*breaks on through to the other side* Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN "--AAAAAAAAHHHHPPPPPPP-- oof!" Ok that was a bit of a rough landing.
Tenacius pushed himself off the ground. That could've been such a cool flawless run but he got DISTRACTED by a weird lightshow thing. As he got up and turned to look for said weird lightshow-- there was nothing.
Nothing except the usual corridor with a few students, that Ravenclaw dude Leon and --"Zoryn?"
He picked up his hoverboard and walked about looking around "Didja all see that weird thing on the wall like a big.....tear... thing?" It was hard to put into words, specially when one had only seen it for a split second before plowing into it... into nothing it seems.
Something feels strange, but he couldnt put his finger on it. Subconsciously the silence was sensed but it would take a while for him to become aware of it, as well as everything seems to be the other way around. |