SPOILER!!: Oliver
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Olly was pleased that his answer had been a reasonable one, even if it hadn't been creative enough to earn him points. But the answer to his question did not really help. In fact, it just made him more confused. "What makes them explode then? Is there a spell?"
As they went further into the forest it grew darker and darker. Olly took out his wand and whispered "Lumos." That was better. After a while Olly's feet were gstarting to hurt, but he was trying not to complain. He kept telling himself they would be there soon. Soon. Soon? When they finally did make it he breathed an audible sigh of relief. He shifted from side to side, trying to take the pressure off his feet, as he listened to the instructions. They were going to be moving some seeds from one cave to the over. That didn't sound too hard. But the prospect of explosions and burns was a bit worrying. Olly quickly put on his gloves as he was instructed.
Okay, a spell. A very dangerous spell apparently. He definitely didn't want to burn anyone else, or get burned from someone else. He would practice and really try to focus. The wand movement didn't seem to hard, and he worked on that first. Move only the wrist. It took a few tries but eventually he got the hang of not making the movement too big. When he was satisfied with that he could practice saying the spell. "Chaw-den-sis." He drew out each of the syllables the first time. That wasn't too difficult. "Chawdensis."
Paul turned to Oliver. "
Well..they don't just EXPLODE if you touch them or drop them. You really have to mess with them...or...you know, if you add them to explosives or fire, they make it all happen more quickly," so his previous statement had been DRAMATIC.
But he didn't want people to NOT take this seriously, so.
Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Kimi had seen several of his classmates team up and he felt a bit left out and knew that he needed to help get the seeds out but he was stuck on how to say the spell incantation and hoped he would get some help from an older classmate
Paul saw Kimi standing around looking confused, so he gently approached the boy. "M'boy, do you need help?" he smiled. He gave his wrist a twist, circulating it. "That's the motion..." and then he cleared his throat. "CHAW-DEN-SIS is how you saw it..eh?' he nudged him. He was a badger so...Paul knew Kimi pretty well. "Got it?"
If he needed anything else Paul was always there to answer questions!
SPOILER!!: Kitty
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Being surrounded by so many people did eventually start to have a soothing affect on her nerves. The "fight or flight" feeling slowly went away and she found herself breathing more smoothly. Still, a squirrel darting across the path behind them made her reach for her wand before realizing what it was. Another time something snapped in the bushes nearby and she couldn't find out what it was - but at least she didn't draw her wand.
Then at last they arrived at their destination, two creepy caves which Paul believed contained fire seeds. Kitty raised her gloved hand nervously. "Professor, I was wondering how far back these caves went. Are they small caves or do they go back a long way?" Because if they went back a long way then that increased the chances of something sinister luring out of sight.
Then she heard about the chances of getting burned and it wa sback to code red. She had to get the incantation right, no matter what."CHAW-DEN-SIS. Chaw-den-sis. Chaudensis! Chaw-den-sis. Chaw-den-sis. Chaw-den-sis. Chaw-den-sis. Chaw-den-sis." She repeated the incantation so many times and flicked her wrist so many times in rapid succession that soon the word got stuck in her head.
Paul turned to see Kitty practicing.
"They are small caves. Not the ones that go far back," he smiled. "
I would be too afraid to go into those in THIS forest." Never knew what might lurk in the shadows...
SPOILER!!: Brent
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Brent could only grin in return. Skylar might be feisty, but her threat definitely didn't scare him. He'd be a big wimp if he got that scared by a girl his age. "Sounds like a party," he said, walking along. "I bet this forest if full of 'em, and from what I hear, you guys got invaded by them a few years back." He had no idea if Skylar had even been here for that or not. Grinning again, he added, "You scared yet?"
Duuuuude. This forest was getting dark. No way was he going to comment about that, but he was noticing. He was noticing big time. He looked down at the light from his wand and tried to focus on that as they ventured further [s]to their deaths[/i] into the forest.
Apparently the professor liked his response, which earned a grin from Brent. "Yes, sir!" he said, when the professor asked if his name was Brent. "I agree! Roasting marshmallows sounds like an awesome idea!" It kind of took his mind off the fact that they were marching straight into danger all in the name of some fire seeds. Speaking of which, they had arrived! As he listened to the professor, Brent pulled out his gloves and slipped them on. He then turned his attention to the professor and followed along as the directions were being given. Mmkay. He had this!
First...the incantation. "CHAW-DEN-SIS!" he exclaimed, getting a feel for the word. "CHAW-DEN-SIS!"
Oh good, he had gotten his name right. That was nice. And now he wanted roasted marshmallows.....
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Katy lingered over her bucket before finally setting it down. She appreciated being appreciated by the professor, but since she was chock full of questions, she was afraid he'd wander off before she was done picking his brain. And she had lots of picking to do.
Like, would the spell work on one of her pocket phials, or else she wasn't going to be able to hold on to any seeds all the way back to the castle? And could she levitate a few into Blaise's trousers without getting caught?
But mostly... "Thank you, Professor... I want to be an inventor, but I'd like to actually do some good in the world." So no, she wasn't going to go work for the Ministry. She had a real future planned. "Can I ask you something, sir? Or a couple somethings? Do you know why the bushes died off in the other cave? 'Cause, like, if it's the soil or too much water or something, if it hasn't been fixed, these new bushes will never sprout, right? And I was also wondering how you store these seeds long term. If you were inclined to do it." Not that she had any plans.
Paul just chuckled. Inventors did plenty good sometimes, but he supposed he wouldn't say anything. Plus she had questions for him, and professors loved questions all the time ever.
Not really, but Katy usually asked interesting ones, so he didn't mind.
Oh, no, something...took them out," he shot a glance at Thereos. "
I know there were caves in here...and I had Thereos take me out here. They apparently used to both had the bushes but...yeah." Paul was pretty ominous sounding with that answer, but...it really hadn't been the conditions of the caves that had wiped them out.
SPOILER!!: Blaise
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It'd been a bit of walking and finally a cave but nothing of ACTUAL interest. For as much as he could, Blaise listened to the Professor explain the seeds and replanting. Something about no leaves and a second cave just over there etc etc etc. Hopefully the quill had taken it all down.
The Gryffindor's curiosity lasted only long enough to hear the incantation and understand just where the lesson was going. Magic. Casting. Eh. He'd just...stand here and wait for the others to be done their practicing or whatever. Blaise shoved his hands in his pocket, ready to take it easy.
........Until he got called out by the Professor.
With noticeably reluctance, the Fifth Year dragged his feet over to where the man stood. As he walked, he mentally prepared himself for what might have turned into a speech on giving magic a try and unlocking his true potential. You'd think after 5 years they'd learn that sort of thing didn't work on him.
As soon as Blaise approached, Paul CLAPPED a hand on his shoulder.
"You..." he smirked.
"I know you won't do any magic I ask the class to do..." he said softly. So basically Blaise was...well...ahem.
"You can still do the harvesting but you need to ask someone to do the charm for you. And we'll be using aquamenti later as well," he said. "
And I'd at least like you to PRACTICE the wand movements, Blaise. Merlin." He let go. He wondered how Blaise would pass any of his OWLs....with not doing magic whatsoever.
Blaise was smart, at least?
But for now, moving on!
"Okay, wrap up practicing! We're moving into the caves shortly!" Paul called out. He would let the students continuing practicing if they pleased but...yeah.
We're going to do the FIRST few steps a part of harvesting fire seeds!" He got his own wand ready for WRITING in the air and stuff.
"EVERYONE NEEDS TO WEAR THEIR GLOVES." "It is important to note that the fire seed bushes do not actually have LEAVES...but fire. The seeds are in the branches. We have to make sure we do NOT put them out while we handle them...these seeds won't survive that." Sadness.
"So...before we PUT them in our buckets, we must cast that heating charm on our buckets. The one we JUUUUST practiced? Yes, we'll do that on the metal buckets first."
Pause. Any questions? Paul peered around. Had Derf just HUGGED Thereos?! He almost wanted to grab popcorn to see THAT reaction.
"AFTER you have placed the charm on your bucket, you can pluck seeds from the bushes. I only want you all to pluck up to THREE," he clarified.
"NOW...there is no special way of plucking the seeds besides making sure you wear your gloves and doing it QUICKLY." The flames weren't like...crazy big, they weren't going to engulf anyone's clothes or anything. "
However, I know sticking your hand into a fire even with wearing gloves might be scary! I want everyone to try." Perhaps taking the first years on this expedition had been a bad idea. Heh.
"SOOO everyone, we're going to go in this first cave right here--" and he gestured them inside the one with the glowing fire seed bushes. They looked remarkable in the darkness...and they lit up the cave beautifully. They didn't need to fear the dark in here, at least. There were dancing flames all about. "
As you can see...MANY bushes to choose from!"
First, he demonstrated himself how to pluck a seed. He had his gloves on already, and he just reached for a branch, wrapped his fingers around the seed (which was VERY warm to the touch) and then gently placed it in his bucket. No harm!
And Paul then waved his wand in the air, and words emitted from his wand in fiery, flame-y letters:
Harvesting Fire Seeds:
1. Heat up your bucket using the Chaudensis Charm
2. Pluck [up to three] fire seeds from the bushes and place them carefully in your bucket
And he'd move them on accordingly. When they were ready. He didn't want to give too many steps at once because...yeah...
Thereos, if you could just stand over there at the mouth of the cave and make sure nothing comes along, please?" he asked, trying to sound as PATHETIC as possible in order to gain the centaur's sympathy about being a big, stupid human.
OOC: You've all got about 24 hours to get these steps done! Additional practicing is accepted; catching up is accepted. As many posts as you want/no post requirement. <3 Your posts have all been a joy to read.