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Old 01-29-2017, 09:38 PM   #32 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Default Joining in on the fun! *forces Carlton*
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Euw. Yuck. Gross.

"Beepboopbeepboop..." Carlton continued to make firetruck sounds as he walked through the disgusting yucky thing.


Carlton blinked as he saw all the students gathered in the sixth corridor that... Wasn't really the sixth corridor at all.

"Beep." He only recognized a few of the students. And then he looked around him.

EVERYTHING WAS YUCK. NO. He didn't like it. And he would be late for Transfiguration.

"Buh-bye." Carlton turned around the way he came from but where was the non-icky corridor? He spun around facing the students again.

HELP. "What IS this?! I want things to back to what they were." NOW, fix it older students. Tall, older magic-knowing students. FIX.
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