*theres a barrier on the Portal on the other side guys so... we're stuck? D: Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN His head is spinning, his arms were aching, his sense of direction is totally off kilter, and that didn’t sit well with Tenacius Salander "Zoryn, I gotta put you down for a moment… " he panted as he set the Firstie back down on the floor, but he still held onto her with one hand, the other immediately wielding his Alder wood wand. He heard Olivia say to follow Brent and that he does, on a quick pace as he ushers Zoryn along "Get a shield spell up Olivia." oh what an opportune moment to use a spell Professor Hirsch taught them "Protego Fianto Duri!" he cast the shield spell out toward the direction of… whatever that is.
And if it suddenly attacked them, he's got another stunner at the ready.
He shifted his gaze rapidly between the students making their way back through the portal and that snarly looming shadow with eyes. Is that ALL of them that came in here? Prefect duties all done now yeah? Can he go save himself now please? He followed the person ahead of him and jumped through "Geronimoooooo…."
And through the portal he crawls, familiarly weird but not quite, given the first time he went through it he kinda zoomed past everything. And then he could see Hogwarts-- CLEAN Hogwarts! And Noelle and Professor Stewart and kids all the kids!!! Theyre ho-- *B U M P*
Ouch that was his head hitting against.... what is this?... glass? shield? WHY IS THERE A TRANSPARENT BARRIER NOW AND THEY CANT GET OUT OF THE PORTAL?????? "HEY!!!!" Tenacius beat his fists against the shield with all his might, hollering at the people on the other side. Can they hear them? "LET US OUT!!! I MEAN IN!!! I MEAN GET US OUTTA HERE!!!"
Last edited by Steelsheen; 01-30-2017 at 09:19 AM.