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Old 01-30-2017, 09:32 AM   #47 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
Default My firstie is DUMB and also on the loose!
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Carlton was NOT pleased.

He scanned the other students with narrowed eyes. He needed someoe older, stronger and smarter than him to get them both out of this mess. But before he could reach forward and SNATCH Brent by simply clinging to his leg they had all started to move around and Carlton lost sight of his saviour. Nuuuuh!

Then panic erupted and someone was shouting they needed to leave and then Zoryn was flying in the air, being carried by Tenacius. There were people everywhere! Even in the AIR!

His hand was suddenly caught and he was dragged along. Carlton's little legs started to move as fast as he could, which wasn't fast. He looked up at the hand snatcher and beamed when he recognized Olivia.

"HAI, Olivia! I stepped through the portal." At least that was what the older Slytherin boy was calling it.

His feet stumbled over something and he fell forward, face down on the floor. Carlton huffed and kicked the thing that had caused his fall. It almost looked like bones. Kind of like the ones he gave his dog when she was cute. He shone up and crawled over to get it.

"En Garde!" He was on his feet now, lunging forward with the bone in his hand.

Silly snarling thing, Carlton would give it this bone and maybe it felt better. He'd lost track of Olivia and started to walk in the other direction towards the snarling noise. Professor Hernandez had told him that animals can get agressive when they're sick, maybe it was a creature that escaped and was just feeling sick? Poor creature. Carlton would save it. Clean its litter box, feed it warm milk and give it tonic. Just like in CoMC!

"Heeeeeeere, little creature thing...." Oh where art thou?

Carlton was positive that the only scary thing that existed at Hogwarts was Peeves and the giant squid. There was not a scintilla of fear in him when he marched forward. This was a school! The thought didn't enter his mind that it could actually be dangerous.
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