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 Mackled Malaclaw
Join Date: Feb 2016 Location: Hazbin Hotel
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Norman A. Carton Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Sydney M. L. Masters Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Maddox B. Buchanan Gryffindor Fourth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth The Leaky Cauldron | Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll Text Cut: Derf and Dora Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Derf BEAMED at the professor, although his apprehension about the chocolate frog card made it a bit of a sideways beam. "It's-s okay, profes-s-ssor," he replied with a firm shake of the head. The Hufflepuff had nothing against Dumbledore really - unless one wanted to count the frequency with which his face kept appearing on chocolate frog cards he was using his sickles on - but it was one he could easily refuse. "I've got a dozen of him."
Giving Dora all kinds of sad and pathetic looks - BECAUSE HIS DRINK WAS ON THE GROUND AND HIS CANDY CANE SNAPPED IN PIECES - his bright blue eyes did widen a little bit at what she said. Had mum mentioned any of that before? There HAD been something about ice cream if he recalled...but his hot cocoa!
Still giving the older Gryffindor questioning looks, the first year's attention quickly turned back to the professor...AND NOW HE WAS JUST CONFUSED.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeer..." he muttered, nervous glances shooting back and forth between the two. "I'll jus-st...clean it up..." Which would be SO much faster if he knew any Cleaning Charms. Well, okay, he KNEW some of them but he was no good at them. Which was why he was down on all fours using his robes to mop up the spilled beverage.
OH OH! He had a really GOOD answer to this one and actual real life experience to draw from! Because this exact thing had happened to him in Diagon Alley over the summer. But it hadn't been a trunk but his cauldron which was arguably heavier than a trunk.
"No charm needed!" he chirped. "Not if Olivia Holden is pres-s-sent! S-She s-stopped my cauldron with her BARE HANDS-S!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity Was he... had he just chided her? In front of everyone? Dora jutted out her jaw and took a deep breath... to let him have it, but it just didn't come. The outrage she thought she would feel, the harsh words.
She didn't have energy for it today, it seemed. "I think it's pretty sound advice, personally. My uncle would say so. Sorry you thought it was rude, but I don't feel sorry for having done it, " she said honestly and in and bored tone.
Now. Class had started.
Like and good little girl she raised her hand and waited to be called on. "Reducto. " Destructive magic was her forte, after all.
A part of Gaston had been hoping the card inside would be the one Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne wanted, but another part of him was glad it wasn't because it meant he got to keep the card, didn't it? He looked back at the boy, giving him a warm, grateful smile when he said he could keep it. "Thank you, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne," he said. "I'm awarding five points to Hufflepuff for your kindness."
The look on the little Hufflepuff's face when Miss Umbridge smacked his cocoa out of his hand broke the professor's heart, and he was at the boy's side in an instant. He was going to offer him another cocoa and candy cane, but he was distracted by the little one using his robes to try to clean up the mess. "You don't have to do that, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne," he said, and with a quick wave of his wand, the mess went away.
Professor Marchand's blue eyes blinked in surprise at Miss Umbridge's reply. At first he thought it might be a genuine apology, but then again there was something he didn't like about that tone. He'd tried to be kind and give the girl a second chance, but now he saw that was a mistake. She was really trying his patience! "You know exactly what I meant, Miss Umbridge," he said. "Ten points from Gryffindor, five for smacking another student's hand-" He added that to underscore that it wasn't the "sound advice" that was the problem. "-and five for disrespecting a professor." His voice dropped so that only the girl could hear as he added, "I'm sorry if you're having an off day, I really am, but this attitude needs to stop."
He sighed sadly. He didn't like having to dock house points; he wanted his students to like him! But Miss Umbridge had crossed a line. He gave Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne another cocoa and candy cane and shot the girl a look warning her not to even try knocking this one out of his hand as he took his place at the front of the class.
The professor gave an approving nod when Miss Umbridge offered her answer to the question. "Very good, Miss Umbridge," he said. Probably best not to say much else to her today, lest it set one (or both) of them off again. Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne's answer made him smile. It was such a sweet thing to say that he didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't the kind of answer he was looking for. "That's a nice thought, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne." Text Cut: Wingardium Leviosa Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Hattie looked up as she saw Daisy, and she smiled. She liked Daisy. She kind of had to, their families were friends. "I hope not. I don't wanna be this close to a monster" She mused with a little laugh. She didnt want to get eaten. That would just not be good at all! So hopefully not monsters. She noticed that Daisy had gotten a cup of coco. And well if she had. Hattie wanted. "Let me go get one!" And she raced off to get herself some coco. Yum. She smiled, as she sat back down next to Daisy just as the lesson begun.
Oh. Was the trunk really going to race close to her. Because well, she really didn't want that to happen. She didn't want to get her hot chocolate on herself. But how to stop it? Ooh. She had an idea. "If you were good at the levitating charm, you could use Wingardium Leviosa to levitate yourself until the trunk had gone past you?" And then you wouldn't get all squashed by the trunk, which would be a very good thing. Miss Paton's answer was a bit unexpected but made perfect sense nonetheless. "Indeed you could levitate yourself or the trunk," the professor replied, giving the girl a small smile. "Excellent. Miss Paton." Text Cut: Arresto Momentum Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen He'll find out soon enough. And that knowing grin. Oh a surprise? Tenacius LOVES surprises hehehe.
So off he goes getting some hot cocoa and the peppermint candy sticks and sat himself on one of the benches, and soon enough the lecture began. Oh.... that trunk hurtling towards him? Yeah thats gonna hurt if it hits. IF. What could he use to counter that?
Up goes the hand "Sir, what about Arresto Momentum?" A spell familiar to him.... mostly because his dad had to use it many many many times Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea With her hands covering a warm muck of hot chocolate milk she walked to the middle of the classroom and stared at the large trunk but she didn’t asked anything, she knew better by now. The professor wouldn’t tell her anyway so better just wait for the explanation when it was the right time BUT she was really curious!
Bleh, there was still no fire allowed in this classroom! How boring… Fire was a perfect way to heat a cold classroom, not that she NEEDED fire to warm herself but it would be cool never less. Butttttt…. The trunk! What was in it? Was the teacher ready to explain more about it? She was CURIOUUUUUS! But huh? A spell? How surprising during a charms lesson, although she had hoped that there would be hiding a monster inside of the trunk she needed to fight because THAT would be cool too! Hah! But this question was a good one too, not that she could think about a situation in which she needed to defend herself against flying large objects… Well… Maybe if somebody who would be VERY stupid would climb in a bookcase and that those same bookcases would fall down… Then, MAYBE! A smile covered the second year’s lips while thinking about situations in which she needed that spell and well, now that she thought about it, there were a few really fun things to think about!
BUUUUUT, that wasn’t the question! Shaking her head she tried to focus back on the question… Well, there was only one charm she already had learned AND could think about right now so she raised her hand before speaking, “I would use the Arresto Momentum charm” spoke Leesha, still sounding in a good mood because, well… She still had her hot chocolate milk in her hands and it was JUMMM! Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 When class was called to order, Janelle put her cocoa down.........for the moment anyway. She had her quill ready, should any notes need to be taken. However, the first question of the day came up right away. Janelle tried to picture a trunk hurtling toward her. It was not a vision that she wanted to imagine. The first thing that popped into her head, caused her to raise her hand. "I would use Arresto Momentum as well Professor.". That would be sure to give her a fighting chance. If it didn't stop the trunk completely, it would at least slow it down. Of course there were other possibilities. They could use Protego and Fianto Duri, like they'd recently learned. Of course that is if they wanted to obliterate the trunk. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Time to go for charms class. Man it was FREEZING out here. He didn't dress properly at all. He thought there was at least gonna be a little bit of sun. He was dressed in his robes, his scarf and his gloves but he still felt cold. He saw there was hot coca and he looked up to the sky and mouthed thank you. He walked over and took a cup and poured some in. He felt the warmth come through the cup. That was better. He even added some milk to prevent his tongue from burning. As he made his way to his seat, he saw Mason was there. He plopped down next to her and smirked. "Long time no see...have you been missing classes lately?" he joked with her. He didn't wait for her reply because the lesson was moving along.
He saw the Professor start the lesson was an interesting question. He sipped some of his cocoa and he thought about it. Which spell would he use to stop the trunk if it was coming at him. It clicked instantly in his brain, "Professor.." he piped up. "I would use Arresto Momentum to stop it, but if it was coming really fast and I didn't have time, I would use reducto to shatter it into pieces.." Depends on the situation of course. This head boy continued to sip his hot coca. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana The professor had asked Brent to take a seat, so the fourth year squeezed in on the bench alongside a few of the others. He was just in time, too, because the door was shut and the lesson was started only a minute later. Hmm. Just in time. Cool.
Brent listened as the discussion got started. At least this was a subject he was interested in. It wasn't too bad following along with Charms, especially when the professor presented cool scenarios such as flying trunks heading right toward you. Brent looked around the room then raised his hand. "I'm going to have to join Team Arresto Momentum on this one," he said.
He was already imagining the scenario in his head. It would be an awesome duel!
Gaston nodded at the Gryffindor prefect's answer; he knew it was only a matter to time before someone brought up this spell. "Good idea, Mr. Salander," he said.
Not long after, a younger student named the same spell. "So you agree with Mr. Salander then?" the professor said. "Excellent, Miss Griffel."
And another student who thought Arresto Momentum was the best spell to use. "Very good, Miss Guidry," Professor Marchand replied to the Ravenclaw girl.
So the Head Boy agreed with the others. Well this was certainly the most popular answer! "Good," he said, nodding toward Mr. Winchester. "Either of those spells would work." Though he wasn't too fond of the idea of shattering his trunk into pieces...
And it seemed Mr. Westwood was hopping on the bandwagon as well. "Thank you for your answer, Mr. Westwood," the professor replied. But unfortunately the most popular spell wasn't the one they would be learning today. Text Cut: Immobulus (Freezing Charm) Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Zelena carefully sat down, her hands folded in her lap and her schoolbag next to her, as she attentively listened to Professor Marchand. Did she have the need for another Heating Charm in the room? No, she could manage this. Besides, she had recovered slightly from a case of the sniffles and wasn't going to risk her health. She wasn't in the mood for her father to make her his guinea pig.
Her foot dangled slightly as she thought about her answer. There were a couple of incantations going through her mind. She raised her hand and said, "Professor? Would the Freezing Charm suffice?"
It was bound to, she thought to herself. After all, it did stop things not slow them down or alter the object's course. Then a voice in her head said, "nothing is that simple." This answer was causing her a bit of stress. "Get it together, Holmes!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Paintbrush Having a trunk like that hurtle towards you would NOT be fun. Nu-uh. "Protego, or Immobulus, Professor," Harvey replied, his eyes still on the trunk as if it would suddenly leap into the air and attack him. Miss Holmes had a different answer to offer. Professor Marchand listened to what she had to say and gave her a nod and a little smile. "It would suffice very well, Miss Holmes," he said. "Nice job!" Mr. Jarvis mentioned not one but two spells; Gaston was mildly impressed. "Either one of those spells would do nicely," he replied. "Excellent, Mr. Jarvis." Text Cut: Transfiguration spells Quote:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist Carlton was so comfortable. And so warm. He wiggled his body a little when he placed his tushy down on the bench. He hadn't even thought about the cold? That was a charm that kept him from freezing? Carlton took a sip of the hot cocoa. Magic was neat.
Then his eyes fell on the trunk in the middle of the room. He hadn't even noticed that before?! What iiiiiiis it? He was curious now but resisted the urge to go to it and just fling it open. He imagined that wouldn't go down great with professor Marchand.
He didn't want it flown at his face though. He imagined professor Marchand just having a fit and throwing it around the room like a crazy person. Suddenly the fudge grew a little in his mouth. He was scared.
But his hand still shot in the air. "I would duck, professor." It wasn't exactly the answer to his question but it was the truth. Carlton didn't know any spells that stopped objects from moving. "But eh... Maybe you could transform it into something else, professor." Because he knew older magic-knowing people could transform things. "Liiike.... A feather! Then it wouldn't hurt when it hit you in the face."
Wow. He was so smart. A feather in the face seemed like a much better option than a trunk full of... Well, what was it full of? HMMMM? Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola "It probably isn't a monster." Daisy told the Hufflepuff, eyes still on that trunk. This is Charms, they were probably going to use it to practise some spell or something like that. Shaking her head amusedly, the Slytherin watched her friend go and get a mug of coco, her own mug warm between her hands.
There would be little note taking today, let's be honest.
So Daisy paid extra attention when Professor Marchand started talking. Right, so probably definitely no monster in there. "We could use Avifors and turn the trunk into a bird!"She replied with a raised hand. And then hopefully the bird would flyyyyyy, flyyyy away.
The charms professor had to stifle a laugh at Mr. Lewis's answer. He was a bit surprised when the boy suggested turning the trunk into a feather, but he had to admit he was right; a feather would certainly hurt less! "Yes, ducking would be the natural reaction, Mr. Lewis," he agreed. But he was thinking more along the lines of a spell. "Turning it into a feather is a very creative solution!"
And speaking of creative solutions, here was the most outside-the-box answer he'd heard yet! Gaston imagined the trunk turning into a bird and flying around the room; the thought made him smile. "Interesting answer, Miss Carden!" he said. "I must say I wouldn't have thought to turn the trunk into a bird!
[textcut-"Cushioning charm"] Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz
Oh! She was the last to arrive, well at least she had got there in time. Whoops! Char was warm enough though so she just nodded along and then leaned forward, her focusing face on.
She looked at the trunk. Hummmm..... Oooo! Char stuck her hand up, wanting to think a bit outside the box, though she might have otherwise said Immobulus she went in a different direction. "You could use a cushioning charm!" Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack That was a GREAT high five!!!!!! Zoryn BEAMED at her Professor before she went to find her seat.
And shortly after class began. She was SOOOOooOoooOOoo ready.
Leaning forward just a bit, Zoryn opened her eyes super eagerly and listening to the first question. Hmmmmmmmmmm..... Well UM. She didn't know!!! She could use a uh... A uh... As shield?
Dang it. Someone said that.
Um um um...
Freezing spell?
Dang it. Someone just said it.
Um. um. um. OOOH OOOH, the first year's hand shot up in the air and wiggled somewhat urgently. PICK ME, PICK ME!!! And when it was her turn to speak, she answered with LOTS of gusto. "Isn't there a spell to make things SOFT!?!" Zoryn didn't know what it was called, but a soft trunk was better than a hit from a hard trunk. Y'know? "That's what I'd do." NOD NOD NOD.
So maybe it didn't exactly stop the object.... Buuuuuuut it'd stop the hurt? [/textcut]
Here was another out-of-the-box answer, courtesy of Miss Kettleburn. The professor considered what she said for a moment. A cushioning charm wouldn't stop the object from coming, but it would certainly lessen the impact. He nodded and said, "Good thinking, Miss Kettleburn!"
Gaston couldn't help but smile at the sight of Miss Spinnet's hand wiggling in the air. Now here was an eager beaver! And the idea she came up with was very astute, especially for a first year! "I believe you mean the cushioning charm Miss Kettleburn mentioned," he replied. "Good job, Miss Spinnet!" Text Cut: Shield charm Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta took a sip of her cocoa, very much enjoying the hot beverage before pulling out her quill and book out of her bag. Yeeep, now she was ready for class!
Something hurtling towards her? Hmmm. The Hufflepuff paused thoughtfully for a few months, trying to come up with something different. "Uh... well, you can use the shield charm to protect yourself from whatever it is." She answered, raising a hand before taking another sip of her cocoa. Gosh, it was so GOOD. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Hum....maybe a shielding charm? Yes! Jomas smiled and raised his hand. "How about a shielding spell? I forgot the name but doesn't it pair with pertago?"
Well Jonas you butchered that word to death... Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Things FLYING at them? That sounded dangerous. Kane tried to think of as many different answers as he could - but all his answers kept getting rattled out by everyone else. Boooo. He needed to be older and smarter so he WOULD be able to give out of the box answers.
So instead he just raised his hand. "Protego would be my go-to spell," he explained.
Mr. Jarvis had mentioned the shield charm a bit earlier, but now Miss Kramer brought it up in a bit more detail. "Excellent answer, Miss Kramer," Professor Marchand replied with a smile and a nod toward the girl.
It seemed Mr. Emery agreed with Miss Kramer. "I believe you mean to say 'protego'," Gaston said, gently correcting the boy's pronunciation. "Very good, Mr. Emery."
And another one for the shield charm. "And a good go-to spell it would be for this situation, Mr. Westwood!" the professor said with an approving look at the boy. Text Cut: Shrinking charm Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga So no bogart? Well that made Natalia breath a bit easier. She set her things down and pulled out her parchment so that she could take notes and be ready for class. As he asked about if they were warm enough, Nat glanced around feeling fine, but could help if needed with a warming charm.
Soon the class was getting started though and she listened to the first question. Well she knew she'd use a charm to stop the object, but other's had already mentioned it so she thought about something else she could use. Her mind wondered about different things, could she just turn it into some flowers or confetti maybe?
In the end her thoughts went to one thing, "Professor a shrinking charm could just shrink it so it wouldn't hurt you." Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Why on Earth Professor's insisted on serving refreshments during lessons was something Skylar STILL didn't understand despite over two years at this school. As per usual though, she surveyed the refreshments with disdain but took nothing, instead she'd found a seat along the wall because no desks. Something else that was strange, but not uncommon; apparently Hogwart's professors weren't fond of desks.
Spell used to stop a large object? Sky listened as some of her peers offered up some interesting suggestions. Gesturing a guess, she'd have to say that the vanishing charm was not one that was good, because well vanishing objects into nothing? That just wasn't something Sky would imagine to be beneficial. Trying to think of something original, Sky raised her hand, "What about the shrinking charm?" You know. Make the large object super small. Yup, would definitely work.
The Head Girl could always be counted upon to come up with a clever and well-thought out answer, and this was no different! Gaston smiled at the girl. "Sound reasoning, Miss Franks-Mundie," he said. "Well done!"
It wasn't long before Miss Diggory came up with the same answer, and she too earned a small smile from the professor. "Great idea, Miss Diggory," he replied. Text Cut: Flippendo Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Leon smiled as he watched her take a sip of her cocoa, even the way she drank was adorable! For a moment it looked like the seventh years eyes were pretty much hearts! "I'm glad you are doing good. " He said with a grin at her.. "Better now that you are here. " He then gave her the slightest nudge and smiled down warmly at her.
He really needed to ask her out or something.. "Hey Juno. " He was about to ask her something when the Professor started to speak and he looked at the box, wondering what charm he would use if it was to come hurdling at him..
He raised his hand and spoke.. "I would use Flippendo, the knock back jinx to get it out of my way Professor. " Because that would be the safest really. And yeah it was a Jinx and not a charm.. hopefully that was all right? He did say spell, and didn't specify "charm." Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty raised her hand. "I would use Flippindo too, like Leon said. Although it's more likely I'd duck rather than have time to pull my wand out and cast a spell. Ducking is more instinctive to me." Which she thought was very understandable. Unless you were in the middle of a duel and your wand was at the ready, it seemed unlikely you would be able to draw your wand quick enough to retaliate - unless you were very fast or the trunk was coming very slow. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir One thing Abey had to wonder about some of these professors, was why so many of them insisted on locking the classroom doors. Wasn't that actually sort of maybe just a little bit dangerous? And maybe suspicious? And were they keeping them in... or keeping something else out? LUCKILY, it just so happened that Abey already knew the Alohomora spell because of how Mairwen had taught it to him so he actually wasn't worried about not being about to get out of the room, not even a little bit.
... Okay, maybe just a little bit.
Professor CharmsMan was talking, and so Abey turned his attention to him, sipping on his cocoa as he did. As for the answer to the question, Abey knew EXACTLY what he would do. Actually, it was his favourite spell. Or, at least, it was his favourite incantation of all the spells he knew about. "FliiiiiiiiiiiiPENDO!" he called out his answer with confidence that he didn't even need to fake (though maybe that was partly from the sugar in his drink), and forgetting to raise his hand but speaking with such exuberance that he accompanied it with a sort of whole-body-bounce, and some of his cocoa slopped out of the mug, over his hand, and onto the floor. "Whoops." Luckily the temperature of the liquid was nowhere near hot enough to burn him or anything, but oops for making a mess.
Professor Marchand was a bit surprised when Mr. Kennedy named the Knockback Jinx, but it was a completely valid answer. "Now there's an idea!" he said, smiling. "Good work, Mr. Kennedy!"
It seemed the Ravenclaw prefect agreed with Mr. Kennedy and to a certain extent Mr. Lewis as well. Her answer made the professor smile. "Completely understandable, Miss Valentine," he replied. "Great answer!"
Gaston's head whipped around, spilling his dark hair into his eyes, at the sound of an unexpected voice. Mr. Botros had apparently forgotten to raise his hand before blurting out the answer, but the professor wasn't angry about it. In fact he smiled at the boy, even as he bouncing caused cocoa to slosh onto the floor. A quick wave of his wand took care of the mess. "Very good, Mr. Botros," he said, "but please remember to raise your hand before speaking." It wasn't meant as a reprimand, only a friendly reminder. Text Cut: Petrificus Totalus Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Cassie returned her full attention back to Professor Marchand as the man started the lesson, the girl pushing her schoolbag under the bench she was sitting on with her parchment and pen on her lap. Was she warm enough? Yeah, the fourth year was feeling alright in the classroom. Not to mention the hot chocolate provided for their snacks warmed you up from the inside out.
And then the question. She moved her gaze to the trunk as the professor mentioned it as an example. For one thing, Cass certainly hoped she never actually had that happen. But if she had, her first thought was Aresto momentum. However she was beaten to it by a Gryffindor prefect, Janelle and a younger Slytherin girl. As was the shield charm, the levitation charm and Immobulus. So onto thinking of something else to work. "Could Petrificus Totalus work on an inanimate object?" she finally supplied after raising her hand. Hmm was called the body bind so maybe not but she had already spoken so no taking back.
Gaston shook his head slightly at the Ravenclaw's question. "I'm afraid not, Miss McNally," he said. "Petrificus Totalus is meant for use on living creatures only; for inanimate objects we use Immobulus." Did that make sense? "You're on the right track, though," he added with an encouraging smile. Text Cut: Bombarda Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju Matt grinned a fudge-y grin and waved back at Noelle when the prefect sat next to him. Hot chocolate and fudge were the BEST.
And yo, Slytherin dude he didn't know who sat next to Noelle (Oliver). He gave the guy a nod. And heyo, Oliviaaaa. "Hiya, sup?" He greeted his friend with a mouthful of fudge.
Omnomnomnom, this was great!
He nodded at what Olivia had said. "'Tis chilly, yeah. That's what winter's like, y'know." Lol. She was from Australia, right? She probably didn't know muuuchhhh about true winter weather, especially SCOTTISH winter.
The professor spoke up and asked if everyone was warm enough. "Mmmmhm, after this hot chocolate it's difficult to not be warm enough." YUM!
When the man told them to imagine a large object, like a trunk, Matt's eyes immediately darted to the chest in the middle of the room. What spell would he use to stop it if it were hurtling towards him? "Bombarda!!"
The man wanted outside of the box, he would have outside of the box. And chaos. He'd have chaaaoooos too!
Gaston couldn't help but laugh a little at Mr. Merriwether's comment about the hot cocoa. "Glad to hear it, Mr. Merriwether!" he replied. He considered the Gryffindor's answer to the question for a moment. That was certainly a creative - though potentially destructive idea he had! "Thank you for that creative answer." Text Cut: Carpe Retractum Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry "Oh It is," She said with a smile, Now that she had gotten all cozy in the warm classroom with the hot chocolate, she was starting to get pretty toasty so she take off her jacket. She nommed on her fudge and sipped her hot chocolate as she waited for the lesson to start.
When the lesson did start Kat listened closely as the professor talked. Think outside of the box.... She could do that. She listened to the others give their answers, before raising her hand to answer it herself. " Could you use Carpe Retractum to pull it away from you. Grab it and retract it away from you." Catch and slow it down so how. She could kind of picture it in her head how this would work.
Professor Marchand listened carefully to Miss Delgado's answer, trying to envision what she had in mind. Truth be told, he wasn't sure it would work, but he had to commend her for her outside-the-box thinking. "You might be on to something, Miss Delgado," he said with an encouraging smile, "but I would advise using Carpe Retractum only after casting Arresto Momentum or Immobulus; it would be much safer that way. Great job on coming up with an original and creative idea, though!" Text Cut: Apparation Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Juno thought about this for a moment. Everyone's answers were spot on. She would probably use any of them depending on what was happening outside of that trunk coming at her, then she had a creative thought. She raised her hand, and when called on answered, "Well, Professor, you could just apparate out of the way and let it fall into whatever is behind you. Unless it's a person or animal of course, you would apparate them with you." She grinned a little. That was pretty creative.
She tried her best to hide her blush, and grinned then nudged Leon back. He was just...guh! He also had a great answer to the question. She probably would have done that too. There were just so many ways to stop or get out of the way of something coming at you.
Their conversation having been cut off when the professor started the class, she quietly whispered to Leon, keeping her eyes towards the front of the classroom, "You were about to ask me something?" She waited patiently for his response, without a clue as to what it could be about. Maybe it was about when they were going to start running together. Who knew?
And speaking of original ideas, here was another one! "Yes, that would certainly work, assuming one is of age to apparate," the professor replied, returning the girl's grin with one of his own. "A very original answer, Miss Darcy; nicely done!" And he thought it was very noble of her to think to apparate any bystanders with her! Text Cut: Impiriano Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Imagine that a trunk was hurtling toward her? Um, if that hit her it would probably kill her. Help, she was going to die! In the imagined state of panic caused by the imagined scenario, Isa couldn't focus enough to actually think of a spell to protect herself with, so she imagined herself hiding under the bench. However, in reality she was perfectly safe and was sitting on the bench with her hot cocoa. Not being under any immediate threat, she was able to think more clearly; critical thinking was easier in the calm of the classroom than in an emergency. "Impiriano could be used to create a barrier to block out the object." A better plan than hiding as there was not always a safe place to hide. This was charms class after all, so of course they would be dealing with some sort of defensive charm and not the hiding strategy.
The out-of-the-box answers kept coming, and Gaston was pleased. He was especially impressed by Miss Wright's answer. Not only was it something that hadn't already been said, but it showed a knowledge of spells beyond her years. "Very good thinking, Miss Wright," he said. "Well done!" Text Cut: Banishing charm Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Olivia saw the fall in expression, and vowed to try harder in faking her happiness. Or indifference. Something less abysmal, in the very least. She practiced with a more energetic nod of her head, which had been a mistake, in hindsight. It made her head swim and vision blur. The blonde closed her eyes for a moment, tightening her grip on the steaming mug grasped in her heands"I'm well, Professor. Thank you for asking." A small lie, but whatever. The Gryffindor was getting better at telling those.
Taking another sip of hot cocoa, Liv quietly sighed in relief as it warmed her bones. Despite the warming charms, there were simply some chills that went bond-deep and wouldn't leave. But then again, that was November in Scotland for you.
Naturally, when prompted, she shifted her gaze up to the trunk; still sat motionless in the center of the room. Everyone had insightful answers; all of which were very useful; etc.... But she wanted to go in a different direction. "Professor, how about if you banished the trunk before it could make contact?" Avoid contact all together and remove it from play. Yes, she did think the other answers were good, but if you deflected it too much, what if it hurt someone nearby? What if you inadvertently caused someone to be seriously hurt? "I think that'd be smarter than trying to change it's trajectory... I wouldn't want someone else to get seriously injured by a flying trunk by accident." Sip. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Dangerous, throwing giant trunks at people. Katy perched on her bench, head in her hands, and gazed at the professor thoughtfully. Like what kind of DANGEROUS nutter went around throwing giant trunks at people? Hmm?
"Maybe a banishing charm, Professor? Just ZAP and it's gone?" That seemed like a good plan. If it worked.
Professor Marchand was beginning to think no one was going to guess the spell they would be learning today. While the answers he'd been hearing were technically correct, they weren't what he had in mind. Then Miss Phillips hit the nail on the head. "Thank you for bringing this up, Miss Phillips," he replied, beaming back at the girl. "I wholeheartedly agree!" He gave her a knowing smile.
Her answer was soon echoed by Miss Toussaint, who also got a beam from the professor. "I think that's a wonderful idea, Miss Toussaint," he said.
Gaston turned to address the class again. "Congratulations, everyone. You all came up with clever and creative answers, but only Miss Phillips and Miss Toussaint correctly guessed the charm we'll be learning today - the Banishing Charm" Or one of them anyway; he'd get to the other one momentarily. He looked at the two girls and added, "Five house points to each of you for guessing the lesson!" "The Banishing Charm does exactly what its name implies - it sends objects, big or small, away from you," he continued. "The wand movement for this spell is fairly simple, just a sweep of the wand while aiming at the target. The incantation is 'Depulso'." He said the word slowly and clearly. A demonstration seemed necessary, so he pointed his wand NOT at the trunk but at a scrap of parchment on his desk, gave it a little sweep and repeated the spell. "Depulso." The parchment flew across the room and landed on the floor at the back of the room near the refreshment table. "You'll have a chance to practice in a few minutes - and don't worry, you won't be dodging trunks today! That was only a hypothetical question," he added; he couldn't help but notice how nervous some of the students seemed when he'd mentioned flying trunks earlier. "You'll be practicing on the objects inside the trunk, but first we have another charm to get to. Can anyone guess what it is? Think of spells that would complement or counteract the banishing charm." OOC: We'll be moving on again in 20 - 24 HOURS!
__________________ Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led  If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true... |