Join Date: Jul 2009 Location: lost in the mountain
Posts: 20,577
Hogwarts RPG Name: Periwinkle Evie Paeng Slytherin Fifth Year | Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Leon walked into the Astronomy tower, his hands in his pockets as he looked around. Was he the first one here? He had been a little too excited about this class, not only was it one of his favorite subject, but it was close to the common room!
He looked around the room to see art supplies, something that excited him. He loved to draw and sketch..
His grey eyes scanned the various pairings of the solar system.. "Hello Professor Salvatore. " He said with a smile as he found a seat at one of the tables. "How are you today? " He asked as he looked down at the map of the solar system..
He was going to hazard a guess and say they were studying the solar system? "Hello Mr Kennedy. I'm doing wonderful today." she smiled. "How are you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Duuuuuuuude.
Brent was early to class. It was just him and that Ravenclaw dude he'd barely spoken to in Diagon Alley. He gave the guy a nod in greeting then looked around the classroom. True to this school's nature, there weren't any desks, but at least there were tables. Brent could deal with those. He was just getting a little tired of the mats and pillows he'd been sitting on. He liked a place to put his stuff and a table to write on. "Hello, Professor!" he greeted, passing her by and heading toward a table. As he put down his bag and got seated, he looked at the pictures on the table. Hmm. Cool. There was also lots of art supplies around, which gave him hope they'd be doing something fun and not just listening to a lecture. Hopefully somebody would come sit with him. He was all about hanging out with some friends. "Hello Mr Westwood." Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Juno quietly walked into the classroom. "Hello, Professor," She said with a wave and a smile. She quickly found a seat , which was easy to do since there were only a handful of others in the class.
She was excited for this lesson. Last term they had Professor Burbage...a ghost. She was a great teacher, but at least the new professor couldn't float through them. "Hello Miss Darcy." Quote:
ZORYN WAS SO REAAAAAAADDDDYYYYYYYYYY to learn about STARS. Though, she much preferred REAL stars. Like Justine Janvier. When were they gonna learn about THOSE?
Zoryn zooooooooomed into the classroom and did a bunch of twirls in excitement upon seeing the crafting supplies. "Yooo are we doing arts and crafts today, Professor!?!" Zoryn couldn't even wait until she got all the way to the Professor Salvatore's desk to ask. Her curiosity had bested her and she was already trying to figure out what they'd be doing for the day.
And man, did she sure hope it was arts and crafts.
'Cause then she could send it home and her mom would put them up all nice on the refrigerator. How awesome would that be!?!?! SUPER AWESOME. That's how. "Hello Miss Spinnet." She could help but let out a small laugh. "We might be." Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Astronomy had been one of those subjects that Elle had been undecided about for years, yet she hadn’t quite given up on it yet. If anything, having a new professor was bringing a new interest for her. In any case, she had found herself making her way up to the towers, curious what they’d be studying this time. Especially as she’d arrived to the classroom to see the art supplies. That was unexpected, for sure. Even for Hogwarts, unless she’d somehow gotten things mixed up and this was Muggle studies.
No, it was definitely the Astronomy classroom, the planet images and other space-related paintings proved that, if the professor hadn’t. “Hello Professor Salvatore,” she greeted the woman at the front with a smile, making her way to a table. Once there, she’d settled into the seat and turned her attention to the picture in front of her. Definitely the planets, but then she already knew that. Hoepfully they’d learn something new. "Hello Miss Penrose." Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea Oooh! Time for her next lesson! One she actually liked to follow. It wasn’t exactly like she was good at this subject but she found it interesting so that should be enough she decided. But, although she was interested in this subject, she wondered for what use it was. She absolutely couldn’t think of a job within the magical world in which she needed to have any knowledge about stars and planets… Maybe she should ask that question sometime when she had time to do so… “Stay inside my pocket Vlam” she whispered to her rat and pushed the smaller animal deeper inside her school uniform. She knew that there were no rules about bringing pets to a classroom but… Some teachers didn’t exactly liked rats so better to be careful!
After entering the classroom she walked over toward the professor and smiled brightly. “Hello professor, how are you doing?” She asked, still sounding in a good mood. Looking around her she noticed the tables and she wasn’t even surprised that the professor had changed the classroom like this, she… Actually had expected it! "Hello Miss Griffel." The blonde woman smiles warmly. "I'm doing wonderful! How are you today?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta finally reached the classroom. Wow, that was just too much of climbing. But then again, exercise was good. She wondered if this class would be interesting, because study of the stars was cool, yeees? And would the professor be as cool as professor Paul? The girl walked into the classroom with a grin, noticing that she was quite early. Not that it was a bad thing. "Hey, everyone!" She smiled cheerfully at the few students in class before nodding towards the professor. "Hello, professor." Etta sat down, looking down at the picture in front of her with interest. Something related to planets, most probably. "Hello Miss Kramer" Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Janelle arrived for Astronomy class and paused outside the door. Even though Flamsteed had been gone for a while, she still expected to see the lint roller outside of the classroom. Chuckling at the memory, she entered the room and saw something that made her smile. It looked like they would be doing a little artwork today. Janelle was definitely cool with that. "Hello Professor", Janelle said cheerfully. "Are we going to be drawing today?" Moving on, she found an empty table for two and claimed her seat. Janelle sat down, placed her book bag on her lap a proceeded to take out all of the supplies that she would need for class. Then to entertain herself, she checked out the paintings on the wall. Is that what they would be creating today? "Hello Miss Guidry." Caroleena smiled. "We just might!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline If Cassie wasn’t so used to climbing a lot of stairs to get to her common room every day, the trek to Astronomy would be torture. As it was, it was A LOT of steps that eventually led to the treads of the spiral staircase up the tower classroom. Thankfully she had given herself enough time to make it, knowing it from experience. Yet still, by the time the fourth year had made it to the top, quite a few students had already beaten her there. The older Ravenclaw boy she had gotten in DADA…the Hufflepuff prefect…a few Slytherins, another Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor. And finally Janelle. “Hello Professor,” she greeted Professor Salvatore who was seated at her desk with a polite smile. Then was the debate where to sit, the Ravenclaw finally taking a double table that didn’t already have someone there. Cass was open for a random desk buddy for the lesson…for the most part. Settling down and taking out supplies for notes she took in the photograph on the table as well as the art supplies scattered around.
Cool...a creative class! "Hello Miss McNally." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Art supplies were enough reason to be excited for today's lesson and Junia couldn't help but smile as her attention turned to the astronomy professor. She gave her usual curtsy before greeting the woman cheerfully, "Hello Professor!" She was feeling better today, had anyone noticed? No boy was going to keep her down. Not even one as great as Adra.
Spotting an older Slytherin she recognized from the common room, the thirteen year old headed over and took up the seat beside him. "Hey." He didn't mind company, right? ...Not that it mattered much. She was already unpacking her notes and things and setting them neatly on her side of the table. "Hello Miss Botros." if she recalled correctly there would be another Botros joining them. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Time for Astronomy.
Guess it was a fun class. I mean he knew his cousin always had fun with the activities and such. He knew Professor Airey wasn't here anymore but there was a new teacher. He wondered where Airey was. Ah well this professor couldn't be that bad could she? He shrugged and would def give her a chance. He finally made it to the classroom and saw the others were here. He saw that mostly there was two to a table. He turned and saw the Professor was there. He nodded and gave her a small smile. He didn't know her name yet but didn't feel like starting conversation.
He saw his mate Leon and sat down next to him. He gave him a sup nod. He then looked down at his picture. Huhh guess there was learning the solar system. Just a hazard guess. Caroleena looked around the room and her green eyes had met with the Slytherin Head Boy who didn't see that impressed but she could be wrong. "Hello to you as well Mr Winchester." if he didn't have the time to greet her then she could greet him. It was very impolite as a Head Boy to not greet your professor. Quote:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist SPAAAACE
Carlton entered the Astronomy Tower with hiiiiiigh expectations. He liked space. And everything it included. He didn't like the long walk up the tower though, especially not with his school bag full of textbooks. But he made it! He stood for a second in victory, hands on his waist, before finding a seat.
He waved to the Professor. Hello. Hiya. Howdie. Yo. Sup? Instead he went with; "Hello Professor Salvatore!" He made his way over to a seat and dropped his heavy bag on the floor. He wiggled his body to sit more comfortably and made certain there was room for someone to sit down next to him. Then his eyes fell on the photograph on the desk. "PLANETS." He announced, leaning down so he was half an inch away from it. "Space." He added softer as he traced the outline of the planets. This little guy seemed really excited about being here today. That was great to see. "Hello Mr Lewis." she smiled and waved back at him. She let out a little laugh. "Are you excited about todays lesson, Mr Lewis?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Rooney LOVED anything to do with creativity, but...this was supposed to be Astronomy. He fought the urge to roll his eyes and instead smiled at Professor Salvatore as he entered. "Hi Professor, how are you today?" He hoped that she didn't take his asking as a cue to give him her life story, because he didn't have the time for that. And she apparently didn't realise that she was teaching Astronomy. ASTRONOMY. Good grief of Merlin. But nonetheless, he was present for a class and he was ready to learn.
If they were gong to be learning.
WHY WERE THERE ART SUPPLIES?!!! "Hello to you as well Mr Bronwyn. I'm doing wonderful." she smiled at him. "How about yourself?" it was only polite to ask as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry It was so far to walk from her common room to the Astronomy tower. She was tired from all that walking. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws had it so much better than the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs at least when it came to these classrooms on the seventh floor, not so much when it came to a potions lesson.
Katerina headed into the astronomy tower, Greetting the Professor. "Hello Professor Salvatore." She read the sign take a seat anywhere Well yes of course she could do that.
Looking around the classroom to find a place to sit seen Etta sitting along and when over there to sit with her. "Hey there roomie." She said with a big smile. Spotting all the excess of art supplies, only made Kat even more excited to find out the where going to learn about today. She looked on the table and seen a picture of the solar system. Was that a indication of what the were learning today? "Hello Miss Delgado." she remember this badger, her brother knew her family and she could have sworn that she had seen her outside of Hogwarts before but she couldn't remember where. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Astronomy! Kane was pretty excited for this one - the stars were COOL and the fact that space was soooo large and went on LITERALLY forever. And all these art supplies were VERY promising. This was going to be soooooooo fun. "Hey Professor!" he said happily, taking a seat and then finding his bro in the crowd and giving him a wave. This next student seemed very happy about seeing art supplies. That was promising! "Hello Mr Westwood." Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur Astronomy
While, it wasnt one of Noelle's favorite subjects, she did fancy the stars. They were beautiful. She could sit outside and watch them all night.
Heading into the classroom, Noelle looked around at the three long tables and then at the board. After that, she noticed the art supplies everywhere. Oh Merlin, Noelle had no artistic abilities in her body. She hoped she wouldnt get scored on how well she did.
She giggled at Zoryn's excitement and twirling. The younger lion was cute.
Noelle looked for a place to sit and waved hello to Colt as she passed by him. Kat also got a big smile and a wave before Noelle stopped beside an older year. "Hi, mind if I sit here?" She asked before she sat down. If the girl had a problem with it, she'd probably move. Maybe. There was the Gryffindor prefect who apparently wasn't a student that greeted their professors. Hmm. Well that didn't mean she couldn't greet her. "Hello Miss Summers. How are you this lovely day?" she gave the Gryffindor Prefect a friendly smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Rula did like Astronomy, but she wasn't looking forward to the lesson as much only because it reminded her of Max and how much she missed him being at Hogwarts.
Still, here she was, though her smile wasn't quite as bright as usual. "Hi, Professor," she said before looking around the room for a place to sit. There were still a few empty tables, but she didn't feel like picking one of those. Instead, she walked over to another Slytherin girl (Elle). "Hi! Mind if I sit here?" Hopefully not, but she would pick another table if so. There was the other Botros. Nothing wrong with that! "Hello Miss Botros." she made it point to know that there were two children with the same surname. Hopefully she wouldn't mix them up in the future. Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson Astronomy! She was psyched. Planets. What would they be doing today? Planning a mission to Mars? Venus? Perhaps even visiting a planet in a galaxy far, far away. Olivia entered the classroom with a bright smile tugging at her lips. Let's do this. "Hello Professor!" she almost sung and then headed towards where the other students waited. Wow. There were quite a few people she recognized. She spotted Brent in the crowd. Hey! Wave and a smile for him! OOh and there was Etta too. Etta got a big smile! As did Zoryn. It would be tough to choose where to sit between those guys so she decided to find a seat next to someone she didn't know. This would be an opportunity to make a few more friends, right?
Oh hey! There was Noelle. She waved and smiled at Noelle before making her way over to an older Ravenclaw (Leon) and Slytherin (Colt).. "Hey! Mind if I sit here?" she asked with a small smile. Now the student were finally piling into the classroom but they weren't late, she wouldn't take points away from them if they were five minutes late due to the fact that they had to walk up way too many stairs. "Hello Miss. Holden." The blonde woman nodded at the younger Gryffindor student. Quote:
Originally Posted by Yaya The bit of running up the stairs towards the Astronomy classroom made her get a little too excited already. It wasn't like this was her favorite subject, but at least kept her mind busy off things happening lately.
She took a long breath before stepping in and looked inside. Admirable. Made her feel like she was at the gym with all the Reach for the Stars motto. Steph smiled and walked in, "Good day, professor." She greeted, clearing her voice to make it sound louder.
Once she searched around for a seat, she waddled walked towards it and stared at the picture of the Solar System. Caroleena smiled at the Ravenclaw that had just greeted her. "Hello Miss. Collazo." she greeted her as she went back to looking at the papers that were on her desk. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Derf was EXCITED! He had heard LOADS of stories from mum about the former Astronomy professor since they had been colleagues and he had even been her assistant while she had been Head of Gryffindor house and while the first year really had zeeeeeeeeeeeero interest in space, just hearing his mum talk had gotten him excited. So expectations were pretty high, but he was also rather impressionable so it was really a mixed bag of possible reactions to the subject.
First thing he noticed - although it was not nice to refer to a person as a thing - was Zoryn because of her HAIR. Hair that he still needed to..test some nesting theories on. He should totally invite her down to the creatures area and see if he could at least get a fwooper or two to sit on her head. They would look really pretty next to her dark hair...
Making a beeline to the Gryffindor, Derf set his enchanted suitcase on the table next to her and grinned. "Hi," he greeted, pulling out his chair and taking a seat.
Jumping back to his feet, Derf's blue eyes flew towards the front of the room and on the blonde woman. "HI PROFESSOR!"
Okay. That was done.
Wait...were they going to draw? Derf had been under the impression that astronomy meant science talk...not art projects. But the latter he could probably handle more easily so he wouldn't cause THAT much of a fuss. Shrugging off some of his low key disappointment, he pulled at the picture the professor had provided them - the one he had trapped underneath his suitcase - and glanced at Zoryn again. "You fink we are going to draw our own planet? Fere is a mys-s-stery ninth one out fere s-s-somewhere..." he whispered to her just before a soft riiiiiiiiiipping noise alerted him to the fact that he had just torn his picture in half.
...........erm..........oops? Professor Salvatore had noticed a student walk in but she didn't really pay any attention to it, she just kept on with her notes and making sure everything was in order with this lesson. It was until she heard some yelling that she looked up at the child who was speaking to her. "Hello to you as well, Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne." she shook her head and had a smile on her face as she greeted him back.
Oh, goodness. Today was going to be a very long day. Caroleena stood up, walked over to her desk, she opened the little drawer on top and took out a new picture of the solar system. "I believe you need a new one of these, Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne." her voice was a bit stern as she walked over to the table that the younger student was at and handed him a new photograph. "Please try not to rip this one, I haven't got any others." she knew that he was young and something like this would happen to some of the younger students but she was telling the truth when she said that was last photograph she had with her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Astonomy. Eh, Olivia wasn't optimistic.
....But she was here. So, making her way quietly into the room, the blonde took a gander around the space; mostly trying to gauge whether or not this would be uncomfortable on an attendance scale. Too many people... would've been a "no" for her, but it appeared to be fairly normal, so Liv proceeded inside, making herself comfortable in a random seat. Then, she noticed the art supplies. Huh, that was something different. One could only assume that they'd be using them for the lesson. Otherwise, what were they here for. But then again, that begged the question... What could they possibly be doing during this hour (in Astronomy) that would require craft materials?....
At least it was something new. Liv didn't mind creativity and crafts, depending on their purpose. "Hello, professor." Eyes forward, focusing on schoolwork. No kidding around.
She was frightfully boring these days. Sigh. "Hello Miss Phillips." the woman smiled at her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Late, late, late, laTE, LATE????? LAAAAAAAAAAAAATE?????????????
Abey really really didn't want to be late, but he was also really really really worried that maybe he actually WOULD be, because he had barely seen anyone he knew on the way up to the Astronomy tower, and he knew that class was meant to be RIGHT NOW and he HAD let time get away from him just a little bit.
And so that was the reason he ended up RUNNING FULL PELT into the classroom door as he reached it, essentially barging into the room. "DidImakeit?????" he blurted out breathlessly, gasping for air (hey, that was a lot of stairs) and, actually, sweating a fair bit actually. Uhhhhh... it was kind of difficult to tell, but people were still taking their seats and all so Abey assumed he was still on time maybe sort of probably pleasedon'tshoutatmeteacherladypleeeeease.
He might have dithered over where he wanted to sit for a good long while, an anxious habit, had it not been for the feeling that everyone was STARING at him. So instead, actually, Abey moved straight towards JUNIA. He could see that there was a whole two people to each table thing, but there wasn't TIME to find someone he knew that was free, so instead Abey just went right ahead and joined Junia and the Slytherin boy she was sat with. He gave them both an nervous sort of smile in greeting too. Hi. Hello. Pleasedon'tmakemeleave.
Except there wasn't any extra chair there, so he tried to squish his way onto Junia's chair and share with her. That would be okay, right? He was only small you see actually so he could absolutely fit and they were family so it was all fine because family shared everything practically actually.
Hi. That was right, there were three Botros'. Maybe if she jotted down their names on a sticky note she would remember how many there were at this school. "No need to worry, you're just in time Mr Botros!" she smiled warmly at him. "I was just about to close the door."
Caroleena stood up erased what was on the chalkboard. She wasn’t going to write anything on the chalkboard at this very moment. The Frenchwoman walked towards the back of the class room and closed the door. Professor Salvatore walked back up to the front of the room and stood in front of her desk. First she wanted to get some introductions out of the way. “Happy November everyone! We’re getting closer towards Christmas break and I’m sure with all of the homework that your other professors have been giving you, you’ll be very happy to have a break for your classes and homework!” the woman with the Irish-French accent said in a cheery tone. She was trying cheery this time around. Teaching at a different school was interesting, she still didn’t have a full feel for Hogwarts. “First off, I am Professor Caroleena Salvatore, Hogwarts’ newest Astronomy professor.” she smiled at them as she walked towards the front of her desk and leaned on it. “You may not call me Caroleena. You may however call me ma’am or Professor Salvatore.” which was the more acceptable names for a professor and her students relationship. She was here to teach then and not be there friend but if they need advice for anything or help with Astronomy she was more than willing to help them out. “For today’s lesson we will be learning about the planets in our solar system. There are eight planets in our solar system. Can anyone tell me which planet is the farthest away from the sun?” OOC: Class has begun! Please do not post your character late, if you choose to post your character late you will lose house points. Class will continue in about 24 hours!
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |