Rhi and Gaston! ^_^ ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# It was typical that Rosalyn would catch a bug right after the start of term. Even though she had a pretty good immune system, she DID catch the occasional flu, and it looked like this was one of those times.
Trying hard not to sneeze, she made her way towards the bistro. She wanted to experience French food even if she was sick, and the Hospital Ward was nearby in case she ended up deciding that she needed River to give her some potion. For the moment, she would treat herself with some tea and madeleines as they seemed to be the easiest on her stomach at the moment.
After carefully helping herself (while making sure not to spread on her germs), Rosalyn took a seat and began to eat. "ACHOO!" |