all of youses <3 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Whoah wait is that "--Carl??" his Hufflebud is here too? He shrugged casually when the blonde boy asked if they were ok "Yeah we're fine-- although these guys think we've walked into some kind of weird twilight zone Hogwarts." he snickered. He wasnt in denial, more like sheer ignorance and the fact that this is a magical school. Weird is the norm.
Not that now isnt weird..... ok its more FILTHY that weird. Maybe if they explore a bit more..... "Put some muscle into it Carl..." the Curly Top chuckled as the Hufflepuff came up with what looked to him a feeble illumination spell. He took his wand out and was about to show 'em how its done when he heard another voice (Sinead) coming from where they came from "Yeah over here!" he called out behind them.
There were several things Leon said that got the Gryffindor a bit confused, a bit scoff-y "Spray bottle? Where? And mirrored? I see no mirrors...." he said as he turned around whilst walking "And dude, this is definitely Hogwarts, what other school has a crazy moving staircase like this?--" he stopped short as they spotted the shoe "--where CinderFella leaves his shoe by the stairs...?" he started to chuckle "Duuuuudes Flynn is so messing with us. So who's gonna be his Prince Charming huh?" He turned and jokingly pointed at the Ravenclaw upperclassman "Leon, you're the oldest among us, you'd have to return his shoe and then marry him!" Loooooolz.
So off he goes following the tracks like they all agreed they would do together, if there was a part of him that did start to think it was getting a bit weirder than the typical Hogwarts day, he didnt show it.....
.... until they found the tattered shirt, and then the BONES.
Ok full stop. Tenacius blinked then pointed at the sight ".....Ok either Flynn is going all Tarzan on us or... he's having a severe nervous breakdown." he deadpans. |