Join Date: Dec 2002 Location: the void
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amelia Yarborough Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Emerald Peridot "Dot" Ainsley Gryffindor Seventh Year
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Given time of the scheduled Arithmacy lesson, Cassie made her way down to the 2nd floor, her bag of school supplies slung over her shoulder. She was ready for another year of the subject but not ready for the change in décor that greeted her in the room as she entered it. Woah…that was a change. Not a bad or unwelcome change…but a change from the usual layout of the Arithmacy classroom.Not to mention she appeared to be the first one there. Not a common occurrence at all.
Regaining herself, she moved to the circle of pillows, choosing on to the right of the seated professor as her own for the duration of the lesson. “Good morning, Professor,” she greeted with a polite smile as she sat down, her bag laid beside her and the available lap desk. Her nose finally catching the scent that was waifing from the bowls and candles. "Smells pretty." Imogen smiled over to Cassie as she made her way into the room. ”Hello dear, thank you, I had to borrow something from Professor Vance to get the room to smell more relaxing,” she grinned before adding with a slight laugh, [b]”if I hadn’t we’d be smelling my dog all through class.”[b] she grinned and then looked over to Yeti just in time to see Zoryn trying to leave. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack ARITHMANCY. Yet another class called a fancy name that Zoryn didn't know the meaning of.
Being an adult was pretty great.
Somehow the first year had managed to find her way to the classroom very quickly (yes, even SHE was surprised). She didn't usually make a habit of being late everywhere, but ever since she stepped foot into the castle, getting lost was always something that happened on her way to class. It was like a ritual by now. So when she walked through the right door on her very first try... She was flabbergasted. "Hi Profess--"
What the heck. Where was EVERYONE?
And so just as quickly as she walked through the door, she turned right back out and made an exit. "Bye Professor!"
Because who the heck wanted to be the kid who showed up to class EARLY? Not Zoryn. The laugh that erupted from her throat was jovial and kind. ”I was the same way as you as a teen Miss Spinnet, I never liked to be the first one in class myself, but do feel free to stay…I swear I won’t bite, can’t be quite as sure about Yeti…he likes giving people little love nips” she admitted with a laugh. Then again he’d likely just want to nibble on someone’s quill or shoes even because afterall he was still a growing puppy. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Being early was something that had never bothered Elle. In fact, she much preferred being early to being late, although she’d given the first year who had done an about-face and exited again a curious look. She hadn’t heard the professor excusing anyone, but then she’d just arrived. Questions and Hogwarts seemed to go together after all, so she shrugged it off and entered the classroom. A small smile crossed her face as she smelled the familiar scents of lavender and jasmine, then noticed the puppy that was apparently joining the lesson.
“Good morning Professor Greyvson,” she said, giving the professor a smile as she passed her cushion on the way to claiming one near the windows. That way she could look outside at the same time as she enjoyed the incense scents. Nothing about the lesson seemed like a traditional Arithmancy lesson after all, but that was nice. Immy grinned over to Miss Penrose whens he greeted her. ”Hello Miss Penrose, do feel free to open the window if the scents of this room does become too strong.” Imogen smiled softly, ”I did consider just bringing peppermint essential oils into class to aid in all of our concentration” she admitted with a grin. After all, aromatherapy was something that she had learned quite a lot about in her cultural explorations. Quote:
Originally Posted by Artel Okay, really. She knew Hogwarts was a school of magic, but first Defense Against the Dark Arts, and now this? Had they run out of money to buy real desks this year, or something?
Well- as long as they still got to learn some real Arithmancy, it would be good enough for Sinead. She was absolutely convinced that she was going to be top of the class- she always had been in maths lessons before, and the skills had to be transferable, right?
Though... some of her other lessons had kind of taken her by surprise so far, but she knew she could straighten those out if she worked hard enough. Except maybe Herbology. She wasn't here to be a gardener.
Anyway- she wasn't it Herbology now. Pleased to see she was one of the first to arrive, she stepped smartly over to the Professor, trying to ignore the dog (?!) which was sat nearby.
"Good morning, Professor," she said, seating herself on a nice cushion right at the front of class. At least they had some kind of desks provided; ready to take notes, she arranged quill and parchment on the surface, impatient for the other students to arrive. Looking over to the young first year she just sent Sinead a small smile. ”Hello Miss Dance, have you been having a nice year?” she asked and grinned over to the young Slytherin girl. ”it’s a pleasure to see you again dear,” she smiled at the snakelet. She had been like her back in her days at school, determined, and cunning. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie NUMBERS!
The first year really had no opinion on them really...other than they were kind of confusing and he still didn't remember off the top of his head how many knuts there were in a sickle that is. So this should be interesting to say the least. Assuming there were no distractions to be had so he could keep himself on task whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich became blatantly obvious as he stepped into the classroom and his curious blue eyes found a certain PUPPY!
Well...this made picking where he was going to sit SO much easie ----
A certain departing Gryffindor bumped right into him as she was attempting to, er, flee the classroom. "ZORYN!" he chirped, grabbing her hand and tugging her back inside the classroom. "There is a PUPPY! I fink it's-s a Labrador Retriever! C'mon!"
Tugging and dragging - unless she put up no resistance and then he was escorting - his friend right on over to the cushion where the puppy was sleeping, Derf selected cushion right next to the puppy and plopped himself down with his enchanted suitcase resting behind him.
"Hi, puppy," he greeted. Oh, and hello to you too professor. Hi. Imogen grinned when she watched as Derfael Ashbury-Hawthorne made his way and immediately sat next to Yeti…he looked to be excited to be near the little pup, ”Hello Mister Ashbury-Hawthorne,” she grinned over to him. ”if you want you can pet Yeti, he’s a kind little monster…monster only because he likes to eat all of my socks,” though that wasn’t really a problem. He was after all the biggest connection she had to home and her family. Quote:
Originally Posted by laurange Brian saw pillows as soon as he entered and had to rub his eyes just to be sure he wasn't dreaming. PILLOWS. Now, what does one think when seeing so many pillows on the floor? Other than the absolutely obvious? Nothing. Nothing at all.
So this Hufflepuff prefect, in a style that could only be classed as his own, made a beeline for the squishiest-looking pillow, perhaps trampling someone's foot in his haste, and promptly flopped onto it. And then proceeded to take a nap.
Zzzzz. Professor Greyvson was completely fine with people napping before the start of class. That was one of the major reasons she hadn’t commented when Mr. Woods walked in and immediately took a nap. He looked quite comfortable – after all…it did seem like it might be a hufflepuff trait. The ability to sleep just about anywhere. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Theres a reason why Tenacius was particularly early for Arithmancy-- it had a food cart around the corner. Heck he's spent a good 20 minutes emptying most of it scrumptious contents. Sorry Pretty Profy
He had just popped a donut in when he saw Zoryn made a collision with the Hufflepuff kid he knew was not "Derp" but people called him something like that so now he's Derp. Derpy-derp. Its a cute nickname. "Hey Professor Greyvson!" Tenacius mumbled and beamed as well as he could with a full mouth. Oh wait is that Brian he sees? Sleeping Brian? Seriously its like the Hufflepuff Prefect was asking for this or something....
......So oh so carefully, the Curly Top took some dark licorice sticks out of his stash and nestled them under Brian's nose, making like a mustache, a small one under his lower lip like a goatee, and a whole bunch of thick ones right across his forehead, making a unibrow.
Now who's got a camera? Imogen simply watched and raised an eyebrow as the Gryffindor Prefect tossed a donut into his mouth. Now, that was a trick that her girls would love to know…. Not to mention that she would as well. Her aim in tossing things was not grand at all. ”Nice move with the donut Mr. Salander,” she grinned and watched as she made the candy unibrow and face on Mr. Woods’ head. Now that was curious…and hilarious…should she stop their fun? She didn’t really want to stop fun, that wasn’t how she rolled. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea Hmm, another lesson she wasn’t so sure about lf she liked it. Opening the door from the classroom she looked around her to… Smell a strange smell immediately, making a face because she didn’t liked the smell she hoped that it only would be a temporary thing. Spotting the professor sitting she walked over toward the professor and smiled politely. “Hello professor” she greeted, not because she actually liked it to be here but because she had no other choice and because she didn’t wanted to be rude either.
Looking quick at the dog she wondered if she would caress its fur but she decided to just walk past the animal, not sure how the dog would respond to Vlam, her own pet rat she was carrying in her pocket. Imogen looked over at Miss Griffel when she noticed the look on her face and couldn’t help but tip her head at the young Slytherin. ”Hello Miss Griffel, have you been having a nice day?” she smiled at the second year girl. ”If you want to pet him he’s friendly…he’s actually quite timid,” she admitted when speaking of little Yeti. Quote:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist Carlton had marched confidently through the second floor. He wasn't scared of Peeves and Miffy anymore! Well, he was but if they turned up he could just tell them he was on his way to Arithmancy and Professor Greyvson could come save him like she had last time.
But he didn't encounter the poltergeists. He arrived excited and relieved to the class room unharmed. Yay. "Hello, Professor Greyvson!" Carlton gave her a big wave. She was so nice. He liked her. And then.... His eyes widened and he froze.
A dog. There was a dog. It was a dog.
Carlton ADORED dogs.
He didn't really think about the unusual set up in the class, all he cared about was the dog. He sat on a cushion closest to it and stared at it lovingly. He could aaaaalmost touch it. But didn't. He wasn't sure if he was allowed and he was scared it was just a magical dog that would disappear if touched or something. Nothing would surprise him anymore at Hogwarts and he didn't want to risk the dog disappearing. He'd only just met it!
So he just sat on his cushion, bringing the textbooks up from his bag before he continued to focus on the little puppy next to him. Best class. Oh! Carlton Lewis had made it. Imogen smiled over to the Slytherin first year that she had saved helped after the attack on the poor kid. Peeves and Miffy were not kind to him or Miss Holden at all. ”Hello Carlton, are you having a nice day?” she asked with a small smile, ”you haven’t been pestered by Peeves again I do hope?” she asked hopefully. She watched as he made his away over to Yeti and sat next to the little small yellow bundle. ”everyone feel free to pet yeti if you would like. she informed with a small smile. After all, Yeti was nice. It wasn’t like he would hurt them now would he? He was likely to shift and sit on someone than he was to hurt anyone at all. Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay It smelled funny in here.
Henry wrinkled his nose a bit as he walked into the classroom, willing himself not to sneeze. What was going on in here? The fifteen year old had to accompany his mother to her yoga class once a couple years ago and this... this reminded him of it. The set-up, the candles, the perfumy aroma... he supposed he wouldn't mind some extra exercising, but he really didn't want to do anything weird today. He actually liked the consistency of numbers at a moment when everything else in his life seemed so confusing. "Hello, Professor," he greeted with a typical wide smile and tried to determine which pillow he'd like to sit on.
Was that a dog?
Henry loved dogs, okay? In fact, he still really wanted one for himself and he bounded right over to the puppy, even though there were a handful of younger students hanging around him too. The cushions on either side were already occupied, but Henry knelt down right in front of the dog and held his hand out in front of him. "Is this your dog, Professor? What's his name?" Henry thought he was pretty great already. And he'd find his own, unoccupied seat soon enough. Mr. Whittebrook got a small smile when she said hello to her. Imogen was about to return the greeting when he asked about the puppy. ”Why yes, Mr. Whittebrook this is my dog…I named Yeti…” she paused for a second and grinned, ”he liked climbing into my cooler that I would bring on camping trips with my daughters,” she admitted with a small laugh. ”we finally just brought him with us so he wouldn’t be alone, you can pet him…anyone can, he’s a friendly timid thing.” she admitted not explaining that he might run away if he was nervous but still, that was a part of being timid. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Janelle walked into the Arithmancy classroom and took in the sight. Pillows and laptop desks. Okay. This was going to be interesting. Before she took another step, she was hit with fragrances. One she recognized immediately. Jasmine. Of course she knew that smell. Spotting the professor, Janelle greeted her. "Hello Professor. I can't wait to see what you have planned for us today."
Janelle found a comfortable looking pillow and made herself at home. She sat down, got comfy and began to take out her supplies. That done, she was able to give her full attention to the puppy. It was so cute and Janelle wanted to go and play with him. However, she assumed that playing with the teacher's pet during class would be frowned upon. Instead of that, she just waited quietly for class to begin. Imogen grinned over to Miss Guidry when she joined the class. ”Hello Miss Guidry
It is a pleasure to have you in class today,” she grinned over to the seventh year Ravenclaw. She remembered when she was like her, ready to go to classes and more importantly ready to be out in the world. If she had known that people would want to play with Yeti she would have simply added a sign on the board that explained that playing with him was just fine with her…afterall, maybe he’d leave her socks alone that way? Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga A class Natalia could smile walking into. If nothing else she knew she knew Arithmancy. This was her favorite class and she knew she could figure out anything thrown at her. If there was one thing in her life that never changed it was numbers. They didn't lie to her and the calculation no matter how many times you did it was always the same.
As she walked into the room the smell was what caught her attention first. Were they in Divination? Well kind of if you really thought about it. Arithmancy was a form of it, hence the mancy at the end. "Hello Professor."
Turning she headed for a seat. What were the small desk things that were laying near? "Hey Elle, mind if I sit with you?" Finding a place near her dormmate she looked around the room. Imogen looked over to Natalia Franks-Mundie when she came into the room. She always seemed to do so well in her classes, which was great. It made things much easier for Imogen in grading. Natalia after all, was one of her top students. ”Hello Natalia,” she smiled over to the Slytherin Head Girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom What was that SMELL?! Kane always had a sensitive nose, and all this burning incense was not helping. Still, he put on a smile for the professor, because she was pretty and she had a puppy with her - and it wasn't Greyvson's fault that he had a sensitive nose and a huge dislike for this class.
"Morning Professor!" he said happily as he took his seat. Now that he was here the smell was starting to get slightly more bearable... Looking over to Kane as he walked into the room Imogen gave the hufflepuff boy a small smile. ”Hello Mr. Westwood,” she smiled over to the young blonde hufflepuff. He seemed like a nice kid from his interactions in previous lessons. Really, Imogen wouldn’t have known otherwise that he didn’t like the scents but truly, if the scent was overpowering she would be welcome to airing out the room. Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola You know, Daisy was liking this new Hogwarts. Everywhere she went, there was food, it was like the staff was afraid they weren't eating enough. Or that walking up and down all those flights of stairs lowered their energy levels and they needed refuel at every corner. Which, let's be honest, it did. That was why Daisy had always carried food around with her but this year it was not necessary!
Nope, because the staff provided it, which was why she stood next to the tea cart stuffing her face with cookies as her colleagues walked into class. Once the fifteen year old didn't feel as greedy hungry she walked into the classroom with the weird set-up and the dog. No, puppy!!
Daisy waved distractedly at Professor Greyvson, eyes still glued to the puppy, and slowly made her way towards it. Gah, too many students around the pup already! The Slytherin crossed her arms and walked to the nearest available pillow - which was still MILES from the puppy - and let her bag fall to the floor with a PLUNK!
Probably for the first time in her life, Daisy seriously regretted the time spent eating the cookies. Imogen looked over to the slytherin girl that walked in next, Dairy Carden. ”Hello Miss Carden, if you want to call Yeti over to you later do feel free,” Imogen smiled over to her. She had noticed, of course the longing looks that the Slytherin girl gave the little puppy. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack *THWAK*, indeed. "Ow," that wasn't 'upposed to be a part of the plan. *mellow*
Before she had the chance to reorient herself after that run-in, she felt herself being pulled and tugged back in the direction of the classroom. DEEEEEEEERF WWWHHYYYYYYY. Escape was SO CLOSE!!! She couldn't believe it. Darn it.
She was definitely resisting. Or trying to at least. But he was persistent. "Fiiiiiine, fine," she sighed DRAMATICALLY and allowed herself to be tugged over to the cushions at last. And just as she went to plot down too, she noticed the PUPPER!!!!!!
Yup. There goes all the attention she could have possibly put towards the class. Right out the window. Never coming back. "I've got a chocolate frog, do you think it likes those?" She was already throwing her backpack open in search of one.
Also hi Professor (part two). Imogen watched with bated breath as Zoryn threw the chocolate over to her friend. Dear lord. Merlin…merlin MERLIN don’t smell that chocolate Yeti! She thought with a panicked look growing on her face. Her question about the chocolate made her heart pang with fear. ”N-no, he doesn’t need chocolate its bad for him…I have some Carob treats if you want to give them to him…its, a non toxic variety and chocolate substitute” she explained with a small more relaxed smile. Pushing a little Tupperware out to the middle of the circle she just smiled, ”if anyone wants to give Yeti treats feel free, there are some in this little tupperware here,” she admitted with a small grin. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Kat was really accumulating, her favorite subjects boxes up this term. Since Katerina had Nat as her Divination/Arithmancy buddy she had really gotten into the subject, and got a better understanding of it now. Enough to really like the art of Arithmancy. Which was a different turn from her normal favorite subjects.
The blonde headed into the classroom to see laptops desks and pillow seating, rather then the boring and unconformable workstations. But the smell, the smells she could do without. Unless it was a more subtle scent. She walked by the professor to greet her. "Hello Professor Greyvson." Oh look a dog.. Hi puppy! She continued on to find a seat.
She passed Henry, and waved at him. Now normally Katerina would sit with Nat in this lesson. But since she was sitting with Elle today, she would find someone else to sit with. She also waved at the two seventh year girls as she passed them. Kat nearly jumped a foot high at a noise. She turned around seeing the new Slytherin girl (Daisy) that she had seen around. "Mind if I sit beside you?" She asked with a small smile. Imogen looked over to the hufflepuff fourth year when she walked into the room and greeted her. ”Hello Miss Delgado” she smiled over to the young blonde and grinned a she watched her sit with someone new. That always made Imogen happy, seeing students explore and sit with other people they didn’t yet know quite well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Olivia was here... and STILL indifferent about numbers. That had obviously not changed, but her general outlook sorta had. With this subject being less about practical application, at least it would be a peaceful lesson. Hopefully. How could numbers get crazy? This, we ask you...
.... Well..... she supposed if you were talking about curse-breaking... but with how the classroom was arranged, Olivia doubted that would be the focus of this lesson. No, it actually appeared to be geared towards relaxation, and that was definitely something the blonde Gryffindor could get behind. Honestly, she had a bit of a headache. She'd not slept that well the night before (which was basically every night, but eh). Thank the makeup gods for concealer and white eyeliner.
Oh, hello. There was a dog in the room..... Okay.
Depositing her bag off to the side of one brightly colored cushion, Liv eased herself down onto it, positing her legs. Criss-cross applesauce! Also, no verbal greetings from her today. Sorry, Professor, but the older blonde (and her pet) did receive a small wave. Imogen watched as Olivia Phillips walked into the room. The Gryffindor had given her a small wave, and in return Olivia had received the same. She did after all look to be a bit on the quiet side. ”if you would like some tea there is some water warming in the pot over there,” she pointed out, ”as there is also an assortment of tea and teacups next to the pot…I didn’t want to make a bunch of tea for everyone so I will simply let you all mix it yourself.” After all she didn’t know what everyone would want. Tea, after all was a very personal ordeal. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Looking out the window, Elle had noticed the commotion as the first years had collided, as well as the others arriving. She just chose not to react to any of it, seeing as it wasn’t anything g that affected her particularly. She wasn’t near the door, although she did feel like she ought to stop the Gryffindor firstie from feeding chocolate to the professor’s puppy. Everyone ought to already know that chocolate wasn’t good for dogs. It wasn’t good for hedgehogs either, but then nobody was offering a chocolate frog to her pet. As far as she knew he was safely curled up on her bed in the dorms. But she stayed quiet either way, just out of respect for the professor.
She’d glanced back toward the room at the sound of her name, however, smiling at Nat as the Head Girl stood near her. “Of course I don’t mind,” she replied, even as she returned the wave from Kat. Honestly, she was a bit surprised no one else had taken the cushion nearest her while she hadn’t been paying attention. She didn’t mind at all if her dorm mate sat by her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola Daisy was still sulking. There was a puppy right there and it looked just like her dog had when it had been a baby! She wanted to squish its little cheeks and squeeze him but the little guy had enough company already so she would have to wait until the end of the lesson. So ... was this lesson ending already?
She plopped down onto one of the pillows just as someone talked to her. Looking up to find the owner of the voice, she smiled lightly at the girl. "Of course I don't mind." She replied and hastily removed her bag which sort of had landed in front of the pillow next to her. "I'm Daisy, by the way." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Arithmancy. Hmm. Sounded interesting, thought Etta as she entered the classroom. Maybe... was that a puppy?! SO CUTE. She was so exciiiited, really wanting to play with the cute little pup but wasn't sure if that was allowed? But the cuteness. Maybe she should ask---? But, no. Puppies were the cutest, though. "Hi, professor." She smiled, as she sat down and wondered what the class would be like. Something to do with numbers, mostly. She looked around, smiling at all the known faces---- and there was someone sleeping in the classroom. Okay --- before she idly started to scribble in her notebook. Imogen smiled over to the young Kramer girl as she walked into the room. ”Hello Miss Kramer, are you having a nice day so far?” she asked with a kind smile in place. Of course anyone could pet little Yetti. Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty walked into the classroom in high spirits, humming a low tune under her breath. She went to sit down on one of the meditation pillows, thinking how unique it was to have pillows instead of desks in Arithmancy. Hmmm...wonder what they were studying today. "Good morning professor. Oh, he's adorable!"
That second statement was about Yeti. Imogen smiled over to Kitty as she walked into the room. ”Hello Miss Valentine,” she smiled over to the Ravenclaw prefect as she walked into the room, ”thank you dear, he’s a little handful some of the time…but he’s just so loving, I didn’t want anyone to miss out on the little guy…he’s a bit timid though,” she admitted with a grin. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Brent hated Arithmancy. He literally loathed it. As far as boring subjects went, this was took the top spot. So why was he here today? He was going to give his Hogwarts Arithmancy professor a chance. Who knew, maybe she could present the lesson in some semi-interesting way that would catch Brent's attention for good?
Walking into the classroom, he noticed the absence of desks and the presence of pillows. COOL! So if he got bored, he had a place to take a nap! Awesome! Ha. He doubted seriously that the professor had the pillows here for THAT reason. The place smelled good, too. Following the instructions on the board, Brent took a seat on one of the pillows. Oh, look...there was a little dog up there! He was already distracted, and the most boring subject on the face of the earth hadn't even started yet. "Hello, Professor!" he said, remembering he had forgotten to actually greet the professor in one of the other classes. Gotta earn brownie points and all that jazz. Now the elder Westwood had joined the class. She noticed the distracted look that Brent gave Yeti and grinned. It wasn’t as if this lesson was going to be that hard now was it? After all today was one of her easier cultural lessons. ”Hello Mr. Westwood,” she smiled over to the young Slytherin boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson Artihmancy class, right? Her brother had given the class a terrible reputation... which could either be good or bad. Though Simon had always enjoyed the more physical subjects so maybe he was just being a drama queen? Huh. She'd figure it out soon enough. She was unsure how it would play out. Nevertheless, she liked Professor Grevyson, especially since the Professor had come to the rescue when she, Carlton, and Kitty had an unfortunate encounter with Miffy and Peeves. Shudder. She still liked to not think about that.
Entering the classroom, she saw that the room was already filled with a few familiar faces and no desks. Another class without desks? Interesting.....This was going to be awesome! "Hello Professor! Thanks for walking Carlton and I to the Hospital Wing the other day," she said with a grin. She was really thankful for the Professor for doing that. And there was a puppy too. SO CUTE. Olivia was tempted to pet him but decided against it and went to go find somewhere to sit.
Speaking of the poltergeist encounter, she saw Carlton and Kitty both in class. They got a wave. And there was Etta and Brent! And Henry. Smiles and waves for them. And the two troublemakers (Derf and Zoryn)- she's got her eye on you two. Nod. Her eyes widened when she saw someone she hadn't seen in a while. Oh hey! There was her parole officer. She beamed and headed over to sit near him. "This seat taken, Tenacius?" she asked before realizing that the kid (Brian) near him had a mustache. She covered her mouth to stop herself from chuckling. No laughing. She couldn't wake the other kid up.
Oh Merlin. Ah! Miss Holden was there. Imogen grinned over to the girl as she walked into the room and nodded at the thanks she was given. ”It was no problem at all Miss Holden,” she smiled over to the girl. After all, Olivia had been quite nice with her and appreciative when the incident had gone down. ”If you ever need help getting to the hospital wing, or anywhere really please, do feel free to ask” she told the young Gryffindor girl and smiled softly. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Derf was in the middle of offering his hand to the puppy to sniff - SO HE COULD REACH OUT AND PET IT ONCE HE HAD PERMISSION FROM THE PUP HIMSELF - when he heard Zoryn's suggestion and his eyes widened like an owl's and he could do nothing to mask the HORROR on his face. "Zoryn! Chocolate is pois-s-onous-s-s to dogs-s-s!" he squeaked loudly, although hopefully not loudly enough to draw too much attention to them. He hadn't meant to embarrass her or anything. "I can eat it for him fough."
And hopefully get a chocolate frog card to add to his collection out of it too!
OH HELLO OLIVIA! The first year BEAMED in her direction with a bit of a distracted gaze. Hi. Imogen’s heart relaxed when she heard Derfael’s comments about chocolate being poisonous. Already the kid had warmed his way into her good graces, simply for helping young Yeti stay un-poisoned. Yes, that was a good thing. If she could simply give him points for that she would…however for now she would wait and se ehow the classes went. "Thank you, for your wise words Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne." Imogen gave him a grand smile at this. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry It wasn't until Katerina had settled down that she had even noticed the first years drama going on. She just shook her head. She couldn't remember being that dramatic as a first year. Though the puppy was adorable and just deserved any and all attention it got. Anyway.... Back to the lesson at hand.
Great. Kat sat down down beside Daisy. Smilling at the older girl. "I'm Kat It's nice too meet you Daisy." Now Kat was ready for the lesson to start. They were going to something besides sit here on these pillows and sing Kumbaya, right? Turning back to Daisy they may as well talk before the class started. "Kids can be so dramatic can't they?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Roo made his way into the Arithmancy classroom and gawked at the number of students in here. He didn't care if a class was low on students, really. But for a subject that focused on numbers...it just didn't quite make the cut. Despite the chilled vibe in here, he beamed at the Professor and sauntered over to a pillow on the opposite side of the room to a certain Gryffindor. "Hello, everyone." Today he was keeping himself to himself and taking a break from being so involved in whatever it was that she was going through. He knew what it was, but he had no idea how to help and didn't quite have the energy to help today. He had classes to attend and homework to do and he also needed to catch Kitty at some point to ask her a few little things. Maybe he'd grab Katy too later. Char, also.
Or maybe he'd just find his younger sister and play chess with her to take his mind off of everything.
But he was very tempted with the dog in the room... very tempted to call it over and cuddle with it. Roo was GREAT with dogs and he hadn't yet found one that didn't like him. Maybe this one would smell out the wrapped sausage sandwich in his satchel. HEY DOG LETS BE FRIENDS. Oh…the Ravenclaw Prefect was there! Wait…she nearly had all of the Prefects in her one small class now didn’t she? That was a moment of pride for her, after all it was just an elective and not everyone needed to go. ”Hello Mr. Bronqyn,” she smiled over to the Ravenclaw Prefect. Of course Yeti would smell the sandwich and want to be friends with him…or well, friends with his sandwich. Quote:
Originally Posted by Schroyers Arithmancy was a class that often confused Alice.. But whatever.. maybe it would be less confusing this year. She was OLDER AND WISER. By like a year.. Which admittedly wasn't that much time but whatever. It could still make more sense now..
The classroom looked different but she tried not to get too used to how things looked at Hogwarts, between the Owlery being filthy and all the restaurants popping up all over the place Hogwarts was different this term for sure. But whatever.
The redhead made her way to one of the cushions, on her way there making sure to smile at the Professor and wave. "Hello, professor." She took her seat and was curious about the cups and the dog? Were dogs allowed at Hogwarts? She supposed maybe, i mean she had a Raven. Imogen watched as Miss Lupin walked into the room. She was one of Annabelle’s favorite actresses…, which was quite a feat as Annabelle never really liked watching anything at all. ”Hello Miss Lupin,” she smiled over to the ginger haired girl.
Imogen watched as everyone settled into their cushions and smiled to all of the students. ”Hello everyone, good day.” she smiled to the students in her classroom and looked around to everyone as she waited for the room to settle a little more. ”Now class, in our last class I had you the table of contents to our Cultural Arithmancy book and the introduction to the book as a whole as well as the introduction to Kundalini & Tantric Arithmancy,” she spoke softly and looked around at everyone. ”now, for the first part of our lesson I want you to each say one section you want to focus on in our studies of cultural Arithmancy.” she spoke softly with a small smile playing on her lips. ”if you have any feeling or intuition on what we will cover in our section please do feel to say what you believe those to be.” ooc: class has started.
Instructions: state one section of the cultural arithmancy textbook you want to focus on and one thing you believe will be a part of that section
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |