a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means "BEEPBOOPBEEPBOOPBEEPBOOP!"
That is the sound a firetruck makes when it swooshes past. It is also the sound that Carlton made when he walked through the sixth floor corridor, having just missed the Head Girl (Nat) and the Gryffindor student (Noelle). "BEEPBOOPBEEPBO..."
Yuck. Gross. What eeees it? Carlton took a few steps closer to the wall. He was a curious person but also not so curious to crawl through a hole. Unless... Voices? He took two steps closer to the yuckiness. "Beepboop?" He took two steps forward, cluthing his transfiguration textbook closer to his chest. "BOOP."
And he stepped through.
Last edited by potterobsessionist; 01-29-2017 at 09:27 PM.