane always liked charms, but he had a feeling he would like it even MORE after studying with this dude.

OOH OOOH! And Kane knew the answer to this question! At least, he was pretty sure he did.

"Well, if Depulso sends objects AWAY from you, wouldn't Accio be the opposite? Since it summons things to you?" he asked with his hand raised. Yes, he was quite sure that was the gist of what the professor was getting at...

Miss Holmes was the first to guess the spell Professor Marchand had in mind, and he gave her a nod and a smile. "Yes! Excellent answer, Miss Holmes," he replied.

It seemed Miss Paton had the same idea; she too earned a smile and nod from the professor. "It makes perfect sense indeed," he said. "Good job, Miss Paton!"

And Miss Dance seemed to agree with the others. Another nod in her direction. "Very good, Miss Dance," the professor said. "Thank you for your answer!"

And here was another student with the correct answer! It made Gaston proud to see so many students on the right track. "That would be an excellent spell to use, Miss Griffel!" he replied.

He nodded to Miss Valentine as she echoed the answer. "Indeed it is the correct answer, Miss Valentine," he replied. He thought about the next thing she said for a moment; he wasn't exactly sure how it would work in battle - he was useless at dueling! - but it was an interesting observation. "Good point!"

Mr. Westwood also guessed the right spell. "Exactly right, Mr. Westwood," Professor Marchand said. "The banishing and summoning charms are opposites."

The professor cleared his throat and addressed the class as a whole again. "Excellent answers, everyone! As most of you correctly guessed, the other spell we'll be learning today is the Summoning charm. The incantation for this spell is Accio; its wand movement is an upside-down U shape." He gave the students a moment to process the new information before going on, "When casting this charm, it's important to know the general location of the thing you want to summon. If the object is too far away, the spell won't pick it up. Too vague a location, and it could pick up the wrong thing."

He drew his wand. "To cast the spell, make the upside-down U, point your wand in the direction of your target, and say the incantation. Like so..." He did the wand movement and pointed his wand at the scrap of parchment he'd used earlier. "Accio." The parchment flew across the room into his awaiting hand.

"Now you'll have the chance to practice both of the spells we learned today, but just for reference..." He pointed his wand at the blackboard, and the following words appeared:
Depulso (Banishing Charm): Pronounced de-PUL-so; wand movement - sweep of the wand

Accio (Summoning Charm): Pronounced Ak-key-oh; wand movement - upside-down U shape
The professor turned and aimed his wand at the trunk. The lid opened to reveal the inside full of snowballs. Well, not real snowballs but cotton balls with an engorgement charm placed on the to make them about the size of a softball. "For this exercise, you'll use the summoning charm to make the balls come to you, then use the banishing charm to send them back into the trunk. Repeat this process a few times until you feel comfortable with both spells, and don't worry if your aim is a little off. Just try to get as close to the trunk as possible. Let's get started then!"

OOC: There is no minimum post requirement for this mini activity. YOu have 24-36 HOURS to complete it. If you have questions, please indicate in the title of your post; I'll be checking back periodically to answer.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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