Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ 12. Furnunculus Location: Divination Lesson 1.
Too pink. Way too pink. They needed some blue and green in here. Simon eyed the room suspiciously before he took another step in. Why was it all pink? His eyes widened when he remembered the post about the class on the noticeboard. He narrowed his eyes. Eugh. Valentine's Day. A scary day for the young Snake. He’d rather cast Furnunculus on himself just to get out of participating. If only he knew the incantation….
Taking a deep breath, he entered the room and overheard a Hufflepuff girl telling the Professor that she loved the set-up. Seriously? he thought. He could've been sick because of the over sweet set-up. Anyway, he dismissed the thought and hid behind his cool façade. He glanced about the room and saw Emmylou and the other Hufflepuff girl sitting up at the front. He gave them both a friendly wave and then took a seat at another table. Where were Cutty and Ethan to save him from all this pink? This was Madame Pudifoots all over again minus the snogging.
Simon eyed the cookies out in front. He’d wait until someone ate one before trying one.
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