Thread: The Portal
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Old 01-30-2017, 10:06 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Default We didn't get eaten! Also, clinging to prof Stewart! :3
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means


Carlton loved his siren sounds, and he kept making them as he waddled through the portal. There was a bunch of people there, both students and professors. A GATHERING!

He beamed at them all. "There's a CREATURE in there! It was huge and had eyes!" Carlton tried to demonstrate with his arms just how big it was. "AND- AND- AND I tried to give it a bone to make it feel better but I got hauled off the other way... TWICE! And basically forced back here again." OK, no one had forced him really, he had waddled through sounding like a fire truck but STILL.

All he had wanted to do was talk to the thing. Maybe it was hurt or in pain or just wanted to play for a while. Carlton was affirmative they should all head back and help the poor creature. Yes, he wanted back in. And for that, he needed an adult. He'd go with the closest one which just so happened to be professor Stewart.

Carlton got a hold of her robe and tried, but failed to drag her to the portal with him. "Let's-save-the-CREATURE!" He struggled and put all his weight and force to drag the professor with him, unfortunately for him he didn't weigh much and wasn't strong at all so the pull didn't really phase professor Stewart. Typical. "Come onnnn, professor!"

He didn't understand why everyone was so freaked out. Didn't they know that this was a school?! There was nothing dangerous at Hogwarts. Just magic spells, a bakery, a fun room filled with arcade games plus lots of greenhouses. There was nothing to freak out about.

Now, let's all go save this thing.
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