Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ 36. Reducto
They needed to practice this new spell so they could combat whatever was lurking outside the castle or perhaps inside. He sat in Arithamncy 1, dressed in a toga, reading up on his Defense Against the Dark Arts notes. Someone nudged him with their elbow. He glanced up, finding Ethan giving him a nod. Ah. Right. Class had begun. He carefully hid his other notebook and glanced to look at the professor.
Lolita Domingo was certainly beautiful but crazy. He blinked not sure how to react to her. He was definitely skeptical. And then she offered them kebabs. What? This was all just so bizarre. He blinked again and slowly took a kebab. He’d wait until someone else ate one so that he could verify that it wasn’t poisonous.
With a sophisticated flourish, she began teaching. Simon could keep up for a little while but soon he got very, very confused.
The boys spoke at the same time. “Cutty, want to team up?”
“Holden, want to compare notes?”
“JINX!” called Simon.
“Ju..” stared Cutty. The two both stared at each other with widened eyes. It was awkward for just a moment until Ethan jumped in too.
Together, the three brainstormed.
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